Detective Boys' Valentine's by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: Ayumi's Grown-up Play Kudo Shinichi, famous teen detective shrunken in an assassination gone wrong and living under the false name Edogawa Conan, was bored. This was a normal state of affairs given that he was at school and course work that had been easy the first time around was utterly mind numbing the second time around, but to make matters worse, he hadn't had a case recently to distract him from the tedium of maintaining his cover and he found himself on cleaning duty, which was still the most boring part of school. So dulled was the young detective's mind by his boredom that he failed to realize the implications of the date and that his partner for cleaning duty was Yoshida Ayumi. Namely, that it was Valentine's Day and that this gave the girl who has been crushing on him ever since he let slip he was smarter than any seven year old had any business being on his first day of school as Conan a rare opportunity to be alone with the object of her affections with little risk of interruption. Not that being cognizant of these deductions even a real seven year old could make could fully prepare him for what she had in store. Conan is suddenly snapped back to reality from his boredom-induced zombie-like state by Ayumi calling out, "Conan-kun!" Opening his eyes to meet the girls own bright orbs, their noses mere millimeters apart, barely enough space between them for the broom the boy was using to sweep the floor, the detective wonders how she managed to sneak up on him and from the front no less while his libido comments on how cute she is saying any boy her age would be tripping over himself for her attentions assuming he hadn't bought into the cootie myth before rationality reminds his libido that he's still mentally more than twice her age. Regaining his composure quickly, the diminutive detective replies, "Yes, Ayumi-chan?" Satisfied that she finally got Conan's attention, Ayumi executes the next step in what she's dubbed Operation: Boyfriend, declaring, "Happy Valentine's, Conan-kun!" as she pulls a small, heart-shaped box from behind her back and presents it to Conan. The Box is well wrapped in metallic, pink paper and glossy, lavender ribbon, with two little origamy birds, one pink, one blue and their neckes folded over each other in place of a bow. Knowing Ayumi's talent for paper crafts, Conan suspects this to be her handiwork with the origami probably intended to be a pair of lovebirds. Deciding it would be rude to reject the gift, Conan takes the box, saying "Thank you, Ayumi-chan." Much more excitedly, Ayumi urges, "Go ahead and open it!" Deciding it would be a shame to ruin such nice wrapping but unable to refuse the girl's request, Conan sits at his desk before carefully searching the box's exterior, first finding the pin holding the origami lovebirds in place and removing it, sitting the origami, the necks apparently glued together on his desk. As the girl waits with baited breath, he finds where the ribbon and paper were taped, the cellophane coming off easily without tearing the shiny materials. After laying the in-tact wrappings on the desk, Conan is left with a generic, red heart box in his hands, which he opens to reveal about a dozen, misshapened chocolate hearts. "Do you like them?" Asks Ayumi. Deducing that Ayumi made them herself and isn't as skilled in the kitchen as she is with stationary, he answers politely, "They look delicious, thank you very much!" "Go ahead and try one!" cries the girl in excitement. Placing the box on his desk and trying to politely refuse, Conan replies, "Maybe later, I had a big lunch and wouldn't want to spoil my supper." Fluttering her eyelashes for extra cuteness, Ayumi cooes, "Come on Conan-kun, they taste as good as they look." grabbing one of the chocolates from the box, "If you're worried I didn't do a good job, I'll even eat one first." "That's not necess-" the detective starts, but before he realizes what's going on, Ayumi has popped the confection in her mouth, climbed in his lap and cut him off with a kiss. Not a kiss on the cheek as she has done so many times before, but one square on the lips with the girl taking advantage of his surprise and the fact his mouth was open in mid-syllable to push the sweet off her tongue onto his. As soon as the chocolate starts to melt on his tongue, Conan feels an intense warmth spreading through him. Unable to remember feeling this warm except undergoing the change brought on by APTX-4869 and it's temporary antidotes, his first reaction is to think the Black Organization knows he's still alive and somehow tricked Ayumi into unknowingly slipping him a new, untraceable poison without APTX-4869's one-in-a-million flaw, but this thought slips from his consciousness as he realizes the warmth is pleasant rather than agonizing. When she breaks the kiss, she asks, "How was it?" in a tone that has no business coming from a seven-year-old's throat. Instead of a polite answer designed to rebuff her affections without offending, Conan answers uninhibitively, "Sweet, but not as sweet as your lips." A tone he's only used before in wet dreams of Ran escaping his throat before he initiates another kiss, all but forcing his tongue down the young girl's throat. As their tongues intwine, there hands begin roaming each other's body, though never venturing under clothes in a display you'd expect from a pair of Highschool second years in a broom closet, not a pair of elementary school second years in an empty class room. What little of Conan's rational mind that remains, observing the situation, but having lost the ability to control the seven-year-old body it's been trapped