Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 2: Hazuki in a Santa Dress Most of the fifth graders from Misora First Elementary were gathered at the Fujiwara home, one of the few places such a large group could gather for a Christmas Party, and despite her usual shyness, Hazuki was doing a admirable job as hostess, even if her closest friends were doing quite a bit to help her out. However, Masaru wasn't focused much on the party nor Hazuki's interactions with their classmates, more than a bit distracted by the santa dress his crush was wearing. That she was wearing one was nothing worth noting, at least half of the girls in attendance were wearing bright red outfits trimmed in white of one style or another. What had Masssaru's eyes glued to Hazuki as he stood in a corner doing his best to stay unnoticed was just how immodest the cut of her dress was. Instead of the ankle-length, loose fitting affair that would just be an apron and a white wig away from making her look like Mrs. Claus one might expect of such a reserved girl, she was wearing a sleeveless, form fitting affair that barely came to mid-thigh, and if not for the snow white pantyhose she was wearing underneath, the dress would expose the most skin of any outfit he's ever seen her in except for her gym uniform or school swimsuit. Overall, it was a style one would expect Segawa or Tamaki to wear, and yet Hazuki managed to look perfectly, adorably innocent. Masaru is so distracted by Hazuki's outfit that he doesn't notice as the lights dim, and the others start pairing up as a christmas waltz starts playing, only realizing the shift in atmosphere when the girl he's been staring at all evening walks up to him and asks, "Would you like to dance, Masaru-kun?" At his stammered reply of "Su-sure.", Hazuki closes the distance between them, placing her hands on his shoulders and pressing her body close enough he can feel her body heat through the fabric of her dress and his shirt. Not sure where to put his hands, he places them on her slim waist, only for her to drop her own hand briefly to move one of his hands to rest on her bottom as she whispers, "Y-you can touch me where ever you want." As the pair start to sway and twirl in time with the music, Masaru gives into the temptation to gently fondle Hazuki's bottom through the soft velvet of her dress, and while neither of them have ever done something so bold before, something seems off to Masaru's sense of touch. However, the boy can't dwell on that thought for long, as his boyhood reacts to having a cute girl pressed up against him, and he's certain there's no way she doesn't notice his erection pinned between them. And yet, her only reaction is to close her eyes and lay her head against his chest with a whisper of "This is nice." As the song ends and another begins, instead of continuing to dance with the various other couples from their class, Hazuki leads Masaru to an alcove that's mostly hidden from the main room by one of several christmas trees, and gently pushing him into an overstuffed armchair with a smile, she turns her back to him and slowly lifts the short skirt of her dress. The first thing Masaru notices is that what he thought were pantyhose are actually snow white stockings so high there would be barely any gap between them and their wearer's panties. The second thing he notices is that there are no panties for their to be a gap with as Hazuki's beautiful bottom is exposed to him, her pale posterior only a few shades darker than her stockings. The third thing he notices is the way her girlhood glistens in the flickering fairy lights from the tree concealing their little hiding spot. The slow dance had gotten him erect, but the site of his crush exposing herself has him straining against his jeans and fearful he's about to wake up with a sticky mess in his pajama pants. "Masaru-kun," speaks Hazuki in a barely audible voice, "My love juices have been dripping all evening and they do it whenever I think of you." and before Masaru can respond, Hazuki has reached behind her with one hand, unzipped his fly, fished out his cock and sat down, engulfing his length in her feminine folds as she lets her skirt fall to cover their union, making it look like she's just innocently sitting on his lap if anyone peeks into their hiding spot. Masaru had stroked himself to visions of the girl now wrapped around his boyhood, but his fantasies couldn't compared to how warm and cozy her cunny actually was, and the boy was surprised he managed to not shoot his load just from his crush impaling herself on his shaft. And then, after what seemed like a eternity of just being buried balls deep in Hazuki, she lifted her hips ever so slightly before sitting back down, the slight movement sending lightning up Masaru's spine... and then she repeated the motion, lifting herself a bit more with each repetition, until she was nearly completely pulling off of his member before sitting back down. Naturally, having never felt a real pussy before, it isn't long before Masaru can feel his balls tighten up, readying to expel their precious cargo, and this time into the belly of a cute girl instead of the toilet or a discarded sock. However, just when he thinks he's about to explode, Hazuki halts her motions and leans back, tilting her head up as she asks, "Does it feel good inside me, Masaru-kun?" "It feels amazing, Fujiwara." replies the boy, torn between relief and disappointment as he ads a confession, "In fact, if you hadn't stopped when you did, I think I would've shot my load by now." Her cunny clenches around him as she takes in his confession before she leans forward, hands on her stockinged knees and declares, "You're buried deep inside me, Masaru-kun, I think you've more than earned the privilege to use my given name." Resuming her motions, and going faster, she adds, "As for shooting your boy milk... since it's Masaru-kun, it's okay to do it inside." Not sure he could have stopped himself even if she hadn't given him permission, and too far gone to care about potential consequences, Masaru grabs her hips and slams her down on his cock as he thrusts his own hips up with a cry of "Ha-hazuki-chan!" as his tip erupts right up against her cervix, the first spurt of seed sending the girl into a climax of her own, her cunny convulsing around the cock buried balls deep within her, trying to milk the boy for all he's worth. As their shared climax passes, the pair collapse into the thick cushions of the chair, basking in mutual afterglow for several minutes before Hazuki comments, "That was wonderful, Masaru-kun." Sitting up, she turns around on his lap, managing to not let his semi-soft cock slide out of her before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. When she breaks the kiss, she guides his hands to her rear once more as she whispers, "Feel free to knead my bottom... even under my skirt." blushing at the end, but smiling widely as she feels him harden to full erection once more within her. Accepting her invitation, Masaru reaches up the back of her skirt to cup a silky half moon in each hand, gently fondling them before the urge to slide in and out of his young lover grows too great, and with a squeeze to her cheeks, he starts moving her up and down on his shaft, the girl leaning into his chest and both of them hoping no one comes looking for them anytime soon.