Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 10: Dawn leaves Milk and Cookies for Santa. It was Christmas Eve and Dawn was brimming with both excitement and nervousness. She had a very special Christmas wish she was certain only Santa Claus could grant and wanted to ask him directly when he came to visit her little home in Twin Leaf, and wanting to make a good impression on the jolly old saint, she had begged her mother to teach her how to bake cookies from scratch, insisting a store bought mix or pre-made dough wouldn't do, and had spent much of the day preparing a variety of cookies to leave in offering along with the Moomoo Milk she had saved her allowance for months to import from Johto. As the hour grew late, Dawn sat in fluffy, pink pajamas on the couch, staring at the fireplace, the room lit only by the soft glow of the fire and lights on the Christmas tree, a platter filled with the best of her homemade cookies and a jug of Moomoo Milk sitting on the coffee table. Her mother came through to wish her a good night and tell her not to stay up too late, but Dawn brushed her off as she maintained her vigil. As Dawn waited for the big guy in red to stop by, she nibbled on the cookies she had deemed not good enough to keep up her energy, chasing them with cheap, store brand milk, ignoring the twinges from her bladder as the sips added up as the hour grew late, fearful that Santa will have come and gone in the time it would take for her to visit the toilet. But between it being well past her usual bedtime and the inevitable sugar crash from all those cookies, Dawn eventually finds herself growing drowsy and is soon aftercurled up on the couch, fast asleep, a belly filled with milk and cookies, the girl unaware of just how much she drank and how much is on its way to her bladder. ### In her dream, Dawn has shrunk to half her height and her fluffy pajamas have been replaced with a pink, frilly jumper that does little to hide her puffy, pink diaper, her tiny feet clad in pink booties. As carefree as a toddler, Dawn runs bow-legged about the dreamscape playing with various toys, from a rocking ponyta to a snuppet-in-the-box, to a giant Snorlax doll whose belly doubles as a trampoline, all the while ignoring the ever more persistent pangs from her puny piddle pot, having too much fun to worry about her bodily functions. Suddenly, a nurse joy appears before the shrunken Dawn, scooping up the chibified girl, asking, "You hungry, Dawny sweetie?" and at the girl's nod, the nurse replies, "Well, auntie Joy has plenty of milk for her favorite little lady." With that, the hand not cradling Dawn starts to unbutton Joy's pink shirt before pulling one of the straps to the nurse's dress down to expose the pinkette's breast, Dawn latching onto the nipple offered to her, the older woman cooing at the little girl, "That's a good girl, drink up." As Dawn drinks greedily from Joy's breast, Joy reaches a hand down the back of Dawn's diaper, commenting, "Let's see if little Dawny has made tinkle recently... Hmmm, you seem to be dry." but as soon as Joy says that, a stream of warm liquid pours into her palm as Dawn starts wetting her diaper without warning. "Oops, looks like I spoke too soon." declares the nurse with a giggle. ### Back in the waking world, Santa Claus has arrived, and is enjoying the array of homemade cookies and the Moomoo milk that were left out for him, enjoying the show as Dawn squirms and moans in her sleep, the jolly old man having a good idea of what kind of dream she is having. As he watches, Dawn suddenly relaxes in her sleep as the crotch of her pajamas starts to darken and then turn slightly yellow, the obvious wet spot soon growing to cover most of the pelvic and upper thigh sections of her pajama pants, the girl wetting the couch she's using as a makeshift bed in reality as she wets her diaper in her dream. It's not often Santa gets a show this good or milk and cookies this good, and the combination is phenomenal, but before Dawn is done having her accident, she awakes, and bolting upright starts crying out, "No no no nonononono!" as she realizes what's happening, only now realizing the seemingly pleasant dream for the nightmare it was. Kneeling next to the couch, Santa places a hand on Dawn's back as he declares soothingly, "It's okay Dawn, accidents happen." Her face going pale, Dawn turns her head to meet twinkling, sapphire blue eyes behind wireframe spectacles and a jovial smile above a majestic beard of snowy white. " Oh sweet Arceus." declares Dawn in a dreadful whisper before the tears start pouring at the realization that not only did she wet herself, but Santa witnessed the whole thing. Pulling the crying girl into his arms, Santa pats her back as he continues in the same, soothing tone, "It'll be okay." "No it won't!" cries the girl, her shout somewhat muffled as she cries into his beard. "I'm supposed to start my Pokemon Journey come Spring,, I've been worried since my birthday that I'm not mature enough for a journey, and here I am, dreaming about being a toddler in diapers and wetting myself after failing to stay up long enough to greet you and ask you for more maturity!" "Oh, come now, It's not all that bad." replies Santa, pulling the girl away from him, "and besides, your little accident can be our little secret." and before she can continue her moping, he places a hand to the wet spot on the couch cushions, and when he pulls his hand away, the pee is drawn from the upholstery, swirling around his glove before disintegrating into a cloud of golden sparkles. When this fails to cheer her up, he repeats the motion with her pajama pants, tossing the sparkles in her face, the girl giggling as the little motes of magic tickle her cheeks and neck, the