The Queen and Her Delinquent by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Coronation It has been a very eventful and blush inducing week for the Valedictorian of the Nether Institute Evil Academy's only graduating class since that fateful night she had been invited to the chambers of one Queen Sapphire Rhodonite. Raspberyl had been examined by both the school nurse and by the royal doctors upon journeying to the Human World from which the queen and her husban Almaz hailed. The examinations confirmed what Raspberyl knew would be the results of that first coupling thanks to her succubus heritage: the diminutive demoness was pregnnant, and while it was too early to see anything on the human doctor's ultrasounds, the school nurse's instruments had detected two nearly imperceptible demonic auras wrapped within Raspberyl's, a confirmation that she was carrying at least twins. The week that followed had included meeting several high ranking nobles within Sapphire's kingdom, many of whom weren't pleased with the news that their Queen intended to take a demon as a consort, and only some of whom had warmed up to the magenta-haired girl upon discovering that, despite her questionable heritage, she had impeccable manners befitting someone of noble upbringing. Raspberyl had, naturally, chosen her fellow delinquents Asuka and Kyoko to accompany her as her ladies in waiting and it had been decided that, while Raspberyl was easily one of the strongest beings in the castle, rivalled only by the Queen and King, that the announcement of the demoness's pregnancy would be delayed to prevent any nobles from foolishly trying to slay the potential heirs to the throne. In private, Sapphire and Almaz had been sharing more of their sex life with the demoness than she ever wanted to know, though Raspberyl figured that, even if Sapphire would mainly lay with her consorts one at a time, it was inevitable that consorts would have intimate interactions with each other, though the Queen and her husband had yet to talk the small girl into a proper threesome without the demoness passing out from embarrassment. At the moment, Raspberyl found herself in a dressing room off of the hallway that lead to Sapphire's throne room, Asuka and Kyoko helping the magenta-hairedd girl prepare for her coronation. The dress that had been commissioned for the occasion was in the same style that Sapphire had worn on her first trip to Evil Academy, but instead of a color scheme dominated by blues, Raspberyl's gown was dominated by pink and Magenta. Once done with the preparations, the trio exits into the hallway, Raspberyl in the lead with Asuka and Kyoko trailing a step behind her and to either side as they approach the large marble doors of the throne room. As they reach the doors, a pair of castle guards cross their weapons to bar their entrance and ask in unison, "Who seeks audience with Queen Sapphire Rhodonite and what business do you have with her Majesty?" "I am Lady Raspberyl, come for my coronation as Her Majesty's Princess Consort and accompanied by my ladies in waiting, Assuka Cranekick and Kyoko Needleworker." One of the guards turns to a small panel in the wall and whispers a message to the guards on the other side of the door before addressing Raspberyl, "You will be announced shortly and may enter when the doors open." Inside the throne room, Sapphire sits upon her throne in all her finery, a crown decorated in her namesake gemstones perched upon her head. To her right, in a smaller throne, sits Almaz, looking somewhat uncomfortable in his kingly attire and trying not to fiddle with the diamond encrusted crown upon his own head. To the queen's left sits a third throne matching Almaz's, but empty. The end of the room with the thrones is elevated with anyone wishing to approach the Queen and her king needing to climb a short flight of stairs. A red velvet carpet runs down the middle of the marble lined chamber with large glass windows flooding the room with sunlight along the sidewalls. Between the carpet and the windows, around fifty nobles have gathered to witness the coronation, with a dozen castle guards along each wall and two next to the marble doors. One of the guards next to the door blows a horn to draw everyone's attention before announcing in a loud voice, "Introducing her highness, Lady Raspberyl!" Before he and his partner pull open the doors to allow the demoness and her retainers entrance. The audience, whom had been talking among themselves prior to the announcement, grow quiet as the trio approach the thrones. Asuka and Kyoko halt at the bottom of the stairs, dropping to one knee, mirroring each other as they place a fist to the groundd by their lowered knee and