The Futa Experiment by Imouto Kitten File 02: Grade School Futanari As Ai slaps her hand down with excessive force to quiet her alarm clock, the shrunken scientist feels an uncomfortable tightness in her pajama pants despite having slept commando the night before... as well as a crusty stickiness. Throwing off her covers and pulling her waistband away from her trim tummy, the false child confirms her suspicions. Despite having jacked off several times in the roughly 36 hours since waking up with a cock a grown man would be proud of having, including right before going to sleep last night to collect a semen sample to leave her equipment to analyse while she slept, she had woken up with a major case of morning wood... and with the half dried evidence of at least one wet dream coating the inside of her pajamas. "Does this thing ever get enough?" grumbles Ai as she climbs out of bed, greatful her bottoms at least managed to contain her nocturnal emissions well enough to leave her sheets unstained. "Hmmm... that it's still there for me to have this problem proves that, if temporary, at least this attempt at an apotoxin antidote lasts longer than previous failures..... though with the mess it made in the middle of the night, I certainly hope either my ovaries are dormant, I'm not producing viable swimmers,,,,, or my sperm are incompatible with my eggs." Grimacing as some of the non-dried cum slithers down her thigh, she decides, "Either way, I need a shower." Padding to her bathroom, Ai makes quick work of discarding her pajama top before peeling the cum encrusted bottoms off, dropping them in her hamper with a sigh, greatful she had convinced Agasa to stay away from her laundry shortly after moving in. Turning the hot water on, she climbs into the shower, and grabbing a washcloth and body bar gets to efficiently scrubbing herself clean, ignoring her girl cock best she can and paying extra attention to her cum-coated thighs, making sure to swipe away from her girlhood, not willing to add any additional risk if both parts of her anatomy are indeed potent. But eventually, she has no choice but to face the elephant in the room, or rather the male organ on her female crotch, her shaft every bit as soiled with the results of a wet dream as her thighs. Unfortunately, no matter how she tries to scrub her futahood, every swipe of the soapy washcloth against her sensitive shaft sends a jolt of pleasure up her spine, and grazing the glands only doubles the intensity. Not wanting to go to school wreaking of stale semen nor risk the Detective Boys will stop by and ask awkward questions if she has Agasa call the school and tell them she's sick, Ai resigns herself to actually taking care of her morning wood as she drops the washcloth to wrap soapy hands around her shaft directly. As palms and fingers glide almost frictionlessly up and down her slippery shaft, Ai can't help letting out a moan as her newfound libido and lust drive all cognition and rationality from her being, her world narrowing to the length of futa fuck meat between her legs. Breathing heavy and knees shaking, Ai leans against the shower wall as her hands increase their speed, the need to clean away her nocturnal emissions forgotten, the need to milk a fresh load from where ever her body is producing it in the absence of external testicles taking over. After what seems like an eternity to the lust-addled futanari, but is really only a few minutes, Ai's girl cock finally erupts, pearly white seed shooting from her tip as her whole body shakes and her legs struggle to keep her from sliding down the wall to sit in the tub. After spraying the far wall with great gooey gobs of her copious cum, Ai's rational mind manages to peek out through the momentary sensation of sexual satisfaction to remind her just how short her refractory period is, and the temptation to go for a second round being the last thing she wants at the moment, the shrunken scientist's hands shoot for the taps, switching the spray from hot to cold so suddenly she nearly jumps out of her skin. But as the initial shock to her system passes, she can see that the cold water has the desired effect, her penis going flaccid, though it shrinks very little, dangling nearly to her knees once fully limp. Sighing in relief, her analytical mind takes over, commenting, "It's finally calmed down.... but how long will it stay like this?" Finishing up in the bathroom, Ai returns to her bedroom to be faced with the next problem. Even flaccid, there's no way she can stuff her added anatomy into her panties, and her usual shorts and t-shirt combo would make an erection impossible to hide... plus, as uncomfortable as her morning wood had been in baggy pajamas,, how much worse would it be in something more