in, deduces the chocolate must have been laced with aphrodisiac, and quite a powerful one for how quickly it went into effect and that Ayumi seems as lost to pleasure despite most likely getting only a fraction of the dose. It isn't long before Conan can feel his shorts tenting and something warm and wet pressing against his tip, his rational mind's worse predictions confirmed when Ayumi breaks the kiss and exclaims, "Something's pressing against my kitty!" The young girl slides off his lap to kneel before him for a better look, Conan letting out a shudder as her tiny hand comes to rest on his bulge. Conan's rational mind screams that they need to stop this, but is unable to voice any protests as Ayumi unzip's Conan's fly and frees his little stiffy from his briefs. "So this is what a boy's thingy looks like?" asks the girl innocently, "It looks so different from my kitty!" As she wraps her little hand around his shaft, he knows he should stop her, but he can only moan and grip the edges of his seat hard enough to turn his knuckles white as she starts stroking him, "I hear there's a game grown-ups play that involves a girl playing with a boy's thingie like this." This isn't Conan's first time having a girl touch his penis, Ran having more than once insisted on washing him down there when she made Conan bathe with her despite his protests he could wash himself, but the way Ayumi is stroking him feels so much better and he's not sure if it's due to the aphrodisiac, Ran merely washing him instead of trying to get him off, or if Ayumi has somehow gotten in enough practice to avoid first-time awkwardness, and as if recieving his first actual handjob from a girl ten years his junior wasn't enough of a surprise, he felt something press against his tip before the head of his cock is engulfed in a wet warmness and something rough starts swirling around his tip and something cradling his balls. Looking down, Conan witnesses quite possibly the most adorable sight he's ever seen. Looking up with her big, beautiful, blue orbs filled with love and affection, Ayumi's lips are sealed around the collar of his cock, one tiny hand stroking his shaft as the other fondles his balls and doing it all in a way that looks cute rather than slutty. Ayumi pauses briefly to ask, "Do you like it?" her words barely intelligible around Conan's cock, the sheer want to please in her words banishing most of his guilt at enjoying this from someone less than half his age. Running his fingers through her hair, he replies, "I love it, Ayumi-chan!", causing her to try and smile around his member before redoubling her efforts. It isn't long before Conan is shouting, "Ay-Ayumi-chan! I'm gonna.... I'm gonna..." but before the shrunken sleuth can finish his warning, his essence is flooding into the little girl's mouth. Without losing a beat, Ayumi swallows most of Conan's seed, leaving only a little bit on her tongue. Licking her index finger and rubbing the viscous liquid between thumb and forefinger, commenting aloud, This stuff is nothing like pee. I wonder what it is?", but before Conan can recover from his climax enough to answer her question, a unfamiliar tingling in Ayumi's girlhood draws her attention to a different mystery. When Conan comes to his senses, he is greeted with an even cuter sight than that of Ayumi playing with his genitals. There she is, kneeling on the floor, her face red and screwed up in pleasure and concentration, her skirt balled in one little fist as her other hand vigorously rubs at her panty clad girlhood. As his brain struggles to comprehend the sight of a seven-year-old masturbating, all Conan can say is, "Ay-Ayumi-chan, Wh-what are you doing?" "Co-Conan-kun!" shouts Ayumi, "My kitty feels strange, but rubbing it isn't enough!" Laying on her back, she removes her panties, exposing her tiny, hairless slit to Conan's eyes. Her blush deepening at being so exposed, she struggles to say, "Co-Conan-kun! I think, I think my kitty wants you to I think it wants you to lick it!" Finding her pleas irresistable and knowing it would be rude to not return the favor for the blowjob, Conan forgets about the difference in their mental ages and crawls over to Ayumi. As he gets a good look at her girlhood, he can't help noticing how it differs from what he's seen of Ran's during bathtime. As he'd expect, Ayumi's is much smaller, but another major difference is that, where Ran has a rather thick bush of dark brown pubic hair she has to keep trimmed, Ayumi's is completely bald, which Conan decides makes it much cuter before lowering his head to the girl's folds and spreading her nether lips. As Conan admires her pretty pink pussy and inhales deeply of little girl scent, Ayumi squirms and whines needily, "Do-Don't just look at it! Ple-Please lick my kitty! Do-Do it before I go crazy!" Needing no further encouragement, Conan buries his tongue in Ayumi's folds, the young girl clapping both hands over her mouth to avoid drawing attention with how loud her moans are. After several minutes of Conan running his tongue up and down her slit, flicking it across her tiny clitty, and even dipping it inside her as far as he dare without risking tearing her hymen, Ayumi can feel a sensation both alien and familiar building deep in her belly. "Co-Conan-kun, kinda feels like... like I have to pee. Really badly!" but Conan only redoubles his efforts, knowing that means she's close to cumming herself and half hoping the sensory overload will make her pass out so she can sleep off the remaining effects of the laced chocolate and he can hopefully get them cleaned up and pass her condition off as a sudden illness to the school nurse. When Conan brings Ayumi to her very first orgasm, she