The Queen and her Delinquent by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: The Morning After The next morning, Raspberyl is the first to wake. At first, she nearly panics at waking up in a bed not her own until she realizes that her face is right up against the naked breasts of her new lover and memories of the previous night come flooding back: Being summoned to Sapphire's bed chamber, learning that the Queen is a futanari, losing her virginity and almost assuredly being impregnated, and being asked to be Sapphire's first Princess Consort. As Raspberyl fully awakes, she discovers that, during the night, Sapphire had rolled on her back pulling the demoness on top, and that the Queen's grip has loosened significantly. The magenta-haired girl also feels a tingling sensation between her legs and a dull ache at the base of her tail from where it had been roughly yanked by the taller girl in a fit of lust the night before. As she wriggles out of her sleeping lover's arms, Raspberyl notices that the futanari is sporting some very impressive morning wood and is overcome with the urge to impale herself upon it. Standing up and placing a foot to either side of Sapphire's hips, Raspberyl notices that, not only has the penis enhancement effects her pussy juices have thanks to succubus heritage caused Sapphire's member to become thicker than Raspberyl's thighs, but , standing at attention, it reaches up to Raspberyl's naval. It takes several attempts involving the demoness bending over, standing on tip-toes, and gently bending the massive erection to get Sapphire's tip lined-up with the smaller girl's opening. Once she has the bulbus cockhead plugging up her girlhood, which somehow manages to stretch to the seemingly impossible extent necessary to accomodate the ridiculously out-of-proportion girlcock, Raspberyl is still able to stand completely upright without any chance of it slipping out. Raspberyl starts to slowly lower her hips, but her feet slip on the silk sheets and before the delinquent can regain,her balance, her pubic bone is colliding with Sapphire's. Taking the huge erection so suddenly feels like a punch to the womb, and Raspberyl has to clamp both hands over her mouth to muffle her screams. After recovering from the abrupt impalement, Raspberyl begins to slowly move up and down on the sleeping girl's pole, biting her lower lip to avoid moaning out loud. As she rides the sleeping queen's futahood, Raspberyl periodically clenches her internal muscles around Sapphire's shaft. After a few minutes, Sapphire starts mumbling in her sleep and Raspberyl can make out bits such as, "Berry-chan's cunny is so warm and cozy.", "I want to fuck my cute little Berry-chan all day.", and "So cute, I can't hold back." Suddenly, Raspberyl feels something grabbing her ankles and forcing her legs into a squatting position. Looking down, the demoness sees that Sapphire is awake, a mixture of drowziness and lust clear on the Queen's face. Sleepily, Sapphire declares, "I hope you were trying to wake me up and not just having some fun without me. Now, be a good little consort and bring your Queen to orgasm." Taking well to Sapphire's domineering tone, Raspberyl declares, "Yes, My Queen!" The magenta-haired demoness starts moving her hips up and down once again, moving at a faster pace than before and no longer trying to stay quiet. As the demoness leans back, placing her hands on the queen's knees for support and spreading her own legs as much as possible to give Sapphire a good look at the queen's futahood sliding in and out of the delinquent's cunny, Sapphire comments, "Berry-chan looks so cute riding my girlcock, and my girlcock is causing the most adorable bulge in your lower tummy!" Even as a luminescent blush forms on her cheeks, this only causes the demoness to redouble her efforts. Before long, Sapphire is bucking her own hips in time with Raspberyl's motions, declaring, "I'm gonna cum in Berry-chan's cunny!" Leaning forward and massaging Sapphire's breasts, Raspberyl replies, "Yes! My cunny exists to milk cum from my queen's royal futahood! Please honor me by depositing a load of your royal seed in my womb!" as the magenta-haired girl repeatedly lifts her ass as high into the air as possible before slamming back down on Sapphire's prick. Just as Raspberyl is reaching the peak of her ascent, Sapphire grabs the smaller girl's hips and slams them down, hilting herself within the demoness's passage. With cockhead pressed firmly against cervix, Sapphire's futahood erupts like a geyser, quickly flooding the delinquent's womb to the point that it starts swelling slightly. Raspberyl doesn't achieve climax, but is content to lie in her lover's embrace as she's pumped full of sperm. Coming down from the high of orgasm, Sapphire declares, "You've served your queen quite well, Berry-chan." A devilish smile crossing her face, the queen adds, "I think Berry-chan deserves a reward." As Sapphire rolls the pair over so Raspberyl is on bottom, her messy, magenta-colored hair coming to rest on the pillow, the