The Queen and Her Delinquent by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: First Night Raspberyl quickly made her way through the halls of The Nether Institute Evil Academy making sure not to break into a full run. She was in a hurry because the hour was late, her bedtime quickly approaching and had been summoned to Sapphire's private chambers. Due to the late hour, Raspberyl was wearing only a modest, pink cotton nightgown and matching slippers, and instead of being shadowed by fellow delinquents Asuka Cranekick and Kyoko Needleworker, the young, by demon standards at least, professor was alone as the summons had included instructions for the diminutive demoness to come alone and tell no one of her meeting with the human queen. While she would be remiss to miss her own bedtime, she would be even more so to ignore a royal summons, even one so enpromptu. Raspberyl reaches Sapphire's door, which lacks any guards. Normally, the lack of any protection would be unusual for a royal's bed chambers, but Raspberyl knew full well of Sapphire's desire to protect herself and the young queen's refusal to let anyone else risk their life on her behalf. The delinquent pauses to catch her breath before gently knocking on the sturdy, wooden door. After a few moments of silence, Raspberyl hears Sapphire call from within, "Please Enter." While her nose isn't as sensitive as some demons, Raspberyl can detect a light scent of Raspberries filling the room as she enters as well as an undercurrent of some unidentifyable fragrance. While the room is a far cry from a proper royal suite, it is still one of the nicest rooms in the academy, only rivaled by the immaculately well-kept chambers of Raspberyl and her fellow graduates. Sapphire herself is sitting at the foot of the King-sized bed wearing only a silk nightgown that matches her beautiful hair and far lacier than Raspberyl's own gown, her barefeet looking freshly pedicured. The queen's husband, Almaz, was absent, but Raspberyl had expected this as mao had dragged the Hero along on a late night assignment of some sort. Dropping into a low curtsy, Raspberyl speaks, "You called for me, your Majesty?" While Sapphire herself wasn't one for following proper protocol, especially not with those she considered friends, she entertained them long enough to appease the shorter girl's delinquent nature. Sitting poised, one slender leg crossed over the other, her hands folded in her lap, Sapphire addresses the magenta-haired demon, "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Miss beryl. Please stand and let's drop the formalities. Please call me simply Sapphire and may I call you simply Beryl?" Standing, Raspberyl replies, "Yes, your Maje-" Getting a glare from Sapphire, she quickly amends, "-I mean, Sapphire." Smiling, the taller girl replies, "Good! Now to why I asked you to my bed chambers. This is something I'd normally ask my husband to help with, but he's not here this evening, and wouldn't be very willing to help even if he was." Her curiosity piqued, the teacher asks, "What do you need help with Saphire?" Standing up, the tan girl replies, "It'll be easier to show you instead of trying to explain." With that, Sapphire pulls the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders and allows the silk garment to pool around her ankles. Raspberyl knows it's inappropriate for a delinquent to stare and that only the worst of honor students would shamelessly stare at a naked woman's body, but the blindsided demoness can't pull her eyes away from the vision of beauty before her. Queen Sapphire Rhodonite now stood before Raspberyl in all her majestic glory, not even a bra or pair of panties to protect her royal modesty. The flawless, naturally tan skin, gentle curves, slender legs and torso, ammple but not too ample breasts with the perfect shape and weight to them, and total lack of body hair are all things Raspberyl expected. What she didn't expect and has her gaping wide-mouthed at the goddess given flesh before her is the penis standing at attention right above Sapphire's royal vulva yet looking not the least out of place on the beautifl woman. The member is just as immaculate as the rest of Sapphire and stands at a rather impressive eight inches and is as thick around as Raspberyl's wrist. The delinquent's brain