Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 27: Shutterbug's Self-Insemination While the younger Tamaki cousin was experiencing her first sexual encounter with a girlcock of her own, the elder cousin was ushering her shutterbug into her bedroom, the older blonde nearly tenting her dress despite its loose fit, nearly ready to rape her shutterbug after spending the day resisting the urge to mentally undress her teacher and all of her female classmates. "Kaori-chan, strip for your mistress." Reika orders, trying to keep the desperation out of her voice. "Yes, Ojou-sama!" Replies Kaori, making quick work of removing her shirt and dropping her pants, standing before the bossy blonde in nothing but panties and socks in short order. As Kaori stands there, Reika's eyes roam over the pig-tailed girl's form appreciatively. "Have you been keeping up with the beauty regiment I prescribed, my little shutterbug?" ""Yes, ojou-sama!" replies Kaori. "Good, good." Says Reika with a smile as she retrieves some padded handcuffs and leads Kaori over to a full-length mirror. Turning her girlfriend to face the mirror, Reika secures the cuffs around Kaori's wrists before lifting Kaori's hands over her head, and using rope and a pulley to suspend the bespectacled girl from the ceiling, Kaori having to stand on tip toes to avoid her entire body weight pulling on her arms. Molding herself to Kaori's back, the blonde's bitch breaker pressing against the submissive girl's back through her orange dress, Reika runs her hands tenderly over her girlfriend's body, caressing silky skin, barely budding breasts, and gentle curves. As both girls admire Kaori's reflection in the mirror, the shutterbug's own girlcock threatening to rip through her tented panties, Reika whispers in Kaori's ear, "Kaori-chan is so cute... I'm really lucky to have such a cutie as a concubine." Nibbling on an earlobe and sliding a hand down the photographer's trim tummy, past the stretched out waistband to stroke her shutterbug's shaft, Reika adds, "But I bet you've been dying to shoot your seed into someone's womb, haven't you?" "Yes, Ojou-sama, I want to-" Kaori replies, biting her lip to cut herself off as she moans from her mistress's touch. Continuing to stroke Kaori, Reika trails kisses down Kaori's nape and along her spine as she says, "Well, you might get your wish today, my shutterbug." and kneeling behind the suspended girl, Reika pulls Kaori's panties to the floor and plants a kiss on each of the photographer's half moons. "Tell me Kaori-chan, have you been keeping your rear passage clean like I told you?" "Yes, Ojou-sama, I've been flushing my bowels with the mixture you recommended every morning and evening and after every trip to the restroom until I run clear." "Good, good," replies Reika with a smile. "Been wanting to pluck my little shutterbug's rosebud for a while, but I wouldn't want any mess... Now, I have a little challenge for you, Kaori-chan." "What is it, Ojou-sama?" Spreading Kaori's half moons and using a finger to spread the juices dripping from Kaori's cunny to lube her rosebud, Reika replies, "It's an exercise in self control... I'll loop my shutterbug's girlcock to slide it inside my shutterbug's pussy as I use your butt... if you can outlast me, I'll let you cum where ever you want, if not, you'll squirt yourself full of your seed." "Ojou-sama, you can't be serious!" replies Kaori, her girlcock throbbing at the proposal and growing harder than ever before. Giving Kaori a playful smack on the butt that promises a real punishment at another outburst, "Come now, my little shutterbug, earlier you were about to say you wanted to fill my womb with your seed, weren't you? Well, I'm giving you a chance to fulfill that fantasy. Isn't putting your own womb in the line of fire worth it to earn the honor of siring a child on your mistress?" Before Kaori can reply, Reika starts trying to bend Kaori's girlcock into a loop, only for the member to prove perfectly rigid. "Huh, I thought it would bend just li-, but never mind, I'm nothing if not prepared."" Standing up, Reika walks over to a dresser, discarding her dress along the way, Kaori trying to crane her neck to see what her mistress is doing, but having little luck. When Reika steps between Kaori and the mirror, now in nothing but lacy, silk panties, she's holding a dildo and a onnahole, the two sex toys connected by a long, thin tube. "Since the direct method won't work, we'll just have to use the indirect method." and Kaori needs no further explanation as Reika kneels in front of her, the bound girl shivering as the familiar feeling dildo is slid up her dripping pussy and again as the also familiar feeling onnahole slides down over her hard girlcock, the tube ready to convey Kaori's next cumshot straight to the junior journalist's quivering core. "There, now my shutterbug's seed will go right where it should if Kaori-chan loses our little game." comments Reika before standing up and returning to her earlier position pressed against Kaori's back, only now with direct skin-to-skin contact. Grinding her girlcock against the small of Kaori's