Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 7: Fine and Rein go Caroling. The Winter Festival was right around the corner and much of the Mysterious Star had been blanketed in snow, the landscape glistening in the light from the Blessing of the Sun, icicles occasionally glimmering with iridescence, and the princes Bright and Shade, along with their girlfriends, the princesses Fine and Rein had decided the weather was perfect for carolling. The Boys had foregone their usual royal finery in favor of nearly matching long coats, Bright's as white as snow, Shade's as black as coal, and the twins had discarded much of their usual attire as well. In place of their top hats, they wore stocking caps in their signature colors trimmed with white fur, and both wore simple fleece dresses with fur cuffs and a fur trim, though they wore their usual white tights and their usual footwear. Were they dressed in bright red or dark green instead of pale pink and baby blue, they'd look like they were ready to help Old Man Winter in delivering gifts to all the children of the Mysterious star. But as the quartet wandered on, singing songs, the boys couldn't help thinking the girls had more on their minds than the festive season. Perhaps it was the way the fur trim on those dresses seemed higher than the hem of their usual skirts or how the absence of the tails of their usual coats provided an unobstructed view of the twins thighs, those tights leaving little to the imagination, or perhaps it was the way the twins seemed to be swaying their hips in perfect coordination in a way to deliberately flutter their skirts and occasionally give the boys a peek of their cute butts as the girls skipped hand-in-hand ahead of the boys, but both Bright and Shade couldn't help thinking their girlfriends were even cuter than usual and were subtlely trying to drive their boyfriends crazy. But whether the girls were trying to seduce the boys or it was all in the boys' heads, the quartet continued their caroling for most of the afternoon, and it was only as the sun started setting and the temperature started to drop that the pattern broke. Teeth chattering and both girls hugging themselves as they shivered, Fine approached Shade and Rein approached Bright before the twins cried out in unison, "I'm cold, can I snuggle up in your coat?" the boys surprised to see their girls not break into one of their 'I hate it' dances. Though they would both prefer if it was the other girl asking to share body heat, both princes chivalrously open their coats, each letting a shivering girl cling to his side before closing it again, the oversized winter wear more than spacious enough to accomodate the petite girls along with their boyfriends. "I think it's time we headed back." comments Bright, Shade nodding in agreement as the quartet head towards the villa they are sharing for the Winter season. Along the way, both boys can feel the girl at his side rubbing up against him, and in a far more sensual manner than if she were merely trying to generate heat through friction, and both boys nearly cry out as both Fine and Rein reach a hand down the boy she's walking with's pants, the coats hiding her actions, and when the boys each glance down their collar, they are met with a cheeky smile and a pair of eyes with a glint of mischief. Knowing how their girlfriends can be if denied, both boys lower the arm hugging the girl with his coat to lift her up so she's sitting on his arm, neither boy complaining as she wraps her legs around him, and picking up pace. Upon reaching the villa, both boys make a beeline for the master suite, trying to ignore the way the girl in his arm is all but humping his hip. Reaching their destination, the boys barely have time to undo their coats before the two girls leap from their arms onto the large bed. Though it isn't a new sight, the boys can't help but stare as their girlfriends embrace one another before their tongues and lips hungrily meet in a searing kiss. There were several peculiarities to the quartet's relationship, and one of them was that the twins were bi and just as much into each other as they were into their boyfriends. As the boys admired the twin princesses lost in the throes of passion, tongues entangled, hands roaming all over each others petite bodies, each grinding her crotch against her sister's thigh, they made quick work of discarding their winter wear and most of their clothes until both are wearing nothing but a silk tunic just long enough to conceal their erections, Brights a ruby red, Shade's a midnight blue. Approaching the bed, Bright asks, "Mind if we join you, ladies?" Fine and Rein breaking their kiss and glancing up as if just realizing someone else is in the room. "Oh, please!" the two cry in unison before scooting to the edge of the mattress, laying next to each other, knees practically touching as they pull their thighs up and apart to expose the soaked crotches of their tights, the white silk clinging to every nook and cranny of both their princess pussies. Taking the invitation, Bright kneels before Fine and Shade before Rein, both boys rolling their chosen girl's tights down to her knees, revealing not only thighs that somehow manage to be softer and smoother than the silk tights, but that neither sister is wearing any panties. "Looks like our little nymphets have been naughty." Comments Shade, resisting the urge to inhale deeply of Rein's heavenly scent. "I agree," replies Bright, less reserved about indulging in the fragrance of Fine's femininity, "Who knows what might have happened had they gone out without us to escort them and some ne'er do well had noticed?" "What do you think an appropriate punishment would be?" Asks Shade. "I think 100 licks would be a good start." answers bright before giving Fine a long, slow lick from right above her rosebud to her clitty, announcing "One." to emphasize his point, Shade soon following suit on Rein. Another unusual feature of their relationship was that they never did anything as just couples... in fact, past experience had proven such impossible. Both twins had a fetish for the other's pleasure, and in the stricter meaning of the word. Knowing the other twin was being pleasured didn't just enhance the girl's pleasure, but was actually required. If the twins weren't in the same room and being pleased at