Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 9: Saria makes a pie The Sacred Forest Meadow, like most of Hyrule, was blanketed in snow, but despite the cold, Saria wiped sweat from her brow as she tended to a shallow, stone pan suspended over the small firepit she had dug in a patch of ground cleared of snow and dead grass. Gone were the thin shirt and short shorts she favored in warmer weather, replaced with thick, green leggings and a short, woolen dress dyed a bright red courtesy of holly berries, a style quite popular among the forest's female inhabitants this time of year, especially with the Kokiri's winter festival to begin that evening at sunset. Over this, she wore a cloak of brown fur, though at the moment, it was open in front as she tended the fire. Earlier, she had caught and skinned a rabbit and was now in the process of making it into a savory pie, fully intent on giving it to Link as part of the first night's gift giving. The boy was quiet, in part due to how much the other Kokiri had bullied him for lacking a fairy familiar, but he was as energetic as any of the other boys in the village, and while most Kokiri were happy for a meal of nuts, roots, and greens, the fairyless boy had an unusually big appetite for meat and poultry, so Saria knew he'd appreciate such a gift, and while there was a cooking hut in the village with a proper stove and oven, she had come out here because she wanted the rabbit pie to be a labor of love and didn't want any interference from the village cooks, especially with some of the more unusual herbs she had stirred into the filling. Deciding the pie is done, Saria wipes sweat from her brow one last time before dowsing the fire and carefully sliding the pie from the cooking pan into one for transport, placing a lid on it, and sliding the sealed pie into a white fur pouch she fashioned from the rabbit's pelt before making her way back to the village, pulling her cloak tight around her to keep out the cold as snow crunched under her boots. Exiting the mostly barren Lost Woods, Saria steps into a wonder land, every hut and treehouse decked out in wreaths and garlands of evergreen foliage, icicles glittering in the waning sunlight as sunset approaches on the shortest day of the year, arrangements of winter flowers scattered hither and thither, and the torches and lanterns alight with an array of colors thanks to sprinkles of fairy dust. But Saria isn't interested in the decorations, making a beeline for Link's treehouse, barely returning greetings from the other girls and completely ignoring Mido as the self-proclaimed boss of the Kokiri tries to show off by dragging a log nearly as big as himself towards the clearing reserved for the festival's bonfire, only stopping to catch her breath once she's standing at the base of the ladder leading to Link's porch. Climbing the ladder and pulling aside the furs covering his doorway, Saria pops her head in and calls, "Hey, Link, ready for the first night of the winter festival?" The boy jumps at the sudden intrusion, but upon noticing it's Saria, he gives a simple nod to her inquiry. Part of her wants to give him the pie right now, but tradition dictates she waits until the whole tribe passes gifts around the bonfire, so she hides the rabbit pelt pouch in her cloak as she crosses the room, commenting, "It's a shame we won't get to dance together, makes me wish I could hand playing the ocarina off to someone else." Standing right in front of the boy, Saria can't help noticing how the difference in their height is perfect for her to brush back Link's bangs and kiss his forehead, but she instead puts forth the extra effort to lean down and place a lingering kiss upon his cheek, bringing her free hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle when she pulls away to see the shy boy blushing, his cheeks nearly matching her dress. Taking him by the hand, she declares, "Come on, Link! The sun has nearly set!" before leading him out of his treehouse. ### Sometime later, after the Kokiri had decorated the evergreen tree that had been transplanted to what passed as their village square, and Saria had lead the other musicians of the tribe in a round of festive music making, including a wintry rendition of her own song, while the other Kokiri danced around the bonfire, the flames forming a rainbow thanks to fairy dust from all the village's fairies, Saria had sat next to link as gifts were passed around the fire. As the others admired the various baubles and crafts they had been gifted by their fellows, Saria pulls the rabbit pelt from her cloak and hands it to the quiet boy. "I know you enjoy meat a bit more than the rest of us, so I made you a meat pie." comments Saria as Link pulls the stone pan from the fur pouch. "It's rabbit, and I caught it fresh this morning." As he slides the lid off, the heat radiating off the still warm pie and the aroma