Detective Boys Valentine's by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Conan's Payback The shrunken teen geniuses say nothing as Ai unlocks the door and they enter the professor's house. As soon as she's confident they can't be over heard, Ai speaks, "So, Kudo-kun, what's got you in such a pensive mood?" Pretending to have not heard the question, Conan asks, "Any idea where the professor is?" "Knowing him," Ai starts, "He probably decided to hit up every cafe and sweet shop in Baika with a Valentine's sale and went while we were at school in hopes of avoiding me moderating his consumption, and speaking of avoiding, you didn't answer my question." Blushing brightly in remembrance of earlier that afternoon, Conan tries to stutter out a denial, "No-Nothing happened." Smiling knowingly, "Is that so? I thought for sure Ayumi-chan would take the opportunity afoorded by the two of you having cleaning duty today to give you some Valentine's Chocolates." Realizing Ayumi must of confided in Ai, Conan admits, his blush darkening, "She did." and then quickly adding, "But nothing else happened." Teasing the shrunken sleuth, the shrunken scientists says in a sing song voice, "Is that so? Then why are you so flustered?" Unbalanced by how two of his closest female friends have ben acting, Conan blurts out, "Because the chocolates she gave me were laced with aphrodisiac, we both got doesed, and and I-I..." the teen detective trapped in a child's body is unable to finish the admission. "It wasn't aphrodisiac." Replies Ai, further startling the detective. "Wait. What?" Replies Conan, his jaw dropping. "It wasn't aphrodisiac." Repeats the shrunken scientist. "It was more of an uninhibitor." "You mean, the chocolate was drugged with one of your inventions?" "Sure was!" replies Ai, sounding quite proud of herself. "Quite ingenius really, on it's own, it's completely inert and untraceable, but combined with the theobromine found in chocolate, it causes the subject to be completely honest with their feelings. That it affected you and Ayumi-chan like an aphrodisiac just means the two of you were holding back strong mutual feelings of romantic affection." "But...but, me and Ayumi...I'm more than twice her age! What we did was so wrong!" Exclaims the detective. "And if your feelings for Ayumi-chan had genuinely been of a fraternal nature, you would've bluntly refused her advances." Says the scientist in refutation of Conan's words. "Besides, as far as most of the world is concerned, you and Ayumi-chan are the same age, and children of elementary school age engage in erotic play more often than most adults are willing to admit." "But Kudo Shinichi's DNA is soaking into Ayumi-chan's vagina and underwear as we speak!" Cries the boy, on the verge of hysterics. "If her parents notice..." "They're not likely to investigate further once Ayumi-chan confesses she's been playing grown-up games with a classmate, and it's not like Edogawa Conan hasn't had other bodily fluids tested by those not in the know that could be used to prove that Edogawa Conan and Kudo Shinichi have the exact same DNA. Though, I confess I'm a bit jealous of Ayumi-chan. It'll probably be years before Mitsuhiko-kun can give me a creampie." Realization dawning on him, Conan shouts, "You dosed Mitsuhiko-kun as well?!" "And myself. He was quite the eager learner and a very attentive lover." replies Ai, Acting like the lovestruck schoolgirl she looks like. "Come on, Kudo-kun, as long as we're stuck in the bodies of children, we might as well enjoy the perks of being children, including cchillldish romances." As Ai walks away, Conan decides to take her advice and get some payback for her playing matchmaker in a rather childish way. While she has her back turned, Conan quickly preps his tranquilizer wristwatch for a child's dose and fires, hitting Ai in the neck before rushing forth to catch her as she falls unconscious. ### When Ai comes too, she finds herself stripped to her panties, lying on her bed, and with her wrists and ankles bound to the corners of the mattress. As Conan stepppps into her field of view, his suit jacket having been discarded to expose his vest while she was out, Ai asks, "What's the meaning of this, Kudo!?" "Welcome back to the land of the conscious, Haibara." replies the shrunken sleuth, approaching the bed with something in his palm, "I just thought I'd have some childish fun and play a little, I'm not sure prank is the right word, but there is an experiment I'd like to conduct." Holding up the object in his palm to reveal it as one of the misshapen chocolate hearts Ayumi gave him. Breaking it in two, he forces one half into Ai's mouth, the shrunken scientist struggling against her bonds and Conan's attempt to force feed her the drugged chocolate until it makes contact with her tongue, her indignity evaporating and being replaced by curiosity of what Conan is going to do to her. Conan then eats the other half of the chocolate, the little voice telling him he's going too far quieting as the drugged confection solidifies his resolve to torture the girl before him in the way of a brother wanting to torment a sister. Straddling the bound girl, Conan gets a devilish smile on his face as he reaches his handes towards Ai's exposed flesh, the shrunken scientist worriedly asking, "What are you going to do to me?" unable to cover her fear at knowing she's completely at his mercy with false bravado as her own drug forces her to express her true feelings, but the detective makes no reply as his fingers make contact with her ribs and starts tickling. Immediately, she is giggling at the top of her lungs, thrashing