Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 25: Onpu's Deception After fucking herself in the girls' restroom and wrapping her detached girlcock in her gym uniform, the rest of the day went easily for Onpu, at least for the most part. Sure, Nishizawa-sensei was still surprisingly sexy even with that bulky sweater, and she still got the urge to bend her female classmates over and give them big, cumflated bellies when ever her gaze rested too long on any particular girl, but at least having her futahood hidden in her school bag instead of her pussy prevented any further arousal feedback loops from driving her crazy. The only real hard part had been gym class. She had managed to remove her gym uniform from where it was wrapped around her girlcock and to wrap the sex organ in her dress-like shirt and change without anyone noticing anything out of the ordinary, but the sight of her female classmates changing had nearly done her in, and the sight of all those buruma-clad girl butts running around had been torturous... more than once, she had to shake her head to wipe away the idea of tackling one of the other girls to the hardwood, yanking their buruma to their knees and brutally ravaging the tempting, little nymphet while everyone stares, perhaps even transforming into a succubus with magic prior to the assault and spanking her victim until their ass is redder than the buruma that had tempted the purple-haired girl in the first place. She managed to reach the end of the day without snapping and taking her sexual frustration out on some unsuspecting girl, but the child idol had never been so happy to not have work that evening. She was planning to go home, lock herself in her room, and either fuck herself silly or ask Roro if she'd like for the two of them to fuck each other silly when two half-remembered statements came to mind: Momoko had said she had grown a cock after being fucked by Doremi, and Doremi had been complaining on the way to school that morning that she had afternoon cleaning duty that day. With a smile that had sold millions of photobooks crossing the futa's face, Onpu changes course in search of her redheaded friend. A glance through the window for Seki-sensei's classroom revealed that the purple-haired girl's quarry was alone within, half-heartedly sweeping the floor, but before entering, Onpu takes the time to quickly transform, cast a spell that'll seal the room as soon as she enters, recast the magical sight spell just in case, and return to her civilian attire before opening the door. "Konnichiwa, Doremi-chan!" cries Onpu in a rather chipper tone as she pushes the door close behind her, the lock clicking and the gap between door and frame glowing purple as her spell locks the two futa in. "Hey, Onpu-chan." replies the redhead in a far more dejected tone. "Something wrong, Doremi-chan?" Asks the purple apprentice as she closes the distance. "It's just been a long day... and I have cleaning duty on top of it." replies the pink apprentice with a heavy sigh. Onpu can guess what has her friend out of sorts, especially if the other futa's libido is anything like the child idol's and the purple-haired girl can't help wondering if Doremi was planning to head home to have some fun with Dodo, or perhaps little Poppu-chan, the thoughts making Onpu's girlcock throb in need and making her sure she'd be pitching a tent if she hadn't rewrapped her futahood in her gym clothes after gym class. Shaking her head to clear it of fantasies and focus on the here and now, Onpu comments, "Maybe I can help Doremi-chan feel better." and before the redhead can ask what the amethyst-haired girl means, Onpu has dropped to her knees, unzipped Doremi's shorts, and fished out the redhead's already half-erect girlcock. Dropping her broom, Doremi only manages to stammer out, "On-Onpu-chan, wh-what ar-" before she's cut off by a loud moan as her futahood is engulfed in the child idol's warm, wet mouth, a mouth that boys all over Japan would give their left nut to receive a kiss from and even more to have wrapped around their young boyhoods. Though it's Onpu's first time giving a blowjob, the mindblowing sensations as she slurps, sucks, and licks all over Doremi's dick leave the redhead wondering if the child idol has been more receptive to the male attention she recieves and has already serviced most of the boys in school in such a manner. Misconceptions aside, it isn't long before Doremi is crying out, "On-Onpu-chan! I...I'm going to cum!", which the purple apprentice takes as her cue to pull her mouth off her friend's futahood and admire her handiwork. Doremi's dick is now fully erect and so engorged with blood that it's nearly as red as it's owner's hair and glistening with Onpu's saliva. Onpu's only response as Doremi whines, "Onpu-chaaaaaan, why did you stop?" is to stand up and sway her hips as she approaches one of the student desks. Bending over the piece of