Detectiv Boy's Valentine's by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: Ai's Lesson Haibara Ai, formerly Miyano Shiho, inventor of APTX-4869 and it's second known victim to be turned into a child instead of being killed, sits alone in the Computer Club Room, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko the only other club member present, the rest having departed for the day, a situation the plays right into the shrunken scientists plans on this day of romance, for, like the other female member of the detective boys, Ai has prepared some special Valentine's chocolates for a certain boy. "Mitsuhiko-kun," calls Ai, getting the boy's attention. "Yes, Haibara-san?" replies the boy, walking over to where Ai is sitting. Without any fanfare, Ai hands a small box to Mitsuhiko, saying, "Happy Valentine's Day." Unlike the flashy packaging Ayumi used, the box Ai hands over is a simple, black rectangle. Pleasantly surprised to be recieving a valentine's present from Ai, Mitsuhiko takes the box reverantly, declaring, "Thank you very much, Haibara-san." before opening it. Instead of the poorly formed hearts Ayumi prepared for Conan, Ai's chocolates are perfectly formed bars. "They look great!" exclaims Mitsuhiko before offering, "Would you like to share them?" "I'd be delighted," replies Ai, a rare smile crossing her face, and before Mitsuhiko can react, Ai has pluck one of the bars from the box, taken half of it into her mouth and pressed her own lips against his before biting down, half the bar falling into the shocked boy's mouth. Within seconds, an intense but pleasant warmth spreads through both their bodies, the box of chocolates nearly falling to the floor as Mitsuhiko's grip slacks, saved only by Ai being prepared to catch it and place it on the desk. When they break for air, Mitsuhiko tries to speak, "Haiba-" only to be cut off by Ai. "As long as we're alone like this, it's okay for you to call me Ai-chan." "Yes, Ai-chan." replies the boy, his mind still fuzzy from the chocolate and the kiss. Standing up and reaching for the waistband of her shorts, Ai asks sultrily, "Mitsuhiko-kun, how would you like me to give you a hands-on lesson in... female anatomy?" "Female Anatomy?" starts the boy, confused by the offer, "Wh-What do you mean, Ai-chan?" Throwing her arms around his neck and rubbing against him in a way that would have most boys just a few years older pinning her against the wall, she whispers in his ear, "I want to show you my girl parts and how you can use them for a very... grown-up game." Shocked by the offer, Mitsuhiko can only nod. Breaking the embrace, Ai undoes the button on her shorts and lets them drop to the floor. After giving Mitsuhiko time to roam his eyes over her in just her black blouse and white panties, she asks, "Why don't you remove my panties?", the boy still too dumbstruck to do anything other than obey. Once naked from the waist down, Ai sits back in her rolling pivot chair and dangles her legs over the arm rests, completely exposing her vulva to Mitsuhiko in a way that would be hard to surpass without being in a gynecologist's exam room. Adopting a tone that is as much lecturer as seductress, Ai gestures Mitsuhiko to kneel before her as she starts the lesson, "The body parts that distinguish a boy from a girl are collectively called genitalia, and unlike a boy, most of what makes a girl a girl is on the inside, but the external portion of a girl's genitalia is called the vulva. At the moment, you probably can't see much other than a slit dividing my vulva in half with very puffy skin to either side. Those puffy folds of skin are called the labia and they help protect a girl's privates from foreign matter. Are you following me so far?" Nodding vigorously, Mitsuhiko replies, "Yes, Ai-chan." blushing, he adds in a near whisper, "It's really cute." Smiling broadly, Ai replies, "Thank you for the compliment." Spreading her labia, she continues, "Parting the labia exposes the remainder of a girl's external parts. At the top, concealed by a hood where the labia meet..." Ai pulls back her clitoral hood, " the clitoris. This little nub, one of the highest concentrations of nerve endings on the human body serves one purpose: to give girls pleasure. Go ahead, touch it and see how it affects me." Tentatively, Mitsuhiko reaches a hand out and presses his index finger against Ai's clit, causing the shrunken scientist to nearly jump out of her seat and let out a loud gasp. Pulling his hand back as if he just touched a