against her bonds and the boy's weight pressing down on her midsection in a futile attempt to drop her arms and cut off her ribs and arm pits from his assault. After what seems like an eternity, Conan halts his assault, leaving Ai panting and her small chest heaving from how hard she was laughing, the shrunken scientist unsure if she's ever laughed so much or so hard in her life. As she catches her breath, she's tempted to ask for more, unable to remember such a pleasant experience, but before she can open her mouth, Conan has hopped off the bed and is leaving the room and she instead calls out, "where are you going!?" to the boy's silent back. While Conan is gone, Ai is torn between anticipation that Conan has more overwhelmingly pleasant things in store for her and dread that he'll do something genuinely unpleasant to her when he returns. When Conan returns, he holds up a feather for Ai to see, grinning widely as she asks, "What are you going to do with that?" Saying nothing, the boy walks to the foot of the bed, and without warning strokes the exposed sole of Ai's foot with the feather and before long, the shrunken scientist is once more lost to uncontrollable laughter, her bonds making escape impossible. Conan then pulls out a second feather to target the sole of her other foot. As the shrunken slueth continues to mercilessly tickle her feet with those damnable feathers, her laughter filling the house, she doesn't notice her bladder starting to fill rapidly thanks to a bottle of diuretic laced water Conan had poured down her throat while she was out. As a result, Ai barely notices as she starts to wet her panties and the bed beneath her, only fully realizing what she's doing when Conan halts the tickle torture to comment, "WOW! Haibara is the last person I expected to ever see wet herself." Her cheeks burning in embarrassment, Ai retorts, "This is all your fault, Kudo!" "You know," starts the detective teasingly, "You're really very cute with the mask stripped away and letting your vulnerability show through." causing the scientist to blush more deeply. Careful to avoid the puddle she made, Conan straddles her waist, and pulls two smalle binder clips from his pocket. Squeezing her tiny titty to make her already hard nipple protrude a bit further than normal, Conan clamps one of the clips around Ai's nipple, a gasp of both pain and pleasure escaping her throat. Giving her a moment to recover from the shock, Conan repeats the process with her other nipple. Jumping off the bed, Conan dorps his shorts and briefs to the floor, prompting Ai to ask, "Why are you undressing?" Without a word, he retrieves a pocket knife from his discarded pants before kneeling between Ai's spread legs and staring at her crotch. Her panties, plain white cotton stained yellow from her accident, cling to every contour of her girlhood. With a careful hand honed on the crime scene, Conan slips the blade of his knife between fabric and skin to cleanly slice through the seam of the ruined garment on first one hip and then the other. Shivering as Conan tosses the pee soaked panties aside, exposing her wet skin to the open air, Ai goes crimson from head to foot as she weakly protest, "Pl-please don't look at me like this." Sliding a finger inside Ai, Conan replies, "But I can tell you're already wet, and not just from peeing. You're a bit of a masochist, aren't you?" She wants to deny it, but can't bring herself to do so with her drug still affecting her. Sliding his tip along her slit, Conan asks, "I'd bet you'd like me to give you a creampie, wouldn't you?" "NO!" cries Ai, finally finding something she can honestly protest about the situation. "My pussy belongs to Mitsuhiko-kun!" More shyly, she adds, "But, can use my ass if you'd like." Liking the idea, Conan unties on of her feet, only to tie it again next to the other foot. He then unties her second fot, flips her over, forcing her to cross her arms uncomfortably and reties the foot, leaving her now on her stomach with her legs held apart. Fingering her pussy to lubricate his finger, he then slides the slick digit into her anus to help prepare her. Once satisfied her rear passage isslippery enough, Conan holds the shrunken scientist's half moons apart as he slowly sinks his cock into her bowels, both of them gasping in pleasure, him from how much tighter her ass is compared to Ayumi's pussy, her from how much he's stretching her rectum. Not wanting to really hurt her, Conan starts slow, but before long, Ai is begging, "Fuck me hard and fast, Kudo!" and the shrunken sleuth is only too happy to comply. He reaches under her to rub at her clit, which only spurs her on further. As they both build towards their orgasm, Ai's bladder starts to fill again, a consequence of having a child's bladder and conan having forced her to drink a water bottle that would be large even for an adult, but the scientist is too lost in the moment to really care, and when Conan shoots his seed deep in her bowels, her orgasm isn't far behind and her bladder empties itself of its own accord for the second time in less than an hour. After catching his breath, Conan pulls out of her ass and uses her destroyed underwear to clean his cock before dressing. As he walks towards the bedroom door, Ai shouts, "Aren't you going to untie me?" "Nah," replies the detective, giving her a cheeky grin, "I think I'll leave you like this for the professor to find." With that, he quickly beats a retreat. As Ai's scream of "KUDO!" reverberates through the house, the shrunken sleuth runs out the front door, Passing Agasa as he's walking up the sidewalk on his way to the Mouri Detective Agency.