Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 13: Tomoyo roasts some chestnuts Tomoyo sings a Christmas carol to herself as she uses a paring knife to cut cross-shaped openings into chestnuts, the angelic tone of her voice filling the large kitchen she had ordered all of the Daijouji servants out of so she could prepare a special treat for her beloved Sakura-chan. "Chestnuts have such a lovely color." comments Tomoyo to herself as she lays the nuts out on a perforated pan, "Almost as lovely as the color of Sakura-chan's hair." Once the pan is filled, Tomoyo uses an eye dropper to place a drop of a sweet smelling liquid in the center of each opening she cut before carrying the pan over to a gas range to roast the chestnuts over the open flame, smiling as she adds, "and this special herbal blend will ensure I'll have a delightful evening with my beloved Sakura-chan." finishing with a refined laugh. ### Later that day, when Sakura arrives for afternoon tea at the Daijouji Estate, Tomoyo presents the roasted chestnuts to her best friend in a silken pouch the color of her friend's namesake blossoms and tied with an emerald green ribbon almost as vibrant as Sakura's eyes. "Merry Christmas, Sakura-chan!" exclaims the fashion designer as she hands the gift to the cardcaptor. "Thank you, Tomoyo-chan." replies Sakura, accepting the present and opening it, "Wow, chestnuts!" cries Sakura upon seeing the contents of the pouch, and pulling a few from the bag, she comments, "They smell delicious, and they're still warm!" before popping them in her mouth. As Sakura munches on the first few chestnuts, Tommoyo comments, "I roasted them myself, even shoed all of the kitchen staff out of their domain." Swallowing, Sakura replies, "They taste even better than they smell!" "I'm glad you like them!" replies Tomoyo, hiding a smile behind her teacup before adding, "Eat as many as you like." "Are you sure?" asks Sakura, "Don't you want any?" "I'm fine." insists Tomoyo, "help yourself." As Sakura continues to munch on chestnuts and Tomoyo waits for the special ingredient to kick in, she examines what Sakura wore over today. The emerald-eyed girl is wearing a red sweater adorned with a flurry of holly and simple, holly green sweatpants that hug those lovely thighs perfectly toned from all the running, roller blading, cheerleading, and other athletics the goddess made flesh participates in. It's a cute outfit, and complements Sakura's eyes perfectly, but while Sakura could make even the ugliest clothes look cute, they still weren't some of the clothes Tomoyo had made, though that would change soon enough. "Huh?" comments Sakura sitting down the bag of chestnuts and lowering her teacup to its saucer, "I feel drowsy all of a sudden." "Oh, I'm sure it's nothing, Sakura-chan." replies Tomoyo in her most reassuring voice, and before Sakura can muster a response, she has slumped in her seat. Standing up, Tomoyo walks around the table to wave a hand in front of Sakura's face and snap her fingers next to the unconscious girl's ears, and once satisfied her beloved Sakura-chan is sound asleep, she smiles widely as she declares, "And now it's time to have some special fun with my dear, beloved Sakura-chan! I can't wait to see you in the new clothes I made for you!" Sliding one arm under Sakura's knees and the other behind her shoulders, Tomoyo struggles to lift the sleeping girl from the chair, her status as the physically weakest member of team cardcaptor on full display as she slowly makes her way towards her bed, knowing full well that things would be easier if she called a maid or one of her body guards to carry the cardcaptor, but deciding she can't allow anyone else the honor of carrying her beloved Sakura-chan. Once the sleeping girl is laid out on the large bed, Tomoyo grabs a remote from her nightstand, using it to activate the many cameras concealed throughout the room, wanting to record everything she has planned for Sakura from as many angles as possible. Tomoyo starts by removing Sakura's clothes, not dwelling on the plain white panties or the red undershirt she finds in the process, and soon, the sleeping angel is sprawled out before Tomoyo in all of her divine glory. Roaming her eyes over her friend, Tomoyo can feel her panties growing damp and a heat spreading out from her loins, the fashion designer rubbing her thighs together as she resists the urge to lean over Sakura's cute chest and take one of those perfect, little cherry buds into