hot stove, Mitsuhiko worriedly asks, "Ai-Ai-chan, Did...Did I hurt you?" Regaining her composure, Ai replies, "Not at all. In fact, it felt amazing, but it was intense. In fact, prolonged stimulation of the clitoris can leave some women unable to think straight, if at all, and women have been known to pass out from the experience. Anyways," Ai spreads her labia again to cotinue the lesson, "Further down you find two holes. The smaller hole, closer to the clitoris, is the urethral opeing, from which girls pee, but further down is the opening to the vagina, a muscular tube that connects the Uterus to the outside world. You can't see it, but the Uterus is a pear-shaped, muscular sack deep in a woman's belly that houses an unborn baby until it's ready for the outside world, a process known as pregnancy. There's more to a girl's insides, but I can show you a diagram of those later. The important part of a girl's insides for this lesson is the vagina." Holding her labia apart with one hand, Ai uses the index finger of her freed hand to point at her vaginal opening. "As you can see, there is some liquid coming from my vagina. This happens when a girl get's aroused and helps to lubricate the vagina. Like with the clitoris, it feels really good when a girl has her vagina is stimulated. Go ahead and try sliding a finger in and out, but be careful of my hymen, a barrier just inside the vagina that partially blocks it, as it's fairly delicate and tearing it can be quite painful." Mitsuhiko slips his finger into Ai's pussy, going slowly to avoid damaging her hymen. Unlike when he touched her clit, her reaction is far less jarring as she starts to let out soft moans at his touch. Unsure of what he's doing, Mitsuhiko asks, "Does...Does that feel good Ai-chan?" Running her fingers through his hair, she replies, "That feels great, Mitsuhiko-kun. Try combining that with rubbing my clitoris between you're thumb and forefinger." As he does so, Ai's moans increase in volume and her breathing becomes heavy as her stoic masks starts to crack. Before long, she starts to lose herself to the pleasure, bucking her hips against his hands, forgetting to use proper terms as she yells, "YES! It feels amazing! Pinch my clit harder! Finger fuck my pussy faster!" Mitsuhiko only understands part of what Ai is saying, but being the smartest boy in his grade not counting Conan, he easily deduces her meaning from context and does as she asks, staring mesmerized at the sight of her juices flowing over his hand as he plays with her. As her pleasure builds and her mind slips further into her lust, Ai buries both hands in Mitsuhiko's hair, forcing his face into her crotch and wrapping her legs around his neck as she commands, "LICK ME!" To shocked to do any thing but comply, Mitsuhiko drives his tongue as deep into Ai's passage as it'll reach, the boy surprised by how pleasant her juices taste as he starts lapping them up. Opening his mouth as wide as he can to encompass as much of her girlhood as he can, Mitsuhiko starts licking up and down her entire slit from vaginal opening to clitoris, and soon notcing a pattern in her responses to his actions that has the strongest reaction coinciding with his tongue flicking her clit, he decides to focus on that, sucking it like a starving infant at its mother's nipple. Mitsuhiko's efforts are soon rewarded as Ai tries her hardest to touch her knees together behind his head, drenching his face in a flood of her juices, her scream of "I'm cumming!" muffled by her thighs pressed against his ears. As her orgasm subsides and Ai releases her grip on his head, Mitsuhiko falls back to land on his rear, staring at the shrunken scientist sprawled out in the chair, her crotch soaked, her hair dishevelled, her chest heaving and an arm laid accross her panting face, and yet looking more beautiful to the young boy than he can ever remember. When she finally catches her breath, she sits up and stares down at the boy with the warmest smile she's ever given him as she says, "Apparently, you're a natural at reading a girl's reactions and giving her just what she needs. I've never came close to an orgasm that strong while masturbating!" Noticing the confused expression on his face, she asks, "I take it you have questions?" "Yeah..." starts the boy, "Like what clit, pussy, fuck, orgasm, and masturbate mean." "Ah..." starts the girl, resuming her lecturer's tone, "In order, clit is short of clitoris, pussy is slang for vagina, fuck is a somewhat vulgar term for sticking