Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 26: Three Little Futas Despite how unpleasant her previous encounter with the pair of Sonatine brats had been, Erika marches resolutely to the location where they had ambushed her, barely thinking about the pictures they took as she tries to ignore a throbbing between her legs. As the blonde enters the crawl space to find Poppu and Sayaka are already there, the Prima Alumnus yells at the pair, "What the hell did you Sonatine Brats do to me?!" "What are you talking about?" asks Poppu, far calmer than her rival. Grabbing the hemn of her skirt, Erika yanks her skirt and blouse up as she exclaims, "I'm talking about this!!!!" as she reveals a girlcock, easily as long and thick as her forearm sticking up out of her panties. "You did something and now I have one of these things like you have!" "Oh, that," replies Poppu nonchalantly, pulling something from her bookbag and hiding it behind her back before walking over to Erika. "It's no big deal, you stick your girlcock in a girl and shoot your seed, and she grows one of her own. I grew one after my sister put hers in me, Sayaka-chan grew one after I put mine in her, and you grew one after Sayaka-chan put hers in you." "But I don't want one of these things!" Cries Erika, "It doesn't fit in my undies, and it throbs painfully whenever I look at a girl!" "Oh," replies Poppu teasingly, "Have you tried stroking it?" With this, Poppu reaches a hand out to wrap it around Erika's erection, the blonde moaning loudly as the pinkette starts to pump the prima donna's prick. "Doesn't that feel good?" Asks the pinkette. Distracted by the handjob, Erika is unable to reply and puts up no resistance as Poppu's other hand comes out from behind her back to slap the toy handcuffs on one of Erika's wrists. Before Erika fully realizes what is happening, Poppu has secured Erika's arms behind her back and pushed the blonde to her knees. Revealing that she also had a dog collar and jump rope hidden behind her back, the pinkette quickly snaps the collar around Erika's neck before using the rope to bind Erika's ankles together, tie her cuffed arms to her ankles and loop the rope through the collar's leash loop so Erika can't tilt her head down without choking herself. With a devilish smile, Poppu commentsss, "I hope you enjoyed me stroking you because now you get to enjoy a front row seat as I have some fun with Sayaka-chan." With that, Poppu walks over to where Sayaka has been quietly observing the exchange between the two more extroverted girls, the pinkette pulling the brunette into a kiss. As the couple make out, Erika feels her new bit of anatomy throb and as Poppu reaches a hand under Sayaka's dress to pull out the shy girl's girlcock and start stroking it, Erika realizes that the Sonatine brats have a completely different, and far more insideous form of torment in store for the blonde as her eyes widen in horror. Sayaka soon returns the favor, reaching under Poppu's skirt to pull out the pinkette's prick, and although Erika doesn't want to watch the pair kissing and stroking each other, the throbbing of her neglected futahood driving her crazy, her bonds make turning her head uncomfortable, she's afraid of losing her balance and slamming into the concrete slab if she tries moving with her limbs bound like they are, and her eyelids refuse to let her close her eyes as she grows ever more sexually frustrated from the display her two tormentors are putting on. Eventually, Poppu pulls away from Sayaka and walks over to her bookbag, pulling out a rolled up sleeping mat. Spreadddding the mat on the slab, Poppu pats the padded surface as she invites,"Come lay down, Sayaka-chan." The brunette pulling her dress over her head as she walks over, wearing only her panties and socks as she lays down. Making quick work of discarding her own blouse and skirt, Poppu kneels between Sayaka's spread legs before slowly removing first Sayaka's panties and then her own. As the pinkette kneels naked over the equally naked brunette, Erika realizes that the pair are in the perfect position to let her get a good look at the main event, Poppu mooning her as she leans over, the pinkette's pussy visible to the blonde's gaze and the pinkette's prick dangling between her thighs, and beyond it, Erika can just barely see Sayaka's snatch and futahood,,, the one glistening in anticipation of being stuffed, the other laying against the tiny girl's trim tummy. Erika stares transfixed as Poppu grips her girlcock and guides it to Sayaka's opening, the pair moaning loudly as the pinkette hilts herself in the brunette. Soon, Poppu is rutting Sayaka like a wild animal, the brunette's arms and legs