Cherry Blossom Valentine by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: In the Kitchen As Sakurako flees the scene of the accident, Souichirou can only stare in shock at her retreating back, his crush wetting herself right in front of him, and apparently in the middle of presenting him Valentine's chocolate, the last thing he expected to see. And yet, it is not disgust that the shock gives way to, but rather, a desire to comfort the girl he just witnessed peeing her pants, and if anything, he actually found the sight of her helplessly wetting herself a turn-on, his own cheeks burning at the thought. Standing up, he bends down to retrieve the box of chocolates from the puddle of pee, and as he follows the trail of tinkle towards the kitchen, he unwraps the package to find the thick paper prevented the box within from getting wet. Opening the box, he pops one of the chocolate hearts within into his mouth as he steps into the kitchen and spots Sakurako, the blonde standing over the sink, visibly shaking as she sobs, her back to him and showing off the soaked seat and thighs of her pants. Hearing his footsteps, the distttraught girl chokes out, "Ju-just go away... I.. I know there's no way yo-you could like someone who wets themselves like a baby." Ignoring the dismissal, Souichirou closes the distance, sitting the box of chocolates on a counter top as he wraps his arms around Sakurako, uncaring as her wet rear presses against his crotch, "Your accident doesn't bother me in the least..." dropping to a whisper as he adds, "If anything, seeing you like this makes you look even cuter than usual." before returning to a normal speaking voice, "Besides, the chocolate is delicious." "Yo-you're just saying that to be po-polite." Stammers Sakurako, tears still streaming down her cheeks as her insecurity prevents her from believing his words. "It's true," he insists, "You're thecutest girl I've ever seen, far more attractive than any of those models in the fashion magazines." "I...I don't believe you." she cries. Holding her so close, Souichirou can feel his pants growing tight as the moisture from her piddled pants seeps through, and as his arousal stirs, he lets up a silent prayer that Sakurako forgives him for what he's about to do as he whispers in her ear, "Let me show you just how cute you are." before lightly nibbling on her earlobe for a few moments and then turning her head, capturing her lips in a kiss as she parts them to voice another protest. Her eyes go wide in surprise before falling half-lidded as she melts into the kiss, and as their tongues tentatively touch each other's lips, Souichirou reaches down between them, unzipping his fly and pulling her soaked pants and the cherry blossom pink panties beneath to her knees. Breaking the kiss, he takes a half step back and glances down to admire the pale flesh of her lovely half-moons and her girlhood, glistening with the remnants of her accident peeking from between her thighs. As he lines up his tip with her opening, Sakurako asks, "Wh-what are yo-" only to be cut off by a gasp as he thrusts forward, taking her virginity and sinking balls deep in an instant. Souichirou simply savors the sensation of Sakurako's snug snatch stretched around his shaft as he leans forward, pressing her back against his chest once more as his hands reach up her shirt to cup her small breasts, the blonde wearing no bra due to them being barely more than buds and letting out soft moans as he gently needs her modest mammaries. Wiping away her tears, he asks her, "Now do you believe I think you're cute?" "I must be dreaming." replies Sakurako only to let out a squeak when he pinches one of her nipples as if to prove it isn't a dream. The pair stand hunched over the sink for several minutes, Souichirou simply basking in the pleasure of holding the girl he loves in his arms with her warm, wet passage wrapped around his shaft and Sakurako basking in the pleasure of being held in the arms of the man she loves while his hard member fills her most intimate place. Eventually, Souichirou can no longer hold back on his desires as he pulls his hips back until only his tip is within her and then slides forward once more, Sakurako letting out a moan as her snug snatch is stretched once more, the pain of her deflowering quickly forgotten as her lover repeats the action. Soon, Souichirou has worked himself into a frenzy, Sakurako's moans filling the kitchen of the desserted restaurant as she braces herself against the sides of the sink, her cute cries driving him wild as he pummels the petite woman's warm, wet, wonderful womanhood. Continuing to massage her nearly flat chest,,,,, he whispers in her ear, "Your small breasts are so soft, they feel wonderful in my hands." Her cheeks as pink as her namesake flowers, she stammers a protest, 'Su-surely yo-you would prefer them to be be bigg-" only to let out a squeak as Souichirou pinches a nipple with one hand and drops his other hand down to pinch her clit. "You're absolutely adorable and there's not one thing I'd change about you." is his only reply as the hand at her crotch reaches further down to grab one of her knees, lifting her leg out of her drenched pants an panties, the soaked garments falling to the floor as he turns Sakurako around. Throwing the one slender leg over his shoulder and grabbing her other to do the same, the pair are now face-to-face, the girl's cherry blossom blush on full display to the boy as he grips her hips and resumes his thrusting, Sakurako's elbows pressing into the bottom of the sink as her hands grip the lip of the counter for dear life as she melts under the assault upon her femininity and the expression of exuberant joy and absolute adoration upon her lover's face. Feeling himself nearing his orgasm, Souichirou leans down, pulling Sakurako into a tight hug as he declares, "I love you, Sakurako-chan!" "I-I love you too, Souichirou-kun!" replies Sakurako with barely a moment to spare as his lips crash upon hers, the pair sealing their mutual confession with a kiss as they both careen over the edge, the boy shooting his seed deep within the girl as the girl returns the hug, her passage pulsing powerfully about his shaft, eager to extract every drop of his essence. So lost in their mutual bliss, the lovers fail to notice as Sakurako's bladder relaxes, dispelling leftover piddle from where it had been too stretched to fully contract during her previous accident, thoroughly soaking Souichirou's pants as the pair bask in mutual afterglow. As the pair come down, Souichirou gently lowers Sakurako on to shakey legs as they examine the mess that has been made of their clothing, Sakurako blushing at the sight of his seed seeping from her no longer virgin folds. "Um... did you cum inside?" Asks the shy girl looking up to meet his eyes through her half-moon spectacles. "I'm not on the pill or anything..." she trails off as she averts her gaze. "Sorry," replies Souichirou, "I was too lost in the moment to think straight." taking a few steps to close the distance between them, she places her hands on his shoulders as she leans her head against his chest, pressing an ear over his heart as she replies, "It's okay, since it's you and I love you." Wrapping her in a hug, he replies, "I love you too." before leaning down to kiss her forehead just under the edge of her bandanna. The pair stand there in companionable silence for several minutes until the scent of stale urine reaches Sakurako's nose, prompting her to declare, "I really need to get cleaned up... and I got your clothes all wet as well..." she trails off for a moment before gathering her courage and inviting, "Would you like to take a bath together?" "That sounds nice." replies Souichirou as his petite lover pulls away from his embrace. As Sakurako bends over to pick up her soaked pants and panties, inadvertantly giving Souichirou a good view of her round, little butt, he can't help commenting, "There's a lovely moon out this evening." making the shy girl freeze in place, a blush flaring up on her face once more. Taking advantage of her momentary shock, he scoops her up in a princess carry, her soaked garments clutched in her hands as he asks, "Where are the stairs?" and as she points, unable to speak at the moment, he carries his adorable lover towards the apartment over her little shop.