something in a bodily orifice, an orgasm is what happens when the pleasure from touching one's genitals reaches an explosive climax, and masturbation is when one touches their own genitals. Also, while you didn't ask, the technical term for stimulating a girl with your tongue is cunnilingus." Dropping to all fours and crawling over to Mitsuhiko, Ai adds, "Since you gave me such a mind-blowing orgasm, I should return the favor." Helping him up into a kneeling position, Ai makes quick work of lowering his pants and briefs to the floor, and wraps one hand around his little stiffy and cups his balls with the other as she explains, "Boys use their penis to pee, but when a boy gets excited, it becomes erect and can be stimulated to make the boy feel good." She gives him a few strokes to illustrate. "This sack, called the scrotum contains the testicles, which will start producing sperm when you get older. They too can be stimulated. Girls have similar organs called ovaries, which are connected by fallopian tubes to the uterus and produce eggs. It is the union of a sperm and egg to form a zygote that begins the formation of a baby within the mother's uterus, but it should be years before you have to worry about that." Giving him a few more strokes and blowing warm breath on his tip, she adds seductively, "I could bring you to orgasm just by stroking you, but I think you deserve fellatio, which is what it is called when one uses their mouth to stimulate a penis." Her explanation complete, Ai takes his tip into her mouth and swirls her tongue around it before starting to bob her head, taking a little more of him into her mouth with each downward movement of her head. Having barely held back his moans at having her touch him, Mitsuhiko can't help but sing his pleasure to the heavens as he is engulfed by her warm, wet mouth, a sensation beyond any he ever imagined coming over him as her tongue dances over his member. As her nose makes contact with his pubic bone, his tip pressing against the back of her throat, her tongue snakes out of her mouth to give his balls a lick as she gives several strong sucks to his entire penis. Noticing him tense up and suspecting he's fighting an urge to let his instincts take over out of his sense of being a gentleman, Ai pulls back, stroking him vigorously as she says, "It's okay, Mitsuhiko-kun. You can grab my hair and thrust your cock," "My cock?" he asks, cutting her off. "Slang term for penis." she replies, not losing a beat, "Grab my hair and thrust your cock down my throat if you want. Fuck my mouth with your cock as roughly as you want." With that, she returns to sucking his cock, taking it balls deep right away this time. Taking her words to heart, Mitsuhiko lets his desires take over, fisting both hands in Ai's hair and starting to buck his hips in time with her head bobs. Though both are virgins, Mitsuhiko has no experience with masturbation and is soon thrusting in a frantic, unrhythmic fashion, before thrusting as far into Ai's mouth as possible, her teeth pressed firmly against his pubic bone. As she suspected, he's too young to ejaculate, but his member twitches violently in her mouth as he shudders in orgasm. Letting go of Ai and slumping to sit on his heels, Mitsuhiko pants out, "Wow, Ai-chan, that was incredible!" "I'm glad you liked it." She replies. "So, does my favorite student have any questions for his teacher?" Blushing at being called her favorite, he asks, "Was that an orgasm I just experienced?" "I can't be sure since you're too young to ejaculate, that is, emit semen, a solution that serves as a medium for sperm, from your penis, but I think so." She replies. "Any other questions?" "You said babies are made when a girl's egg and a boy's sperm combine." He starts timidly. "That's correct." She answers, gesturing for him to continue. "If Sperm are made in the testicles and eggs in the ovaries, how do they get together to combine and make a baby?" Smiling proudly, she replies, "Now, you're a smart boy, Mitsuhiko-kun. You should be able to figure it out from the lesson. Think of it as a test..." Tilting her head and giving him a more playful expression, she adds, "If you get it right on the first try, I'll give you a reward better than fellatio." Motivated by her words, Mitsuhiko sits quietly for several minutes, carefully putting all the hints she's given him together, utilyzing everything Conan has taught the Detective Boys about making deductions. Just when Ai's heart starts to drop in disappointment