back, Reika adds, "Oh, and if it isn't obvious, that dildo and onnahole are modelled after my own girlcock and pussy and are the most realistic sex toys money can buy." With that, Reika pulls away from Kaori slightly, spreads the photographer's cheeks, and lets the tip of her girlcock slide down her shutterbug's spine until the tip is lined up with the bound girl's rosebud. "Now, relax Kaori-chan and let your mistress send you to heaven." declares Reika before pushing into her girlfriend's tight ass. Doing her best to relax despite the prospect of knocking herself up, Kaori shudders head to toe and lets out a loud moan as Reika sinks deep into her bowels, the cleansing rituals her mistress had encouraged her to perform having done little to prepare her for the feeling of being filled with a penis or having her rosebud stretched as much as everything else. "O-Ojou-sama...Ojou-sama feels so much bigger in my butt!" Bottoming out inside Kaori's bottom, Reika replies, "And I'm just getting started." before hugging the bound girl to her chest and reaching down to start sliding the onnahole up and down Kaori's shaft. Reika gives Kaori a minute or so to adjust to being anally penetrated before pulling her girlcock most of the way out and then sliding back in, and it isn't long after that that Reika has established a steady rhythm, pulling out of Kaori's butt and pulling the onnahole off Kaori's futahood only for both girls to be hilted in unison. Toying with one of Kaori's nipples, Reika comments, 'Kaori-chan's butt is so hot and tight, I'm going to need to use it regularly from now on." "Please use my butt to your heart's content, Ojou-sama!" Cries Kaori. "Having my butt stuffed with Ojou-sama's girlcock feels amazing!" "I'm glad to hear that, Kaori-chan," replies Reika, "and how are you enjoying the onnahole?" the blonde squeezing her hand tightly around the toy as she pumps it along her shutterbug's shaft. "Ojou-sama!" Cries Kaori as the onnahole tightens like a clenching cuny, "It feels too good! If you don't slow down, I won't be able to outlast Ojou-sama!" "Well, since this is meant to be a test of your self-control, I can't go easy on you, my sweet, little shutterbug." Replies Reika, picking up speed, both with her thrusting and her pumping. "You'll just need to be better at milking my girlcock with your butt than I am at milking yours with the onnahole." Kaori shivers in a mix of excitement and anxiety at her mistress's words, her hands wrapping around the rope she's hanging from in a white knuckled grip and her toes curling as she tries to resist the pleasure shooting up her spine from her girlcock. But Reika isn't done making things anything but easy for the pig-tailed girl, the hand not manipulating the onnahole coming up to roll one of Kaori's nipples between thumb and forefinger as the blonde starts to lick an exposed armpit. Her whole body trembling, her knees knocking together, and her futahood throbbing, Kaori chokes out, "Ojou-sama! Please have mercy! I can't take this much stimulation!" "Oh, but Kaori-chan, I still have one more surprise for you." Reika replies, showing a small remote to the bespectacled girl before pressing a button, causing the vibration of the dildo in Kaori's pussy to buzz to life, the vibrations strongest against the bound futa's g-spot and prostate. "OJOU-SAMA!" screams Kaori in panic. "Don't make me knock myself up!" only for Reika to ignore her pleas as she picks up speed, the blonde's hips and hand a blur as she fucks her shutterbug's ass and makes her fuck the onnahole. Despite Kaori's best efforts, she can only hold off her inevitable climax for so long, and when she erupts, the force at which her seed jets from her tip is so great there is hardly any delay as her seed rushes along the plastic tubing to erupt from the tip of the dildo and shoot up into her womb. And before Kaori can fully process that she has failed the impossible challenge Reika set before her, a second torrent of futa jizz floods her bowels as Reika joins her shutterbug in near synchronous climax, Kaori's belly bulging as both her womb and colon are flooded with copious amounts of thick, creamy cum. When Reika finishes cumming in her shutterbug's butt, she pulls out before extracting the dildo, noticing Kaori's seed coating the tip. "Well, looks like my shutterbug shot herself down after all." She comments before reaching up to unlock the handcuffs, catching Kaori as the now exhausted photographer collapses. Cradling her submissive lover in a princess carry, Reika comments, "I kind of hope you end up having twins... Imagine, my little heiress having a twin half-sister as her loyal retainer from birth... Wouldn't that be cute?" Despite her apprehension over the whole self-insemination situation, Kaori can't help giving Reika a tired smile as she imagines herself having twin daughters, one the splitting image of Reika, the other of Kaori herself, the one sired by the rich girl, the other having only one parent. "That does sound nice, Ojou-sama." she whispers as Reika lays her on the blonde's bed and the two settle in for a lazy, post-coital cuddle.