form fitting? And while she was willing to sleep without underwear, such was, in her mind, not an option for going out in public. After a bit of experimentation, she manages to improvise a set of straps to pin her flaccid member against her abdomen that would hopefully hold if she got erect and which allowed her to put on panties more or less normally, with only a small bulge at the base of her penis before it stuck out of her waistband. Undergarments settled, Ai foregoes her usual ensemble in favor of a black sundress Ran had insisted she get the last time the older girl and Sonoko had wrangled Ai and Ayumi into a girls day. It was a bit more childish than Ai prefered, and didn't show off the curves she possessed that help sale her cover of being a precocious child in both mind and body, but the loose garment would hopefully also hide any erections. Glancing at the clock and cursing herself for taking so long in the shower and to get dressed, Ai dashes from her room, deciding she can check the results of her semen analysis later as she hastily eats a slice of toast and chases it with her morning coffee before dashing out the door for school. ### Ai manages to regain her usual composure by the time she meets up with the Detective Boys on the way to school, effortlessly brushing off Conan's suspicions surrounding her unusual attire and Mitsuhiko's comment on how pretty she looks, more than used to the diminutive detective's tendency to try and analyse people's every action and the tall boy's crush on her. However, it's when the other girl of the group, Ayumi chirps in with, "Mitsuhiko-kun is right, Ai-chan looks much cuter in that dress than her usual outfit." that the futanari is nearly undone on the spot. Intellectually, Ai knows it's just an innocent compliment from one girl to another, but to the restrained bit of male anatomy pressed against her trunk, the other girl might as well have stripped naked, laid spread eagle before her and said 'stuff your lollipop in my kitty" or some other childish euphemism for fuck as Ai could feel herself growing hard at Ayumi's words, the elastic bands she used to secure her girlcock digging into her shaft in the most sinfully sensual manner the shrunken woman could imagine. Biting the inside of her cheek in an effort to stay calm, Ai replies, "Th-thank you, Ayumi-chan." Trying not to mentally undress the little girl as she continues walking to school. ### However, the school day is barely starting when Ai starts wishing she had called in sick or bolted back for Agasa's when Ayumi had given her that compliment. Normally, Ai was better than Conan at pretending to be engaged at school, effortlessly listening to the teacher with one ear while her mind poured over mental math and chemical formulae, but having gone from having no libido to having the libido of a teenage boy, scratch that, she doubted even teenage boys had it this bad, almost literally overnight, her futahood was constantly throbbing in need, and while Ayumi had unknowingly set it off, it wasn't particularly picky, and Ai found herself mentally undressingnot only her closest female friend, but her female classmates she barely knew the names of and their teachers. Even trying to focus on the boys in the classroom only got her wondering what it would be like to fuck a boy's ass or what effect a drug intended to restore a shrunken person to their true body that instead turned a shrunken woman into a futanari would have on a boy. Her only consolation is that her improvised cock harness manages to hold up despite every fidget causing the straps to stimulate her shaft and that there's no gym class that day... not only would the girls' gym uniform make hiding her flaccid member impossible, never mind erect, she doubted she could resist pouncing atop a girl showing off her cute little butt and luscious, little thighs in those skimpy buruma. Needless to say, by the time the last bell rang to signal the end of classes for the day, Ai was a nervous wreck, possibly even worse than when there's a scare that the Black Organization have seen through her cover and struggling to keep her stoic facade in place. However, as she's getting ready to leave the classroom and make a mad dash to the professor's to relieve her sexual tension and then get to work on an antidote to this botched antidote, Ayumi says something that makes her blood attempt to freeze and boil at the same time, "Where are you going, Ai-chan? You didn't forget we have afternoon duty together today, did you?" "O-of course not." replies Ai as she says to herself, 'I can do this.' ### 'I can't do this!' Ai screams mentally less than fifteen minutes later as Ayumi dashes around the classroom, the cheerful, little girl making a game out of the cleaning