reboots as Sapphire speaks, "That's the same look Almaz had when he first saw my cock, but I must say it looks a lot cuter on you!" Trying to regain her composure, Raspberyl adopts a professorial tone, "So, you are a hermaphrodite, but why would you be showing me this?" Sapphire replies excitedly, "I think the term futanari sounds a lot cuter, but yes! As for why I'm showing you, I was hoping you'd help me get off. Almaz is an amazing lover, and I especially like it when he sits me on his lap, his thick prick stretching my cunny in all sorts of wonderful ways, my legs thrown over his arms and my arms pinned to my sides as he fondles my titties and pounds my pussy, not to mention how good a kisser he is, but he's hesitant to even touch my cock and outright refuses to even consider sucking it or being on the recieving end of anal." As Sapphire talks about her sex-life, Raspberyl is facing an internal conflict: the part of her that says 'a delinquent avoids anything sexual until marriage' yelling at her to flee or at least cover her ears, and the part of her that says 'a delinquent is a good listener and never exits a room without being excused' insisting she stays and hears Sapphire out. noticing how the magenta-haired demoness is trying not to fidgit and is occasionally glancing towards the door, the blonde human closes the gap between them, leaving her discarded gown behind. As Sapphire approaches, a seductive sway in her hips and her erection bobbing in time with her steps, Raspberyl's fight-or-flight response kicks into flight mode and the small girl bolts for the door. Discovering to her horror that the door is locked, the panicked delinquent turns around to find Saphire looming over her, the queen's royal futahood staring the demoness straight in the face. Dropping to her knees, Sapphire captures Raspberyl in a tight hug, smothering the smaller girl, not for the first time, between her breasts, though without the usual fabric to prevent skin-to-skin contact. Forced to inhale Sapphire's scent, Raspberyl notices that the fragrance of raspberries is much stronger, but she still can't identify the other scent mixed with it. Realizing that the scent must be Sapphire's perfume, but not realizing the effect it is having, Raspberyl relaxes into the embrace. Holding the smaller girl close to ensure she gets a good inhale of the Queen's perfume, Sapphire speaks, "It's okay. The privacy spells I set-up before you arrived will ensure whatever happens here will remain our secret as long as neither of us speak of this meeting." Sapphire felt a bit guilty for what she was doing, but knew it was necessary to get Raspberyl relaxed enough to be receptive to the idea of having sex with Sapphire. For you see the unidentifyable part of Sapphire's perfume was a special artificial pheromone Sapphire had convinced Mao to produce that acted as a powerful, yet subtle aphrodisiac with the raspberry fragrance added to make it targetted at the young demoness. It wouldn't turn the target into a nymphomaniac ready to rape the one wearing it, but it would erase any sexual prohibitions that might prevent the target from expressing their true feelings. Feeling Raspberyl relax in her arms and satisfied that a sufficient dose of the pheromone has been delivered, Sapphire loosens her grip. Rubbing the smaller girl's back through the pink cotton, Sapphire offers one of her nipples to the magenta-haired girl. As Raspberyl suckles like a newborn at her teat, the Blonde speaks soft and seductively, "I've had a crush on you almost since the day we met. You were just the cutest little thing I had ever laid eyes on, and my heart would thump heavily everytime I looked your way. Almaz is the first and only man I've ever fallen in love with, but you were my first love!" Taking Raspberyl's lack of resistence as a signal to continue, Sapphire lifts up the smaller girl's nightgown, freeing the demoness's tail and revealing pink, cotton panties adorned with the delinquent's namesake raspberries. Letting her royal futahood slide between the demoness's legs and fondling one of the smaller girl's tiny half-moons through the fabric, Sapphire exclaims, "What cute underwear my little Berry-chan is wearing!" Between being touched in such an intimate place, being complimented on her choice in panties, and being