Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 8: Momoko makes some candy canes Momoko bustles around her kitchen, monitoring temperatures on numerous batches of heated sugar, the room filled with the aromas of peppermint, cinnamon, and various other spices and fruity smells as she adds flavorings and colorings to batches as they become ready, pouring others into molds to cool and harden, and open up cooled molds to pop out home made candy canes to paint on a contrasting spiral before wrapping them and tying a bow around each. Her candy making is interrupted by a knock at the door, and turning down the various heating elements to slowly simmer the various stages of syrup and caramalization upon them, calling out, "Coming!" as she discards her oven mitts and apron. Upon seeing who's at the door, the blonde beams as she greets her guest, "Thank you for coming, Kotaro-kun!" before grabbing the shorter boy and dragging him inside, the reflexes he's honed at the dojo proving useless in the face of the preteen patissiere's enthusiasm as she helps him out of his winter wear before pulling him into a hug, declaring, "You're going to be a big help with a special batch of candy canes I want to make!" punctuating her words with a peck on his cheek. Blushing fiercely, especially with how the height difference leads to him nearly being smothered by the A-cups he can feel through her shirt, the kendo practitioner stammers a reply, "Yo-you're welcome, bu-but I'm not sure I'll be of much help... I don't know anything about candy making." "No worries," replies Momoko, "I just need to extract a very special ingredient, and you're the only boy I thought I could ask." the boy growing only more confused by her words as she leads him into the kitchen and sits him at the table. He watches as she washes her hands at the sink, humming a Christmas carol as she does so before filling alarge bowl with hot water, grabbing a bar of soap and a washcloth and walking back over, her actions doing nothing to clarify his role in making candy canes. Sitting the supplies on the table top, Momoko grabs a candy cane from among the ones she's already wrapped, this one a twist of the exact greenish yellow of her hair and the orangish yellow of peach flesh, and tearing the wrapping from the cane's crook, she declares, "I made this one especially for you." before popping the hooked end into his mouth. Immediately, his mouth is filled with a rush of peach flavor mixed with the smoothness of warm, freshly whipped cream, and something he can't identify, and far richer than any store bought candy he's ever had, more than enough proof that the girl before him is just as talented a candy maker as she is with cakes and pastries. She just watches him suck on the extra special peaches and cream candy cane for a minute or so before commenting, "You seem to like it." Kotaro's blush returning as he simply nods shyly, his whole body heating up as if the blush is spreading all over. "And it looks like it's having the desired effect." adds Momoko, reaching for the crotch of his pants. "Wha-!" exclaims the boy around his mouthful of delicious, intoxicating candy as he glances down to find Momoko's hand resting on his crotch, and that he's currently tenting his pants, his face going from pink to crimson. "It's okay, Kotaro-kun." comments Momoko, stroking him through his pants a few times before reaching for the button of his waistband so she can open his fly. " I need to extract some of your special boy cream, and it wouldn't do if your banana was all soft and mushy, so in addition to some of my own special peach juice, that candy cane has a little something extra to ensure a boy's banana stays nice, firm, and plump!" Head spinning, Kotaro puts up no resistance as Momoko pulls his pants and briefs to his ankles. "[Oh my goodness!] It's so cute!" cries Momoko with hearts in her eyes as she gets her first look at the boy's erect penis. Tapping a finger to his tip, "Granted, it's more plantain-sized, but still, it looks delicious!" Licking her lips, she lowers her hand to fondle his balls, "And your fuzzless grapes look yummy as well." Shaking her head, Momoko continues, "But it wouldn't be very sanitary to suck out your cream and then use it to make candy." Grabbing the hot water, soap and washcloth, she adds, "I'll try not to stimulate you too much as I'm washing your banana and grapes, but please try not to waste any cream." With that, Momoko proceeds to wash Kotaro's genitals and the surrounding area, the boy nearly in heaven from having the girl he's been crushing on ever since she and her friends helped his family's dojo touching him so intimately "There, all clean." declares Momoko, discarding the wash cloth in the bowl, the boy letting out a whine of disappointment at the loss of stimulation, though his disappointment doesn't last long as Momoko retrieves a small, glass jar from the table, and holding the vessel in one hand, starts stroking him with the other, the boy gripping the sides of the chair and moaning shamelessly as he recieves his first handjob. "A-Asuka-san," cries the boy around the candy cane in his mouth, his young cock twitching madly within Momoko's silken grip, "If... if you keep doing that, I...I'm going to squirt!" "It's okay, Kotaro-kun, let it all out! Give me a nice, big load of your warm cream!" replies the blonde, stroking the boy faster as she points his preteen prickat the mouth of the jar. And with that encouragement, it isn't long before Kotaro is trembling in his first climax not brought on by his own hand or a dream about the girl kneeling in front of him, half expecting to wake to sticky undies even as his milky white seed spills into the waiting jar, Momoko smiling at the sight and continuing to pump Kotaro's kiddy cock. As his release trickles to a halt, the boy goes limp in his seat, panting heavily as Momoko holds up the jar, nearly filled to the brim with his seed as she announces, "Thank you, Kotaro-kun, this should be more than enough." before kissing him on the cheek and skipping over to where she left the cooking sugar. Kotaro watches as she stirrs some of the collected cum into one of the saucepans before capping the small jar and pouring the molten sugar into a candy mold, the