Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 3: Etna Steals Christmas with the Prinny Elves. "Now listen up, Elf Squad!" Barked Etna like a drill sergeant as she paced in front of a platoon of prinnies that had, to mixed results, been dressed up like Santa's elves. The assortment of furred lined parkas in bright, festive colors had at least been tailored to fit the flippers and rotund physiques of the penguin-like plush bodies the condemned souls were forced to inhabit, but the pointy fake ears and the hooked toe booties glued to the end of their peg legs looked rather ridiculous. "Tonight is Christmas Eve," continued the demoness, either oblivious or quietly enjoying the discomfort of her slaves, err vassals as they stand at attention in their elf costumes. The prinnies weren't the only ones dressed up for the occasion, though Etna's outfit was arguably better put together. It was mostly the same as her usual attire, but most of the black had been swapped for a crimson that could just as easily be interpreted as the color of blood as being festive, and between the barely more than a bra covering her grade-AAA DFC, the mini-skirt with just the slightest bit of snowy white fur trim along the hem, and the thigh high boots that showed off just the tiniest bit of skin between them and the skirt, and onn top of looking like a pedophile's wet dream, the redheaded right-hand vassal of Prince Laharl and the self-proclaimed Beauty Queen fit the part of Santa's little helper to a t... if cute, but provocative were discarded in favor of looking like a street walker. "Which means," adds Etna before pausing for effect and developing a devilish, greedy smile, "that most of the homes in the Human world will contain massive piles of brand new, name brand merchandise, and all of it conveniently gift wrapped for the taking!" Clicking her boots together and turning to her troops, Etna declares authoritatively, 'therefore, we shall descend upon the human world and liberate them of all of their Christmas presents while they sleep!" Turning her back on the gathered Elf Prinnies and pointing towards the large dimensional gate she prepared for Operation Steal Christmas, the red-clad demoness declares, "Move out, troops!" The prinnies marching behind her as well as they can with their elf bootied peg legs. ### Things were going great for Etna's plans, even the platoons of prinny elves she sent on solo raids of individual homes successfully returning with massive sacks of loot, and between the demoness and her army of condemned souls, they had already cleaned out most of a major city and it's surroundings. And so it was with great surprise when, humming the closest thing the netherworld had to its own Christmas Carols, Etna stood up from shoveling the latest tree's worth of presents into a sack and slinging it over her shoulder, her eyes were met with a pair of sapphire blue behind a small pair of wireframe glasses. Examining the rest of the intruder, the demoness finds a long beard of snowy white, a pot belly, and a red suit trimmed in white fur. "Ho ho ho!" laughs the figure, "And where are you going with all those presents, little girl?" Putting zero stock in the human stories of Santa Claus, Etna assumes she's dealing with one of the humans living in this house, and putting on her best innocent girl act, she replies, "I'm just one of Santa's little helpers, retrieving some gifts that were misdelivered." "Now, now, good little girls shouldn't lie." replies the old man, wagging a finger at the demoness, "You demons might be long lived, but I've still got a couple of centuries on a demon whelp such as yourself and can see through your deceptions easily. Besides, I never misdeliver gifts, and while I allow my helpers to dress in a cute, yet alluring manner, I'd never let them out of the workshop in such indecent attire." Reaching into his coat, he pulls out a roll of parchment that unfurls to several feet as he reads. Deciding she should just stab the old man and make a break with the gifts, Etna drops the sack and brandishes her spear, but before she can run him through, he casually knocks the weapon from her hand with a gentle backhand. "Ah, here we are," comments the old man, finding what he was looking for on the long scroll, "Etna... Oh my, but you've been quite the naughty girl... looks like I owe you over a millenium's worth of coal from where I generally don't bother visiting the netherworld... and assaulting someone you think to be a helpless, old man doesn't help your case." Etna is starting to get weirded out by how much this being apparently knows about her and the ease with which he deflected her strongest normal attack. Sure, most denizens of the netherworld could see each other's stats just by focusing, but most humans couldn't, and this being seemed far stronger than any human should be. Refusing to cower, she lunges at the man, only to end up held by the wrist in a firm, yet gentle hold that seems to have her immobilized before the incredibly powerful being. "Though, perhaps, since you like to dress like a little ho ho ho, maybe treating you like one will be a more effective punishment than the usual lumps of