Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 5: Hikari gets more than her stocking stuffed. The Yagami parents had gone to run some holiday errands, leaving Taichi to look after his little sister, Hikari. Fortunately for the once Leader of the Chosen Children, Hikari was a very well behaved girl for the most part, so this mostly consisted of watching her run around the place, looking absolutely adorable in her little santa dress and white tights as she did her part to help prepare for Christmas. However, as Hikari ran up to the fireplace, Christmas stocking in hand and attempted to hang it from the mantle, Taichi noticed something that triggered thoughts no brother should have about his little sister. Hikari's dress was a very simple style, hugging her upper torso snuggly with long sleeves ending in snowy fur wristcuffs and a short skirt that flared out from a cinched waist with the same white fur trimming the hem and no adornment, but as Hikari stood on the tips of her toes, her feet bare except for the sheer fabric of her tights and stretched in an attempt to reach the mantle that was nearly twice her height above the floor, her skirt rose up, showing off how the tights hugged her chubby little thighs and cute little butt as well as her dress hugged her flat chest. And where Taichi was sitting on the couch, he not only had a perfect view of his little sister's perky posterior as she struggled to hang her stocking on a hook just a few inches out of reach, but close enough to notice a couple of things one might miss on casual observation. For one, Hikari clearly wasn't wearing any panties under her tights as there was neither panty lines nor a color difference between her thighs and rump, both of which should be visible with such sheer, snow white material. For another, her thighs were parted just enough to play peek-a-boo with her immature kitty, and between the tights being perhaps a size too small for the little girl and her aforementioned lack of panties, the tights clung to every nook and cranny of her girlhood. Taichi had seen his sister fully naked many times since they shared a bedroom and often took baths together, but the fact that his little sister was both fully covered, yet he could see essentially everything and the girl probably wasn't even aware of the consequences of not wearing underwear with those tights or the way her skirt left her bottom exposed at the moment, and the boy's pubescent prick was reacting about the way it would if he saw Sora or Mimi in a bikini. "Onii-chan," calls Hikari, having crossed the room without him noticing, "Can you give me a boost so I can hang my stocking?" Trying to hide the tent in his pants, Taichi replies, "Why don't I just hang it for you?" "No!" cries Hikari, "I need to hang it myself or Santa might think it's someone else's stocking." "Then wait for mom and dad to get home and ask them for help." replies Taichi, not wanting to get any closer to her until his preteen prick softens. "NO!" Huffs the little girl, stamping a foot in a display that's more cute than intimidating, "I want to hang my stocking now, and I need Onii-chan to give me a boost!" Knowing there's no denying Hikari when her usually kind and caring nature gives way to her infrequent bouts of selfishness, the boy drags himself to his feet and walks over to the fireplace, doing his best to keep his body between Hikari and his erection as the girl cries, "YAY!" and skips ahead of him. He knows the best way to do this would be to squat behind her, hug her to his chest, and stand up, but realizing he'd likely end up poking her with his stiffy which might lead to awkward questions, he instead keeps his sister at Arm's length as he firmly grips her about the Waist and lifts her up. Reaching for the hook, Hikari orders him, "Higher!" and despite straining to hold her up with his arms extended, he does just that, and just when he thinks his arms are about to give out, she hooks the loop attached to the stocking's cuff on the hook with a cry of "Got it!" and a delighted kick of her dangling feet. Unfortunately, her sudden movement causes Taichi to overbalance, and in an effort to avoid stumbling into the fireplace, potentially giving both of them nasty burns from the fire and cuts from the glass doors that prevent embers from escaping or items casually falling in the fire, he overcompensates and lands flat on his back, his sister landing hard atop him. Hikari is the first to recover, her brother taking the brunt of the impact, at first concerned with his well being only to get distracted, "Onii-chan, are you o- Huh, what's this poking me?" Shaking his head to clear it, Taichi notices to his dread that his sister landed on his crotch and can feel her kitty pressing against the tent in his pants, and before he can think