christened with a new pet name, Raspberyl's face is burning scarlet, but she continues sucking the taller girl's tit and even wraps her own arms around the queen, all the while ignoring the small voice telling her a delinquent doesn't act this way. One hand on Raspberyl's scalp, Sapphire uses her other hand to lift the demoness's tail and trace the smaller girl's buttcrack through the pink cotton and continueing further to lightly caress the magenta-haired girl's folds through the fabric. At the torturously light touch, Raspberyl whimpers around her mouthful of breast. Pulling the smaller girl away from her tit, Sapphire asks, "Is something wrong, Berry-chan?" Embarrassed, Raspberyl replies quietly, "Please...Please don't tease me, Sapphire-chan." Pleased at what she hears, the blonde replies, "I don't know, all that cloth kinda gets in the way. Perhaps if you were to let me undress you..." Her blush deepens, but Raspberyl replies, "Sure, go ahead." As the two end their embrace, Sapphire grabs the sleeves of the demoness's nightgown and pulls the garment over the smaller girl's head, Raspberyl lifting her arms to assist the blonde. Next, the queen slides both thumbs under the waistband of Raspberyl's panties and begins to pull them down. The garment initially gets caught on Raspberyl's tail until Sapphire finds and unties the drawstring that cinches close the tailhole so that it can slide over the thick barb at the end of the demoness's tail. Sitting cross-legged to put herself at a better vantage point, Sapphire gives the shorter girl an appraising look. Raspberyl's skin is far paler than Sapphire's and makes for a stark contrast with both of them naked, but is no less flawless. The demoness's curves give her more of an oval body shape compared to Sapphire's subtle hourglass, and some lingering baby fat gives a nice amount of pudge and chub to the smaller girl's tummy and thighs. The magenta-haired girl has no breasts to speak of, but her tiny nipples stand erect and pink against her flat chest. Hearts in her eyes, Sapphire exclaims, "Berry-chan is even cuter without any clothes!" Before Raspberyl can react, the queen has pulled her into another hug and is planting kisses all over the demoness's face. Once done with the barrage of kisses, Sapphire sits Raspberyl down in her lap, the queen's royal futahood coming to rest between the demoness's butt cheeks. Without being prompted, Raspberyl wraps her short limbs around the taller girl and latches on to the breast opposite the one she had been sucking earlier. It takes all of her self-control for Sapphire to resist impaling the adorable, little demoness sitting in her lap upon her throbbing girlcock and fucking the little darling senseless, but the queen manages to put off her own needs and instead snakes a hand under Raspberyl to attack the smaller girl's core. As Sapphire starts rubbing Raspberyl's clitty, she can feel the magenta-haired demoness moaning around the blonde's breast,, which only encourages the queen to redouble her efforts. Before long, Raspberyl is thrashing wildly in Sapphire's arms, struggling to get away from the overwhelming sensations she's enduring at the queen's hands. Releasing the breast she was suckling, Raspberyl yells, "Please! It's too much! I'm going crazy!" Sapphire holds tightly on to the smaller girl as she continues her assault on the demoness's clit, all the while whispering, "It's okay,Berry-chan, just let go." into Raspberyl's ear. Suddenly, something deep within Raspberyl snaps and she lets out a scream as her tiny body is rocked by an earth shattering orgasm and she drenches Sapphire's hand in her juices. The demoness slumps against the queen, barely holding on to consciousness as aftershocks continue to run up and down the smaller girl's spine. Grabbing the limp girl by the hips, Sapphire lines up her tip with Raspberyl's opening, and before the demoness can regain her senses enough to object has hilted her throbbing girlcock deep within the smaller girl. Thanks to how relaxed her body is coupled with the residual pleasure from her orgasm, Raspberyl feels only the slightest twinge of pain as Sapphire rips through the demoness's virgin barrier. It's all Sapphire can do to not cum immediately upon entering Raspberyl's passage, and the blonde exclaims, "Berry-chan's insides are