The Futa Experiment by Imouto Kitten File 01: Ai's Transformation Ai Haibara, former researcher for the Black Organization, stood in her bedroom, a tiny pill in the palm of her child-like hand. This pill, the end result of several months of calculation, experimentation, and synthesis was her latest attempt at creating an antidote to APTX-4869, the thrice damned poison she had helped to create and which, thanks to a 2-in-a-million abnormality had lead to the scientist's shrunken state. She had already shed her regular clothing in favor of a plain, white bathrobe that hung loosely on her petite frame and dragged the floor, knowing the baggy garment would become rather form fitting if the pill had the intended effect, not that the cynical girl would allow herself to hope that she finally cracked the puzzle of why all former attempts had only temporarily counteracted the de-aging effect. Sitting on her bed, Ai takes several deep breaths in an attempt to relax in preparation for what she expects to be an incredibly unpleasant experience before quickly knocking back the pill and chasing it with a glass of water, quickly sitting the emptied vessel upon her nightstand and laying her head on her pillow to await the all-consuming pain that had accompanied every prior transformation. The shrunken scientist lays there for several tense minutes, trepidation filling the usually stoic false child. Just when Ai is starting to think the pill was a complete dud, it happens, she breaks out in a full-body sweat, feeling so hot that she would swear being set on fire would be refreshingly cool, her tiny hands fisting in her sheets to prevent her from thrashing as an agonizingly intense throbbing wracks her tiny body. However, instead of in her chest, as if she were having a heart attack, the excruciating pain is radiating from further down, Ai's tender girlhood feeling like it's being torn apart, and if the shrunken scientist were capable of coherent thought, she'd be wondering if this is what childbirth would feel like on drugs to enhance rather than reduce pain. And then, as suddenly as it started, the burning and throbbing is gone, and the false child passes out, exhausted from the experience. ### When Ai wakes up, the first thing she notices is that her hand and forearm are still small, holding up the appendage and watching the sleeve of the baggy bathrobe sized to fit her true body fall away. Closing her eyes, she curses herself for such a complete failure, having put herself through all that pain and suffering and the effects, if any failing to even last long enough for her to regain consciousness afterward. However, when she opens her eyes to examine the rest of her body, she spots an unusual tenting in her robe, and reaching out to grab the protrusion, lets out a gasp as a jolt of electricity shoots up her spine. Too shocked to immediately put her thoughts into words, Ai bolts out of bed and runs to stand before the full-length mirror Professor Agasa had insisted should be among her rooms furnishings before undoing the slip-knotted belt and pulling open the robe to get a full frontal look at her reflection. As her eyes fall upon the stiff appendage now pretruding from where her pubic mound meets her cleft of venus, easily as long and thick as the girl's forearm and pointing rather proudly at her reflection, half formed thoughts crystalize into a shocked exclamation of, "I turned myself into a hermaphrodite!" And yet, the usually very analytical criminal turned child is soon distracted from the possible ramifications of her new bit of anatomy as her eyes take in the rest of her reflection, the sight of barely budding brests and gently curving hips more appropriate for a preteen than the younger child she portrays as part of her cover causing her already erect member to throb in need and her girlhood to grow damp for the first time she can recall since her botched attempt to commit suicide via Apotoxin. Continuing to stare at her own reflection, Ai lets the oversized bathrobe fall from her shoulders to pool around her ankles as her hands subconsciously reach for her crotch, one tiny hand wrapping around the top of her shaft, thumb and middle finger barely able to fully encircle the collar as her other hand slides a dainty finger within her depths. Starting to stroke her newly acquired futahood while simultaneously fingering her pussy, Ai bites her lower lip to avoid letting out a loud moan as she watches her reflection mirroring her own actions. The shrunken scientist slowly picks up speed in her stroking, all thoughts of her experiment's unusual results purged from her mind by pleasure the likes of which she's never known, and while the digit wriggling around in her passage feels good, it is her newfound anatomy rather than her factory equipment that demands ever greater stimulation. Withdrawing from her pussy, Ai grips her girlcock in both hands, her fingers nearly a blur as she strokes her shaft as quickly as her slender arms will allow, panting heavily as she stops caring if anyone overhears her pleasuring herself, her moans filling the room. She can feel something building deep in her tummy, and though her analytical mind could deduce she's on the verge of an orgasm, the pleasure has driven away all rational thought to the point that Ai is caught off guard by her first male orgasm as any ignorant pubescent boy would be. No longer able to maintain her intense gaze upon her reflection, Ai squeezes her eyes shut and throws her head back as her first spurt of semen shoots from her tip to splatter her reflection, a nearly animalistic cry of ecstasy escaping her throat. As her girlcock continues to spew thick, sticky seed, her knees buckle and the shrunken scientist loses her balance and falls flat on her plump, little rump, her creamy, white ejaculate erupting high into the air before arcing back down to splatter the girl's trim tummy, barely budding breasts, and flushed face. As her futahood finally finishes spurting seed and her senses start to return to her, Ai's first conscious thought is, 'If that's what it feels like for real boys, no wonder so many of them are obsessed with sex.' Sitting up, Ai realizes just how tired she is from the side effects of the test antidote and her impromptu masturbation session, her hands lifting up to massage her sore biceps as she decides, 'Figuring out why the test antidote gave me a penis instead of restoring me to my adult body can wait until tomorrow.' Realizing just how much of a mess she made of herself and the mirror, she adds, 'but right now, I think a bath is in order.' Before dragging herself to her feet and pulling the bathrobe back on, using one of the oversized sleeves to wipe her seed from the mirror and trying to ignore how the remnants of her release seem to glue the terry cloth to her skin as she makes her way to the bathroom.