of an excuse, she's scooted that cute, little butt she was teasing him with not ten minutes ago back on his stomach to investigate. Feeling her wrap a hand around his bulge, he hears the question he was hoping to avoid, "Onii-chan, why is your thingy all stiff?" Part of him knows Hikari didn't intend any of the suffering she's put him through today, but it's his smaller head guiding his actions as he declares, "It's because you've been a naughty girl. "No!" she denies with all the vehemence she can muster, "I've been a good girl!" Reaching a hand up her skirt to cup one of her tiny half moons, the action pulling asound half squeak, half moan from her throat, he asks, "Then why aren't you wearing any undies?" Giving the handful of little girl bottom a gentle squeeze, he adds, "And why did you let your skirt rise up to show off your cute rump? Only a naughty girl would tease her big brother like that." "I'm a good girl!" she insists even as his other hand cups her other cheek and he starts kneading her butt in earnest. "A good girl would take responsibility for giving her brother a stiffy... A naughty girl who would tease her brother and then ignore his needs deserves nothing but coal." Lightly smacking one of her butt cheeks, "and maybe a spanking." "NO!" cries Hikari in horror, glancing up at the stocking she put so much effort into hanging, "I don't want a stocking full of coal! I don't want a spanking! I want to be a good girl!" "Then you better help take care of my stiffy or all Santa is going to bring you is coal and switches to turn your cute bottom as red as your dress!" replies Taichi, too far gone to feel any guilt over manipulating his little sister like this. "I'll do anything!" cries Hikari, "What do I have to do to be a good girl?!" "For starters, you can take my stiffy out and suck on it like you would a candy cane. "Suck on your thingy? But don't you use it to pee? That's gross!" Hikari replies, her face shifting between disgust at what her brother just asked of her and delight from how nice having her butt played with feels. "Well, if you don't want to be a good girl..." Taichi eggs her on, certain she'll do whatever he asks at this point as long as he continues insisting its what a good girl would do. Screwing up her face, Hikari pushes her brother's sweatpants and briefs down far enough to free his erection and taking a deep breath, swallows it in one go. Though the taste is strange on Hikari's tongue, it doesn't taste anywhere near as gross as she expected, and relaxing and remembering what he said about candy canes, she starts bobbing her head and licking all over his shaft like she would with the shaft of a candy cane after breaking off the hook and letting it melt in her mouth, though he's quite a bit thicker than all but the biggest candy canes. As his little sister starts sucking his cock, her experience with eating candy canes making her a natural and putting him in heaven, Taichi notices she's slid from sitting on his stomach to lying atop him, the shift in position letting him look straight up her skirt, getting an even better view of her butt and kitty than he did during her unintended show as she tried hanging the stocking unassisted. Their height difference doesn't allow him to reciprocate properly, but noticing the crotch of her tights starting to darken and cling to her kitty even more than it already was, his little sister apparently getting horny from sucking him off, he decides it's only fair to make her feel good in return. Letting out a moan he hadn't realize he'd been holding inn, Taichi comments, "That's a good girl, Hikari. Just keep sucking it like that and I'll give you a reward for being such a good girl." Giving her butt one last squeeze, Taichi slides an index finger off her mound and into the valley between them, Hikari moaning around his cock as he slides his finger along the groove in her cameltoe, slick with her juices, but it isn't until he reaches the forward most part of her slit and presses his finger down on her pleasure button that a bolt of lightning shoots up her spine, the girl bolting upright with a cry of "Onii-chan!" Slightly panicked, Taichi pulls his hand away as he asks, "Sorry! Did I hurt you?" "No, it felt really good, you just surprised me." replies Hikari before resuming her blowjob. Taichi resumes sliding his finger along his sister's slit, gradually increasing the pressure until he discovers a divot, and pushing his finger into it, he finds a passage far deeper than he expected, the fabric of her tights stretching as he digs deeper, soon fitting his entire index finger inside of his little sister, and if the way she's moaning around him is any indicator, she's enjoying it quite a bit. The boy is soon pumping his finger in and out of the hole he found, occasionally wriggling