The Queen and Her Delinquent by Imouto Kitten Chapter 5: Here We Go Again The sight that greets Sapphire as she enters the royal nursery, the queen in nothing but an elegant silk night gown as white as snow, is almost more than she can take. Walking back an forth with a gentle rocking in her steps, Raspberyl looks quite angelic despite the bat-like wings fluttering on her back and the barbed tail bobbing on her cute little butt clearly marking her as a demon. The diminutive girl is quietly humming a lullaby Sapphire taught her, one the queen's late mother sung to the blonde as a child, an infant princess on each of the magenta-haired girl's small breasts, Ruby and Emeral dressed in fleece onesies to match their respective namesakes. Resisting the urge to glomp her wife in all but name and their young children, Sapphire watches the display of motherly bliss in rapt silence, approaching the demoness who stole her heart only when Raspberyl lays the children, now sound asleep and with full bellies, in their respective bassinets. As Raspberyl pulls up the straps on her own nightie, this one looking as if made of cherry blossom petals, Sapphire kneels behind the shorter girl, pulling her into a hug, the queen's chin coming to rest between the demoness's horns, her erect futahood sliding between the magenta-haired girl's creamy thighs. As the new mother starts to reflexively grind against her queen's erect member, Sapphire whispers in her consort's ear, "Watching you care for the twins, I don't think I could've made a better choice of who would be the mother of my children. Makes me want to get started on giving them some little sisters." As Sapphire starts humping in time with the demoness's grinding, Raspberyl replies, "I'm glad you picked me... but I already told you, I want to wait a while before having more children." "I know, and I'm willing to accept that, but when will you allow us to resume the most intimate of our bedroom activities?" Says Sapphire, struggling to keep her moans low enough to not wake her children as she continues to thigh fuck their mother. "It's not that I don't want to..." starts Raspberyl, it taking all of her discipline as a delinquent to keep her own voice down, "But with me having the fertility of a succubus with none of the control... and you were there when Mao told us my succubus heritage would just burn through every contraceptive potion and drug he knew of." "Yeah, and the virility of the Rhodonite family's futanari is Legendary," replies Sapphire, "but I managed to find a shop that sells condoms that can accomodate even my girth." With this, the queen pulls a rolled up foil packet from her cleavage and unfurls it before her consort's face, the unrolled square nearly four inches on an edge. "What do you say? Want to give it a try?" "I don't know..." replies Raspberyl reluctantly as she reaches her hands down to encircle the collar of Sapphire's girlcock, grinding her tiny twatty more vigorously against the taller girl's shaft as she continues, "Can't I just bring you to climax like this?" "Aww, but Berry-chan..." Sapphire starts to whine, "It's been nearly three months since the twins were born. Even a human girl would only need half that time to recover from childbirth. I'm going crazy not having my girlcock wrapped in your warm, wet, velvety depths! I fear I might fly off in a blind lust and violate some poor, unsuspecting girl if I don't get a proper milking from my cuddlily cute consort's cozy cunny soon." A sense of guilt fills Raspberyl's small chest, both from her queen's obvious distress at the weeks of involuntary abstinence the demoness has subjected the futanari to and at the thought of how badly an ordinary girl would be hurt by Sapphire's massive member, especially with the enhancements due to succubus secretions. Her own desires and her guilt getting the better of her, Raspberyl gives in, "We'll try the condom," plucking the packet from Sapphire's grip, Raspberyl continues, "But I'll be putting it on you." "Of course, Berry-chan." replies Sapphire, releasing her grip on the shorter girl to let her do just that, but instead of the demoness immediately tearing open the packet, she quietly takes to the air, her wings fluttering nearly silently. whispering in Sapphire's ear, "I'll meet you in the royal bed chambers." Raspberyl takes off, leaving a frustrated Futanari in her wake. Trying to pull her nightgown over her massive erection to hide it, Sapphire comments, "You're going to get it, Berry-chan." before following the magenta-haired girl, her walk brisk but slow compared to the delinquent's flight. Reaching the bedroom she shares with Raspberyl and Almaz, Sapphire finds her older, but much shorter and cuter consort sitting on the foot of the bed, her pink nightie discarded and her professor glasses perched on her tiny nose as she reads the writing on the condom wrapper. Noticing her queen's entrance, Raspberyl smiles as she says, "Perfect timing, I just finished reading the instructions. Now, how about you get undressed and we can get started?" In no mood