Fluttershy tastes the Rainbow by Imouto Kitten Rainbow Dash was worried. The rainbow-maned mare's oldest and dearest friend, Fluttershy, had always been very shy and reclusive ever since the pair of pegasi had been young fillies, but for the last few days, the butter-yellow pony had been alarmingly even more skittish than usual, the athlete unsure if her sister in all but blood had even stepped hoof out of her cottage to buy groceries or other necessities, and it had the Bearer of the Element of Loyalty fearful there was something seriously wrong with the Bearer of Kindness. Had it been anyone else, Rainbow Dash would've just smashed through their roof, uncaring about the pony-shaped hole left in her wake and started demanding answers, but not wanting to spook her probably sick or injured friend, the brash pegasus stomped down on her first impulse like a rogue storm cloud and instead flew to Fluttershy's bedroom window, and used the spare key her friend had entrusted to her to unlock it and quietly glide through. The bedroom is lit only by the sliver of sunlight through the window Dash just entered through, and looking around, the rainbow-maned mare notices nothing out of the ordinary until she spots a big ball of pink trembling atop the bedspread. Approaching as quietly as possible, Rainbow places a hoof on the trembling mass and whispers, "Fluttershy, you okay?" Despite the stunt flier's best effort to be calming, the pink ball still emits a startled squeak and bounces halfway to the ceiling before uncurling on the bedspread to reveal that it is indeed the pink-maned pegasus, "Oh my, it's just you, Rainbow Dash." replies the skittish pony, still shivering like a leaf, but relaxing just a bit at the intruder being her best friend. "Sorry for startling you." replies Dash, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof as her magenta eyes roam over her fellow pegasus. Despite the warm, spring day outside, Fluttershy is covered neck to hoof in a long, thick, and baggy sweater dress the same pink as her mane, Fluttershy's face and forehooves the only butter yellow left exposed as Dash repeats her earlier question, "Are you okay, Fluttershy? You've been hold up in here for days and it's got me worried." "Oh, sorry for worrying you," replies Fluttershy, trying to bury her head in her sweater dress, "and thank you for your concern, but I'm just fine, so feel free to go on about your day if you like." Any other pony might have been convinced that Fluttershy was just being her usual, overly polite self, but Rainbow can see right through her friend's facade. "Yeah, and I just mailed in a rejection letter to join the Wonderbolts." declares the athlete as she sits on the bed next to Fluttershy and pulls the shy filly into a one-legged hug, "Come on, Flutters, I can tell something's bothering you." "Oh, really, it's nothing." Insists Fluttershy, scooting as far from Dash as her bed will allow, doing nothing to convince the more bolsterous pegasus she's being honest. "Yeah..." replies Dash flatly. "Okay, you're right," admits Fluttershy in a whisper, her words further muffled by her muzzle being covered by her sweater, "but it's rather embarrassing." what little of her face is visible turning from butter yellow to cotton candy pink. "Oh, come on, it can't be that bad." replies Dash reassuringly, "I promise I won't make fun of you and that I'll keep it a secret and try to help." "Oh, okay." relents Fluttershy, getting off the bed and standing on her hind legs as her forehooves grab her sweater dress and start to slowly pull it up her hind legs and barrel. As what's under the dress is revealed, Rainbow Dash's eyes go wide as dinner plates... naturally, she had seen Fluttershy naked many times, after all, most ponies and several other races around Equestria and its neighboring lands went about without clothes more often than they wore them, and the pair weren't strangers to sharing a bath, so Dash had seen what Fluttershy has between her hind legs up close on more than one occasion. What had the cyan mare gawking was what hadn't been there previously, for standing proud above Fluttershy's marehood was more than a foot of bright red, flare headed, horsecock. Had Dash been standing, she would have fallen on her plot in awe at the sight before her. Fluttershy didn't have the biggest stallionhood Dash had ever seen, but it