that makes up the bulk of being on afternoon duty, nearly driving the futanari crazy with how Ayumi's frantic motions make that jumper flutter, showing off more thigh than the child realizes and on more than one occasion, bending over in a way that gives Ai a gander at the pale pink panties hugging Ayumi's pert, little butt and tempting, little twatty. As Shiho, she had spent most of her adolescence developing or refining poisons and other chemicals that could be utilized for nefarious purposes and the Black Organization had no qualms about robbery, sabotage, corporate espionage, or assault and murder, but even the organization drew a line at rape and sex trafficking and would come down hard on even codenamed members who had been found to sexually victimize children. And yet, despite it going against one of the few taboos she had been raised with, Ai was struggling not to tackle her friend to the floor and have her way with the adorable, little angel who was much too pure to have aspirations of becoming a detective, even if she had the aptitude for such. And proving why she would be a capable junior detective even without a couple of age-regressed geniuses watching her and her friends' backs, Ayumi halts in her cleaning frenzy to ask, "Ai-chan, is something wrong?" "O-of course not," replies Ai, less than convincingly, "what makes you ask?" "Well, Ai-chan is always quiet," Starts Ayumi in her best Conan-like tone, "But, it's usually a confident quiet, but you've seemed unusually nervous today... I've never heard you trip over your words before, and Conan-kun is right, it is unusual for Ai-chan to wear a dress outside of a fancy party, and even then, it's never one so plane... and I recognize that dress as one Ran-neechan insisted on buying for you despite your protests..." pausing for dramatic effect, Ayumi finishes with, "and besides, you've been sweeping that same spot since we started." Sighing at how well the little girl managed to see through her, Ai drops the broom she's been idlely swiping back and forth and closes the distance between them. Patting the shorter girl on the head, Ai says with as much affection as she can manage, "Well, aren't you a regular, little Agatha Christie?" Dropping to her knees to be eye-to-eye with Ayumi, Ai confesses, "You're right that there's something bothering me, and maybe you can help." and as Ayumi opens her mouth to reply, Ai's lips capture Ayumi's, part of Ai hoping Ayumi will push her away or fight her off even as the shrunken scientist's tongue makes initial probes into the little girl's mouth, a minty aftertaste evidence that Ayumi is one of the few children in the class to carry toothbrush and toothpaste to school to brush after lunch. When Ayumi leans into the kiss, Ai can't help pulling the young girl against her, way pass caring if the child realizes what the throbbing, fleshy mass pinned between them is even as what remains of Ai's conscience pleads desperately for Ayumi to lash out with gouging fingers or a kick to the crotch before Ai can shatter the girl's innocence. Not breaking the lip lock, Ai stands up, Ayumi wrapping her skinny legs around the taller girl's waist, inadvertantly rubbing against Ai's erection in the process as Ai moves to lay ayumi atop one of the desks. When the pair break for air, Ayumi is the first to speak, her cheeks as red as her dress, "Ai-chan, why did you kiss me? We're both girls! And... and wasn't that an incredibly grown up kiss?!" "Oh, didn't you know?" Asks Ai teasingly, "Some girls like other girls, and I kissed you because I like you in that way... and yes, it was a very grown up kiss, the kind of kiss parents would only share if they didn't think any children were around and would deny if a child caught them." Lowering her mouth to nibble on Ayumi's ear lobe, Ai adds in a seductive whisper, "And there are other grown-up things I want to do with Ayumi-chan." Her blush spreading from her cheeks to her whole face, Ayumi replies, "Bu-but how would that work? Don't you need both a boy and a girl for grown-up games? And why does ai-chan want to play with me all of a sudden?" "Well, there are games that call for two girls," replies Ai, "but something happened to me over the weekend that will let us play some of the games that require a boy and should answer many of your questions." and deciding show is better than tell, Ai straightens up, reaches under her dress to undo the straps holding her erection in place, letting them fall to the floor before grabbing the hem and lifting the front of her dress, her mostly freed erection pushing down on the front of Ai's panties and pointing straight at Ayumi. Sitting up, hands on the corner of the desk for balance, Ayumi marvels at Ai's girlcock, exclaiming, "WOW! It's