wrapping around Poppu's torso as the pinkette's butt and cunny dance enticingly before Erika's gaze, her own painfully hard girlcock throbbing worse than ever as the blonde wishes she had the freedom of movement needed to crawl forward and ram herself as deep as possible within that taunting twatty. Erika isn't sure how she knows, but she's positive that nothing could be more delightful, more relieving than burying her throbbbbbing, aching, ready to explode girlcock in the pinkette's pussy, that mercilessly jackhammering into that hole would be better than a glass of water and bowl of rice would be if she were dying of hunger and thirst. But Poppu was thorough when she tied Erika up, the knots secure, and the bindings tight, the blonde only succeeding in giving herself rope burns as she tries to move a knee even a single centimeter forward, tears welling up in her eyes as her girlcock throbs in need, the bound girl unable to tune out either the sight of the two Sonatine brats fucking like bunnies in front of her nor the sounds of their moans echoing in the confines of the crawl space. Erika has her pride, but it is no match for this passive torture, and though she does her best to stay quiet, to not let on just how much the scene before her is affecting her, the young blonde can't help letting out a whimper of need, and despite efforts to suppress it by biting her lips or the inside of her cheek, it soon grows into a low, but persistent whine. The sound of the alpha brat sounding like a kicked puppy is music to Poppu's ears, the pinkette smiling to herself as she pulls away from her girlfriend's clinging arms to sit up and look over her shoulder to ask, her tone like honeyed venom, "What's wrong Erika-chan?" "You know exactly what's wrong!" shouts Erika at her tormentor, her cute features contorted into a snarl as she futilely tries to hump the air, only managing to make her throbbing girlcock bob ever so slightly. "Oh, could it be you want to stuff that big, thick prick of yours in my pretty, little pussy?" teases the pinkette,, shaking her butt for emphasis. "Or maybe, you'd like to take my place and stuff Sayaka's super-sweet, super-snug, super slippery snatch?" With that, Poppu reaches behind herself to grip Sayaka's ankles, gently prying the smaller girl's legs from around her waist to hold them up and out to allow the pinkette the freedom of movement needed to pull out until only her tip is still within the brunette's passage and then hilting herself once more, giving the littlest futa a series of such long, deep strokes as Poppu moves her butt in hypnotic circles, her girlcock going in and coming out of Sayaka at an angle as she continues her verbal assault, "Sayaka-chan has a really nice pussy... I bet she's tight as any kindergarten first year! And I've been told I have a really nice pussy as well." "St-stop it!" cries Erika, somehow finding the active taunting even worse than merely being forced to watch. "Now, why would I want to stop something that feels so amazing?" questions Poppu as she picks up pace before looking down at her lover and asking, "Do you want to stop, Sayaka-chan?" The brunette is nearly completely blissed out, eyes glazed and would probably have her tongue hanging out if she weren't flat on her back, but she still manages to get out between moans, "N-no! Pound me! Cream me!" "Doesn't sound like Sayaka-chan wants to stop either," comments Poppu, her thrusts growing faster and more erratic as she adds, "and I think I'm about to fulfill Sayaka-chan's wish!" and with a few more thrusts, Poppu hilts herself fully in Sayaka's snug sheath, and while Erika can't see the way Poppu's tip pushes through the smallest girl's cervix or dumps her load directly in the brunette's young womb, the blonde can tell that her rival has just hit the peak of pleasure, her girlcock feeling ready to explode as she desperately wishes she could switch places with the pinkette. When Poppu withdraws, Erika is a bit surprised that Poppu didn't knot the brunette, her first encounter with the pair of brats making her think that happened every time, and if anything, the sight of Sayaka's well-fucked pussy with a trickle of Poppu's seed seeping out only makes the blonde want a turn pounding the little girl even more, but thinking that this might mean the pair are done tormenting her, Erika tries to calm herself before asking, "So, are you brats done with your little show? Can I go now?" "Oh, that was barely a warmup." replies Poppu, "We can play with each other for hours before our girlcocks get tired." Looking down at the nearly insensate brunette, Poppu asks, "Want to lick each other clean?" and at Sayaka's nod, Poppu turns around to present