Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto kitten Day 4: Sakura and the Crown of Holly Sakura had endured many embarrassing moments in her short life, especially with how often her best friend Tomoyo insisted in putting her in weird costumes when she had to deal with a Clow Card or other magical mishaps, but this had to be the most embarrassing of all, top five at the very least. Her class had decided to put on a Passion Play for this year's Christmas Pageant, something a bit unusual in Japan, and due to random casting that didn't even consider whether the student and the character they would be playing were both girls, both boys, or one of each, Sakura had ended up in the role of Jesus. Tomoyo had assured her repeatedly no one in the class was a better match to play the messiah and that the only role in a Christian-inspired play that would be better for someone as cute as Sakura would be if she were cast as an angel, but to add to the awkwardness of crossdressing as a figure so highly revered in much of the world outside of Japan, Syaoran had been cast as John, the Beloved Disciple, and the two actually had more intimate moments in this play than when they had been forced to crossdress as the Prince and Sleeping Beauty. Fortunately, it was almost over as they had reached the Crucifixion scene, the last scene featuring either Sakura or Syaoran... unfortunately, it was by far the most embarrassing scene of the play. Tomoyo, who had been put in charge of costumes, had been stopped from dressing Sakura in just a loincloth or showing her off in all her glory, but the costume Tomoyo had produced as a compromise with the teachers wasn't much better. In fact, it consisted of little more than a simple, white tunic, supposedly of the style the Jewish people would've worn circa 30 AD, but whereas the costumes Sakura wore earlier in the play had been ankle length affairs that exposed her collar bone at most, this one barely reached to mid-thigh, and had such a deep v-neck that, had Sakura any cleavage, it would be on full display. Add in the removal of the wooden sandals she wore in earlier scenes, and it made her feel like she were wearing nothing but her nightgown, and one so skimpy she wouldn't want even her father and brother to see her in it without at least the addition of some bloomers and ideally with a shawl or blanket around her mostly bare shoulders. The only other part of her costume was a wreath of Holly on her head to represent the Crown of Thorns, and as she balanced on the tiny, raised platform at the base of the cross, her arms lashed to the crossbar with garlands of Holly, she tried to focus on her lines and what Tomoyo had told her about the bright, crimson berries of the holly representing the blood Jesus shed on the cross and the rich, evergreen leaves the eternal life after death Christians believe his sacrifice granted instead of the many pairs of eyes focused on her. Though, that grew impossible as Syaoran and Eriol, the latter cast as Mary, Mother of Jesus stepped out on stage, the half-British boy hamming up his part like he's done all evening and the Chinese boy seemingly nearly as flustered as Sakura herself. As the pair kneel before her, Sakura looks down, spotting a bright blush on Syaoran's face before quickly realizing that their positions and the hem Tomoyo insisted wasn't too short of her tunic must be giving him a clear view of her panties, her own face flaming up to match. As such, it's hard not to stammer as Sakura delivers her lines, first to Eriol, "Wo-woman, here is-is your so-son." and then to Syaoran, "and...and he-here is-is yo-your Mo-mother." The card mistress absolutely mortified as the pair kiss her bare feet and express remorse that there is nothing they can do to save Jesus or even reduce his suffering and then exit. Fortunately, Sakura mostly recovers her composure with Syaoran's departure, delivering her final line flawlessly, "Father, into thy hands, I commit my spirit." before letting herself slump as much as she dares, and as soon as the curtain falls and a stage hand undoes the holly holding her arms, she jumps down and breaks into a sprint for the dressing room to change into something less embarrassing. Slamming the door and pressing her back to it, Sakura breathes heavily, her flat chest heaving from the exertion of her quick escape. "Nice performance." calls out a male voice, pulling her from her attempt to catch her breath and making her realize she isn't alone in the dressing room. Noticing the intruder, still in the robes that made up his costume, she comments, "What are you doing in here, Syaoran-kun? This is the girls' dressing room, what if someone comes in and finds you here?" "They may not be as good as the lock or the shield," replies the boy as nonchalant as he can as he closes the distance between them, "But I do know a few spells for ensuring privacy." And before sakura can respond, Syaoran pulls her into a hug and kisses her full on the lips, bothpreteens blushing furiously even as they lean into the passionate embrace. When they break for air, Syaoran compliments, "You looked absolutely adorable on that cross." before placing his mouth near her ear and confessing in a barely audible whisper, "It's a good thing you're wearing plain, pink panties. Otherwise, I'm not sure I could have resisted the urge to do more than kiss your pretty feet." "Wer-were you expecting me to wear something different?" Asks Sakura, her face trying to invent new shades of red even as her curiosity insists she asks. "Knowing you, I half-expected you to be wearing something festive or Tomoyo to have insisted on picking your underwear as part of designing your costume," replies the boy, his own face in a race with Sakura's for finding new reds, "You know, something like green with a holly print or blue with little snowmen." "And what did you mean by do more?" she asks to change the subject, recalling a pack of festive print panties Tomoyo had