a lot bigger than Papa's or even Genta-kun's!" only for amazement to give way to puzzlement as she asks, "But when did Ai-chan grow a boy's peenie? You didn't have one the last time we went to the hotsprings with Ran-neechan and Sonoko-neechan." Ai is a bit taken aback that Ayumi reacted to the size before the fact Ai has a penis, and she could have done without the reminder of the time Genta had gone streaking at the beach on a dare from some of the other all brawn and little brain boys from their class, the kid was built like a bull elephant and hung like one as well, but even if her new bit of anatomy seemed to lean towards anything that moves, she could have done without the reminder. Shaking her head and thinking fast, Ai replies, "The professor's been messing around with nutrient supplements lately, thinks he can invent a miracle cure for that gut of his... well, he mixed up one of his concoctions with some of my canned coffee and it had... unusual side effects." "Does it hurt?" Asks Ayumi, curiously reaching out a hand to touch Ai's futahood, pulling back as if burned with a cry of, "I'm sorry!" when Ai gasps at the girl's touch. "It does hurtt a bit," replies Ai, "but you have nothing to be sorry about, it felt really nice when you touched it." With that, Ai takes Ayumi's hand and guides it back to her shaft, sliding it up and down a few times to give the little girl an idea of what to do, the bright child catching on in a matter of seconds as she starts stroking Ai's girlcock with both hands. Ayumi's hands are much smaller and quite a bit more clumsy in their movements than Ai's own, but the simple fact that it's someone else touching it, that she can't predict how they'll move more than make up for it, and Ai is soon moaning loudly as she Pats Ayumi's head and praises the young girl, "That feels wonderful, Ayumi-chan. You're doing a great job." Before long, Ai's legs start to turn rubbery and she pulls away from Ayumi's stroking hands to sit down, and as Ayumi slides off the desk to continue her ministrations, Ai comments, "Hey, Ayumi-chan, it should feel even better if you lick the tip like a lollipop." "Really?" asks Ayumi as she kneels in front ofAi and wraps her hands around the taller girl's shaft once more, and at the shrunken scientist's nod, the child pulls Ai's tip down, licking a bead of precum from the opening of her urethra before the little girl stretches her lips around the bulbous cockhead, her tiny tongue dancing all over it as her hands stroke the stiff shaft, Ai nearly melting as she recieves her first blowjob. "Oh kami!" cries Ai under Ayumi's oral assault, gripping the sides of her chair in a white knuckle grip as she resists the urge to put a hand on Ayumi's head and force the child to take more of her futahood within that heavenly, little mouth, "Your tongue feels amazing, Ayumi-chan!" At the praise, Ayumi's hands and tongue increase pace, the little girl humming contentedly, and before long, Ai's self-control snaps, fisting a hand in Ayumi's hair before giving her hips a few sharp thrusts into that small mouth and erupting, Ayumi's eyes going wide and her cheeks bulging as she's forced to take Ai's release down her throat, the fit too tight to let any leak through the young girl's lips, though a small dribble does come out of the girl's nose. When Ai releases her grip on Ayumi's hair, the little girl plops down on her bottom, gasping for air, spluttering, coughing, and sneezing as she tries to clear cum from her airways, Ai's afterglow shattered by the result of her latest climax on the closest thing to a little sister the shrunken girl has ever had. "Are you okay, Ayumi-chan!" cries Ai, pulling a hankerchief from her dress pocket and wiping the mix of cum, snot, spit, and tears from the young girl's face, "I'm so sorry, didn't mean to almost drown you in my cum." patting the little girl on the back to encourage her to continue coughing. When Ayumi has finally recovered, she scolds the older girl, "Ai-chan, warn me the next time you're going to do that." "You're willing to do it again?" Asks Ai as she helps Ayumi to her feet, surprised the experience hadn't turned the girl off to performing oral altogether. "You're cream is kind of yucky," replies Ayumi, "It's like someone glazed a doughnut with salt instead of sugar, but Ai-chan was clearly having a good time, so I don't mind doing it for Ai-chan." As she finishes talking, the still chipper despite nearly choking on her friend's seed girl gets a weirded out expression before lifting up her jumper to examine her own crotch, "Huh? I know I didn't have an accident, but my panties are soaked clean through." Smiling at the latest development, Ai replies teasingly, "Sounds like you might have enjoyed that more than