Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 14: Mimi sits on Santa's lap. Mimi was quite nervous as she stood in line to see Santa at the mall. Despite wearing the baggiest sweater she could find, it was still obvious to all that the bespectacled girl sported breasts far larger than any other child standing in line, and even bigger than most of the mothers and older sisters who were escorting other children. Coupled with the fact she came alone, without Rin or Kuro to insulate her from the stares, real or imagined, she was getting from those around her, and it was all the shy girl could do not to bolt from the line in an embarrassed panic. Though the line was actually moving at a decent pace, to Mimi's self-conscious mind, it was taking an eternity for her turn to come up. When she did finally reach the head of the line, stepping forward slowly to take a seat on Santa's lap, her cheeks turn nearly as red as his suit and she nervously wrings her hands, unsure how to relay her Christmas wish, especially with it feeling like every child, teen, and adult still in line is staring at her and listening in. As she fidgets in his lap, the mall santa can't help but notice how developed she is, their position letting him see down the collar of the oversized sweater she's wearing to spot the cleavage girls two or three times her age would be envious of, and if he's honest with himself, this early bloomer of a gradeschooler is by far the sexiest girl he's ever met, even moreso for having gotten so close to him. But at the same time, he can tell there's something deeply bothering this child, the kind of thing that, to a child's mind, would be insurmountable except by a Christmas Miracle worked by Santa Claus himself. In his most comforting and reassuring tone, he asks, "So, what is it that you want for Christmas, young lady?" "Um... well," Starts Mimi, tripping over her words, "you see... it's kind of embarrassing..." Leaning down, he replies, "I'm sure it's not that bad, but if it helps, you can whisper it to Ol' Saint Nick." Before turning his ear towards her face. Gathering her courage, knowing that the awkwardness she's endured so far today would have been for nothing if she backs down now, she cups a hand in front of his ear as she whispers, barely audible, "I...I wish I had...I wish I had smaller breasts." Pulling back in surprise at her admission, finding her face to have gone red enough to make his suit look pale, he's torn between disbelief that any girl could be unhappy about having a chest most women would kill for, wanting to reassure the clearly insecure girl without setting her up for disappointment, and inappropriate thoughts about showing her just how wonderful her bountiful bust is. Not sure he's making the right decision, he replies, "That's quite the request you have for me, little lady, and I'm afraid it might be beyond even my considerable power to grant." Seeing her embarrassment give way to a crestfallen expression, he leans down to whisper in her ear, "But I tell you what, I'm scheduled to head back to the North Pole at six-o-clock this evening, if you meet me then, maybe there's something I can do to help you." Clinging to even the slightest bit of hope, she replies, also in a whisper, "I'll be here." ### After spending the rest of the afternoon hiding in a bookstore and hoping no one would notice her, Mimi makes her way back to Santa's Village just in time to see the mall Santa locking the gates of the seasonal attraction. Upon seeing her, he gives her a smile before greeting, "Glad to see you returned, little lady, now follow me and I'll see what I can do to help you out." Nodding her head, she follows him to the mall's parking garage where he leads her to a non-descript car. "I didn't know Santa had a car." comments Mimi as he unlocks the door. "I keep the sleigh for my Christmas Eve flight, but it's often more convenient to use modern transport at other times," He explains as he sits in the driver's seat and slides it back, "especially since my reindeer don't like the bustle of modern cities much." At his gesture, she steps into the car, there being just enough room at his feet for her to stand comfortably after the door is closed. Reaching for the hem of the baggy sweater, he declares jovially, "Now, let's see what you're hiding under this unflattering sweater." Mimi's gut reaction is to try and stop him from removing the sweater, but she resists the urge, pushing down her nerves since its Santa asking her to let him do this. Under the sweater, she's wearing a red dress that's far more form fitting, the kind of semi-formal dress many of the other girls standing in line had been wearing, but with a lower neckline to show off the over endowed girl's cleavage. Still self conscious, she tries to cover her breasts, only to inadvertantly push them up, only further emphasizing them. "Ho ho ho, you're quite a lovely little