brace their other arm accross their raised knee, their heads bowed. Raspberyl climbs the stairs, coming to kneel before Sapphire, leaving just enough room for the Queen to stand. With her head bowed, Raspberyl addresses Sapphire in her most solemn tone, "I, Lady Raspberyl, chosen by Your Majesty's hand, present myself here today, in your majesty's presence, to recieve the honor your majesty has chosen to bestow upon me." Standing up, Sapphire places her hand on Raspberyl's head and tilts it so the two are making eye contact as the queen speaks, "Lady Raspberyl, onechosen by my hand, look upon your queen as you recieve the honor I have chosen to bestow upon you." Unsheathing her ceremonial sword, Sapphire lays the edgeless blade accross one of Raspberyl's shoulders before continuing, "I, Queen Sapphire Rhodonite, have chosen you to be my consort and be granted the title of princess. As such, you shall recieve my love, devotion, and protection. Do you accept this honor I wish to bestow upon you?" Placing a hand over her heart, Raspberyl replies, "I humbly accept." Moving the sword to Raspberyl's other shoulder, Sapphire asks, "In return, I expect you to give me your love, devotion, and service. Do you swear to uphold these duties?" Her hand still over her heart, Raspberyl replies, "I solemnly swear." Sheathing her sword, Sapphire sits before Almaz stands and draws his own ceremonial blade. Placing it on the demoness shoulder, he declares, "I, Almaz Adamant Rhodonite, as her majesty's king and your senior among her consorts, hereby offer you my protection, loyalty, and to not quarrel with you for the affections of our queen. Do you accept my offer?" Again, Raspberyl confirms, "I humbly accept." Moving his blade to her other shoulder, Almaz continues, "In return, you are to promise me your protection, loyalty, and to not quarrel with me for the affections of our queen. Do you promise?" One last time, the demoness acknowledges her agreement, "I solemnly swear." As Almaz retakes his seat, Sapphire stands, holding a crown encrusted with Pink beryls. Lowering the crown into place, Sapphire declares, "By the power vested in me as Queen Ragnant of these lands, I hereby pronounce thee Princess Raspberyl Rhodonite. Please stand so I may present you to those gathered. Raspberyl stands and turns to face the audience. Placing her hands on the shorter girl's shoulders, Sapphire speaks to the gathered nobles, "Honored members of the Rhodonite Clan and other nobles gathered for today's coronation, I present before you your newest princess." Hearing their queue, Asuka and Kyoko exclaim from their positions at the bottom of the stairs, "Long Live Princess Raspberyl Rhodonite!" A sentiment that is soon repeated by the entire gathering, even those who are still uncomfortable with a demon as their queen's consort, even such a well-mannered demon. When the applause are over, Sapphire says to Raspberyl, come, my princess, take your seat at my side." as she leads the shorter girl to the unoccupied throne before retaking her own seat. Addressing the audience once again, Sapphire speaks, "Now that the formalities are out of the way, I have a few Royal Proclamations to make. Firstly, despite her demon heritage, Raspberyl has done much community service in her homeland, as have her two ladies in waiting. As such, I've decided to Appoint her as my Minister of Public Services with her ladies in waiting as her Undersecretaries. Secondly, I will not tolerate racism against Raspberyl, her ladies in waiting, or any other demon I invite into our lands. Thirdly, I'd like to remind everyone present that, outside of a formal duel, any attack against one of my consorts is an act of treason punishable by death for the perpetrator and revocation of title for the perpetrator's family. As I doubt anyone could actually harm Raspberyl, and at her request, I'll spare the life of anyone who attacks her, but I'll make sure anyone foolish enough to try loses so much social capital they might wish for execution. Lastly, Raspberyl is carrying my heirs, and anyone who brings harm to her unborn children will be begging for the mercy of death by the time she's done with you and will still have to face the wrath of Ice Queen Sapphire and the Righteous Fury of The Legendary Hero Almaz." As she finishes her speech, Sapphire lets the icy aura of her power wash over those gathered, though it's such a small fraction of her full power that her consorts can't even feel it. Once she's decided she's intimidated the nobles against trying anything foolish against her new lover, Sapphire stands, declaring, "Court Adjourned." as she walks towards a door at the side of the stage area, Almaz and Raspberyl behind her.