demoness replies, "That's not necessary.", but Sapphire places a finger to the smaller girl's lips to silence her. Sapphire says, "I insist. Like I said, I intend to fulfill my consort's needs as much as they fulfill mine." Reaching for the nightstand, Sapphire retrieves two pairs of handcuffs from a drawer. Nervously, the delinquent asks, "Wh-What are those for?" A smile on her face, Sapphire replies, "To make sure you don't try to escape." Before Raspberyl can react, Sapphire has one of the demoness's wrists trapped within a cuff and quickly loops the chain around one of the bars of the headboard before closing the other end around the magenta-haired girl's remaining wrist. The handcuffs appear to have been made specifically for the demoness's tiny wrists and are well padded so they don't cut into the girl's flesh despite the snug fit. Raspberyl struggles briefly against her new bonds, but quickly gives up as she realizes the cuffs are designed to account for a demon's strength, or at least the strength possessed by a spellcaster such as herself. Her smile turning devilish again, Sapphire declares, "Now that Berry-chan can't escape, it's time for me to get a good taste of my new consort." As Raspberyl opens her mouth to ask Sapphire's meaning, the demoness finds the queen's lips upon her own, the blonde's tongue invading the delinquent's mouth. Though initially shocked, Raspberyl soon relaxes into the kiss, her own tongue joining Sapphire's in an erotic dance as the two girls explore each other's oral cavities. When they finally break for air, both of them panting heavily, Sapphire comments, "I hope the rest of Berry-chan tastes as good." The queen then gives a quick kiss on the demoness's forehead and each cheek before trailing a line of kisses down to the delinquent's flat chest. Sapphire proceeds to latch on to one of the delinquent's tiny nipples and sucking like a starved infant causes the delinquent to moan loudly and writhe in pleasure. After several minutes of suckling, Sapphire releases Raspberyl's nipple just long enough to let the magenta-haired girl relax before repeating the process with the other nipple. Once done with the demoness's delicious flat chest, Sapphire continues trailing kisses down Raspberyl's stomach, licking the inside of the smaller girl's navel along the way causing the delinquent to giggle from the sensation. When she reaches the smaller girl's crotch, Sapphire pulls away. The queen holds up an item that was small enough to go unnoticed by the demoness when she pulled it from the nightstand drawer. The prolate spheroid is the same color as Raspberyl's hair, roughly an inch-and-a-half long, and maybe half an inch accross at it's widest. Not recognizing that the object is an egg vibrator, Raspberyl asks, "What's that?", a nervous expression forming on her face. Sapphire replies simply, This is the first phase of your anal training." Without any further explanation, Sapphire twists the vibrator to turn it on, licks it to provide lubrication, and pulling the demoness's adorable half-moons apart presses it against Raspberyl's puckered anus. Raspberyl tries to protest, yelling, "Wait, don't!", but the vibrator slides easily into the delinquent's rectum, and the smaller girl is soon moaning incoherently as tremors originating in her ass rock her body. Deciding to further increase her lover's sensory overload, Sapphire uses the second pair of handcuffs to bind the demoness's ankles behind the queens neck before grabbing the smaller girl by the hips and proceeding to greedily lick the magenta-haired girl's pussy. After several minutes of this pleasant torture, Raspberyl's bladder reminds the demoness that she hasn't had her morning pee. Neither wanting to wet the bed or trusting her ability to hold with how the queen's treatment is causing her muscles to spasm involuntarily, Raspberyl manages to yell between moans, "Sapph-Sapphire-chan, I need... I need to go to the little demoness's room!" Her lips moist with Raspberyl's love juices, Sapphire pauses in eating out the demoness long enough to answer teasingly, "How adorable! Does my cute, little Berry-chan need to tinkle?" As the vibrations in her ass seem to grow stronger and her quickly filling bladder gives another spasm, Raspberyl yells, "YES! And I need to go soon!" Giving the demoness another one of her devilish smiles, Sapphire replies, "It's okay, Berry-chan. Just let it out whenever you're ready." before once again burying her royal tongue in the demoness's folds. Her eyes going wide at what the queen is suggesting, Raspberyl yells, "NO! Please let me go to the toilet!" as she thrashes futilely against her bonds, but Sapphire doesn't seem to hear the demoness as the blonde continues to alternate between probing the demoness's pussy with her tongue and sucking on the smaller girl's swollen clit. As time passes and Raspberyl's desperation grows, the demoness tightens her legs around the taller girl's neck as she instinctually tries to cross them and tries to lower her arms from where they are bound above her