looked all the bigger for how petite the butter-yellow pegasus is, and while the only thing keeping the pinkette from being the most famous model in Equestria is her dislike of the spotlight, the way Fluttershy was clearly flustered by her new bit of anatomy only added to her allure. However, Dash's awestruck silence lasts so long that Fluttershy can't help but mistake it for shocked disgust, dropping her sweater to try and hide her erection, only for the hem to catch on the mare's member as she devolves into hysterics, "I knew it!" pouts the futanari, cutely stamping a back hoof on her bedroom floor, "I'm a freak!" Snapping out of her daze, Rainbow Dash tries to reassure her friend as she starts crying in earnest, "Your not a freak." But Fluttershy doesn't hear her friend's attempt to calm her as she vents her frustrations over the ordeal she's been suffering in silence for days, "Oh, it's just awful! There I was, minding my own business as I foraged for medicinal herbs to help treat all of my sick and injured animal friends deep in Whitetail Woods when I must have wandered too close to the Everfree and got a faceful of pollen from some strange flower. At first, it made me sneeze and I thought nothing of it, but the next morning I woke up with this thing dangling between my hindlegs, and when I tried going into town, it would emerge from it's sheath and throb every time I got a good look at a mare's plot... any mare's plot... even the little fillies with no cutie marks! I've tried holding up in my cottage in hopes whatever caused it would wear off, but it just throbs constantly and when I try to sleep, my dreams are filled with visions of me doing inappropriate things with it to all the mares and fillies in Ponyville!" Before Fluttershy can continue her tirade any further, Dash crosses the room in a blink of the eye, wrapping her friend in a hug and silencing her with a kiss, Fluttershy's eyes going wide momentarily before drifting closed as she melts into the embrace. Feeling Fluttershy's hind legs give out, Rainbow flaps her wings lifting both pegasi from the floor before gliding over to lay Fluttershy upon her bed. When Dash finally breaks the kiss, the blushing, panting futa filly glances up at her oldest, dearest friend, eyes full of desire and lashes fluttering even as she comments, "Oh my, but this is so sudden..." "Hey, I've thought you were cute ever since we were fillies." replies Dash, "I just never said anything because I didn't think you were into mares." "I wasn't before I grew... that thing.." replies Fluttershy in a barely audible whisper... "I'm a freak and a deviant." "No you're not! You're a beautiful mare with a heart of gold! So what if you have a few more fun parts than most ponies?" replies Dash before dropping a hoof to Fluttershy's futahood and giving it a few strokes as she asks, "So, would you like me to help you out with your not-so-little problem?" "Oh!" gaspsFluttershy in pleasure, "That...that's really not necessary, but oh my, that feels really nice." "Heh, barely touched you and you're already putty in my hands." Comments Dash confidently, "Sure, most stallions have more experience, but this is still a personal best." Pushing Fluttershy's sweater up to her withers, Rainbow continues stroking her friend's stallionhood as the athlete's other forehoof caresses the harden nipples that stand out like a constellation of pink stars against a butter yellow sky and asks, "So, Flutters, how many have you rubbed out while you've been cooped up?" Her blush deepening to make Big Macintosh look pale, the shy filly stammers out, "No-none... I've only touched that thing when I needed to go to the little filly's room, and even then, I put it off as long as I could." "Wow!" replies Rainbow, "No wonder you're so on edge. You must be as pent up as a colt in a Calf-lick boarding school." Covering her face with her hooves, Fluttershy's reply is muffled nearly to incoherence, but Dash, through long years of being the butter-pony's best friend, can make out, "Oh, the things this thing have made me think about are just dreadful." "Hey, nothing wrong with a bit of self-love," replies Dash, her hooves moving faster, "and it's not like you went on a one mare stampede mounting fillies and mares left and right without asking." Leaning down and pushing Fluttershy's hooves aside to look her in the eye, Rainbow