girl feeling quite a bit better even if her panties still feel damp. "Ho ho ho! Now that's more like it!" comments Santa with a laugh, "Good girls shouldn't be sad on Christmas morning! Though I'm afraid I can't just give you maturity." and seeing her good mood starting to fade, he quickly adds, "But, how about I teach you how to play a grown-up game?" "I'd love to!" Cries Dawn, "How do we play?" "Well, for starters, I want you to sit on the edge of the couch and lie back." instructs Santa, already starting to tent his red pants in anticipation. "Like this?" asks Dawn, assuming the position requested. "Good, now lift your knees as close to your shoulders as you can manage." With Dawn in position, Santa gets in front of her, and reaching for the waistband of her pajama pants, pulls them to her knees, revealing previously snow white panties still wet and stained yellow from her accident, and before Dawn can protest being partially undressed, Santa has pulled her panties to mid-thigh, pulled the pee from them, and sprinkled the resulting spray of fairy dust upon her bare girlhood, still glistening with the remnants of her accident, a warm tingle radiating from the point of contact, making her let out a very different kind of moan from the ones she made in her sleep. Before the effect can wear off, Santa places his gloved hands on her exposed thighs, rubbing them tenderly as he lowers his face to her girlhood, his beard tickling her bottom as he plunges her tongue into her feminine folds., loving the taste of little girl pee mixed with little girl juice. While he could spend all night bringing Dawn to climax after climax with just his tongue thanks to the centuries of experience he has eating pussy, Santa remembers he has a schedule to keep, and so, once he's done cleaning away the last of her accident, He withdraws from her crotch, frees his erection from his pants, and resting her legs on his shoulders, places his tip at her opening. Recovering from the intense experience of being eaten out for the first time and wondering why he stopped, Dawn oepns her eyes to glance down, noticing the unfamiliar organ poised at her opening. "What's that?" She asks curiously. "This," declaresSanta, giving himself a few strokes, "Is a penis. Me licking you down there was mainly to prepare you for me sticking my penis inside you." and before she can ask any further questions, he slides balls deep within her in one smooth motion, his Christmas magic letting him painlessly pass through both her hymen and her cervix without doing any damage, filling both her womb and passage with his magically enhanced meat, stretching her just the right amount to maximize her pleasure and make her walls squeeze him just the right amount. Being licked had felt amazing, but Dawn was certain she was in heaven as she felt Santa's cock filling her, only to be proven wrong as Santa withdraws until only his tip is within her and then slides back in, repeating the motion over and over, slowly increasing his pace, sending the girl to ever higher heights of pleasure. As Santa fucks Dawn, her moaning, panting, mewling and other pleasured noises more beautiful to his ears than the song of the heavenly choir, he decides that he's definitely recruiting her as one of his little helpers in a few years when she's old enough to help deliver gifts instead of recieving them, her pussy easily the sweetest of those he's sampled this year. And as it turns out, her pussy is also the fastest to make him cum as with one final thrust, he buries himself balls deep one last time, erupting with over a pint of potent Christmas pudding directly in her immature, yet possibly fertile womb, his seed sending Dawn in to her very first orgasm, her whole body trembling as every nerve in her female organs ignites with the absolute maximum of physical pleasure, her every internal muscle clenching up around him to return the favor. He wishes he could stay and spend the rest of the night treating this girl to the pleasures of a woman, but reminding himself he still has many houses to deliver gifts to, he pulls out of the insensate girl, a last bit of magic plugging her cervix as he retreats, sealing his seed in her womb where it belongs, not a single drop remaining in his cock or leaking into her pussy. By the time she's regained her senses, Santa has put both their clothes to rights, a content smile on her face as she whispers tiredly, "Oh Arceus, that was beyond words." Patting her head, he replies, "Now, remember, good girls don't play grown-up games and then tell others about it, and they only play with people they trust to not tell." "Of course," replies Dawn immediately, "it'll be our little secret." "Good girl." comments Santa before retrieving a large box and sitting it in front of Dawn as she sits up, "and here's a gift you might want to open now so your mother doesn't see what's inside." Excited, Dawn makes quick work of opening it, only to be confused when she finds a pastel rainbow of diapers, baby tees, bonnets, booties, and other babyish clothes, all in her size. "Part of being mature is not being ashamed to like what you like out of fear of being thought immature." comments Santa by way of explanation, "I've seen your dreams of being reverted to a toddler and know that deep down, you wish to act out such fantasies... and not only is their no shame in doing so, but I'm sure there's someone out there willing to both see you as a mature woman and willing to indulge your little side when the mood strikes you." Leaving her with much to think about, Santa heads for the fireplace before adding parting words, "Oh, and you can also use your mouth or bottom to stimulate a penis, oh and thanks for the milk and cookies!" before taking his leave.