her mouth or to crawl between the cardcaptor's thighs and bury her tongue in the folds of that very succulent looking peach. "No, Tomoyo, there will be plenty of time for that later." she tells herself as she retrieves the outfit she made for the occasion. Up first is a pair of silk, side-tie panties, the body a bright red, the ties a contrasting green that continues into trim around the waistband and leg holes, four strands meeting on each of Sakura's hips, which Tomoyo skillfully ties into a pair of neat bows before sitting back to admire how perfectly the red silk hugs the sleeping girl's cute butt and pretty pussy and what a nice accent the outline of green makes. Before continuing with dressing her friend like a living doll, Tomoyo takes the time to position Sakura in various poses to show off just how much she could be a sweet, little cocktease in those simple, but super sexy panties. Laying on her back, arms sprawled on her tummy, thighs parted nearly 180-degrees with her bare soles together. Lying on her side, arms folded in front of her chest, sucking one thumb, knees and ankles together with her knees halfway pulled up to her chest and her heels near her rear. Laying on her other side, hugging a pillow, one leg pulled up and the other stretched out. Lying on her tummy, arms crossed under her chin, thighs parted just enough to expose the gusset of the panties. Her beautiful bottom in the air as she kisses the mattress. Tomoyo went through every pose she could think of that the sleeping girl could hold, and thanks to the many cameras, Tomoyo captured every one from every angle imaginable. Happy with her collection of footage of Sakura modeling just the panties, Tomoyo retrieves the next article of clothing, a silk camisole, this one with green as the dominant color to match Sakura's eyes, the spaghetti straps, trim, and a few bows for adornment in red to match the panties, the two obviously a matched set with inverted color schemes. If Sakura were able to stand, the hem of the camisole would fall exactly to halfway between the waistband and crotch of the panties, and Tomoyo couldn't help but imagine Sakura trying to pull it down in front to cover her girlhood only to fully expose her pantied posterior in back or trying to pull it down in back to cover her rear only for it to play peek-a-boo with her navel Repeating the fashion show with the panty-cami set, Tomoyo retrieves the third piece, a pair of bloomers to match the camisole, the same green with red trim, the silk gathered in ruffled cuffs just above the knee and providing the modesty the panties and camisole alone do not. After a third round of posing the sleeping girl, Tomoyo excuses herself, leaving the cameras to record Sakura sleep, and when she returns, she's changed into a similar set of lingerie, the bloomers absent and both the camisole and panties a rich violet with indigo accents, this set clearly not meant to have a color scheme to match the season. Crawling atop her sleeping friend, Tomoyo brings her lips to Sakura's gently kissing the cardcaptor before running her tongue over Sakura's lips, savoring the taste of the cherry lip balm the other girl had worn that day before slipping the pink appendage between them, the sleeping girl putting up no resistance as Tomoyo's tongue explores sakura's mouth. When Tomoyo pulls away, she lets out a moan as she comments, "Oh, Sakura-chan's mouth is sweeter than any candy!" before trailing kisses across Sakura's cheek and down her neck. Reaching the top of the green camisole, Tomoyo slides the straps off Sakura's shoulders so she can pull it down to expose the cardcaptor's cherry buds, and this time, Tomoyo gives into the temptation to suck on them, kissing the center of one of Sakura's barely there breasts, Tomoyo's tongue encircling the pink bud at the apex of the subtle curve. When this causes Sakura to moan in her sleep, Tomoyo presses her thighs tightly together, the urge to touch herself maddening even as she tells herself, "My beloved Sakura-chan's pleasure comes first." After giving both nipples proper reverence,Tomoyo moves down to Sakura's waist, and lifting the sleeping girl's top, she smiles at seeing that Sakura's bladder has started to bulge from all the tea Sakura had drunk prior to the drugged chestnuts kicking in and the diuretic that had beennnn mixed in with the sleeping agent. Lifting Sakura's legs, Tomoyo pulls the cuffs of the bloomers to Sakura's ankles, the waistband being pulled to her