adds, "Just lay back and let me take care of this for you. I guarantee you'll be bonelessly blissed out by the time I'm done with you." before capturing Fluttershy's lips in another kiss, the athlete's hoof still vigorously stroking the shy pony's futa horse cock. When Rainbow breaks the kiss this time, she traces more kisses along Fluttershy's muzzle, fighting her own urges to avoid moving too fast for her timid friend before jumping over the sweater to work her way down Fluttershy's barrel, gently sucking each of the pink-maned pony's nipples in turn, the overwhelmed animal lover squirming and mewling under Dash's surprisingly tender ministrations. When Dash reaches Fluttershy's crotch, the rainbow-maned mare sandwiches Fluttershy's futahood between both hooves, the butter-yellow Pony's moans growing louder as her hooves dig into the mattress. Dash smiles at how much Fluttershy is enjoying the hoofjob, but the athlete is far from done taking care of her friend as she brings her muzzle within a inch of the head of the throbbing stallionhood and flicks her tongue out, Fluttershy letting out a squeak of surprise as her friend's tongue swipes over the tip of her recently added bit of anatomy. "Oh my, that's really not necessary." cries Fluttershy, nearly overwhelmed by that first lick, only to reach a volume rare for the shy pony as Dash wraps her lips around Fluttershy's shaft and starts sucking and licking in earnest, "but that feels absolutely amazing!" Rainbow is pleased with Fluttershy's reaction to receiving a blowjob, but with Fluttershy's complete lack of experience with the pleasures of a stallion, it isn't long before the shy mare is crying out, "Rainbow, I...I think somethings going to come out!" Her hooves a blur, Dash pulls her mouth off of Fluttershy's erection just long enough to encourage, "Go ahead, Flutters, let it all out." before taking the stallionhood down her throat, sucking like an out of control tornado, pulling her hooves away as her lips make contact with the base of the pink-maned pony's shaft just in time for Fluttershy to erupt straight into Dash's stomach. DespiteFluttershy's petite frame, her load is copious and there's soon a bulge in Dash's svelt physique from all of the cum she's swallowing, and even as Rainbow pulls back thanks to the start of a stomach ache, the weather mare's cheeks are crammed with cum like a chipmunk with too many nuts by the time Fluttershy's stream trikles to a halt. As Fluttershy rests in afterglow, Rainbow swishes her mouthful of colt cream around before forcing herself to swallow, commenting, "Huh, even your cum is sweet. Most stallions are about as salty as a sports drink." Looking over her sprawled in post-orgasmic bliss friend, she asks, "How you feeling, Flutters?" Fluttering her eyelashes, the butter-coated filly replies, "Oh Dashie, that felt incredible, Thank you ever so much." "Don't thank me yet," replies Rainbow, "We're not done yet." "Huh?" replies Fluttershy. "You're still harder than a timberwolf after a fight with a cockatrice." replies Dash, straddling Fluttershy's flanks and lowering her marehood towards the flare of Fluttershy's stallionhood. "I don't think I've ever swallowed so much in one go, but I'm sure you still have plenty of foal funnel cake ready to fry." Noticing the position Rainbow is in, Fluttershy tries to protest, "Oh Dashie, you've already done more than enough, that's not necess-" Only to be cut off as Dash drops her hips, Fluttershy's eyes rolling up as her foot and some change of horse cock is engulfed by Dash's sopping wet, dragonfire hot, and vicegrip tight marehood. Dash was a far cry from being a virgin, and Fluttershy was far from being the first virgin Dash had rode, but it still gave Dash a thrill to watch Fluttershy blissed out beneath her as the athlete worked over the horse cock buried within her with her internal muscles, the competitive mare having trained her kegels just as much as the rest of her body. Fluttershy is so lost in the delight of being massaged by Dash's marehood that she doesn't even notice as Dash removes the unseasonably warm sweater the shy pony had been using to hide her transformation, and after laying the now naked futa filly back down, Dash can't help but admire how beautiful her oldest, dearest friend is, nearly looking like a goddess of nature and fertility as her pink tresses fan out