Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 12: Aiko and the Snow Globe of Memories. Aiko bustled about the small home she shared with her father, her usual workload more than doubled with Christmas quickly approaching, being extra thorough with the housekeeping, a Christmas cake and several platters of cookies baking in the oven while stew slowly simmered for that night's supper, and doing her best to decorate the place by herself while her father was driving a double shift for extra money to cover the costs of the holiday season. Her usual overalls and t-shirt had been replaced with blue sweatpants and a lime green sweater adorned with Christmas trees as she dashed from place to place, doing her best to be able to welcome her father home with the place fully decorated for the holiday. However, as she's going through a box of seasonal nit nacks and placing them around the living room, she comes across a snow globe, the mere sight of which nearly rips her heart from her chest. It wasn't particularly fancy, just a simple glass dome on a black base, a family of three depicted within, flecks of glitter clinging to the figure's clothes. It had been purchased shortly before the last Christmas her and both of her parents had spent together, a cruel reminder of what the blunette had lost, all the more sharp for what she had seen when she and the others had flown to Osaka. Feeling angry at the memory of seeing her mother holding a new baby, Aiko clutches the snow globe in her hand, hefting it up to smash it against the wall, but she can't bring herself to do it, instead crumpling to her knees and bawling her eyes out. When her father arrives home earlier than expected to find his daughter curled up on the floor and sobbing, he rushes for her side, crying out, "Ai, are ya okay?" Letting the snowglobe slip from her fingers, Aiko throws herself at her father, crying into his shirt. Spotting the snowglobe and remembering her reaction to when he had suggested throwing away her old harmonica, he guesses it must hold memories from the past as well, and placing it in the box of decorations, shifts his position so he's sitting cross legged with his daughter in his lap, unsure what to do besides hold her as she cries it out. However, after a few minutes, he gets an idea, and reaching for her sides, he starts tickling her ribs, the girl quickly shifting from sobbing to laughing uproarously and squirming in his lap, the athletic girl utterly defenseless under his assault. By the time he stops to let her breathe, her tears have dried up and her mood has greatly improved, "Thanks, Tou-chan, I need-" but before she can finish her comment, she notices something poking her between the legs, and glancing down between them, she notices a tent in her father's pants. Grabbing the bulge out of curiosity, she can tell immediatelywhat is causing it, the shape she's holding in her hand quite familiar from when she would bathe with her father as a young child, but perplexing the girl regardless as she has never seen her father erect before. "Hey, Tou-chan, why is yer thing all stiff?" Maybe its due to how long it's been since he last made love to his ex-wife, or maybe he had more eggnog than he thought at the small party his Taxi company had thrown for their drivers and dispatchers that afternoon, but instead of trying to push his daughter away and distract her from his hardon, he cups her chin in one hand and replies, "It's cause a cute girl was bouncin' in my lap." in a tone a father should never use with his daughter, Aiko's cheeks going pink and a shiver running up her spine as he leans in to give her a kiss on her lips, his tongue soon invading her small mouth, the assertive girl's own tongue instinctively fighting her father's for dominance as she pushes back against him, eventually pushing him to the floor, laying on his chest as she forces their tongue tango into his mouth. The two eventually break for air, Aiko sitting up to straddle her father's waist, his erection coming to rest against the cleft of her fleece-covered bottom. "Tou-chan, I feel really warm and strange all a sudden." comments Aiko, unsure how to deal with how the kiss she just shared with her father is making her feel. Gripping her hips and rubbing his clothed cock against her rear, her father replies, "Hey Ai, wanna play a game I used ta play with yer kaa-chan?" "What kinda game?" Asks the girl, curious. Sitting up, he nudges her off his lap before rising to his knees and freeing his cock from his too tight pants, "Ya can start by strokin' and suckin' my cock." gesturing to the rock hard member now pointing straight at his daughter. "Ya want me ta put yer thing in my mouth?" Questions Aiko, "Don't ya use it ta pee?" "Yeah, but tha' never stopped yer kaa-chan." replies the man. Deciding that if her mother did this in the past, there's no backing down, Aiko reaches a hand out to wrap around the base of her father's cock, and sticking out her tongue to lick away a bead of precum and finding the taste nowhere near as awful as she expected, she opens her small mouth and stretches her lips over the head of the cock that made her, her other hand joining its twin on his shaft as she starts pumping her hands up and down, her tongue twirling about his tip as she sucks hard on his glands. Patting her head, he lets out a moan as he praises her, "Tha's a good girl, Ai!" before lightly pushing down on her head as he adds, "Try bobbin' yer head and takin' more inta yer mouth." Aiko does as she's told, though only about a third of his length manages to fit in her small mouth, but that's clearly more than enough as he soon announces, "Ai, I'm gonna cum!" the girl having no clue what he's talking about, but only increasing the intensity of her sucking and stroking since her father is clearly enjoying her ministrations. But just as he's about to tip over the edge, he loses