insisted on paying for when the pair had gone winter clothes shopping she's pretty sure contain pairs with those exact descriptions. "We-well," Stammers Syaoran, not sure he can voice the desires that only the presence of the audience had stopped him from acting out before gesturing to one of the room's long benches and making an offer, "Stand on one of the benches, and I'll show you." Embarrassed by the thought of putting herself in a situation similar to what happened on stage, yet for some reason excited since it's just her and Syaoran, Sakura does as asked, and while the benches are much lower than the platform she stood on for the cross sene, forcing Syaoran to drop to knees and elbows instead of merely kneeling, neither says anything as he kisses her left foot, lingering for much longer than he did on stage before sticking out his tongue to lick between her toes, the act drawing a giggle from her. Once done worshipping her perfect feet, Syaoran starts trailing kisses up Sakura's left leg, continuing pass her knee onto her thigh, and stopping just short of the hem of her tunic, which is really just short of her crotch, the boy wondering what Tomoyo was thinking and certain it would have only taken a pocket telescope for anyone in the first few rows to have gotten a glimpse of Sakura's panties. Pushing that thought out of mind, Syaoran drops down to give Sakura's right foot the same treatment, but when he's done trailing kisses up her right leg and thigh, he reaches up her tunic to hook his fingers in the waistband of her panties befor glancing up with the most incandescent blush yet, his question of "May I?" barely reaching her ears. Sakura has no idea why he would want to remove her panties, but is too excited to do anything but nod. Before his courage can falter, he quickly yanks the pale pink cotton to her ankles, and if seeing her panties on stage had nearly undone him, then seeing the succulent, fuzzless peach they had concealed takes his breath away and leaves him unable to think anything other than how beautiful the goddess standing above him is. Letting go of her panties, Syaoran strokes the top of her feet for a few seconds before sliding his hands up her silken legs, and upon reaching her hips, he holds her firmly as he leans in, tongue out, and claims his first taste of her divine nectar, and it only takes one taste for him to be hooked, burying his tongue deep in her folds and trying to lap up every drop, Sakura crying out, "Syaoran-kun!" as her legs turn to jelly and his strong arms become the only thing holding her up. But as much as he would like to drink of her succulent, heavenly peach for the rest of eternity, a stirring in his boxers insists he strive for a different, more intimate union with his goddess. Continueing to eat Sakura out and keeping her steady with one hand, Syaoran's other hand undoes his robes and fishes his cock out of his boxers, the boy certain he wouldn't be able to stop himself at this point even if she said no and hoping she'll forgive him for being too impatient. He pulls away from her delicious peach, a thin string of saliva and girl juice connecting his tongue to her nether lips briefly before breaking under tension, and before she can whine, "Syaoran-kun, wh-why did you stop?" He has lifted her off the bench, taken a seat where she was standing, and controlled her fall on to his lap, his aim true as she lands on his cock, her complaint cut off by a gasp of pleasure as her most sacred place is filled with a boy's cock for the first time. Sakura isn't sure why Syaoran stuck his thingy inside her, and didn't even know there was even a hole for him to stick it in where it went in, but as he shifts his hands to knead her butt and bounce her on his cock, the resulting pleasure washing over her even stronger than when he licked her, she decides she doesn't care, and soon, her strong legs are pushing against the floor behind Syaoran, his goddess bouncing on his cock of her own accord. This time, it is Sakura who initiates the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her hands in his hair, the card mistress overwhelmed by the new pleasures she's discovered in the last several minutes. Syaoran doesn't yet realize just what he's awoken in the girl riding his cock with wild abandon, but is enjoying her enthusiastic response to him suddenly taking her immensely... So much in fact, that it isn't long before he can feel his climax building. However, Sakura is too interested in kissing him senseless to let him warn her he's about to cum, and even as he starts erupting within her, the naive nymphet is too lost in her own pleasure to care, riding him through his refractory period, the boy unable to do anything other than take it out of fear of hurting her if he tries to throw her off him, though he does manage to turn themso they are straddling the bench, letting him lie back as she lays atop him instead of trying to deal with her forcing multiple orgasms from him and keeping them from overbalancing and falling off the bench. Eventually, Sakura wears herself out, panting contentedly as she rests her head on his chest, seemingly unconcerned by the countless shots of his seed he deposited in her, the boy himself not even sure how many times he came in her, and though part of him knows he should get her cleaned up and in proper clothes before his spells wear off and they're found, Syaoran is exhausted from letting his new... he's not sure if calling her his girlfriend would be appropriate since they went from just friends to sex in a matter of hours, and lover implies, at least in his sex-addled mind, that events like this are a regular occurance... eventually, the boy decides the aftermath of what just happen can wait until they've both had a much needed nap as he realizes Sakura has already fallen asleep, looking even more angelic, and the way her crown of holly has gotten skewed during their activities only adding to her immeasurable cuteness.