you realize..." Leaning over to hug the shorter girl, Ai asks in a whisper, "Would you like me to return the favor?" "Huh?" replies Ayumi, "But I don't have a boy's peenie, just a vagini like girls are supposed to have." "And you don't think there are ways for one to make a girl feel good with one's hands and mouth?" replies Ai, lifting Ayumi under her arms and laying her atop the desk once more, getting a good look at the damp fabric outlining every nook and cranny of the child's cunny. Pulling the gusset of Ayumi's pink panties aside, Ai runs her finger along the little girl's slit, Ayumi shivering in response. "Did that feel good, Ayumi-chan?" "Ye-yes..." is all Ayumi can manage, her mind nearly blanked just from that initial touch. "Would you like me to continue?" Asks Ai with a knowing smile, and at Ayumi's nod, she slides her finger along the child's slit once more, this time sinking between the puffy lips in search of Ayumi's opening. Finding her target, Ai slowly works a dainty digit inside the little girl, careful to slip through a perforation in her hymen without stretching or tearing the delicate membrane. Moaning at the finger wriggling inside her, Ayumi's voice is filled with wonder as she comments, "Ai...Ai-chan... is inside me...?" "Yes, and I've barely gotten started." With that, Ai presses her tongue to where her finger vanishes into her young lover and drags it up to Ayumi's silky smooth, porcelin pale, and completely bald mons, peppering the fleshy mound with kisses before pulling back the hood at the crown of her nether lips to expose the tiny nub of Ayumi's immature clit. When Ai simultaneously wraps her lips around Ayumi's clit and curls her finger to tickle Ayumi's g-spot, the little girl lets out a loud moan, her whole body writhing as her senses are assaulted with new sensations, and smiling to herself, Ai relentlessly increases the intensity, sucking hard on the little bundle of nerves as she slides a second finger inside the young girl, reducing Ayumi to a moaning, mewling mess. Of course, being even less experienced in the pleasures of a woman than Ai is in the pleasures of a man and the shrunken scientist having a full decade of life experience over the little girl, including having dealt with puberty and adolescence, it isn't long before Ayumi can feel something building deep in her belly, both familiar yet completely new, and misinterpreting the familiar part in her naivete, the child cries out, "Ai-chan...if...if you keep playing with me like that...I...I'm going to have an accident!" Knowing what's about to happen, Ai only redoubles her efforts, adding a third finger to Ayumi's snug snatch, prompting the girl to cry out, more insistent, "Ai-chan! I...I'm really going to have an accident!" "No you aren't." replies Ai in a brief pause from sucking on Ayumi's clit, watching with amusement as the girl, convinced she's going to wet herself curls up, pulling her knees up to her chest as she crosses her ankles, hands fisting and toes scrunching. Pulling away as Ayumi bucks atop the desk, fearful of a kick to the head as the child thrashes in pleasure, Ai pinches the girl's clit with the thumb and forefinger of her free hand as she frantically finger fucks the girl, cooing to the child, "Come on, Ayumi-chan, just let go." "No, no, no, nonononnono!" pleads the curled up girl, tears squeezing through tightly shut eyelids, "IT'S GOING TO COME OUT!!" And then the coil of pleasure snaps, Ayumi's limbs shooting out, her back arching, her eyes flying open, and a scream of ecstacy pouring from her mouth as her very first orgasm tears through her, far too intense for the little girl to properly process, and as suddenly as the child had unfurled, she suddenly collapses bonelessly atop the desk. Withdrawing her hand from Ayumi's pussy and licking the little girl's release from her fingers, Ai comments, "Maybe I overdid it." as she watches the panting and thoroughly dazed girl sprawled atop the desk. It takes several minutes for Ayumi to recover enough to push herself up onto her elbows and exclaim, "That was the best thing ever!" only to notice that Ai is once again tenting her dress, her erection clearly visible through the dark fabric without the improvised harness, "Ai-chan's peenie is all hard again, do you need me to lick it some more?" the young girl getting a bit of a disgusted expression even as she makes the offer. Ai snaps out of her trance, having spent some time simply staring at her best female friend's cute, little cunny, and while getting another blowjob sounds nice, the shrunken scientist craves something else as she replies, "While that sounds nice, I can tell you didn't really enjoy it, Ayumi-chan." Leaning over the little girl, Ai whispers in her ear, "But there's