has Link's mouth watering immediately, the boy barely waiting long enough to flash Saria a smile of thanks before retrieving a fork from a pocket and digging in. Saria smiles and snuggles up to Link's side as she watches him scarf down the savory dish she labored to make for him, and while he's too busy enjoying the meal to notice a strange feeling coming over him, Saria can see the effects as he starts to tent his winter breeches. As he finishes the pie and sets it aside, the dish empty except for a tough, unappetizing crust, and starts to rub his belly, Saria makes her move. "Link, you have a little something on your face." she declares before leaning in to lick some gravy from his cheek before planting a kiss on his lips and sliding her tongue into his mouth. The boy is surprised by her actions, but puts up no resistence, not even after the gravy is gone yet her lips still linger. As the pair kiss, Saria reaches a hand down to caress his bulge, the special herbs she had added to the pie's filling to promote virility having worked a treat and her small hand only enhancing the effects. Knowing the low light of the fire might not be enough privacy for what she had in mind, Saria breaks the kiss and asks, "Do you want to head to your treehouse or mine?" and at the boy's shrug, she climbs to her feet and pulls him up after before deciding on her own, deciding its closer. Once in her one room home, Saria nudges Link to sit on her bed, and as much as she wants to strip him bare and let him strip her in turn, she resists the urge, knowing that, despite the heavy furs covering her door and windows, this is not the time of year for being unclothed at any time, that exposing more than the bare minimum would be dangerous except in an intimate embrace under heavy blankets. And so, she settles for kneeling in front of him, pulling down the front of his breeches just enough to allow her to take his stalk into her mouth, the boy moaning as she starts sucking on it like a sweet root. However, it isn't long before she can feel a heat building in her loins, and while curious what his seed tastes like, her impatient body gets the better of her. Link lets out a whine as she pulls her mouth away from his cock, and the cold air on his moist member makes him shiver, but Saria does her best to be quick as she stands, turns her back to him, and rolls down the seat of her leggings just enough to grant access to her pussy, the girl shivering from both the cold and anticipation as she guides his cock to her opening and sits down, her woolen dress covering their union. After the brief exposure to the cold, Link's shaft is like a rod of hot iron in Saria's pussy, and her passage is like an oven to his cock, both of them crying out from the overwhelming sensations. Of course, it isn't long before Saria feels compelled to bounce upon the boy's shaft, and between Link's inexperience and having already been worked up by her mouth, it isn't long before the boy is erupting deep within the girl, the first shot of hot seed making her clench around him in her own climax. The pair bask in afterglow for a few minutes before Saria suggests, "What do you say we cuddle up under my blankets?", the boy simply nodding and kicking off his boots. Saria makes quick work of kicking off her own boots, and once the pair are under the fur blanket, the fit quite cozy on account of the bed being sized for a single Kokiri, Saria starts shimmying out of her clothes, Link following her lead, and soon enough, both are completely bare under the blankets, snuggling even closer to share body heat. As Link glides a hand over Saria's slender, slightly curved form, he can feel her nipples poking into his chest like a couple of rounded, river smoothed pebbles, and as she runs her hand over his svelt, slightly muscled form, she can feel his renewed erection poking her tummy. "Ready for another round?" She asks, and feeling him nod, she sideles up a bit to allow his member to slide between her thighs, the boy instinctively humping at her crotch, sliding along her folds in a manner quite pleasing for them both despite a lack of penetration. "That feels nice, Link." comments Saria, her first climax having alleviated the urgency she had felt, now content to let the boy fuck her thighs for the time being, though she does move the hand sliding up and down her side to her rear with a whispered request of, "Knead my bottom like bread dough." the boy happy to comply. Eventually, Link spills his seed once more, making a mess where her thighs meet her pussy, Saria shivering in a small climax just from having her feminine folds splashed with his seed. Smiling to herself, Saria lowers her head to kiss him on the lips once more, this kiss much more languid than the one they shared by the fire, and the afterglow from their second round soon gives way to drowziness, the couple soon falling asleep in each other's arms.