Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 6: Misty gifts herself. Misty was unusually nervous as she exited the bathroom, hair damp from the shower and with only a towel covering her. The last few months had been supremely frustrating as she repeatedly dropped hints of her attraction to one Ash Ketchum, only for the dense boy to either not notice or interpret her efforts as gestures of mere friendship. And here she was, less than an hour to midnight on Christmas Eve and about to execute a plan that, if it succeeded would bring her what she most wanted for Christmas, but which would leave her eternally embarrassed if it backfired. "Come on Misty, not even Ash is dense enough to miss your intentions on this one!" Announces the redhead to the otherwise empty room in an effort to psych herself up. Letting the towel fall to the floor, Misty retrieves a roll of silk ribbon, unfurling the bright red cloth to several meters of length. Finding the middle of the ribbon, Misty steps over it before pressing it to her pubic mound, the smooth material feeling sinfully sensual to her freshly shaved, baby smooth skin. The ribbon is barely wide enough to cover her mound and not immediately vanish between her toned half moons as she pulls the ribbon tight against her crotch and starts winding it around her torso, forming a pair of parallel spirals, her skin, nearly at it's palest after autumn let her summer tan fade looking almost white against the bright red. Reaching her chest, she makes sure one spiral goes over her right nipple and the other over her left, the girl shivering in delight as the silke glides over the hardened nubs. As one spiral vanishes backward over her shoulder, she loops that end of the ribbon under her arm so it can meet the other as it comes forward over the opposite shoulder, and double checking that ther is no excess slack or twists in the ribbon and that the spirals are evenly spaced all up and down her torso, Misty ties the remaining ribbon into a large bow centered over her heart, the kind of bow that will easily fall apart when a loose end is pulled. Admiring herself in the mirror and deciding the illusion of a one piece swimsuit with a candy cane pattern is perfect, Misty makes quick work of pulling on a matching set of thighhigh stockings and shoulder length gloves, also made of silk and with the red and white spirals of a candy cane. Checking herself in the mirror one last time, Misty declares to herself, "Phase 1 complete." Before covering herself with a ankle length bathrobe for the next phase of her plan. Mere minutes to midnight found Misty standing outside of Ash's room, a large, empty gift box sitting atop a small trolley next to her. She had confided the gist of her plan to Pikachu and so knew the electric mouse wouldn't be with his trainer tonight, the redhead thinking the pokemon is probably cuddled up with a bottle of ketchup on the couch, but she's still nervous about what might happen in the next few minutes. Checking she's alone in the hallway, Misty undoes the velcro holding one of the box's vertical edges together and steps inside before letting the bathrobe pool around her feet and carefully sitting down, hugging her knees to her chest and pressing her heels to her bottom to fit in the tight confines. Double checking the box's panels are properly velcroed together, she pulls the lid over her head, leaving just enough of a gap to reach a fist out to knock on the door before closing the lid and pulling on a cord dangling from the lid to tighten the ribbons and bow surrounding the box. Trying to keep her breathing quiet, Misty can hear the door open as Ash asks, "What's up?" followed by the sensation of movement as Ash rolls the trolley the box is sitting on into his room and the click of him closing the door behind him. "Huh, there's a card." comments the boy and Misty can feel as Ash pulls the greeting card she taped to the box's lid away. "Open at the stroke of midnight?" The boy reads the cryptic instructions she left for him and after a pause, she hears him add, "11:59,,, I wonder what's inside." Misty has no way of knowing if their mutual wait is just a few seconds or a full minute, but it feels like a subjective eternity as she holds her breath, her own heartbeat seeming much louder than it actually is as the moment of truth approaches. And then she hears the cry of a Hoothoot as a clock in the room chimes midnight, soon followed by a rustling as Ash starts unraveling the bow atop the box. As Ash lifts the lid off the box, Misty meets his gaze with a smile, the boy surprised to find a person within the box, "Huh? Misty, what are yo-" But before Ash can finish his question, Misty strikes, pushing on the side of the box separating them, the velcro letting it easily fall away as with a cry of "Merry Christmas, Ash!" Misty tackles the startled boy to the floor, aided by the fact that he apparently kneeled to open the mystery gift. Having pinned him to the floor, Misty sits up, straddling his hips as she asks, "How do you like my special, Christmas outfit? I ordered it just to show off to you, Ash." His brain clearly having not caught up with the situation, a verbal response is not forthcoming from Ash, but feeling something poke her, Misty's smile widens as she comments, "I'll take little Ash using harden as a yes." before reaching down to adjust things so she has Ash's erection pinned to his stomach as she grinds against him, the silken ribbon and his cotton boxers the only thing between them. Enboldened by the moans this draws from his throat, Misty pushes his black t-shirt up to allow her to run her gloved hands over his chest and stomach. He didn't have much muscle tone, but the boy had long since lost any baby fat, and if the firmness she felt under his skin was any indicator, he wouldn't have much trouble developing a six pack over the next few years if he wanted to. Grinding against his cock was already getting her wet, but the thought of an older Ash standing over her and pressing her smaller frame against his muscular body had her gushing like a water gun, her juices soaking not only the