coal and bags of switches." Next thing Etna knows, she is on her knees, kissing the plush carpet, her tail in the air and her skirt flipped up to reveal the lacy, red panties she wore for the occasion. "Seems you have some modesty after all," comments the old man as he rubs her silk covered rear, the demoness starting to believe she might have actually crossed the real Santa Claus and that he was actually powerful enough to know the misdeeds of every human and visit every home in the world in a single night, "I half expected to find a thong or that your magic skirt was the only thing preventing you from flashing everyone when you take flight." With that, Etna can feel him pulling down her undies and something poking at her demonic pussy. "Wa-wait!" cries the demoness, her usual confidence finally giving way to fear, "You can't! I'm a virgin!" "Ho ho ho, you trapes about practically half-naked, and yet have never been with a man? I have to wonder how many males you've manipulated with your body, only to creully blue ball them in the end. Well, this is your punishment." and with that, Santa spears the naughty demoness upon his cock, mercilessly shredding her hymen and giving her tight twat no time to adjust to his girthy member before he's jackhammering into her. "AAAAAAAAHHH! It HURTS! You're too fucking BIG! You're going to rip me apart!" cries Etna as her freshly deflowered girlhood is ravaged by Santa's cock even as she struggles to get away, only to find her strength, which has razed armies, leaves her as defenseless as a new born kitten, and not even a newborn saber kitten or Kit Kat under the might of a being who has served as a cosmic judge of naughty and nice since before she was spawned. "Ho ho ho, I'm about to fill you up with my special Christmas pudding!" cries Santa, increasing his pace. It takes some effort for Etna to process his euphemism through the haze of pain, but upon realizing his meaning, her cries of agony turn to ones of dread, "NO! Don't you fucking dare! I don't want to fucking deal with a demon spawn of my own!" "Perhaps the trials of pregnancy and the responsibilities of motherhood will stand as a lasting reminder to be a good girl." Whispers Santa in her ear as his thrusts grow erratic. "No! No! Nononononono! Don't cum in me! Don't make me pregnant!" but the demoness's pleas fall on deaf ears as with one final thrust, Santa buries himself balls deep in Etna's tight, tortured twatty, his tip pressed firmly against her cervix as hot, sticky seed shoots straight into her unprotected womb, her eyes going wide as her pupils shrink to pin pricks as she lets out a futile cry of "NOOOOOOOOOOO! Get your fucking cock out of me! Stop cumming in me! I need to get your fucking sperm out of me before they fertilize my eggs!" Etna scrabbles against the carpet, trying to yank herself away from the cock inseminating her, but the firm, yet gentle grip Santa has on her hips is as unyielding as a geo symbol under the effects of both no lifting and invincibility as his cock continues to pump her full of potent semen, a warmth filling her womb as it swells from how much he is letting out. Etna isn't sure whether a minute or an hour passes as Santa holds her in what she can only think of as a breeding bitch position, but by the time he's done cumming and slowly pulls out of her to put her panties and skirt back in their proper positions, it feels like her womb has grown to the size of a cantaloupe and she can feel it in her very demonic essence that it's too late for any amount of douching with the strongest spermicide RosenQueen sells to do her any good, assuming Santa's swimmers aren't as immortal as the man himself. "Ho ho ho, I hope you reflect on your past misdeeds and decide to be a good girl from now on." Comments Santa as he tucks himself back in his red pants. "You and those naughty souls you've enslaved have made quite a bit of extra work for me and my helpers." With that, he walks over to the fireplace, and placing a finger aside of his nose, and giving a nod, up the chimney he goes. Her enthusiasm for her plan to get tons of free stuff diminished by her punishment, Etna retrieves her spear and drags herself to her feet before issuing the order to return to the Netherworld. Back at Laharl's castle, Etna, too worn out to care about the seed seeping through her panties to stain her thighs and boots, turns to a Prinny and asks, "So how big was the final haul?" "Um, well..." replies the Prinny,, utterly terrified, "We've got nothing, dood." Eye twitching, Etna replies, "Nothing?" "Yeah, dood. A bunch of little people with pointy ears and hook-toeed booties showed up and stole back everything we stole, dood." "You're telling me you prinnies couldn't stop a bunch of actual Christmas Elves from robbing you blind?" Replies Etna, nearing her limit. "I'm too tired and sore for this yeti shit." declares thedemoness before with a flick of her spear, sending the poor prinny that delivered the bad news flying towards the rest of the prinnies, the resulting chain reaction lighting up that part of the castle like a giant Christmas tree as a disgruntled Etna marches off to bed with a murmur of "Bah, humbug."