her futahood to Sayaka's mouth, the younger girl latching on to the tip like a calf at its mother's teat while Poppu lowers her head to lick out what of her own seed isn't trapped in her girlfriend's womb, stroking the little girl's mostly ignored girlcock at the same time. Though a less intense scene than the one that preceded it, watching the pair 69 is no less torturous, making the blonde wish she could sneak up and stuff one of their unprotected holes, or that she had a loyal follower like her cousin had that Shimakura girl... sadly, while her fellow Prima alumni all but treated Erika like a queen, they were all too high class to actually submit to anyone, and the damnable pinkette before her had united the Sonatine brats under her banner before Erika could tempt one of them with false promises of elevated status, a thought that only further fuels the blonde's desire to bend over her rival and put the girl in her proper place. But Erika is pulled from her thoughts when Poppu starts sucking on Sayaka's girlcock, the brunette pulling off the pinkette's prick to comment, "Po-Poppu-chan is too good with her tongue! Please, I want to pop off in Poppu-chan's pussy instead!" "Okay," replies Poppu, sitting up and asking, "Does Sayaka-chan want to be on top or bottom?" "Top!" cries Sayaka in reply. Stepping aside, Poppu helps Sayaka to her feet before laying down instead, giving Erika an excellent view of the pinkette's pussy, the blonde's girlcock throbbing once more as she wishes she could lunge forward and claim that cunny for her own. For Sayaka's part, instead of assuming Poppu's position from earlier, the brunette squats over Poppu's prick, her back to the taller girl as the littlest futa slowly sinks upon her girlfriend's futahood while simultaneously sliding her own girlcock into the other girl's pussy. Once the pair are mutually hilted, Sayaka wriggles her cute little butt as if trying to get comfortable before she starts to bounce, the little girl moaning loudly under the combined sensations of fucking a pussy and having her pussy fucked. Before long, Poppu takes hold of Sayaka's wrists, and taking advantage of the extra leverage, starts to thrust up in time with the smaller girl's bouncing, and the sight of her rival and favorite victim so lost in their act of mutual ecstasy nearly has Erika shedding tears from the pain of her throbbing, neglected girlcock. Alternating between clenching her teeth and panting like a bitch in heat from the intense sensations wracking her tiny body, Sayaka barely manages to cry out, "Po-poppu-chan's cock and cunny feel amazing! I...I think I'm going to cum from both my cock and cunny!" With that, Sayaka drops her full weight down one last time, forcing both her and Poppu's pricks through the other's cervix, those innermost barriers forming tight seals just in time for both girls to erupt great gooey gobs of hot, fresh futa spunk deep into each other's trim tummies. Not that either girl's tummy stays trim for very long, for while Poppu's earlier release had been small by futa standards, both the brunette and pinkette were now depositing loads large enough to make both girls look very pregnant, Erika's eyes going wide as saucers at the sheer volume the pair of Sonatine brats are putting out even as she wishes she were the one blowing the brats' bellies up like beach balls bulging with baby batter. As Erika finally lets her tears of sexual frustration pour down her cheeks and Sayaka comes down from her climax, the blonde's whimpers draw the brunette's attention, and upon getting her first good look at her tormentor since starting the show she and Poppu had been putting on, Sayaka's too big for her small body heart breaks at the sight of the proud and pompous Prima alum reduced to a sniveling mess. Sayaka had never really been comfortable with Poppu's plans for bringing the bully down several pegs, and seeing the results, feels compelled to offer Erika some mercy. Though her mobility is hampered by being mutually knotted with Poppu and her belly being bloated with buckets of baby batter, Sayaka manages to extract her wrists from Poppu's grip, the Pinkette still blissed out on afterglow, and leaning forward as much as her double tied privates and titanic tummy will allow, the brunette manages to flick her tongue over the tip of the blonde's throbbing erection. Though a small stimulus, even that little bit of stimulation after being denied for so long is enough to send lightning up Erika's spine, the prima donna gasping in pleasure. Glancing down, Erika is just in time to witness Sayaka stretch just a bit more to engulf the blonde's cock head, the tiny girl's talented tongue twirling about the sensitive