lady!" comments the mall santa as his eyes roam over Mimi's curvy form, "I bet you give the boys at school whiplash with how hard you turn heads! and I've seldom seen such a beautiful bosom!" Blushing under the compliment, she replies, "I-I'm nothing special... and my breasts are always getting in the way." Patting his lap and parting his thighs, Santa replies, "Why don't you come sit down and I'll show you how wonderful having such a beautiful pair of breasts can be." As she nestles between his thighs, he brings his hands up to gently cup her breasts, the girl suppressing the urge to scream thanks only to her absolute trust in Santa. However, as he starts to gently massage her ample bust, she quickly relaxes into his embrace, soon moaning softly under his ministrations. "Th-this feels nice." comments Mimi, still shy, but starting to realize maybe there's a silver lining to being such an early bloomer. "And we're just getting started," replies Santa before reaching for the straps of her dress and sliding them off her shoulders to expose her bra, his touch only growing more pleasant with there being one layer less of fabric between them. As he continues to gently knead her flesh through her bra, she relaxes more into his embrace and something starts to stir in his pants as he asks, "Do you ever massage your breasts like this?" "Ne-never, comes the whispered reply, "Though, if playing with them feels this nice, maybe I should..." only for her to trail off as she feels something poking her rear. Reflexively rubbing up against the protrusion, she asks, "Santa, what's that poking my bottom?" "Ah, that's Santa's special candy cane!" he replies, it gets stiff whenever I play with a pretty girl such as yourself." Blushing profusely, Mimi replies, "Do-do you really think I'm pretty? I thought you were just being polite." "My candy cane doesn't get hard for just any girl," he replies, "you were by far the prettiest to visit me today." "Th-thank you..." replies Mimi, unaccustomed to such praise. "Would you like to see my candy cane?" he asks. "Su-sure." she replies, and as she kneels in the floor board, he undoes his belt and frees his erection. As she gets her first good look at a penis, she can't help thinking it doesn't resemble a candy cane at all, but decides not to question him as she stares at the male organ. "Feel free to touch it if you like." he invites. Timidly, she reaches a hand out and gingerly wraps it around his shaft, surprised by how warm it feels as she experimentally gives it a stroke or two. When a moan escapes his throat, she freezes in place, worriedly asking, "Di-did that hurt?" "Not at all," he replies, "In fact, it feels rather nice." Encouraged by his words, she resumes stroking him, hoping he enjoys what she's doing at least as much as she enjoyed having Santa massage her breasts. After a minute or so, he comments, "You know what would feel even better than you stroking my candy cane and might feel good for you as well?" "What's that?" she asks the shy girl feeling more confident. "Why don't you try wrapping your breasts around my candy cane?" he suggests. Her blush returns at the idea, but she can't help but like the thought, so she reaches behind herself to undo her bra and slides her arms out of the straps of both her dress and bra before leaning forward, nestling the mall Santa's cock between her breasts and pressing them together. As she slides her pillowy mammaries up and down his shaft, Mimi can't help but knead her supple flesh, and while not as good as when he massaged them, she does find playing with her own chest to be rather nice as she asks, "Does this feel good?" "You're doing great!" is his reply as he runs his fingers through her hair, "Such a good girl, I'll need to leave something extra special in your stocking on Christmas Eve!" his praise only encouraging her to increase the pace of the tit job she's giving him. "Keep that up and I'm going to shoot my Christmas pudding all over your pretty face!" exclaims the man, feeling his climax approaching. "Huh?" comments Mimi, halting her ministrations, "Christmas pudding?" "See the hole in the tip of my candy cane?" He asks, pointing to his cock head, "When a pretty girl makes my candy cane feel good enough, Christmas pudding comes shooting out, and your breasts are making my candy cane feel really good. You can either keep doing what you've been doing and I'll cover your pretty face, or you can kiss my tip and drink my pudding when it comes out." Resuming her tit job and not wanting to make a mess, Mimi lowers her open mouth to the cock head poking up through her cleavage, and as soon as her soft lips wrap around his sensitive head, he erupts, quickly flooding her mouth with the promised pudding, the girl instinctively swallowing the thick, creamy seed. Once he's done cumming, Mimi licks the last bits of pudding from his tip before commenting, "It's an odd flavor and Kind of