The Queen and her Delinquent by Imouto Kitten Chapter 4: Heirs are born The past 9 months have been quite busy for Princess Raspberyl Rhodonite, consort of Queen Sapphire and the young monarch's appointee as Minister of Public Services. With the assistance of her ladies in waiting Asuka and Kyoko and fellow royal consort Almaz who, despite being Sapphire's king retains his position as Captain of the Royal Guard and was appointed as Minister of Defense, the young demoness has managed to ferret out all corruption among the Kingdom's public servants and implement reforms that, given time, should make the kingdom's schools, hospitals, and welfare programs the envy of nations throughout the human world the king and queen hail from. Raspberyl's efforts to improve the lives of the masses have made her one of the most beloved princesses of the realm since the Rhodonite Dynasty took the throne, but has also made many among the lesser nobility of Sapphire's court despise her, even among those who weren't quick to denounce her demon heritage, not that any are brave or foolish enough to risk the wrath of their Queen or her consorts. Even as Raspberyl's pregnancy has progress to the point that her oversized belly has left her unable to stay upright under her own power, the delinquent among demons socializes with the common people on a near daily basis, listening to their concerns and doing everything in her power to help. ### Raspberyl is awoken by a twinge in her bladder. Though her succubus heritage means her pussy is bigger on the inside and more than able to accomodate cocks that should split someone of her diminutive stature in twain, the rest of her urogenital tract more or less obeys the normal laws of physics and humanoid biology. Meaning that, among other things, the unborn children in her womb are squeezing her bladder like a lemon placed under a two ton weight. As Raspberyl returns to consciousness, she finds herself in what has become a very familiar position over the last few months. She is completely naked and lying on her side, her belly, now swollen almost bigger than she is laying on the mattress in front of her and Sapphire, in a similar state of undress spooned up behind her, the sleeping queens horse wiener sized futahood stuffed in the pocket dimension that is the demoness's pussy, forcing the magenta-haired girl's legs apart. Raspberyl's wings and tail are pinned between the lovers, Sapphire's arms are crossed over the demoness's small breasts, and the pair are cocooned in fine silk sheets. Raspberyl squirms in desperation, unable to cross her legs thanks to being impaled on Sapphire's girlcock, unable to grab her crotch because her arms aren't long enough to reach around her titanic tummy, and her spellcaster's strength being nothing compared to the grip the warrior queen can exert even asleep. Stirring from her slumber, Sapphire asks sleepily, "What's got my little Berry-chan all squirmy this morning?" "Please, my queen, I need to make use of the chamber pot!" Whines Raspberyl. Pinching one of Raspberyl's nipples while using her other hand to rub circles over the demoness's baby bump, Sapphire pulls part way out of the magenta-haired girl as she says, "Does my cute, little Berry-chan need to tinnkle?" "YES!" cries the demoness, still trapped in the blonde's arms. "Come now, Berry-chan," says Sapphire sweetly, "you know the rules. No getting out of bed until you've milked my first load of the day." With this, she thrusts back in, aiming her futahood so it feels like a punch to Raspberyl's overfilled bladder. "Please, have mercy!" whines Raspberyl, clenching her every muscle to hold back a leak at the sudden jab, but her words fall on deaf ears as Sapphire delivers a few more quick thrusts before rising off the mattress. The queen rolls her consort atop her baby bloated belly, the tiny girl looking like a child stretched out on top of a flesh-colored exercise ball rather than an expectant mother who could go into labor at any moment. Fortunately, Raspberyl's body isn't nearly heavy enough to risk crushing their unborn children, but unfortunately, it is heavy enough to squeeze her bladder now that the organ is trapped between her swollen stomach and her weight. Not letting up, Sapphire resumes her thrusts before draping herself over her lover's small frame, enjoying the mixture of desperate whines and pleasured moans that escape the demoness's throat, and the way the magenta haired girl's passage tightens around the queen's futahood as a side effect of trying to keep the flood gates closed. Brushing her lips over the cartilege of Raspberyl's ear, Sapphire whispers in the demoness's ear, "The noises Berry-chan is making are so damn cute." before turning the smaller girl's head to kiss first her cheek, and then her lips. As the two share a passionate kiss, their tongues intertwining, Sapphire snakes her hands between the demoness's titanic tummy and her frail looking arms to cup her small breasts, gently squeezing the nipples to coax out a trickle of milk. Breaking the kiss and licking her fingers, Sapphire comments, "Berry-chan's