head to grab her crotch, long pass the point of caring that such behavior would be unfitting for a delinquent. Naturally, these efforts prove futile in helping to relieve the pressure within her bladder and to make matters worse for the magenta-haired girl, the vibrations from the egg in her butt seem to once again be growing in intensity. Nearing her limit, her fists clenched and tears streaming from her eyes, Raspberyl lets out one last plea, "Please, my queen! If you don't allow this lowly consort a trip to the bathroom..." Cutting the smaller girl off, Sapphire replies, "I already told you that you could go whenever you want!" Opening her mouth wide, the taller girl forms a seal with her lips around the demoness's vulva, the queen's tongue focusing on the tiny pee hole hidden between clit and vaginal opening. Releasing one of Raspberyl's hips, the blonde locates the bulge of the magenta-haired girl's bladder and presses down. Hard. Feeling the pressure behind her spincter reach a level beyond anything the demoness has felt before, Raspberyl screams, "NO! IT'S GOING TO COME OUT!" just as her dam breaks. As the demoness's pee gushes into the queen's mouth, Sapphire greedily guzzles down the tangy liquid, never letting up on the pressure she's applying to Raspberyl's bladder until she's sure the magenta-haired girl is empty. Raspberyl's shock that Sapphire is actually drinking her pee is soon forgotten as the intense relief of emptying her overfilled bladder washes over the tiny demoness, sending the small girl into another orgasm. Once the smaller girl is empty, Sapphire pulls her head from within the loop of Raspberyl's legs and lets the demoness fall limply to the mattress. Licking her lips, the queen exclaims, "Berry-chan's pee is delicious!" Recovering from her latest experience, Raspberyl asks weakly, "Are we done? Will you take that vibrator out of my rectum?" Smiling brightly, Sapphire replies, "Of course we aren't done! Now it's Berry-chan's turn to serve her queen orally. As for that vibrator, it'll stay in you until it runs down, periodically increasing in speed." Sapphire lays her massive futahood upon Raspberyl's tummy and chest, the erection long enough to reach the demoness's mouth with the queen kneeling at the smaller girl's rear. With Sapphire's ample girth, it's all the magenta-haired girl can do to open her mouth wide enough to engulf the head of the blonde's girlcock, but Raspberyl does her best to run her tongue accross every square centimeter of the cockhead she is sucking on. Deciding that getting head isn't enough, Sapphire declares, "Berry-chan, I'm going to free your hands and feet. I want you to use them to stroke my girlcock, but if you use your restored mobility to try and escape, I won't hesitate to grab you by that cute, little tail of yours, and that will only be the beginning of your punishment. Wink with your left eye if you agree to these terms, your right if you don't agree." Seeing the demoness wink with her left eye, the queen undoes the cuffs around the magenta-haired girl's wrists and ankles. Letting the instincts she inherited from her succubus ancestors take over, Raspberyl wraps her tiny hands around Sapphire's shaft near the tip, her finger tips unable to touch as she sandwiches the base of the thick prick between her petite feet. As the demoness starts stroking the queen's futahood with all four limbs, she tries to swipe the tip of her tail along the taller girl's slit, her awakening libido wishing her tail was fully prehensile and equipped with a barbed tip small enough for penetrating a human vagina. Moaning softly, Sapphire exclaims, "That feels good!" Feeling a twinge in her bladder, the queen adds, "By the way, I'm also in need of my morning pee,,, and I won't be nearly as hesitant to let out my golden liquid if you take too long to make me cum" To which the demoness increases the pace of her sucking and stroking. Sapphire throws her head back at the demoness's redoubled efforts, moaning loudly at Raspberyl's ministrations. Before long, Sapphire can feel both her orgasm and need to pee building, the queen screams, "I'm almost there!" before grabbing the smaller girl by the horns and trying to force her futahood down the demoness's throat. Instead of complaining, Raspberyl takes this in stride, continueing to suck the tip of her lover's girlcock while stroking the massive member with her tiny hands and feet. The magenta-haired girl's efforts are soon rewarded as a torrent of hot, creamy semen shoots down her throat. However,,, to the demoness's surprise, it's soon joined by a waterier, tangier liquid as Sapphire releases the contents of her bladder. At first, Raspberyl tries to get away out of disgust, but Sapphire's grip proves too strong for the tiny demoness. After a while, however, Raspberyl's disgust subsides and she starts to enjoy the mixture of cum and pee as it pours down her throat. Once done, Sapphire pulls away saying, "That was great, Berry-chan! You deserve a reward for such a good job." Before the magenta-haired girl can respond, Sapphire has grabbed the smaller girl by the ankles and stuffed the entirety of her futa meat deep within the extra-dimensional reaches of the demoness's pussy. Meanwhile, out in the hallway, an exhausted Almaz is returning from an all-night patrol with Mao. 