Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 11: Ruki and the spiked Apple Cider Ruki had no idea how she had been talked into attending a Christmas party with all of the tamers, their partner digimon, and families present along with the Monster Makers and the Hypnos agents, much less how she had been talked into letting her mother and grandmother host it at her home. Sure, She, Henry, and Takato were fire forged comrades thanks to their battles against the Devas and the D-Reaper, and Juri was practically her best friend and respected that Ruki was the tomboy to the puppeteer's girly girl, but she could barely tolerate the two stooges Takato hung out with on the best of days, had nothing in common with Henry's littlesister or the twins aside from the youngsters nominally being tamers, and most of the others in attendance, she barely knew. The digimon queen's only consolation as she stood at the edge of the party, some green dyed jeans and a long-sleve shirt with a christmas tree printed on the front instead of her usual blue jeans and purple heart t-shirt her only outward concession to the season, was that the warm apple cider she was drinking was good, with just the right balance of sweet and tart and a perfect blend of spices to give it just the right kick. In fact, Ruki was enjoying the cider so much that she had drunk far more of it than anyone else in attendence, and she wasn't sure why, but with each steaming cup she drank, the overly poppy for her liking Christmas music became less grating, Kazu and Kenta's antics became more tolerable and started to approach actually being entertaining, and a pleasant warmth started permeating her body. What Ruki didn't know is that someone had spiked the apple cider without any of the responsible adults realizing it, and while most of her fellow tamers were sampling the cider sparingly or sticking strictly to the overly sweet hot cocoa on offer, and most of the adults were drinking enough of the hard Eggnog that was kept out of reach of the minors to not notice if they got a bit more tipsy from the cider, Ruki's near constant sips of the spiced, unfiltered apple juice had the young girl well on her way to being drunk. And it is in this inebriated state, inhibitions slipping away to let Ruki drop her guard and truly relax, starting to actually enjoy the party, that Ryo approaches her. "Hey babe, wanna dance?" asks the only person to ever beat her at the Digimon card game in official tournaments. Were she sober, she might have walked away as if she hadn't heard him or rejected the invitation with as much snark as she could muster, but with the alcohol coursing through her system, the offer comes across as suave and charming rather than arrogant and chauvinistic. "Sure." replies Ruki, downing the rest of her cider and letting Ryo lead her to the dance floor. As the Legendary Tamer and the Digimon Queen dance, Ruki continuing to consume more apple cider between songs, she loosens up even further, and is soon enjoying herself as much as the more carefree members of the group, even letting out a genuine laugh at some of Kazu and Kenta's antics. But eventually, her alcohol addled mind starts to wonder why she never noticed how handsome Ryo is, and as the warmth she's been feeling for some time starts to pool as a heat deep in her belly, she pulls the boy away from the crowd to ask, "Wanna go somewhere more private?" Ryo putting up no resistance as she leads him away from the party. Though the original destination she had in mind was to escort him to her bedroom, she doesn't make it halfway before intoxication and impatience has her pushing him into one of the too large house's many spare rooms, forcibly grabbing the front of the sweatshirt he's wearing, and pulling him down to crash her lips onto his. As the pair make out, Ruki guides one of his hands up her shirt and his other to her denim-clad derriere, and she soon finds her back pressed against a wall and her pelvis pressed against his as he starts to grope one of her budding breasts and her tight, firm ass as he pulls her pelvis against his. Feeling something poking her lower belly, She wraps her legs around his waist, grinding her crotch against his, the pair swallowing each other's moans. But her body soon decides her jeans and his khakis are far too much material between them, the girl breaking the kiss to drop to her knees as one hand goes for his fly and the other for her own waistband. Fishing out his erect cock, Ruki starts stroking Ryo's shaft as her lips form a seal around the collar of his member, her other hand diving down her pants to rub at her inflamed core through her soaked