control, thrusting his hips forward and pressing her head down, forcing his throbbing tool down her tiny, tremendously tight throat, the girl's eyes going wide as her airways are blocked and her father's seed shoots down her esophagus and into her stomach. When he releases her head and withdraws his cock, still spurting to give her not only a mouthful, but a facial, she spends several seconds spluttering and coughing up cum before yelling at him, "Wha ya tryin' ta do? Choke me half ta death? And wha's this sticky, white stuff?" Pulling a hankerchief from his pocket to wipe his seed from her face and clean up what she spat on the flor during her coughing fit, he apologizes, "Sorry Ai, but yer mouth felt too good, I couldn't resist shovin' it down yer throat and filling yer belly with my seed." Sitting cross legged once more, he pats his lap, "Come here and let me make it up ta ya." Nestling in between his thighs, Aiko asks, "How ya gonna make it up ta me?" and by way of reply, he grabs her knees and spreads her legs apart, shifting her into a reclined position at the same time before reaching a hand for the crotch of her sweatpants and starting to rub her through the fabric, the girl moaning at the touch and the cloth already damp with her juices. As good as even just this feels, the girl puts up no resistence as her father grabs the waistband of her sweatpants and pulls them to her knees, streching them out and revealing blue-and-white, striped panties, the undies far more obviously soaked in overflowing girl juice and the crotch clinging to every nook and cranny of Aiko's cute, little cunny. As he starts to play with his daughter's drenched girlhood through her sodden underwear, he can feel his cock growing hard again. He tells himself that he's already crossed several lines a father never should and that actually fucking his little girl would be completely beyond the pale, that he should settle for bringing Aiko to climax with his fingers as thanks for the blowjob and then pretend this never happened, but as he traces his daughter's feminine folds through the soaked cotton clinging to them, his cock throbbing where it's pinned between them, he quickly feels his self control crumbling. Unable to hold back any longer, Aiko's father suddenly loops his arms under her thighs, and pulling her panties aside, lifts her up and impales her on his cock. Aiko gasps, not from pain as her athletic lifestyle had taken care of her hymen years ago, but out of sheer surprise as her father's cock is suddenly inside her, filling her up and stretching her, the girl having been unaware she even had a hole that could possibly accomodate something so big where she can feel him pushing into her. "Ya okay, Ai? I didn't hurt ya, did I?" asks her father, misinterpreting her gasp. "Nah, just surprised me is all." replies Aiko, starting to squirm in her father's lap, enjoying having his cock inside her, but not quite content to just sit there. Caressing her thighs for a while to ensure her pussy is adjusting to having him inside her, he soon grips her just above the knees and starts pistoning his daughter on his shaft, the girl crying out in ecstacy as the new sensations coursing through her body make the way he touched her through her panties feel like a gentle breeze compared to the typhoon she's now experiencing. And just when Aiko thinks she couldn't possibly feel any better, her father pushes up her shirt to play with the fleshy pebbles adorning her washboard chest. "Tou-chan!" cries the girl in delight, "This feels amazin'!" Smiling down at the girl in his lap, he replies, "And it can still get better." Tilting her head back to meet his gaze, she asks between moans, "How could it possibly get better?" At her question, he lowers a hand from her chest, taking advantage of her thin torso to continue playing with both nippls, teasing one with his fingers while grinding the heel of his palm against the other as he reaches for her thus far ignored clit. Timing it with a thrust aimed for her g-spot, Aiko's father pinches her clit between thumb and forefinger, giving the little bundle of nerves a twist, the resulting jolt of electricity from such strong, direct stimulation of two of her most sensitive spots sending the young girl into her very first orgasm, her every muscle spasming in the process, legs kicking out, bladder spurting a little bit of pee along side her girl cum, and of course, her cozy, little cunny clamping down like a vice grip on her father's member. Had he more warning,, he might have tried to pull out of his little girl's pussy before he gives her a creampie, certain she's too young to get pregnant, but not willing to take the risk regardless, but the way she clenches up around him is more than he can take, his second load of the day surging along his shaft, the father's seed shooting out right against his daughter's cervix. He tries to pull out mid-eruption, but like the rest of her muscles, the ones in her pussy prove quite powerful, gripping him firmly, trapping him in his daughter's tight twatty as he inseminates her. As her climax subsides, Aiko goes limp in afterglow, her father simply enjoying his own post-orgasmic euphoria as his daughter relaxes in his lap. Aiko is the first to recover, commenting, "Wow! Tha's the best game ever!" as she stands up, her father's semi-flaccid member sliding out of her and some of his seed seeping from her no longer virgin pussy. However, instead of putting her clothes right, she instead finishes undressing before turning around to give her father a full-frontal view of her svelt, athletic figure, the sight bringing him back to full erection. Next thing he knows, his daughter has made quick work of undressing him and he's laying on his back as she straddles his waist and sinks down on his erection, starting to ride him as she comments, "Tou-chan, lets play this game everyday!"