'Man, Mao can be such a slave driver at times...' the hero laments to himself as he reaches the chamber he's sharing with his wife during their time in the Netherworld. As he pulls an old-fashioned key from his pocket to open the locked door, he is unprepared for the scene that awaits him within. Almaz is struck speechless by the sight that greets him upon entering his bed chambers. There, with her flawless tan skin, back, and perfectly round half-moons on display, is his super sexy queen fucking a female whose small frame is hidden from Almaz's view, but who the hero can identify as Raspberyl from the rather distinctive tail laying on the bed between Sapphire's legs. Given his hesitance to satisfy his wife's unusual endowments, he figured it was only a matter of time before his queen chose a princess consort to fulfill the duties he wouldn't, but hadn't expected it to be so soon, nor that it would be Ms. Beryl that he would be sharing his wife with. However, such thoughts are driven from his mind as his other mind awakens to the erotic display before him. Forgetting his fatigue from being up all night, Almaz quietly sheds his clothes and sneaks up on his futa while she's lost in the act of fucking his fellow consort. Kneeling on the bed behind Sapphire, the queen still oblivious to his presence, Almaz lines himself up with her glistening folds and timing his thrust with hers buries his prick within his queen at the same time she's bottoming out in her princess. Sapphire lets out a loud moan at the sudden and unexpected sensation of having her pussy filled. Looking over her shoulder, Sapphire greets Almaz, "Nice of you to join us, Almazy! I was afraid I'd have trouble talking you into a threesome." Thrusting in time with Sapphire, Almaz replies, "Good morning, Princess. Did you really think catching you in bed with another girl would be enough to make me turn away from the finest royal ass being on display in front of me?" Sapphire replies, "Well, I know how wild you can be in the sack, Almazy, but you do seem somewhat prudish when in public..." Slightly indignant, Almaz retorts, "Hey! Our sex life isn't exactly appropriate conversation material in polite society, even if this is the Netherworld and most demons are open perverts!" Giggling, she replies, "Almazy is so cute when he gets all flustered..." Looking down to see Raspberyl apparently passed out from embarrassment, she adds, "Oops, I think we overloaded Berry-chan's brain. We should probably finish quickly and then wake her up." "You're probably right. Honestly, I'm surprised you got this far with her in a single night. So, has she agreed to be your Princess Consort?" "Yes she has, and I was hoping to have her coronation as soon as possible." Replies the queen, nearing her orgasm on both sides. Panting as his own orgasm approaches, Almaz replies, "That... sounds... like... a... good... idea." After a few more frantic thrusts, both queen and hero cum, Almaz filling Sapphire with his seed as Sapphire fills Raspberyl with hers. As both of the humans come down from their climax, they pull apart. Sapphire cradles the still unconscious demoness in her arms before saying, "I think it would be a good idea if I got her cleaned up by myself. If she wakes to see you in the Shower with us, it might cause her to faint again. She claims to be of succubus heritage, but she's so caught up in her image as a delinquent among demons that I had to combine a powerful aphrodisiac with sealing the room to prevent her escape to get her to relax enough to be seduced." "Yeah, it's probably a good idea..." noticing how much larger his wife's futahood is than he remembers, Almaz's train of thought derails and he shifts abruptly to saying, "How did your dick get so big?" Giggling at the dumbfounded expression on her husband's face, she replies, "Succubi have penis enlarging pussy juice! Once we confirm her pregnancy, I think I'll try talking her into giving you the penis enhancement as well. You're already a nice size, but the idea of being impaled on a member as big as mine has gotten is quite tempting." "Well, if Ms. Beryl is okay with it, I guess... wait, what was that about pregnancy?" "Succubi also have perfect fertility. By the time Berry-chan shared that detail with me, it was too late to stop myself from flooding her womb. Of course, I wouldn't want to risk my consorts bringing an illegitimate heir into the world, so only I get to fuck Berry-chan until we confirm that I really knocked up the little cutey. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a shower as does my newest consort." With that, the queen, the tiny demoness still cradled in her arms saunters to the en suite bathroom while her husband stands in the middle of the room, reeling from the rapid fire series of revelations.