something else we might both enjoy." "What's that?" asks Ayumi, curiosity and excitement radiating off the irresistably cute child. Rubbing her clothed cock against Ayumi's cunny, Ai replies, "Want to try sticking it in?" "You want to put your peenie in my vagini?" asks Ayumi, moaning softly as Ai continues to grind against her, "Isn't that like, the ultimate grown up game? and will your huge peenie even fit in my tiny vagini?" "Well, a girl's passage is supposed to be able to stretch to let a baby come out." comments Ai as she reaches for the waistband of Ayumi's panties and pulls the sodden garment down the girl's slender legs, "But the only way to find out if it'll fit is to try." With that, Ai lifts her dress to let her prod her tip at Ayumi's entrance, the futa's precum mixing with the child's juices. Moaning more loudly from the direct contact between their privates, Ayumi replies, "Yo-you can try sticking it in... but please promise to pull out if it hurts too much!" Not sure she'll be able to stop herself if she manages to squeeze into that snug snatch, but willing to say just about anything to get inside the girl laid out before her, Ai replies, "I promise." before reaching for Ayumi's hips, gripping them firmly as she presses her cock head insistantly against Ayumi's overflowing opening. Much to the shrunken scientist's surprise, Ayumi's lips part easily for her girthy member, her tip soon wedged against the child's cherry, the holes that had allowed Ai's fingers passage too small to accomodate her cock. Ai wants to just ram herself as deep as possible without warning, but manages to restrain herself long enough to inform her little lover, "Ayumi-chan, I'm trying to be gentle, but I'm afraid the next bit is going to hurt no matter what I do." "It's okay." is all Ayumi can manage through her own lusty haze, and unable to hold back any longer, Ai jabs her hips forward, piercing Ayumi's maidenhead and burying half of her girlcock in the little girl's tiny twatty, the child's mind going blank at the sensation of being stretched around Ai's girth. Unable to focus on anything other than the silky smooth, super snugh snatch squeezing half of her member, Ai grabs Ayumi's ankles and pulling the shorter girl's feet up and together, she starts to mercilessly pound the child's cunny, managing to shove just a bit more of her length into that tiny passage with every thrust. Fortunately for Ayumi, the pain of her deflowering is quickly overwhelmed with the pleasure Ai's cock is giving her. "Oh Ayumi-chan!' cries out Ai in her ecstacy, "Your cozy, little cunny feels amazing! I never want to stop fucking it!" "Ai...Ai-chan's" Ayumi barely manages to stammer out between moans and gasps, "Ai-chan's peenie feels even bettter than Ai-chan's tongue and fingers!" Spreading Ayumi's legs, Ai leans over her little lover to give her a searing kiss, the little girl wrapping her arms tightly about ai's chest, tiny fists balling up in the taller girl's dress. As Ai returns the hug, Ayumi's now freed legs wrap around her waist, and taking advantage of how the little girl is clinging to her, Ai lifts Ayumi off the desk and takes a seat, bouncing the child in her lap, the scientist's hands finding their way to Ayumi's ass, squeezing and kneading those tiny half-moons. Breaking the kiss, Ai announces, "Ayumi-chan, I'm going to blast your little womb full of my cum! I'm going to blow up your tiny tummy like a balloon!" and before Ayumi can muster a reply, Ai slams the smaller girl down, fully hilting in a pussy for the first time as she erupts with the force of a volcano, and as she pumps Ayumi full of her seed, all the shrunken scientist can think is how she wants to strap the smaller girl to her front, cover her with her dress, and just go about her daily routine with her cock warming in Ayumi's wonderful pussy, only separating if one of them needs to pee... scratch that, using the little girl as a urinal and being peed on would be more than worth it to stay hilted in that heavenly snatch 24/7. The pair bask in afterglow for several minutes before Ayumi regains her senses enough to comment, "Wow, that was even better." before untangling her arms from around Ai's midsection to encircle the taller girl's neck and give her a peck on the lips. Knowing it would be unrealistic to walk around with Ayumi on her cock all the time, but thinking it would at least be nice to deposit her nocturnal emissions in the cutie's cunny instead of her Pajama pants, Ai asks, "Hey, Ayumi-chan, would you like to have a sleepover at the Professor's?" "I'd love to!" is the little girl's reply, and with a smile, Ai helps Ayumi off her lap and to get cleaned up before the pair finish their duties and start on their way to the Professor's home.