Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 15: Doremi the Red-Haired Reindeer as the flying sleigh came into land upon a snow-covered roof, 32 hooves clopping against shingles as snow crunched, Doremi let out a sigh. She was happy to help out Santa, an accident having incapacitated not only the jolly old man, but one of his reindeer as well, but she was rather annoyed by the role she ended up in. While Hazuki and Aiko got to dress up in festive outfits and play the part of elves helping deliver presents, Doremi had been wrangled into standing in for the injured reindeer, so while her fellow witch apprentices got to ride in the magically heated sleigh, she ran through the air with the rest of the reindeer, winter wind blowing through her brown fur, and she had to stand on four hooves as she watched her friends, Hazuki in a simple, ankle length santa dress and Aiko, in red pants and a jacket, the brunette carrying a small sack of gifts and the blunette hefting a much larger sack drop down the chimney. But Doremi's quiet grumbling about the latest instance of her reluctantly being transformed into an animal is short lived, for as soon as she sees her friends vanish down the chimney, she feels something pressing against her below her tail, and craning her neck to look behind her, she sees that one of the males on the team has reared up, forehooves braced against thin air, and the largest penis she's ever seen protruding from between his hind legs, the head pressed against her rear. Eyes going wide, she cries out, "Hey, what are you-" only to be cut off as the buck drives his hips forward, ramming his reindeer rod balls deepin the girl turned doe's virgin pussy, and before she can recover from the initial penetration, the buck pulls back, nearly fully withdrawing from Doremi's nethers, only to thrust back in with even more force than before, the girl letting out a loud gasp as the air is mostly knocked out of her. Before Doremi can recover, the buck atop her starts to rut her in earnest, the transformed girl losing all ability to think straight as her currently cervine body is wracked with pleasure the likes of which she has never experienced before. As the buck's powerful thrusts pound her pussy, all four of her legs tremble and the pink apprentice is quickly reduced to a bleating mess, her new found instincts making her cry out in the reindeer equivalent of "YES! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Lowering her head in submission to the buck, she catches a glimpse of his balls as they swing like a heavy pendulum between her hind legs, the force of his thrusts nearly enough to make them collide with her pubic mound each time they swing forward, the doe bleating out, "Oh kami, they're huge!" and eyes going wide at the sight of the grapefruit-sized orbs in their hairy sack. A few low grunnnts and a few erratic thrusts are the only warnings Doremi gets before, with a final thrust, the buck buries himself balls deep, those massive orbs pulling up, as something hot and thick starts spraying deep inside her, even deeper than the head of the buck's massive doe destroyer, her own body trembling from hooves to the tips of her antlers in response, the transformed girl experiencing her first orgasm at the hooves of one of Santa's reindeer. As the buck withdraws and Doremi tries to regain her composure, she looks around the rooftop to see the other three bucks of the team dismounting the other three does, the girl starting to wonder if this is how the reindeer pass the time waiting in the snow and cold at every stop on Santa's yearly flight. By the time Hazuki and Aiko pop out of the chimney, the 7 veteran reindeer are all back to looking presentable, none of them looking fresh from a bout of rutting, and Doremi can only hope she doesn't look as frazzled as she feels. But that first round of passionate reindeer sex isn't the last, not by a long shot, and as they land on the next house on their route, Hazuki and Aiko are barely down the chimney before Doremi is being mounted once more, and by a different buck than at the first house. Apparently, centuries of being on the same sleigh pulling team of half does and half bucks had lead to Santa's reindeers being a rather close knit group where the bucks took turns with all of the does, and no one was all that bothered about welcoming the substitute to join in on the most erotic of reindeer games. And so the evening continued in this fashion. At every stop along the way, as soon as Hazuki and Aiko were out of sight, the bucks would mount the does and rut them to mutual climax, always done by the time the pair of untransformed girls returned from deliverrrring the latest round of gifts. Doremi had lost count of how many times each of the bucks had dumped their loads in her womb, and she was glad that all she had to do when in flight was run on air and follow the doe in front of her, as while the other seven seemed to be able to keep their heads clear after all of the mini orgies, Doremi's brain was practically running out of her ears after the countless orgasms the bucks had given her. By the time they reach the last house on their route, Doremi has long forgotten her original reservations about subing for one of Santa's reindeer and is actually eager as one of the bucks mounts her once more, and to her delight, its the one with the largest cock of the quartet. But as she's enjoying the latest round of rutting, the spell she had cast to transform her into a doe before they had first set out wears off. As she returns to human form, a shiver runs over her body, her apprentice uniform leaving her arms and legs exposed to the cold of a winter's night, and with her in the middle of rut, her rear exposed, her petal skirt pushed up and her panties around one ankle. But she barely notices the cold as, having shrunk from a petite but full grown doe to a young girl, her pussy having shrunk in the process, the cervine cock, previously delightfully big is now downright colossal, the buck's girth stretching her well beyond what's comfortable, the resulting stomach bulge clearly visible through the front of her apprentice dress. To make matters worse, thanks to the shortening of her limbs as the spell ended, she now finds herself with her legs dangling, her entire weight supportted by the cock she's impeled upon, and before she can even adjust to the sudden change, the buck's natural reaction to the hole he's been fucking growing an order of magnitude tighter kicks in, his seed erupting from his tip. With the much tighter fit preventing the redhead from being dislodged from the cock supporting her and preventing the buck's fawn fodder from leaking out, and what had felt like a lot when she was a doe revealed to be literal gallons now that she's back to the scale she's familiar with, there is nowhere for that deer nut to go but straight into Doremi's waiting womb, and for that tiny organ to expand to accomodate all of that potent buck butter. By the time the buck has finished cumming in the human girl, her belly has bloated to beach ball proportions, and as the buck lowers his forehooves to the snow covered roof and tries to dislodge his now much smaller mate, Doremi braces her arms against his forelegs, fearful that his huge member will turn her inside out if she lets him pull out. And it is in this state, impaled on reindeer cock, cum inflated to the point of looking nine-months pregnant with triplets and with her legs dangling uselessly that Aiko and Hazuki find their friend as they return from their final delivery. "Ay knew ya were a bit desperate fer a boyfriend, but Ay didn't think ya'd fuck one of the reindeer." comments Aiko as Hazuki tries not to giggle at Doremi's predicament. Face as red as her hair, Doremi cries out to the night, "I'm the unluckiest pretty girl in the whole world!"