to argue, Sapphire quickly discards her own gown, nearly ripping the silk in her haste as her consort walks up to her, the difference in their heights placing the futa's girlcock at the perfect level for Raspberyl to perform fellatio with both of them standing, and when the pair meet, that's what Raspberyl does, swirling her tiny tongue around Sapphire's tip as her free hand strokes the thick shaft. "That feels nice, Berry-chan, but can we skip the foreplay?" comments Sapphire, no longer bothering to keep her voice down. "The instructions say to ensure the penis is fully erect." is Raspberyl's only reply, but after a minute or so, the short girl nods in satisfaction before carefully tearing open the condom packet and carefully removing the contents, the little disc of purple rubber more than 3 inches in diameter. Determining the correct orientation, Raspberyl squeezes the nipple-like reservoir tip between thumb and forefinger before pressing the condom firmly to Sapphire's tip and slowly rolling it down the queen's massive shaft, the demoness's actions nearly torturous in their slowness. Once the ring of rubber is firmly secured around the root of Sapphire's futahood and Raspberyl has examined the rubber for tears, the magenta-haired girl nods once more before declaring, "I think that'll do it." and turning her back to her queen, clearly intending to climb on the bed. However, before Raspberyl can even complete a full step, Sapphire, her patience at an end, has grabbed her cute little consort by the tail with just the right amount of strength to force the shorter girl to bend over and stand on tip toes without hurting the demoness and has pressed the tip of her purple latexed wrapped prick at the entrance of the smaller girl's cozy, little cunny, the queen's giant girlcock looking like it should be impossible for it to fit in her consort's tiny twatty, an impression only enhanced now that Raspberyl is no longer sporting a titanic, twin-filled tummy. However, before the diminutive demoness can muster a response, Sapphire has hilted herself in the delinquent's depths, the inate magic the smaller girl inherited from her succubus ancestors letting her small body accept the prodigious intrusion, both girls letting out loud moans at their first proper union in months. Wasting no time, Sapphire grabs the diminutive demoness's hips with enough force to leave bruises on a human girl and is soon jackhammering her girlcock into the smaller girl's still snug snatch, setting a pace that would leave an ordinary girl screaming in pain and at risk of a cracked pelvis, but between her demon durability, many months of having endured such rough treatment, and the weeks of self-inposed abstinence, Raspberyl is reduced to a mewling mess as her queen pounds her pussy like a woman possessed. Reaching under her consort's knees, Sapphire lifts the shorter girl off the floor, pinning the demoness's wings and tail between them as one hand heads for the delinquent's crotch, rubbing clit between thumb and forefinger as the other hand twists the magenta-haired girl's head so their eyes meet as Sapphire declares, "Berry-chan, I'm never going this long without cramming my colossal cock in your cozy cunny ever again!" before capturing her consort's lips in a passionate kiss. Before much longer, Raspberyl can feel the prodigious prick plowing her pussy twitching in impending eruption, and Sapphire's knees start to buckle from the intensity of the queen's impending climax. Giving in to her carnal desires, Sapphire collapses to the floor, the landing of raspberyl in her lap hard enough to force the demon delinquent's cervix to stretch over Sapphire's tip, that innermost barrier forming a cum-tight seal around the collar of the queen's futahood as she starts cumming, the tip of the condom swelling like a balloon in the magenta-haired girl's womb. This sends Raspberyl over the edge as well, the diminutive demoness trembling in her lover's embrace as her tiny twatty milks the taller girl for all she's worth, her cervix ensuring not a drop can escape. However, Raspberyl's ecstasy is short lived as she suddenly feels something snap within her, and suddenly, the once warm swell of her queen's seed bloating the end of the condom feels like a lead weight in her belly. Nearly panicking, Raspberyl breaks free of Sapphire's grip, pulling away from the monarch's futahood and turning around to confirm her worst fear. Although Sapphire's shaft is still encased in a sheath of purple latex, her bulbous head, glistening with remnants of the futa's release, is clearly exposed, and glancing down, Raspberyl can see her lover's pearly seed dripping from her well-fucked cunny, that the cum balloon that had formed in her womb had burst at the worst possible time quite evident. Her professor glasses rematerializing on her nose from where ever they had been sent flying during their rough lovemaking, Raspberyl tries to give her lover her best disapproving teacher look, but ends up looking more cute than intimidating as Sapphire replies sheepishly, "Uh, oops?"