ribbon conncealing her girlhood, but also where she was grinding against his boxers. There are so many things she wants to do with Ash in build up to the main event, but after months of flirting that fell flat and how aroused she is at that moment, the redhead quickly decides to screw foreplay, and lifting her hips, she pulls the ribbon looped between her thighs aside, fishes Ash's cock out of his boxers and starts sliding his tip along her slit, before taking his lack of protest to her actions as consent and sinking down upon him, his cock smoothly sliding deep inside her, the way eased by the tomboy's active lifestyle having torn her hymen long ago. Both trainers let out moans at their union, Ash too overwhelmed by being inside a girl for the first time to really do anything, and Misty simply wanting to savor being filled with a cock for the first time. Of course, it isn't long before Misty's cozy cunny craves more than being simply stuffed with Ash's cock. Experimentally, she lifts her hips and sinks back down a few times, eachimpalement on that magnificent member sending a thunderbolt up the girl's spine and drawing a moan from the boy's throat. Picking up pace, her own moans joining Ash's as her perfectly toned rear, sculpted over a lifetime of swimming bounces with her movements, Misty leans forward and asks, "So Ash, do you like my pussy?" "Huh?" replies the boy, still rather out of it, "Your pussy? Is that where my diglet is right now?" Giggling at his childish term for his cock, Misty clenches up around him, grinding her clit against his pubic bone as she replies, "Yes Ash, your Diglet is buried deep in my pussy... though, if your going to call your cock a diglet, you can call my pussy a cloyster." Sitting up, Misty resumes her up and down motions, reaching one hand up to pinch her nipple through the ribbon and lowering her other to play with her clit, her internal muscles continuing to squeeze and massage the shaft they're wrapped around. Rephrasing her question, she asks again, "So Ash, does your diglet like being in my cloyster? Do you like it when my cloyster uses clamp on your diglet?" "It feels amazing!" answers Ash, Misty beaming at the answer before laying fully atop Ash and capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. At the same time, she guides his hands to her exposed rear, and laying her small hands over his much larger ones, does her best to quietly encourage him to squeeze and knead them, wondering if he would name her half-moons after a pokemon as well. Although it's Misty doing the leading, it's Ash who breaks the kiss as he announces, "Misty, it feels like I'm going to pee!" Misty is a bit surprised, but delighted at the prospect that she's not only Ash's first, but might recieve his first cumshot, the boy clearly unfamiliar with what's going on as she replies, "It's okay, Ash, let it all out." Before resuming the kiss. Shortly after, Ash erupts for the first time ever deep within Misty, sending the girl over the edge as well, her pussy milking him for all he's worth. Recovering from her climax, Misty sits up and asks, "Did you enjoy that, Ash?" "Wow!" replies the boy, panting from the experience of his first orgasm, "That was better than winning a gym badge!" Giggling at his response, Misty lifts off Ash's member, a string of semen connecting his tip to her opening, "I'll take that as high praise considering how obsessed you are with training and battling. Noticing the string connecting him and Misty, Ash comments, "Huh? I didn't know diglet could learn string shot... maybe I have a caterpie instead." Cringing at the mental image that gives her, Misty replies, "Never call your cock a caterpie, or any other bug, again, or you don't get to stick it in my cloyster." "Does that mean my diglet can do that again?"Asks the boy as the pair rise to their feet. "Yes, as long as you don't talk about bugs." replies Misty before gettin a mischievious smile and adding, "You never did finish unwrapping your gift." at this, she guides his hand to the loose end of the ribbon, and taking the hint, Ash pulls on it, the bow over her heart coming undone and the spiraling ribbon cascading down her body to pool around her ankles. She can already see Ash's cock hardening once more, but for good measure, she strikes a pose and asks, "What do you think, Ash? Like what you see?" Closing the distance between them, Ash pulls her into a hug, his erection pinned between them as he replies, "You're really cute, Misty." "Just cute?" asks Misty with a slight pout, "I was going for sexy." "What's sexy?" Asks Ash, confused. "It means looking at me makes your diglet use harden and you want to stick it in my cloyster." replies Misty, torn between finding his innocence endearing and his ignorance exasperating."Now, if you think I'm sexy and not just cute, ditch the boxers and t-shirt and carrry me to the bed." Pulling away from her briefly, Ash lets his boxers drop to the floor and pulls his t-shirt over his head before scooping Misty up in a princess carry and heading for his bed. Along the way, a hand goes to her butt and he comments, "Your jigglypuffs are nice to play with." the girl giggling at the nickname he just gave her bottom and the fun she can have with that. As Ash lays her on the bed, she assumes a spread eagle position as she orders, "Ash, I want your diglet to use dig on my cloyster!", and understanding her meaning, he climbs atop her and sinks into her feminine folds, and remembering what she did when she was on top, he starts sliding in and out of her and soon sets a rapid pace, making her cry out, "YES! Keep having your diglet use pound on my cloyster!" Though he came only a few minutes ago, Ash's inexperience has him spilling in Misty again before long, Misty wrapping her arms and legs around him as her pussy milks him once more. Recovering, Ash comments, "That was even better than the first time." "Glad to hear it." replies Misty before stifling a yawn, "We should probably get some sleep. "Yeah." replies Ash with a yawn of his own before the couple snuggle up under the blankets, falling asleep in each other's arms.