Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 1: Juri builds some snowmon. Snow blanketed Shinjuku, and while most of the tamers had insisted on staying indoors, Takato and Juri were enjoying the winter wonderland that Shinjuku Park had been transformed into. While Juri played in the snow, building snowmen, or rather snowmon, opting for sculpting life-sized statues of Guilmon and Calumon instead of the traditional stack of different-sized snowballs, Takato sat on a bench, immortalizing the scene before him in pencil on paper, a heavy blanket wrapped around him to keep the wrought iron from sapping his body heat. Or at least, that was what Takato was trying to do. Truth was, he found the attire Juri decided to wear for playing in the snow rather distracting... The puffy green jacket and the yellow mitten and scarf that matched her handpuppet were nothing special, but the white sweatpants she was wearing hugged her slender thighs and her cute butt perfectly, and instead of drawing the snow-covered landscape and her snow sculptures, he had spent most of the afternoon sketching Juri from various angles and in various poses, often emphasizing just how well that skin tight fleece showed off her lower body. Takato is pulled from his thoughts about how good Juri looks in her sweatpants by the sound of chattering teeth, and as he glances up to find Juri practically standing on top of him, he hopes she attributes his rosey cheeks to the cold and not to the blush brought on by having the subject of his latest drawings so close. "Ro-room for one more in that bl-blanket?" Asks Juri, visibly shivering, her sweats and puffy jacket clearly starting to prove insufficient for the weather. Before Takato can properly process the request, Juri has undone the folds of his blanket, the boy recieving a brief blast of cold air before the shivering girl is sitting in his lap and has pulled the blanket tight around both of them. Takato's brain nearly melts as he feels the heat coming off the thighs and rear he's been admiring all day, and he nearly has a heart attack as Juri takes his sketchbook from his slackened grip, the boy panicking internally at the prospect of being condemned as a pervert... a fear that only grows stronger as Juri peruses the contents of the sketchbook for several long minutes. When Juri finally closes the sketchbook and cranes her neck to meet Takato's eyes, he's surprised to see a smile on her face and to feel her lean into him as she pulls his arms around her. "Do you really enjoy drawing my bottom that much?" asks the girl mischieviously as she grinds her rear against his crotch, giggling when she feels something rigid poke her in response. "I'll take that as a yes... and you know, I'd be happy to model for you in a cozier setting... say in front of the fireplace at either of our homes... perhaps even let you get a little hands-on if your or my parents are out..." As she trails off, she guides one of his hands to her thigh under the blanket and encourages him to give it a light squeeze. "Uh, th-that sounds great..." replies Takato, almost certain he must have fallen asleep on the bench and this is a hypothermia-induced hallucination. "But first," continues Juri, handing the sketchbook back to its owner, "I want a drawing of the snow versions I made of Guilmon and Calumon... I'm flattered you like my rear so much, but I did nearly freeze it off making them." "Of-of course," replies Takato, flipping to a clean page and starting to sketch the pair of snow sculptures, trying not to think too hard about the cute girl snuggled up in his lap who had the exact opposite reaction to the drawings he did of her from what he expected. With her rubbing her butt against his erection, it takes a while for him to complete the sketches of the snowmon, but once she's content with the memento of her time in the snow, the pair stand up, Juri wraps the blanket around herself, and she leads the way back to her home. Upon arrival, Juri is quietly delighted that no one's home, a note on the fridge suggesting the preteens should have the place to themselves for a few hours. Discarding her jacket, scarf, and mitten to reveal a green-and-yellow striped sweatshirt that shows off the gentle curves of her midsection and the slight swell of her budding breasts, Juri leads a slack jawed Takato into the living room and starts a fire going in the fireplace. Although her family has gas logs, Juri stays on all fours, gently swaying her hips as she hums a Christmas carol, miming tending to a wood fire. Taking the hint, Takato sinks into a nearby chair and starts sketching Juri, though he doesn't get very far before she speaks up, using the voice of her handpuppet, "Ruff ruff! Juri did say you could get hands on if her parents were out!" Accepting the invitation, Takato nervously kneels behind Juri and places his hands on her fleece covered bottom, the flesh beneath that fabric barrier even more cushiony than in his fantasies. Dropping the pretense of tending a fire that doesn't need tending, Juri lets out a contented noise as she drops to her elbows and rests her chin on her crossed arms, stretching in an almost feline manner that emphasizes her butt even more as she comments, "Feel free to knead them, I know you grew up in a bakery specializing in bread, so..." trailing off as the boy starts working her half moons like a pair of uncooked loaves, the girl nearly purring. But when that's all Takato does for several minutes, she speaks up again, a bit annoyed at how timid Takato is being, "Don't be afraid to pull down my pants... and you can slide your thingy between them if you like, I really don't mind." Takato can't believe his luck and is sure he's about to wake up with a sticky mess in his briefs, but at her encouragement, he pulls down her sweatpants, slightly surprised to find she isn't waring any underwear, but too excited to care as he drops his own pants, and resuming his kneading of her butt cheeks, starts sliding his boyhood through her bottom cleavage. Juri starts to moan at having her bare bottom played with in such a manner, which only makes Takato more excited, but neither preteen is prepared for when, after pulling his hips back a bit further than usual, Takato thrusts forward and hits a bullseye, the head of his cock wedging into Juri's rosebud, both children gasping at the new sensation. Upon realizing where his cock head is, Takato panics, crying out "Sorrysorrysorry!" before trying to pull out. Clenching up her backdoor and pushing back against him, Juri replies "It's okay, only for his own retreat to jerk her back, the boy landing on his butt on the rug in front of the fireplace and Juri landing in his lap, her weight forcing his cock balls deep in her rear, the sensation of suddenly being sheathed in such a tight hole more than Takato can take as his virgin cock erupts in Juri's bowels. Juri is the first to recover, wiggling in his lap as she comments, "Having your thing in my butt feels much nicer than I thought it would." As Juri starts to experiment with sliding her anal ring up and down his shaft, Takato moans out, oversensitive from his recent ejaculation, and deciding she likes having him slide in and out of her, she kicks off her sweatpants and leans back as she starts riding the boy with abandon. "Ju-Juri!" cries the boy, overwhelmed as her tight hole repeatedly engulfs him only to try to hold on to him each time Juri pulls off. Rolling up her top to expose her budding breasts, Juri grabs Takato's hands and places one on her chest and the other between her legs as she encourages, "Feel free to touch me anywhere." the boy starting to knead the slight swell of her chest and finger her pussy as instinct and her encouragement finally overcome Takato's shyness. Though Takato is inexperienced at pleasing a girl, Juri isn't any more experienced at being pleased by a boy, and so it isn't long before the girl is trembling in her first orgasm not brought on by her own fingers, her entire pelvic floor clenching up, the resulting tightening of her rear passage milking another shot from Takato's boyhood. The pair sit in afterglow for quite some time, but eventually, the drying sweat from her exertion has Juri shivering, the girl quickly pulling off Takato's wilted member to squeeze back into those skintight sweatpants that started it all. Once her clothes are back in their proper place, Juri suggests they snuggle up under a blanket with some hot cocoa.