Cherry Blossom Valentine by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Bubble Bath AsSouichirou steps foot into Sakurako's living room for the first time, the girl still cradled in his arms, she points to a closet door, "MY washing machine is in there." Walking over to the door, he sits her down and she opens the door to reveal a stacked washer and dryer, and the pair make quick work of tossing their clothes in the washer, shirts, socks, and Sakurako's bandanna included. It is only after she has added detergent and started the wash cycle that Sakurako fully realizes that she is alone in her apartment with the man she loves, both of them now naked, and despite what happened downstairs in her restaurant's kitchen, she can't help but go pink once more as she gets her first good look at Souichirou's unclothed body and gives him his first good look at herself in all her glory. Despite the intense lovemaking, despite the many compliments, despite the declaration of love, Sakurako still can't help but feel a bit inadequate as she feels his eyes roaming all over her petite form, self-conscious to the point she can barely appreciate his slim, slightly toned physique as she stammers out, "So-sorry I'm so-so flat and do-don't have more curves..." Closing the distance between them, Souichirou pulls her into a hug, whispering softly, "You're beautiful." before placing a kiss on her now exposed forehead, and a second kiss upon her lips when she opens her mouth to protest the compliment. When they break the kiss, Souichirou asks, "So, where's your bathroom?" the still flustered girl leading the way. As they enter the bathroom, a small, western-style affair, with a tub but insufficient space for washing up prior to getting in the bath, Souichirou asks, "How do you like your baths?" "Hot, but not scalding." replies the girl as she heads for her bathroom sink. As Suichirou draws them a hot bath, Sakurako starts to undo her pigtails, her golden tresses falling in tiny waves to her shoulders as she combs her fingers through her hair. As he stopsup the drain after giving the water time to heat up, Souichirou notices a bottle of cherry blossom-scented bubble bath, and pouring a generous amount into the water, the room is soon filled with the flowery fragrance and the bath is covered with a layer of pink bubbles. Sakurako fidgets in front of the mirror as she listens to the tub fill, not quite ready to meet Souichirou's gaze or to examine his body some more, and it's only when the water stops and he calls to her, "Come on, Sakurako-chan, the water's perfect." Removing and folding her glasses, Sakurako places them on the bathroom counter before turning around to find Souichirou already sitting in the tub, the pink foam obscuring his lower body from her slightly unfocused gaze. "Why don't you join me?" He asks with a come hither gesture, and even as her whole body goes pink as the foamy water, she nods her head as she walks over and lowers herself into the tub, nestling between his parted legs. Pulling her into a hug, the motion pressing his semi-flaccid member against her dainty derriere, he whispers in her ear, "You look cute with the glasses, pigtails, and bandanna, but seeing you with your hair down is a nice change of pace." before scooping up a palmful of water and running his fingers through her hair, wetting her tresses as he gently caresses her scalp. Despite her nerves, Sakurako can't help but relax under his ministrations, her eyes drifting close as she leans into his embrace, enjoying the warmth of both his body and the bath. Glancing around, he spots her shampoo, and lathering up his hands, he continues to massage her scalp, careful not to tangle or pull at her hair as he does so. "This is nice..." she mumbles as he finishes washing her hair before grabbing some body wash and starting to massage her shoulders before working his way down her arms. Upon reaching her wrists, he moves to washing her trim tummy before lifting her slender legs out of the water to wash them as well, Sakurako letting out a giggle as Souichirou washes her feet. "lean forward so I can wash your back." comes his gentle request, and though she was enjoying resting against him, she does as asked, though as he starts to massage her back, the disappointment of no longer resting against him quickly fades. When Sakurako lays back once more, part of her notices that his member is more erect than before, but it isn't until he places his hands upon her barely budding breasts that the petite woman realizes he's already washed her in all the non-intimate places, not that she minds much, moaning softly as his slippery hands glide over her small, but sensitive breasts. "Sorry my breasts are so-" Sakurako tries to comment before being cut off by a gasp as Souichirou pinches one of her nipples. "How many times do I have to tell you your small breasts are perfect?" he replies, gliding a hand down her tummy to her crotch, starting to tease at her folds. "But I'm not se-" she tries to cry out, only to let out an even louder gasp as he pinches her clit. If you're going to keep denying your charms, you leave me no choice..." With that, he snakes his arms under her thighs, lifting her out of the water. Lining up his tip with her entrance, he strokes himself a few times to make sure his shaft is nice and slippery from the body wash before letting Sakurako fall, her weight driving him balls deep in her pussy and making bubbles go everywhere as she hits the water with a big splash. Giving her no time to recover from the sudden penetration, Souichirou starts pistoning Sakurako upon his shaft, the soapy film between themletting the petite woman easily glide against him, the sounds of her cries of pleasure and splashing water filling the small bathroom as he puts his all into doing his best to prove just how attractive she is to him. With her legs draped over his arms, he resumes playing with her small breasts, massaging the minute mammaries and rolling the tiny nipples between thumb and forefinger. Still new to such sensations and with him giving it to her harder and faster than he did down in the kitchen, it isn't long before Sakurako is crying out, "So-Souichirou-kun! I...I'm going to cum!" "Me too!" cries Souichirou, "Is it okay to cum inside!?" "YES!" cries Sakurako as she careens over the edge, her pussy pulsing powerfully and clutching his cock so tightly he couldn't have withdrawn had either of them wanted him to. "Here it CUMS!" he cries, unable to hold back as his seed erupts from his tip, flooding the petite woman's womb for the second time that evening. As they come down from their shared climax, Sakurako relaxing against him and Souichirou letting her legs sink back into the water, the pair bask in afterglow for quite some time, and it isn't until both of them have started pruning and the bath has started cooling that Sakurako breaks the companionable silence with a slight shiver, "This has been nice, but I think we should hurry up and get out," glancing around and noticing quite a bit of water on the floor from their earlier activities, she adds, "and it looks like we made a bit of a mess." With that the pair make quick work of rinsing off and drying themselves, Souichirou using an extra towel to mop up the water on the floor as he watches Sakurako, wrapped in nothing but a fluffy, pink towel from armpits to knees as she sits on the lid of her western-style toilet and brushes out her towel tousled tresses. "You look really cute when you do that." he comments, wringing the soaked towel out over the tub. Despite their earlier activities, she can't keep a dusting of pink off her cheeks as she asks, "Do what?" "Brush your hair." he replies, offering her her glasses. Still not used to being complimented, especially over something so mundane, she takes her glasses before asking, "Mi-mind checking the laundry while I go get dressed?"