salty, but I think I like Santa's Christmas pudding." But not long after she says that, she starts to squirm, prompting him to ask, "Is everything okay, little lady?" Blushing, but trusting him, "It's a bit embarrassing, but I feel all tingly all of a sudden... down there." "Down there?" he asks, "Are your panties perhaps a bit damp when you know you haven't peed?" When she nods shyly, he continues, "Sounds like our play has caused your secret stocking to overflow. Stand up and bend over the steering wheel, and I can take care of that for you." Having no idea what's happening to her body, but trusting him absolutely, Mimi stands up, and gripping the steering wheel for support, sticks out her butt towards the mall Santa. Flipping up her skirt, he finds snow white panties and that she's wearing stockings, not pantyhose, but more importantly, that the gusset is clinging to her every nook and cranny, completely soaked in girl juice. He starts by massaging her butt through the soft cotton of her undies, the girl finding this as pleasant as when he played with her breasts. "Your bottom is as nice as your chest." he compliments, smiling as the girl moans under his touch. When he runs a finger along her slit, she lets out a gasp, and though he's sure it's one of pleasure, he asks with a tone of concern, "Are you okay?" "Ye-yes, you just surprised me." comes the response, somewhat muffled as she tries to bury her face against the dash. "That felt really good, pl-please continue." Needing no further encouragement, he pulls down her panties to knead her bare bottom for a bit before aiming an index finger for her most precious place, and with one smooth motion, burying the digit to the third knuckle in her virgin passage. This draws another gasp from her, but he pays it little mind as he starts to finger fuck the well-endowed child, soon reducing her to a moaning mess, her legs trembling, her hands in a white knuckled grip around the steering wheel. Deciding her passage can easily handle it, he adds his middle finger as he starts to prod, tickle, and rub her g-spot, driving the bespectacled girl crazy, never letting her grow accustomed to a pattern of stimulation, and when he flicks his thumb across her clit, her whole body starts to shake, her juices gushing out in far greater volume than before, the man smiling at the thought that he just gave this girl her very first orgasm. As she comes down from her climax, Mimi pants out, "Wo-wow, th-that was incredible!" "And that was just my fingers." he comments, "Would you like to try having my candy cane stuffed up your stocking?" Glancing over her shoulder at his erect cock and putting two and two together, she asks, "Wi-will that even fit?" "It might hurt a bit at first, but it should fit no problem, and after you've had a bit to adjust, it should feel even better than my fingers." Not sure her body can handle anymore pleasure than she's already experienced, yet unable to resist, she replies, "I...I think I want to give it a try." Withdrawing his fingers, he brings the tip of his cock to her opening, nestling his cock head just inside her before gripping her hips and instructing, "Now, slowly sit down." Guiding her onto his lap as she shifts her weight. She feels a twinge of pain as his cock pushes through her hymen, but it is overshadowed by the heat and fullness she feels as his cock stretches her virgin passage for the first time. Wriggling a bit in his lap, she comments, "This feels nice." and taking that as a sign to continue, he loops an arm under each of her knees, leaving her panties hanging from one ankle as he starts pistoning the girl upon his shaft. As she starts moaning as she's fucked properly for the first time, he reaches up to massage her breasts some more, the experience all the better for Mimi now that her boobs are completely bare beneath his hands, and just when she thinks things can't get any better, he takes her hardened nipples between thumb and forefinger, rolling those fleshy pebbles as he drives up into her hot pussy. It isn't long before he announces, "Ah, going to shoot my pudding in your tummy!" the girl too lost in pleasure to really process his words before he drops a hand from her nipple to her clit, Mimi careening over the edge into another orgasm, her cunny clenching up around him and making him flood her young womb. The two lie there in afterglow for several minutes before Mimi turns around in his lap, commenting, "That was incredible!" before giving him a kiss. When she pulls away, he declares, "Glad you liked it." before leaning down to give each of her nipples a quick kiss and asking, "Do you feel better about your big, beautiful breasts?" Nodding, she replies with a blush, "I guess they aren't so bad." "Would you like me to drive you home?" and with another nod from the girl, he helps put her clothes straight before she climbs into the passenger seat and he starts the engine.