milk is sooooo yummy! I'm jealous that our children will probably need every last drop Berry-chan's tiny titties can produce and won't leave any for their Papa." The demoness's face changing color to match her hair at the comment. Gripping the petite preggo's hips, Sapphire picks up the pace, starting to really pound that pregnant pussy, the head of her futahood trying to blungeon the delinquent's bloated bladder to the point of bursting, and it isn't long until Sapphire reaches her goal, shooting her load within Raspberyl as the demoness's passage convulses in climax around the queen's member. As the tiny girl trembles in orgasm, her bladder gives out, tinkle trickling over the underside of her titanic tummy before gushing in a golden arc to stain the bed sheets. Before the final tremor of the demoness's climax has passed, a completely different kind of involuntary muscle spasm, this one isolated to her baby bump, washes over Raspberyl and a much larger quantity of clear fluid gushes out around Sapphire's member to join the golden cascade of pee. "Oh Raspberries!" cries the demoness at what's happening, "I-I think my water just broke!" Showing more calm than her lover, Sapphire rubs soothing circles on Raspberyl's swollen stomach as she asks, "Is it time for our children to be born?" Calming under Sapphire's caress, the demoness replies, "I-I think so... Please help me into a sitting position so I'm not working against gravity." Embracing her diminutive lover's titanic tummy firmly enough to provide the needed support but gently enough to not harm the precious cargo within, Sapphire pulls both herself and Raspberyl into an upright position, the queen sitting cross legged and her laboring lover coming to rest in her lap. Lifting the smaller girl off her futahood to clear the birth canal for their children, Sapphire brings her tip to the junction of Raspberyl's tail and half-moons, pressing it to the magenta-haired girl's tiny rosebud. As her queen tries to use the demoness's weight to force entry to the delinquent's rear passage, the smaller girl shouts, "My queen! Please don't use that hole! It's so dirty!" "Sorry, Berry-chan," replies Sapphire as her tip starts to spread the demoness's butt cheeks, "But there's no way I can stand watching you give birth without being inside you, and since you're pussy will soon be occupied... Besides, I've been fingering and toying with this hole for months, don't you think it's about time I fucked it properly?" Any futher protests from the centuries old girl are cut off as another intense contraction wracks her tiny body and she clutches her beachball-sized baby bump, and if the magenta-haired mother to be could spare any neurons for conscious thought, she'd be greatful that childbirth was inherently pleasurable for those of succubus descent. Taking advantage of her consort being distracted by the nearly climatic contraction, Sapphire forces her tip pass Raspberyl's anus, stretching the part-succubus's sphincter severely in the process. Once the contraction has subsided, Raspberyl finds herself with her half-moons nestled against the queen's pubic bone and Sapphire's chin resting a top her head, nestled between the demoness's horns. As the two make eye contact, Sapphire asks, "That wasn't so bad, was it, Berry-chan?" Catching her breath, Raspberyl replies, "I guess not, but it still feels really weird having you in my butt instead of my pussy." Gripping her consort's knees, Sapphire spreads the demoness's slender legs wide apart to give their unborn children ample room to land on the bed when it comes time for them to slide out. At the same time, the platinum blonde starts raising and lowering her diminutive lover on her girlcock, the magenta-haired girl starting to moan in pleasure despite her long held reservations about anal. As the queen continues to fuck her consort's ass, Raspberyl's contractions grow closer and closer together, her cervix dilating quickly thanks to the demoness's succubus heritage. Suddenly, Raspberyl lets out a loud gasp, clutching her titanic tummy tighter than ever as she exclaims, "I think our first baby just slipped into my birth canal!" and indeed, less than a minute later, the demoness's passage stretching to accomodate her first born as easily as it does to accomodate her queen's enhanced girth, a head matted with short, white hair starts to crown, spreading the young, at least by demon standards, mother's labia to the extreme. The wonderful sensations washing over Raspberyl as her child squirms its way along her birth canal are more than she can take, and she lets out ascream of ecstacy as an earth shattering, toe curling orgasm over takes her, her ass clenching up around Sapphire's girth and making the queen shoot her second load of the day deep in the mother's bowels as the baby slides out in a spray of the demoness's love juices. However, it's too soon for Raspberyl to rest and before she can even catch her breath from the orgasm that marked the birth of her first child, the second has begun its trip through her passage, vibrant magenta hair revealed