so warm and tight!" After calming down a bit, Sapphire asks, "How does Berry-chan like my cock?" Placing her hands on Sapphire's shoulders, Raspberyl leans back before replying, "I love the way your penis is stretching my vagina!" The magenta-haired girl then lets out a yelp as she recieves a sharp smack on her butt from the queen's open palm. Before Raspberyl can ask about the smak, Sapphire says scoldingly, "I know your delinquent code probably insists on you using proper terms for things, but if you want me to keep fucking you, you're gonna need to start using proper dirty talk." Gripping the demoness tightly by the hips, the futanari starts pumping in and out of the smaller girl's cunny before adding, "Now, I'll ask again, how do you like my cock?" Raspberyl starts to reply, "Your penis feels..." but is cut off as Sapphire painfully twists one of the delinquent's nipples. Angrily, Sapphire declares, "If I hear you say penis one more time, I'm gonna pull out and leave you to finish yourself off." Horrified by the idea, Raspberyl yells, "NO! Please keep fucking me with that wonderful girlcock!" A pleased smile on her face, Sapphire asks sweetly, "Now, was that so hard? As a reward, I'm going to mercilessly pound your pussy!" With that, Sapphire picks-up the pace. In response to the increased speed, Raspberyl exclaims, "YES! Pound my Pussy! Fuck me until I can't walk straight!" The futanari coos softly, "It sounds sooo cute to hear Berry-chan talking so lewdly!" After several minutes of fucking the demoness, Sapphire stands up, her futahood still buried in the smaller girl who has her limbs wrapped around the queen. The blonde walks over to the bed before laying the magenta-haired girl upon the silk sheets. Prying Raspberyl's limbs from around her, Sapphire grabs her lover's ankles and pins them to the sheets on either side of the demoness's head, pinning the smaller girl's arms beneath her legs. As she renews her thrusts, Sapphire asks, "Can you see my futahood being plunged into your cunny over and over again? Panting heavily and staring at their joined crotches, Raspberyl replies, "YES! I could stare at that big beautiful cock of yours as you ram it deep into my tiny, delinquent pussy all night long!" Blushing slightly at the compliment, Sapphire replies, "And I could stare at those adorably lewd facial expressions you make with every thrust all-night long as well, but I think I'm gonna cum soon!" Sobering at Sapphire's announcement, her expression shifting from lustful to panicked, Raspberyl exclaims, "NO! You can't!" Not slowing her thrusts in the slightest, Sapphire asks somewhat testily, "What can't I do?" Trying to wriggle out of Sapphire's grip, Raspberyl replies in a shrill tone, "You can't cum in me! I'm part succubus!" On the verge of losing herself in orgasmic bliss, Sapphire asks, "What's you being part succubus have to do with anything?" Raspberyl replies, "Succubi don't have periods. Their wombs are always ready to accept a fertilized egg and they always have at least one egg waiting to be fertilized!" "Then why aren't succubi constantly pregnant?" the blonde manages to say between labored breaths. "Because pureblood succubi can block sperm from reaching their eggs! They'll get pregnant the first time, every time when they do it with someone they deem worthy as a mate. I have enough succubus blood to have their perpetual fertility, but not enough for their natural contraception!" Realization dawning on Sapphire, she tries to hold back her imminent orgasm and pull out, but her hips are moving on auto-pilot. Feeling herself reach the point of no return, Sapphire declares, "Had I known that, I would have had a condom ready for our meeting, but you're just so darn cute that there's no way I can resist cumming inside you!" Raspberyl screams, "NO! DON'T!" "Please forgive me, Berry-chan!" crys the queen as she hilts her futahood within the demoness and erupts with rope after hot, gooey rope of potent semen. Even as her own orgasm crashes into her, Raspberyl lets out a prolonged wail of "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" as she feels her womb being flooded with the queen's royal seed. As their orgasms subside, Raspberyl lies limp on the bed, tears filling her eyes as Sapphire is perched over the demoness, guilt-strickened. In a