that he isn't going to figure it out, Mitsuhiko speaks, "Does the boy slide his penis into the girl's vagina and ejeculate his semen into her uterus while the egg travels along the fallopian tube? Her heart swelling with pride at his right answer, she replies enthusiastically, "Well done! That's correct!" Laying down on the floor and spreading her legs, she asks seductively, "Now, for your reward, would my favorite student like to practice making a baby with his teacher?" "Wait, but wouldn't your hymen get in the way?" He asks, remembering another detail he hadn't considered in his answer. "Yes, you'll probably tear it with your penis, which is most likely going to hurt me quite a bit, but it will only hurt the first time, and only for a little while. Besides, It'll feel really good for both of us once I'm past the pain." Giving him a grin, she adds, "Besides, you've proven yourself smart and attentive enough that I'm sure you'll do everything you can to minimize my pain. Now, get over here and fuck your teacher's pussy with that hard, little cock of yours before I'm forced to give you detention." As Mitsuhiko positions himself over Ai, she guides his cock to her sopping wet opening, before instructing, "Now, just press forward until you're all the way inside, and don't stop until then no matter how much I cry." Reluctantly, he does as she says, though he's slow as he pushes through her hymen, easing into her as she stretches to accomodate him. She doesn't scream or wince at the lost of her virginity, but by the time he's fully seated within her, her eyes are shining with unshed tears. The pair embrace, Mitsuhiko simply savoring having her tight pussy engulfing him as she silently waits out the pain of her torn hymen. After what seems like an eternity, she whispers to Mitsuhiko, "You can start moving." At first, Mitsuhiko rocks his hips slowly, tenderly making love to Ai to ensure he causes her no further pain, but his slow pace soon becomes agonizing for the shrunken scientist, her desire to be ravaged flaring up as she hisses, "Fuck me hard, fuck me fast, fuck me raw, but enough of you being gentle!" as she starts bucking her hips against his as hard as she can. Taking the hint, Mitsuhiko picks up his pace, and the pair are soon fucking frantically on the Computer Club Room floor, sweat dripping off of both of them as their intellectual pursuits are forgotten in the pursuit of passion and a shared climax. And it isn't long before they reach that shared climax, crashing their lips together as his cock twitches deep within her and her pussy tries to milk him of the cum that he won't be able to produce for a few years. Part of Ai is disappointed she can't feel him shooting in her, even though she's unsure if her shrunken body's lack of periods also means lack of ovulation, but she doesn't let this ruin the bliss of riding out a climax in the arms of the boy who convinced her that her life has purpose beyond curing Kudo. As they regain their sense, they say in unison, "That was incredible!" Bringing his mouth to Ai's ear, Mitsuhiko whispers, "I love you, Ai-chan." As tears of joy well up in her eyes, he's worried he's hurt her, "Are you okay, Ai-chan?" "I'm more than okay." she replies before kissing him again, this time much more softly. When she breaks the kiss, she whispers in his ear, "I love you, too, Mitsuhiko-kun." Wriggling out from under him, she manages to get on all fours, and shaking her butt at him, "Up for a another round? If you take me in this position, you can reach under me to play with my clit or nipples as you fuck my pussy." "Sounds great!" says Mitsuhiko, but has he prepares to slide in her, the bell rings indicating they need to get ready to leave the school. "Guess we'll have to take a rain check on further lessons." Declares Ai, disappointment obvious in her tone. "I look forward to future sessions with my favorite teacher." replies Mitsuhiko. "I like that attitude." says Ai, smiling widely. "You're homework is to masturbate while thinking of me, and I may just quiz you on what you've learned today when we get the chance." After the two get dressed, Mitsuhiko insists on walking Ai home, and as they approach Professor Agasa's house, Ai sees a brooding Conan waiting outside. Giving Mitsuhiko a quick peck on the cheek, Ai says, "I'll see you tomorrow." Before she can run off to see what's up with the shrunken sleuth, Mitsuhiko gives her a peck on the forehead and says, "See you tomorrow." before giving her a quick hug and departing.