when it starts to crown, and forcing another orgasm upon its mother as it slides out to lay next to its elder twin. As her second labor-induced climax subsides, Raspberyl collapses back against Sapphire's chest, exhausted despite having been spared the pain typical of human childbirth, her tummy reduced to just a slight bulge from where it will take time for her body to reabsorb the placenta that nourished her unborn children the past several months. The new mother is broken from her relaxation in the arms of her children's sire as the newborn twins let out ear piercing wails to prove the health of their lungs. With speed she hasn't been able to manage in the months since she first started showing, the demoness reaches out for her children in a blur of maternal instinct and is soon cradling both in her arms, each one latched on to one of her tiny titties. "Berry-chan looks so adorable breastfeeding our children!" exclaims Sapphire as she crawls over to where her consort ended up kneeling on the damp and soiled sheets. "But I think we should move to cleaner surroundings." With that, Sapphire cradles the mother of her newborn heirs in her own arms, the twins still suckling at Raspberyl's small mammaries as the queen stands from the bed and begins walking towards the nursery that had been setup in the Royal Suite in preparation for this day, unconcerned that all of them are still naked. As Sapphire takes a seat in a sturdy, wooden rocking chair, still holding the demoness and their children, the parents finally take the time to admire their newborn children. As expected, both of the newborn princesses took after their sire in the genital department, tiny girlcocks standing proudly above their equally tiny twats and both show obvious signs of their demon heritage, from little bumps sticking up through their short hair that will soon grow into horns, to tiny, bat-like wings folded on their backs, to the tiny barbs extending from the base of their spines. The elder twin inherited more than just Sapphire's snow white hair, but also her naturally tanned skin and vibrant blue eyes while her younger twin inherited Raspberyl's paler skin and ruby red eyes in addition to the demoness's magenta hair. "Aren't they beautiful?" Asks Sapphire in a whisper. "They sure are." replies Raspberyl with a yawn. Stifling a giggle, Sapphire comments, "Looks like Berry-chan needs a rest after giving birth." "That does sound nice." Replies the new mother, laying her head against Sapphire's breast and letting sleep claim her as her children detach from her nipples and dose off themselves. "So cute." whispers Sapphire as the three most important girls in her life sleep huddled in her arms. Gently, she places a kiss on her sleeping consort's forehead before starting to rock back and forth as she hums a lullaby her mother use to sing to her as she waits for the missing member of her family to return from his night shift protecting the kingdom. ### A week later, Queen Sapphire along with both of her consorts are holding court for the most important ceremony since Raspberyl's Coronation: presenting the newest Princesses of the Realm. When the time comes, Almaz lifts the elder twin out of a cradle and hands her over to Sapphire, the child now immaculately cleaned, her white locks now as fluffy as a baby bird's down and wearing a blue frock over her diaper to match the queen's Royal Ragalia, a tiny gold tiara perched on the baby's brow. "It is with great pleasure that I, Sapphire Rhodonite, Queen Ragnant of the Realm and Sire of the royal twins present Crown Princess Emerald Rhodonite!" As the proud queen presents her first born child, there is a thunderous round of applause in the throne room, even the lesser nobles who objected to a demoness being made a Princess Consort concealing their distaste as they welcome the second newest member of the Rhodonite Dynasty. As the applause winds down, Almaz hands the younger twin to Raspberyl, this one wearing a pink frock and a silver tiara but otherwise matching her older sister. "It is with great pleasure that I, Raspberyl Rhodonite, Princess Consort of the Realm and Mother of the Royal Twins present Second Princess Ruby Rhodonite!" The smiling demoness's proclamation is met with just as much enthusiasm, and once quiet is restored once more, it is Almaz's turn to step forward. "It is with great honor that I, Almaz von Almandine Rhodonite, King Consort of the Realm and General of the Realm's Defenders do swear loyalty to the children of my queen and fellow consort and do promise, on my very life blood, to protect the young princesses as if they were my own flesh and blood." With this proclamation, Almaz unscrews the pommel of his ceremonial sword, dips his finger in the ceremonial oil contained in the hilt before anointing the foreheads of the two infants. As Almaz Steps to the side to let the happy parents take center stage once more, Sapphire declares, "Long live Princess Emerald and Princess Ruby!" "Long Live Princess Emerald and Princess Ruby!" Cries the chorus of nobles and public servants gathered for the ceremony.