choked whisper, the magenta-haired girl sobs, "An affair I could keep .............secret, but there's no way I can conceal a pregnancy!" Speaking more loudly, she continues "Becoming an unwed mother is the ultimate disgrace for a delinquent!" Sapphire wants to comfort the small girl whose cunny is still wrapped around the futa's prick, but she knows anything she'd say to cast doubt on Raspberyl being pregnant would be a lie. This was Sapphire's first time fucking a girl, but she comes from a long line of futanari and her ancestors' virility was the stuff of legends. Wrapping the smaller girl in a hug, Sapphire turns to sit on the bed, Raspberyl in her lap. Wiping away the demoness's tears, Sapphire speaks to her lover, "I was planning to offer you this anyways, but would you like to become my official consort?" Sniffing slightly as she tries to regain her composure, Raspberyl asks, "But...but isn't Almaz..." Cutting off the smaller girl, Sapphire declares, "Technically, Almaz is my King Consort, and I had to choose a King Consort in order to ascend the throne as Queen Ragnant. While my kingdom only allows a Queen Ragnant to take a single King Consort and only a King Ragnant can take a Queen Consort, the Ragnant, be they King or Queen, is permitted to take as many Prince and Princess Consorts as they desire. If you accept my offer, you would be my First Princess Consort, any children you bore me would be second only to the children I bear myself in procession of my potential heirs, and you would essentially be my wife in all but name. Surely, that should be enough for you to maintain your reputation as Evil Academy's Number 1 Delinquent." Cheering up, Raspberyl asks, "Will I have any royal duties?" Glad to see a smile returning to the smaller girl's face, Sapphire replies, "Mainly, you'll just need to look pretty at state functions and service me in the bed chamber whenever I ask it of you. If you want, I could appoint you as Minister of Public Services so you can channel your volunteer experience into public works." Nuzzling her face against the Queen's breasts and clenching her internal muscles around the taller girl's member, Raspberyl replies, "I like the sound of that." Smiling down at the magenta-haired demoness, Sapphire asks, "Is that a yes?" Smiling up at the platinum blonde futanari, Raspberyl replies, "Yes! I want to be your consort!" Sapphire plants a quick kiss on Raspberyl's forehead before exclaiming, "I'm so happy that Berry-chan wants to be my consort! Now, while only the consort is obligated to please the Ragnant, I fully intend to keep my consorts well-satisfied in return, so is there anything Berry-chan would like to try before we curl up and go to sleep?" Blushing deeply, Raspberyl replies, "You're asking me for something to try? And you want us to sleep together?" Smiling devilishly, Sapphire replies, "Like I said, I plan to keep my consorts well-satisfied,and since I only have one other consort, you'll be expected to spend the night with me any nightwhen Almaz is unavailable." Thinking about it for a minute or two, Raspberyl's face turns crimson before she speaks, "Well then,how about showing me that position you said you really enjoy with Almaz?" Sapphire replies, "You're a lot smaller compared to me than I am compared to Almaz, but sure, why not?" With that, the queen grabs the demoness under the arms and begins lifting the smaller girl off her still erect futahood. Raspberyl whines a bit at the feeling of emptiness between her legs as the taller girl stands her on the floor, some of the queen's semen trickling from the demoness's pussy, but before Raspberyl can voice her discomfort, Sapphire exclaims, "Oh my, my cock is so much bigger than before! Hard to believe I had all of this inside of Berry-chan!" Focusing her attention on the cock that not long ago was pumping her full of sperm, Raspberyl sees that it has indeed grown. Sapphire's prick is now a full foot in length and as thick around as Raspberyl's thigh Subconsciously licking her lips, Raspberyl comments, "I must have also inherited the ability to instinctually enhance the cocks of guys I like from my succubi ancestors. As for it fitting, I've heardsuccubi have some inter-dimensional stuff going on with their reproductive tracts to let them accomodate cocks that shouldn't be able