Cherry Blossom Valentine by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: A Desperate Day It was Valentine's Day, and business was booming for the Kintoki store, the small restaurant proving quite popular among young couples, especially on this day of romance. The store's owner and sole worker, Sakurako had a smile on her face and a spring in her step as she dashed between tables and the kitchen over and over, taking, preparing, and delivering orders, busier than a bee tasked with pollenating an entire grove of her namesake flowers, the petite woman delighted to see so many couples displaying their love and affection for each other even if the holiday rush meant she didn't have a moment's rest. Sakurako's spirits were also high because of her own plans for that evening. She had invited Souichirou to stop by the store shortly before when she planned on closing early for the day, and she had spent most of the evening before pouring her heart and soul into making the finest homemade chocolates she could, and planned to present them to him after the last of her customers had left and left the two of them alone. However, there was one problem. Sakurako normally wasn't a big drinker of coffee, but knowing she would need all the energy she could get to survive what just might be her shop's busiest day of the year, she had drank a whole pot of her strongest brew before opening that morning and had snuck quite a few extra cups throughout the morning, and as the lunch rush reached its peak, she could already feel all that liquid making its way to her bladder, the caffeine helping her keep up with her customer's demands also helping to speed fluids through her system. Of course, as an independent restaurateur who handles both cooking and serving duties and having no employees, Sakurako is no stranger to having to put off her own bodily needs to keep up with her customers' demands, but as the lunch rush fails to give way to the usual mid-afternoon lull, the young blonde starts to grow nervous as the pressure in her piddle pot grows, her steps slowing as she presses her thighs together in an effort to keep her waste waters from pouring into her panties as she continues taking and filling orders, even as it feels like every drink she pours is being poured into her throbbing tinkle tank. As school lets out for the day, there's another rush to rival the lunch time rush, the already busy restaurant nearly bursting at the seems, and among the teens stopping by for afterschool snacks is one of Sakurako's best customers, Momoko, the redhead accompanied by Miyako and Kaoru, the bubbly blonde gushing over all the couples on Valentine's dates and the dark-haired tomboy looking like she'd rather be anywhere else at the moment. "Welcome to Kintoki Store, Momoko-chan, Miyako-chan, Kaoru-kun," greets the bandannaed girl, "The usual for each of you?" After taking the trio's orders and hoping the familiarity of them being regulars doesn't let them realize her distress, Sakurako heads back to the kitchen to prepare their snacks, coyly grabbing her girlhood through the pants of her samue to briefly relieve the pressure, wishing she could stop everything for just five minutes to head upstairs and visit her personal bathroom before resuming her work. As she delivers the girls' orders, Miyako asks, "So, I noticed the sign out front advertising an early closing this evening... Got any plans with Souichirou-kun?" "Um..." Starts Sakurako, her face going as pink as the cherry blossoms on her bandanna, "Well...i...I do plan to give him some homemade chocolates." "I'm sure he'll love them!" declares Momoko, talking around a mouthful of cake. "Hope you two can enjoy a romantic evening." adds Miyako, making their hostess blush deeper. "Ugh." interjects Kaoru, "All this romance talk is nauseating." "Well, I need to get back to work, the store's never been so busy!" comments Sakurako, excusing herself and hopeful that none of the girls noticed her stiffer than usual posture. As the afterschool rush gives way to the early dinner rush, Sakurako's tinkle tank throbbing like a ticking time bomb, the blonde's smile degrades from a genuine one sharing in the joy of her customers to one of strict professionalism, the girl no longer able to register the public displays of affection as all of her attention not taken up by doing her job goes to preventing the prodigious pool of piddle from pouring into her panties and onto the floor. Sakurako is so distracted by her desperation that she doesn't initially notice Souichirou taking his usual seat at her counter until a third call of, "Sakurako-chan!" Startled by his cry, Sakurako goes ram rod straight, her thighs trembling terribly as a tremendous throbbing threatens total tinkle tank rupture. Regaining some composure, she stammers out, "He-hello, Souichirou-kun! Yo-you're earlier than I expected." "Just thought I'd come early enough for a quick snack." replies the boy, the sound of his voice causing a tingling of a very different kind to start in Sakurako's belly. She would love to just stand there and chat with him, but closing time is still a bit off, so she tells him, "So-Sorry, very busy." as she returns to her work, hoping he won't be offended by her snubbing him or notice how badly she needs to pee. As the last of her customers leave and she finishes wiping down her grill, Sakurako lets out a sigh of relief... she wants to go upstairs to finally take a long overdue tinkle, but she doesn't want to keep Souichirou waiting too long, and as the stress of the busiest day she can remember drains away, butterflies fill her tummy, joining the pressure in her piddle pot, and she fears that any delay in presenting her chocolates will cause her to lose her nerve. Nervous but excited at the prospects of what the evening might hold, Sakurako grabs the box of chocolates from where she left them in the kitchen for safe keeping, and despite her piddle pot's protests, manages to skip as she heads out into the main room of the small restaurant, stopping in front of the barstool where Souichirou is sitting. Pulling the box from behind her back, the wrapping paper the same blue with cherry blossom petals pattern as her signature bandanna, she holds it out with both hands, her whole body trembling as much from nerves as from desperation, she starts to speak, "Ha-happy Va-valentine's Day, So-souichirou-kun... I made yo-you some..." But before she can finish stammering her sentence, it happens, a spasm stronger than any other strikes, a spurt slipping past her sphincter to dampen her panties. As the color drains from her face, all Sakurako can think is 'Nononononononononono!' as her tired, overtaxed tinkle tank takes advantage of her shock to force out a second and then a third spurt and before she can attempt to regain control, her pent-up piddle is pouring full force into her undies, soaking through to darken her pants and form a puddle around her feet, Souichirou staring at her as she wets herself like a little girl. Once she's finally empty and the shock of wetting herself in front of her crush finally shatters, another downpour begins, this time coming from her eyes and streaming down her cheeks. Face as pink as her namesake, she covers her face with both hands, not seeming to care as the box of chocolates drops into her puddle and she bolts for the kitchen, leaving a trail of tinkle in her wake.