the digit deep in Hikari's depths and soon decides to add his middle finger. As Taichi continues to finger Hikari, he can feel the sensation building in his boyhood that means he's about to shoot out that sticky stuff that comes out when he plays with himself long enough, and remembering the reaction Hikari had when he first touched her little nub, he starts flicking his thumb over it as he wiggles his index and middle fingers inside her. And its at that moment that Taichi gives his little sister what they will only much later realize is her very first orgasm, the little girl soaking the crotch of her tights and her brother's hand, the eighth child practically screaming in pleasure around his cock. And it is Hikari's muffled cry of orgasm that has Taichi flooding her small mouth with his seed, surprising the girl almost as much as her climax though she reflexively swallows it. Pulling her mouth off his dick, Hikari asks, "Onii-chan, what was that good feeling in my kitty? And what was that salty stuff that came out of your thingy?" "Good feeling?" replies Taichi, still recovering from his climax. "Don't know, but I guess a girl having her kitty played with is like a boy playing with his thing... and it does feel really good when my thing shoots my string shot." Giggling, Hikari replies, "String shot? Is Onii-chan's thing a caterpie?" "No, but the stuff I shoot out is white and sticky and kind of looks like caterpie's string shot." Looking down, Hikari cries out in horror, "Oh no! Onii-chan's thingy is still all stiff! I need to make it go soft or Santa's going to bring me nothing but coal!" Realizing his fingers are still inside Hikari, Taichi suggests, wiggling his digits for emphasis, "How about we try putting my thing in your kitty?" Overeager to try anything that would let her be a good girl, Hikari barely lets her brother finish his sentence before she's grabbed his erection, scooted forward and plopped down, taking him balls deep in her little cunny, her tights stretching further to form a silken condom just barely separating the siblings. Hikari felt a twinge of pain at the penetration, but just assumed it was because her brother's thingy is bigger than his fingers, and that twinge was nothing compared to the delightful heat spreading through her from where her brother was inside her. As for Taichi, despite the recent blowjob, he nearly came again as his cock was caressed by a cozy cunny for the first time. Having his cock in her pussy was enough to convince the siblings that this was something they would want to do again and as often as they could, but as something deep in Hikari told her she should start bouncing, they quickly concluded this was the best thing ever. "Onii-chan! Your thingy feels amazing in my kitty!" Cried Hikari, her hips moving up and down as quickly as her chubby, little legs could manage. "Being inside you feels pretty damn good as well!" replies Taichi. However, despite her eagerness, Hikari has soon worn herself out, Taichi sitting up, looping his arms under her legs and hugging her to his chest as he takes over, the little girl delighted as her brother starts bouncing her on his shaft faster than she could bounce on her own. When he reaches down to play with her clit, Hikari puts both hands over her mouth, unable to hold back screams of pleasure and worried about disturbing the neighbors. Once more, it is Hikari who cums first, but as her cozy, little cunny clenches around her brother's cock, it isn't long before Taichi is joining her, and while her stretched tights wrap around him like a condom, that's where the similarities end as his seed shoots straight through the sheer fabric to splatter her insides snowy white. As the siblings come down from their climax, Hikari lets out a yawn, more than ready for a nap as she asks, "Am I a good girl now?" Deciding to tease her a bit, he replies, "No." and as she tries to stare him down with a sleepy pout, he adds, "You're the best girl! I bet you're stocking will be so overflowing with toys and candy when Santa is done the hook breaks under the weight." Smiling brightly, she turns around to give her brother a hug and a kiss, giving him a peck on the lips instead of the cheek like she usually would, his now limp cock sliding out of her in the process. "Thank you Onii-chan!" "Your welcome, Hikari... though there's one last thing I think I should do to reward you for being a good girl." "What's that?" asks Hikari with another yawn as Taichi lays her on the rug in front of the fireplace, but instead of answering, he simply grabs her knees, and holding her thighs apart, starts licking her between them, both trying to pleasure her and clean away the mess he made of her tights, the slow, rhythmic swipes of his tongue on her kitty soon lulling the tired girl to sleep.