to fit inside their bodies. Now, if my queen doesn't mind, I'd like to use my tiny twatty to milk her majesty's prick of more cum." Forcing her focus back on Raspberyl, Sapphire declares, "Yes, of course. First, I need you to turn around and lift your tail as high as possible." As Raspberyl does as she's told, Sapphire gets a good look not only at the demoness's tiny half-moons, but also of her own semen seeping from the smaller girl's love tunnel. Hearts in her eyes, Sapphire exclaims, "Berry-chan has such a cute little butt! Makes me want to spread those half-moons and plunge my length deep into your bowels, and the way my seed is oozing cutely from your cozy little cunny! AAAH! I can't hold back anymore!" Before Raspberyl can react properly, Sapphire is forcing two yelps from the demoness's throat in quick succession, one of pain as the queen yanks on the smaller girl's tail with enough force to lift Raspberyl completely off the floor, and one of pleasure as the queen rams her futahood to the hilt within the demoness's slippery passage. Within seconds, Raspberyl finds herself kissing the plush carpet, her rear held high by her tail with Sapphire kneeling behind her and mercilessly fucking the demoness's pussy. Although it feels like the taller girl is trying to rip out Raspberyl's spine by the tail, the demoness can't help panting like a bitch in heat from the intense sensations of being so roughly fucked. Instinct taking over, both girls lose themselves in their mutual lust, their vocalizations becoming more animalistic as they continue to rut like wild beasts. Sapphire release's Raspberyl's tail only to grab the smaller girl by the hips with force that would leave bruises on a human. Freed of its confinement, the demoness's tail starts wagging vigorously as a sign of the smaller girl's enjoyment. Raspberyl manages to push herself up on to all fours and begins thrusting her hips back against Sapphire in time with the queen's thrusts. At the same time, the demoness's wings start to flutter erratically. After several minutes of frantic mating, the two slam their hips together, both girls arching their backs and letting out a howl of ecstasy as Raspberyl's arms, wings, and tail all lock out straight, and sapphire's member erupts once again, spraying the demoness's womb with a fresh coat of potent semen. As Sapphire recovers from her berserker lust, she pulls Raspberyl into her lap, hugging the smaller girl tightly as she says, "Sorry for losing it back there. I hope I wasn't too rough with you." Letting out a yawn, Raspberyl replies, "I'm fine, though I'd appreciate some warning the next time you plan on pulling my tail." Yawning again, she continues, "Now I really should be getting to sleep, it's way past my bedtime." Pouting slightly, Sapphire asks, "But don't you want me to show you that position I said I liked doing with Almaz?" Yawning once more, Raspberyl replies, "Maybe some other time, but for now, I'm beat." Sapphire replies, "Okay. So, do you want to spend the night as my teddy bear or as my cock sleeve?" Raspberyl replies unintelligently, "Huh?" Giggling, Sapphire answers, "Do you want to spend the night with my cock inside you or just cuddled-up in my arms?" Nervously, Raspberyl answers, "I don't think I'm ready to try sleeping with a cock in me." Smiling, Sapphire pulls Raspberyl off her finally wilting member as she says, "Okay then, for tonight, Berry-chan will be my teddy bear!" Cradling the drowsy girl in her arms, Sapphire crawls up on the bed and lays the demoness on the pillow before curling up around the smaller girl and pulling the sheets over their naked forms. Kissing Raspberyl on the forehead, Sapphire comments, "By the way, you should know that futanari breed true, so our daughter will be sporting a girlcock just like her papa." Nuzzling between the queen's breasts, Raspberyl says, "Daughters. Succubi almost never have single children, so it's almost guaranteed that I'll have at least twins." Yawning again, she asks, "Were you serious about wanting to do me up the pooper?" Prodding a finger at the demoness's backdoor without making any attempt to enter, Sapphire replies, "Yes, but I'm willing to slowly work you up to taking my cock up the ass." With that, the Queen and her new consort drift off to sleep wrapped in each other's arms.