knees and gliding her hands up and down Sakura's silky thighs, Tomoyo lowers her face to her friend's panty-clad pussy, quickly noticing that the kiss and suckling has got the sleeping girl's juices flowing, the moistened silk now clinging to the cardcaptor's girlhood. Pressing her nose to the absolutely adorable cameltoe, Tomoyo inhales deeply, the intoxicatingly sweet scent of Sakura's fragrant flower leaving Tomoyo's head spinning. Not bothering to remove the bright red panties, Tomoyo delivers a long, sensual lick along the valley formed from how snuggly the silk clings to Sakura's folds, repeating it several times, the dark-haired girl soon eating her friend out through the underwear she hand sewed for her, ensuring the fabric would be thoroughly saturated in Sakura's scent. At the same time, Tomoyo's hand snakes its way up to Sakura's bladder bulge, gently caressing the swollen sac before slowly applying pressure. When Sakura mumbles, "Gotta pee." in her sleep, Tomoyo places her mouth over her friend's peehole and clit, licking furiously as she presses harder on Sakura's bladder. Tomoyo's efforts are soon rewarded as the sleeping girl starts to pee, Tomoyo eagerly drinking what of the tangy liquid isn't absorbed by the silky panties, and sucking what is from the fabric, ensuring not a drop can reach the duvet. Hearing Sakura sigh in her sleep, signalling that she's done peeing, Tomoyo sits up and licks her lips, "Oh, how, how delectable my dear Sakura-chan's pee is! Oh, if I could drink it everyday!" Realizing that her own panties are every bit as soaked as Sakura's, Tomoyo takes hold of Sakura's ankles, lifting the sleeping girl's legs until her knees are touching her delicious flat chest before kneeling over the cardcaptor, Tomoyo's violet clad pussy right above Sakura's red clad pussy, but before Tomoyo can drop down to make contact, she can't help wondering what things would be like if one of them was a boy, the mere thought of having a penis and using it to make love to her beloved Sakura-chan, the girl writhing beneath her, giving her a creampie, possibly siring the second cutest baby ever... or of Sakura having one and being made love to by Sakura-kun, being pinned beneath the cutest boy in the world as he cums in her, of possibly carrying the second cutest baby's almost enough to make the fashion designer cum just from the thought. Unable to hold back her lust any longer, Tomoyo presses her pussy to Sakura's, nothing but two layers of sodden silk separating them as she grinds their girlhoods together, Tomoyo's moans filling the room as she tribs with her beloved Sakura-chan. Bringing Sakura's feet up to her face, Tomoyo inhales deeply, the subtle but sweet scent of Sakura's sweat from the socks and shoes she wore over filling Tomoyo's sinuses, the lust driven girl unable to resist sticking out her tongue to lick Sakura's soles and twirl her tongue around each and every tiny toe. Having worked herself up from how much she dragged out dressing and posing her beloved Sakura-chan, and how she had denied her own urges for so long, it isn't long before Tomoyo can feel her climax approaching, and hooking Sakura's legs over her elbows, she lays atop the cardcaptor, capturing the sleeping girl's lips in a kiss to muffle her own cry of ecstasy as she cums, drenching both of their panties in her release. Tomoyo lies atop Sakura, simply basking in afterglow for several minutes before pushing her self up on hands and knees, all four limbs wobbly from the aftershocks of a strong climax. Turning around, Tomoyo lowers her head to Sakura's crotch, licking away what remnants of her climax she can while lowering her own panty-clad girlhood to Sakura's face, enough of her nectar dripping past the sleeping girl's parted lips to trigger a reflex to lick at the source. Once satisfied their panties are as clean as they're going to get through this method, Tomoyo rolls off top of Sakura, puts her friend's clothes back in their proper place, and turns down the duvet before moving Sakura under the covers and crawling in to snuggle up next to the cardcaptor, Hugging Sakura to her chest as she presses one thigh to Sakura's crotch while hugging one of Sakura's thighs against her own. Satisfied with how the evening went, and knowing Sakura should be out until morning with how much of the sleeping drug she put in the chestnuts, Tomoyo whispers, "I love you, Sakura-chan." before letting out a contented sigh and joining her friend in slumber.