the same time, their juices would dry up almost immediately, most forms of stimulation would become uncomfortable, and all but the smallest penetrations painful. And so, in addition to watching their girlfriends engage in twincestuous girl-on-girl action, the boys had put their past rivalries aside and grown accustomed to being naked in each other's presence so they could both pleasure their girlfriends at the same time. Naturally, Bright's suggestion of giving the twins 100 licks as punishment for the latest bit of unprincess-like behavior that made them so endearing proved just as torturous as it is pleasurable for the girls, and by the mid-twenties on Brights count as both boys slowly, methodically drive their girlfriends to the brink of insanity with their tongues, both princesses are pleading for mercy, "Pl-Please, stop teasing us!" "Now, now," replies Bright, "As cute as your unprincess-like behavior is, there are things you really shouldn't do in public." "Yes," agrees Shade, " Between your scandalously short skirts and having nothing on under your tights... What if you two had gone caroling and some old creep like the old minister had noticed?" "We only did it because we knew you would be there to protect us!" cry the twins, both of them squirming in their boyfriend's grip, "Please stuff our sweet, little holes with your delicious lollipops! Or at least lick us faster!" The situation isn't particularly easy for either boy,, their erections throbbing beneath their tunics, as eager to stuff the twins' tight twaties as they are to be stuffed, but having better self-control than the girls, neither boy gives into their girlfriends' demands. But as soon as Bright's count reaches 100, both boys pull away from the glistening girlhoods they've been licking, make quick work of removing the girls' shooes and tights, and holding their chosen girl's ankles together with one hand and lifting their tunics with the other, press their tips to the princesses' openings and with a single thrust, both boys bury themselves balls deep in the girls. Before long, both princes have worked themselves into a frenzy, the pair of moaning girls beneath them loudly expressing their shared ecstasy and egg the boys on further, "YES! Pound us! Pound our puny, little princess pussies! Pound us so hard we can't walk straight!" And the boys do their best to do just that, both sliding their hands along the girls' slender, silky smooth legs before gripping their narrow hips and really starting to hammer into the petite princesses, the twins reaching across the small gap between them to clasp hands as each turns her head to look at her sister, both wishing they could express how cute the other looks with her eyes glazed in lust and her tongue hanging out of her mouth, but both nearly breathless under their boyfriends' assault. And while the princely prickes pummeling the princesses' pussies have the twins almost completely incoherent, they do manage to issue a one word command, "SWAP!" At that signal, both boys manage to withdraw from the girl they've been fucking, and trading places, Bright and Shade sink into the other girl, the trade off so well practiced that neither boy misses a beat as they resume their thrusting. The third unusual thing about the quartet's relationship, and the reason they had quietly put the potion makers of the Waterdrop Kingdom to the task of finding a way of testing who a child's father is, is that they weren't just two couples where the girls like playing with each other as much as with their boyfriends, but a true quartet. The boys had a clear preference for one girl over the other, and the girls for one boy over the other, and each girl happened to prefer the boy who preferred her sister, but both girls had grown to deeply love and care for both boys and vice versa, and it was rare that their lovemaking didn't involve both twins getting it from both boys... and though neither would admit it aloud, Bright and Shade had become as close as brothers over time, though not nearly as close as the twins were. After several more minutes of the boys doing their best to reduce the twins to boneless puddles of girl goo, Bright announces, "Rein, I'm going to cum!" Soon followed by, "Me too, Fine." from Shade. "Do it!" cry the girls in unison, "Cream our cozy, little cunnies!" And then, all four of them have near simultaneous climaxes, Bright pumping Rein's young womb full of his seed as her passage pulses around him, and Shade doing the same to Fine as her hungry, little hole does its best to milk him dry. As the quartet come down, the boys are the first to recover, the twins having been reduced to nearly insensate ragdolls upon the duvet. Knowing their girlfriends are never truly satisfied until they have both boys' seed co-mingling in their wombs, and the boys themselves never truly satisfied until they've creampied both twins, Bright and Shade trade places once more, and rolling the girls on their stomachs, take them from behind. However, the boys don't maintain this position for long, hugging the girls to their chests and sitting cross-legged upon the duvet so Fine and Rein can lean forward, interleaving their fingers with each other as they resume their make out session from earlier, and soon enough ,the two boys are just leaning back as they watch their girlfriends making out while bouncing on their cocks, the show soon bringing the boys to a second climax, it being Bright's turn to cum in Fine and Shade's to cum in Rein. This time, it is the girls who recover first, pulling off the boys and nudging them to lay down, facing each other with their feet pointing in opposite directions. Fine than lays down to take Shade's cock into her mouth while offering her pussy for Bright to eat as Rein in turn takes Bright's cock into her mouth and offers her pussy to Shade, the quartet leisurely licking one another clean. Or at least it starts as simply cleaning each other, but soon, the girls are sucking the boys to another ejaculation and the boys are eating the girls to a climax of their own. Thoroughly sexed out, the quartet decide a relaxing soak in the bath is in order, the boys helping the girls strip out of their winter dresses and the girls helping the boys out of their tunics before all four sink into the large tub, almost a small swimming pool in the suite's bathroom.