beneath her. "Heh, I might not get fashion," comments the rainbow-maned pegasus as she gyrates her hips atop the futa horsecock, "But I can see why you were so popular as a model. As cute as you are, I bet you could have school colts and grown stallions sowing their wild oats on the grass if you were just a bit more outgoing and flirty." "Oh my, don't say it like that..." replies Fluttershy, forehooves once more over her eyes, "and besides, I'm nothing special." "I'm serious!" retorts Dash, pulling the butter-yellow pony's hooves from her face, pressing her frogs to her friends as she leans over, looks lovingly into the other mare's eyes and declares with sincerity even Applejack would be proud of, "Flutters,, you're the most beautiful mare I've ever laid eyes on." and before Fluttershy can utter another humble protest, Dash picks up speed riding her friend's filly cock like a madmare, the athlete's wings extended for balance, the sudden increase in pace leaving the pink-maned pegasus incapable of any vocalizations other than moans of pleasure as Dash adds, "and you're even more beautiful when you're blissed out of your mind." Dash continues her high speed cock riding for only a minute or two before a building pressure at the base of Fluttershy's stallionhood manages to work it's way through her sex-addled mind, "Ah, Dashie! I...I think it's going to come out again!" "It's okay, Flutters." replies Dash, not slowing in the slightest, "Just let it all out like before." "But...But what if you end up with foal?!" cries Fluttershy, trying to resist the overwhelming sensations shooting up her spine. "It's okay, Flutters, I'm on the potion." Replies Dash, "You can pump me full of funnel cake as much as you want." "Ah," cries Fluttershy, straining to hold back the impending eruption, "Wh-what if the potion was misbrewed or yo-you missed a dose?" "Not gonna happen," replies Dash her hips a blur as her insides massage Fluttershy's shaft. Leaning in and dropping to a whisper, the rainbow-maned mare adds, "Besides, in the unlikely event one of your fliers manages to seed my cloud, I'm sure our foal will be every bit as cute as it's mother, and it would totally be worth taking a year off." With that, Dash crashes her lips upon Fluttershy's once more to cut off any further protests, Dash's perfectly toned plot moving so fast her cutie mark is reduced to a indistinct blur of color. Overwhelmed by the way her oldest friend is riding her, said older friend's words, and the passion of the latest kiss, Fluttershy's resistence crumbles, and despite herself, Fluttershy bucks her hind legs against her matttress with force worthy of an applebucking champion as her fillycock is driven up into Dash's passage, the flatten tip of fluttershy's mare member spewing forth gallons of potent horse semen right against Dash's cervix, the climax so intense that the butter yellow pegasus blacks out beneath her friend. ### When she comes to, Fluttershy finds Dash gently stroking her muzzle, the more outgoing pegasus still impaled on her filly futahood and looking a bit chubby. Rubbing her belly with her free hoof, Dash comments, "Wow, Flutters, I think you gave me more funnal cake in that one load than I've gotten from a whole squadron of the finest stallions!" before calming down and asking, "but are you okay? Did I overdo it?" "I'm fine," replies Fluttershy, blushing as she takes in the sight of Rainbow's cumflated belly, "In fact, I feel better than I have since I found that flower... though I'm dreadfully sorry about pouring so much inside you..." Waving a hoof dismissively, Rainbow replies, "Think nothing of it, besides, like I said, I'm on the potion and I trust Zecora to get it right everytime... though, if you really want to repay me, I wouldn't mind checking out that flower if you remember where you found it." "Su-sure, I'd be happy to show you where it is." replies Fluttershy before letting out a yawn, "but first, I think I need a nap... mind staying with me?" "That's fine, and I'd be happy to stay." replies Dash before rolling over to let fluttershy lay atop of her, the pink-maned pegasus nuzzling her friend turned lover before letting herself drift off into Luna's domain, the shy filly's dreams, though still erotic, now filled with happy scenes of lovemaking with her new marefriend instead of disturbing scenes of her raping half of Ponyville.