and neglected flesh. Erika's new bit of anatomy wants more, much more as the blonde tries to thrust her hips forward, to shove her girlcock down Sayaka's throat and press the brunette's nose against the blonde's pubic bone only for the restraints to prove as effective as ever, but just having a warm, wet, wonderful mouth giving her head after being forced to watch with no means of alleviating her need is enough to have Erika moaning shamelessly and forgetting her resentment towards the little girl suckling on her tip. "YES!" cries out Erika, "Your mouth feels amazing! Please! Don't stop!" Erika's exclamations bring Poppu back to the present, and as much as the Pinkette doesn't like the blonde, she can't deny that watching Sayaka give another girl head is hot, and the red ojamajo is soon hardening back to full erection within the brunette's depths. Pushing herself up to her knees, Poppu grabs Sayaka's hips and starts thrusting a new, the brunette wrapping her legs around the pinkette's waist in response, the small girl rocking back and forth atop her cumflated belly with every thrust. Taking advantage of the extra bit of mobility, Sayaka wraps her arms around Erika's waist to pull her mouth down the blonde's shaft, effortlessly swallowing the bound girl's futahood, and even sticking her tongue out to lick at the prima donna's pussy. "Oh kami! That feels amazing!" cries Erika as Sayaka's warm, tight esophagus squeezes her shaft. In fact, the sensation is so overwhelming, especially after being denied for so long, that almost as soon as the words fall from the blonde's lips, her eyes are rolling up and a wordless cry of ecstacy issues from her throat as her very first load of futa jizz pulses through her prick and sprays into Sayaka's stomach, the brunette continuing to swallow around the erupting girlcock as her stomach swells with seed to the same extent as her womb. Noticing the bound girl trembling in climax, Poppu pulls back, not only making her and Sayaka's girlcocks slide from each other's passages, but also pulling Sayaka off of Erika's shaft in the process, the blonde giving the brunette a facial as the littlest futa rests atop her massively cumflated tummy. Rocking back and forth atop her cum balloon belly until her knees touch the slab, Sayaka hugs her swollen tummy as she relaxes her cervix, the many pints of Poppu's potent seed pouring forth to splatter the concrete. Once her womb is emptied, Sayaka manages to stand up, though her stomach is still swollen from swallowing Erika's ejaculation as she walks over to the blonde and asks, "Did you enjoy my blowjob?" "It-it was incredible!" replies Erika. Smiling at her tormentor, Sayaka turns around, and pulling her dainty halfmoons apart, lowers herself until her rosebud is kissing Erika's tip as she proposes, "My pussy is reserved for Poppu-chan, but if you promise to stop picking on me, I'll let you stuff my butt with your thingy." Erika might have thought the prospect disgusting under any other circumstances, but her girlcock was still throbbing and hungry for more, so the blonde doesn't hesitate before crying out, "I promise! I'll never make fun of you again, Sayaka-san!" With those words, Sayaka sits down, Erika letting out a long moan as the tight ring of the shorter girl's anal sphincter pops over the blonde's tip and slides down her shaft, coming to rest around the root of Erika's girlcock as the primadonna's prick is buried fully in the brunette's bowels. Having watched the displllay, Poppu walks over and comments, "Sayaka-chan is too nice!" before dropping to her knees, lifting Sayaka's legs to toss them over the pinkette's shoulders, and claiming the small girl's pussy, sandwiching the smallest futa between the pair of taller girls. As Poppu starts fucking her girlfriend a new, her thrusts also move the brunette up and down the cock in her butt, causing the little girl to cry out, "Oh Kami! I can feel Poppu-chan's and Erika-chan's things rubbing against each other inside me!" The crawl space is soon filled with the moans of three little girls, the smallest moaning the loudest as she's fucked in both the pussy and butt, but it doesn't last for long before both the pinkette and blonde are knotting the brunette's holes, Poppu pumping Sayaka's womb full once more as Erika floods the little girl's bowels. When the trio come down from their final shared climax of the afternoon and separate, Poppu undoes Erika's restraints so the trio can get cleaned up, and as the trio depart their hiding spot for their respective homes, Erika can't help thinking, 'Sayaka-chan isn't so bad... need to get back at Poppu someway, though... hmmm... maybe Reika-neechan has some suggestions.'