boy blushing and his cock hardening once more at the realization that she's really using his seed to flavor some of the candy canes she's making. Done with the mold of semen-flavored candy, Momoko comes back over as she comments, "While we wait for those to harden, I think I'd like a taste straight from the source." With that, she drops to her knees and strokes him a few times before sticking out her tongue and licking away the bead of cum remaining at his tip from his recent ejaculation, exclaming, "[Yummy!]" before taking the entirety of his boycock into her warm, wet, wonderful mouth. "A-Asuka-san!" cries the boy, the candy cane falling from his mouth, the head worn down to a point at the top of the shaft, the blowjob both more intense and more surprising than when she stroked him. Catching the candy cane, Momoko smiles at how quickly the boy sucked the hook away as she starts humming a Christmas carol around Kotaro's shaft. At the same time, she reaches a hand to his little boy balls, and scissoring her index and middle fingers between his body and balls, she gently pulls them away from his crotch before using her thumb to gently massage them. Despite having not long ago shot his load, it isn't long before Kotaro is emptying his balls into Momoko's mouth, her cheeks puffing out from the even greater volume of his second load, his balls pulsing against her palm. Once he's done feeding her his seed, Momoko swishes it around in her mouth, one cheek bulging even further as the other flattens. Swallowing most of the thick cream, Momoko opens her mouth to show some still pooled on her tongue, commenting, "Kotaro-kun's cream is really yummy!" before swallowing the remainder and standing up. "But now, my peach is overflowing with juice and I can feel it running down my legs." With that, she lifts her skirt, revealing simple, yellow-and-white striped cotton, but the crotch is noticeably darkened, her thighs are glistening with liquid leaking from her treasure, and with how their height difference coupled with her standing and him sitting puts his face almost level with her crotch, a lovely, intoxicating scent reaches his nose. "I already extracted all of the peach juice I need, but since you enjoyed my special peaches and cream candy cane so much, would you like to taste my peach juice straight from the source?" Asks Momoko before turning around, bending over the table and shaking her panty covered bottom in the boy's face. "I'd love to!" replies the boy, burying his nose against her cotton-clad cunny and inhaling deeply before reaching up to pull her panties down and replace his nose with his tongue. Immediately, his mouth is filled with the flavor he couldn't identify from the candy cane, only much stronger, and like a dehydrated man guzzling water, Kotaro is eager to get every drop of Momoko's sweet nectar. Soon enough, Momoko is reduced to a moaning, panting mess, the table the only thing holding her up as her legs turn to jelly under Kotaro's oral assault, and being no more experienced at recieving such treatment, it isn't long before she's spraying her own release all over the boy's face. Turning around and leaning against the table for support, Momoko compliments, "That was amazing, Kotaro-kun!" before noticing that his little cock is standing at attention once more. "Wow! I milked two massive loads of cream from you, and your banana is all stiff again... could it be you want to stuff your banana in my peach and give me a warm, gooey cream filling?" Not trusting his voice, head still spinning from the taste and scent of her girlhood, Kotaro simply nods, and climbing to shakey feet, Momoko lets her panties fall to the floor before straddling the boy's lap. Reaching a hand down, she guides his tip to her opening, and leaning down to capture his lips in a kiss, she sinks down on his shaft, only wincing slightly as his cock head popps through a hole in her hymen a bit too small to let it pass comfortably. As they break for air, Momoko lifts her shirt to give Kotaro a faceful of breast buds, the girl asking, "Do you like my pancakes?" the boy blushing as he realizes he's staring, merely giving a nod as she continues, "Mama says I should be wearing training bras, but I much prefer leaving them bare under my shirt." Placing a hand on the back of his head, she adds, "If you want to suck on my plump, little berries, you're more than welcome to." guiding his mouth to one of her nipples. As he starts to suckle, she places her hands on the back of the chair and starts bouncing in his lap, the boy moaning around the nipple in his mouth. "Feel free to let your hands roam!" cries Momoko between her own moans as she rides the short boy, and accepting the invitation, Kotaro places one hand on her rear and lifts his other to her unoccupied breast. As he gropes her budding breast, he realizes just how accurate her comparing her chest to pancakes is, thickest in the middle with just enough of a rounded taper towards the edges to be noticeable, soft and warm to the touch with just the right amount of give like perfectly fluffy pancakes straight from the pan, and her nipple like a single blueberry or cherry placed in the center as a garnish, it's enough to make him wonder what it would be like to lick syrup off her chest. But as that thought crosses his mind, Kotaro can feel his cock getting ready to shoot his third load of the day,, and pulling away from her nipple, he announces, "Momo-chan... I...I'm going to squirt again!" It's okay, Kotaro-kun, shoot your cream whenever you like!" replies Momoko, increasing the pace of her bouncing, and before long, both preteens are sharing a climax, Kotaro flooding Momoko's womb as her pussy quivers around him, milking him for all he's worth. Momoko is the first to recover, and standing up, she heads over to where her candy canes are curing, not bothering to put her clothes right and seemingly unbothered by the trickle of his semen running down the inside of her thighs. Deciding the mold with her semen flavored batch has cooled sufficiently, she pops it open, and grabbing one of the still warm candy canes, sticks the crook in her mouth, humming contentedly as she returns to Kotaro, commenting, "Delicious! But it's still better straight from the source."