really does pee, but Conan doesn't complain as he drinks down her combined juices, finding the tangy taste of her pee surprisingly pleasant. Once she's done trembling from her climax, she lies panting, sprawled on the floor. As she closes her eyes and the heaving of her flat chest becomes a slow rise and fall, Conan suspects she's fallen asleep, but this hope is dashed when she asks, "So, how did my kitty taste, Conan-kun?" "It was delicious! Much better than the chocolate!" answers the boy, surprised by how little exaggeration went into that line. Ayumi smiles at his answer before turning a deeper red than even her shirt, "Co-Conan-kun, there was one other bit of grown-up play I heard about..." cupping her cheeks in her hands as she trails off. Half anticipating and half dreading the answer, Conan prompts her to continue, "What's that, Ayumi-chan?" Barely audible, Ayumi answers by asking, "Co-conan-kun, would you... would you like to stick your thingy in... would you like to stick it in my kitty?" Conan can feel his cock growing painfully hard at her words and barely hesitates as he replies, "I'd like to, but are you sure you want me to, Ayumi-chan? I've heard that can really hurt a girl the first time a boy does that to her." "I know," replies Ayumi, "but I trust Conan-kun to make it not hurt anymore than absolutely necessary." Spreading her legs as wide as she can and reaching under her legs to spread her labia, Ayumi begs, "Ple-Please, Conan-Kun! I want you to stick your thingy in my kitty!" Lining his tip up with her opening, Conan pulls Ayumi into a kiss as he runs his hand through her hair and slowly enters her. At the first sign of resistance, he breaks the kiss to ask, "Ayumi-chan, are you sure about this? If I go any deeper, it's going to hurt." Her only response is to wrap her legs around his waist and give him a nod. Resuming the kiss, he pushes forward, rupturing Ayumi's maidenhead, swalloing her scream of pain in the process. As her no longer virgin pussy spasms in pain around him, he massages her scalp with one hand as he strokes her back with his other, any thought of pulling out squashed by the vice grip with which her arms and legs are hugging him. As she finally relaxes, Conan breaks the kiss and wipes a few tears from Ayumi's cheek before asking, "Are you okay?" With the pain having mostly subsided, Ayumi replies, "I'm fine." Squirming beneath him some, she asks, "How does my kitty feel?" Answering honestly, Conan replies, "You're realy warm and tight inside, Ayumi-chan! It feels incredible!" Blushing again, Ayumi replies, "Th-Thank you, Conan-kun. Now that the pain is gone, your thingy feels really nice in my kitty as well. It's so warm and hard!" After a few moments of them basking in the intimacy of simply being joined, she adds, "You can start moving if you want, Conan-kun." Pulling most of the way out and sliding back in, Conan starts to slowly rock his hips against Ayumi's, enjoying the way her pussy seems to eagerly let him in every time he pushes forward only to reluctantly let him out every time he pulls back. Seeing nothing but rapturous pleasure on Ayumi's face, he soon picks up his pace and before long, he is pounding her pussy like he's dreamed of doing to Ran ever since he hit puberty the first time around, enjoying every moan and coo of pleasure Ayumi releases into his ear whenever they aren't kissing. Feeling his climax fast approaching, Conan announces, "Ay-Ayumi-chan, it feels too good! I'm gonna...I'm gonna...!" Putting two and two together, Ayumi asks, "Is Conan-kun going to squirt that white, gooey stuff in my kitty?" "YES!" Shouts the diminutive detective. Hugging him even tighter and bucking her own hips in time with his thrusts, Ayumi replies, "Then do it! Fill me with the white gooey stuff!" Before capturing his lips in one more kiss just as his cock erupts deep inside her as if her words had direct control over his orgasm. This is enough to send Ayumi over the edge as well, her greedy, little cunny convulsing around Conan's prick, trying to milk him for all he's worth. Once spent, Conan rolls off top of Ayumi, not trusting his ability to support his weight and not wanting to cause Ayumi discomfort from having all of his weight on top of her. Once she's caught her breath, Ayumi cuddles up next to Conan, kissing him on the cheek before whispering in his ear, "I don't know what that stuff is, but I really liked it when you squirted it inside me." Reaching a hand to stroke him back to erection, she adds, "I'd like you to squirt in me again." before straddling him. Much to Ayumi's, and to the detective's surprise, Conan's disappointment, before Ayumi can sink on to Conan for round two, the Chimes indicating that the school's main gate will be closing for the day soon rings out. "Ah, poo!" pouts Ayumi, the juvenile foul language one last surprise from the girl for the afternoon. The pair quickly put their clothing back right, Conan using his analytical mind to ensure nothing is out of place before they gather their things and head for the gate. As they leave the school grounds, Ayumi whispers to Conan that she hopes they can do this again, the boy not needing his genius level intellect to know what she means, but before he can reply, she gives him a kiss and runs off towards her family's apartment. As Conan makes his way to Professor Agasa's house, his mind now clear and the rest of the box of chocolates Ayumi gave him in his school bag, torn between wanting more intimate moments with Ayumi and telling himself such a relationship is wrong given his greater mental age, the gears start turning as his deductive skills go to questions of how Ayumi got hold of Aphrodisiac, who gave it to her, and why.