panties as her tongue delivers a very different kind of lashing from the ones the boy is used to recieving from her. "Ru-ruki... I'm going to cum!" exclaims Ryo as he feels his climax approaching, only for the girl to pull away, leaving his throbbing cock aching for the denied release. But before he can protest, Ruki gives him a saucy smile before undoing the button of her jeans and shimmying out of the tight, green denim. Pulling her shirt over her head, she tosses it aside as well, exposing her bare breast buds befor getting on her hands and knees, the plain, white panties she's wearing on full display as she shakes her ass and eggs the boy on, "if you're going to bust a nut, why not be a real man about it and do it in my cunt?" Not one to back down from a challenge, Ryo kneels behind Ruki, yanks the cotton barrier separating him from the ass he's been fantasizing about since he first faced her from across the card table, and lining up his tip, rams himself balls deep... only for the Legendary Tamer to immediately be done in by the Digimon Queen's hot, tight virgin cunt, the load he had been denied from pouring down her throat instead painting her insides white. Thanks to her active lifestyle, there was no pain from a torn hymen, and Ruki had to admit that simply having the boy inside her as he spilled his seed felt nice, but even as she crossed her arms and rested her head atop them with a contented hum, she couldn't help teasing him a bit, some of her usual snark returning, "Came just from sticking it in? I didn't think you could be so pathetic." Part of him wantts to blame her for leaving him so close to the edge with her blowjob, but instead, Ryo grabs her hips, and gritting his teeth through his refractory period, starts to let her have it, loud smacks filling the room as his pubic bone repeatedly crashes into her taut butt. Holding back her moans, Ruki comments, "Not bad, but do me harder." Reaching forward, Ryo grabs Ruki's upper arms, yanking them out from under her and yanking her to a semi-upright position before sliding his hands down to her wrists, squeezing them tightly as he picks up pace. "YES!" yells the girl, no longer able to hold back her cries of ecstacy, "Fuck me! Fuck me hard!", the boy doing his best to do just that. But despite his best efforts, Ruki's cunt proves too much for Ryo, his balls blasting her baby factory with a second batch of baby batter long before he brings her to climax, but the Legendary Tamer is undeterred. Determined to make the Digimon Queen cum her brains out, Ryo releases her wrists as he grabs her left knee, turning her sideways and dropping her to the floor as he throws her leg over his shoulder. Ruki is loving the rough treatment Ryo is giving her, but she still craves more, crying out, "Come on, is that all you got!" Grabbbing her other leg, Ryo finishes flipping Ruki on her back, and placing a hand under each of her knees, Ryo pushes them to her shoulders, her rear lifting off the floor as he starts to piledrive her. Feeling him throb inside her, Ruki teases the boy further, "What, are you already about to cum for the third time? And you still haven't made me cum?" Growing frustrated at how resilient her twat is proving, Ryo lays atop her in a mating press, his muscles starting to ache with the effort of thrusting as hard and as fast as he can manage. He then squeezes his hands between them to pinch and twist her nipples, the girl screaming in pleasure as her climax finally crashes over her, her twat tightening almost painfully around his shaft as he shoots his third and final load of the evening. But that's not the only thing Ruki's climax brings on. Thanks to the alcohol and her lust, Ruki had failed to notice that all that apple cider had worked its way through her, ending up in her bladder, which was now rapidly emptying, soaking both preteens in pints of pee. As Ryo pulls out, fearful the girl will be pissed in both senses of the word and blame him for her accident, he preemptively apologizes, "Um, sorry about that." Boneless in afterglow, Ruki is in no condition to get mad, simply declaring, "Don't tell anyone, and I'll forgive you." before trying to stand, only for her legs to crumple under her like jelly. Helping steady her, he looks around for her clothes, which managed to avoid the flood, and as he helps her dress, she asks, "Wanna take a bath together and spend the night?" "What about your mom and grandma?" Asks Ryo as Ruki finally regains her ability to walk. "Who cares what they think?" Asks Ruki as she starts to lead Ryo towards her private bathroom, pushing down the nagging feeling she's forgetting something very important.