furniture, Onpu slowly and teasingly rolls her spandex shorts and purple panties down over her delectible derriere and tantalizing thighs, stopping only when she has a rolled band of fabric holding her legs together just above the knee. Glancing over her shoulder to see a slack-jawed Doremi staring with a raging hardon, Onpu lets out a giggle before declaring, "If Doremi-chan is going to cum, Doremi-chan should cum in my cozy, little cunny!" Unbuttoning her shorts, Doremi lets them fall to the floor befor approaching the purple-haired girl. In stead of going straight for the idol's pussy, Doremi places her hands on Onpu's butt as she nestles her girlcock between the younger girl's cheeks. Gently kneading the supple flesh beneath her hands, the redhead starts to saw her erection between the purple-haired girl's half-moons, the older girl soon reduced to moaning from the friction against her futahood. Onpu finds this treatment both pleasant and torturous and she is soon swaying her hips beneath Doremi's hands as she begs, "Please, Doremi-chan! Please hurry up and stick it in!" Doremi continues massaging Onpu's half-moons, though she does lower her thumbs to spread the child idol's nether lips as she pulls back her hips, the redhead's throbbing girlcock leaving a trail of precum along the younger girl's butt crack before the tip finally slides down to prod at the popstar's preteen pussy. Growing impatient, Onpu whines, "Doremi-chaaaaaan! Please don't tease me, just hurry up and fuck me!" Sliding her hips forward, Doremi sinks her throbbing futahood deep into Onpu's girlhood, stopping only as her tip bumps against the younger girl's cervix and the redhead's pubic bone collides with the purple haired girl's tail bone, both girls letting out loud moans at their union. Onpu is sure that Doremi's dick is thicker than Momoko's, Roro's or even her own was, but the child idol has little chance to savor the sensation of having her snug, schoolgirl snatch stretched to new extremes as Doremi pulls back suddenly before slamming cervix deep in the purple-haired girl once more. Before long, the redhead is rutting Onpu at a blistering pace, being far more rough than Momoko had been, Doremi gripping the desk with a white knuckle grip as she plows the younger girl, the purple apprentice hugging the desk for dear life under the older girl's assault. And yet, Onpu finds she quite enjoys this treatment and is soon crying out exclamations of encouragement, "YES, Doremi-chan! Pound my preteen, popstar pussy! I exist only to be a fucktoy for fantastic, futa fuckmeat like yours!", the idol's every word succeeding in fueling the redhead's lust. After some time of this, Doremi suddenly halts and Onpu glances over her shoulder just in time to see the older girl pull a hankerchief from her vest pocket and before the purple-haired girl can say anything, the redhead has grabbed her arms and tied them behind the idol's back with the handkerchief before the younger girl is rolled over on her back. As Onpu's eyes meat Doremi's, she can see the lust in those pink orbs as the pink apprentice finishes removing Onpu's bottoms,, pushing the purple apprentice's knees nearly to her shoulders before Doremi resumes fucking Onpu's pussy, a bit of drool leaking from the older girl's lips. Smiling at this turn of events, Onpu focuses her magic sight to watch Doremi's dick plunging repeatedly into her depths, the tip battering at the entrance of her womb as the idol resumes her words of encouragement, "Yes, Doremi-chan! Pound that preteen pussy! Thrash that tight twatty! Slam that snug snatch!" After another minute or so of this, Doremi announces, "Onpu-chan, I...I'm gonna cum!" "Do it, Doremi-chan!" cries Onpu, "Shoot your seed! Cream my cunny! I'm just a cum slut of a cum dump for Doremi's dick!" Onpu's words are more than Doremi can take and with one final thrust, the redhead hilts herself in the child idol's cozy cunny, piercing the younger girl's cervix to plunge deep into the womb beyond as hot, thick semen erupts from Doremi's tip and the redhead's knot swells, trapping her within the child idol's clenching cunny as Onpu joins her friend in climax. Onpu is the first to regain her senses, and wriggling her arms a bit, she manages to escape the handkerchief binding her hands behind her back, the redhead having not done a very good job securing the scrap of cloth. Placing a hand to her tummy, her womb having swelled to the size of a cantaloupe from Doremi's release, Onpu comments as she rubs her bloated belly, "Wow, Doremi sure shot a lot of seed in me." before getting a mischievious grin and declaring, "Now, it's my turn." With that, Onpu reaches for her crotch, rubbing a fingertip over what appears to be a perfectly smooth pubic mound above where Doremi is still knotted in the child idol's cozy cunny. Peeling the flexible portal away from her skin, Onpu pulls it off, revealing her own throbbing futahood,, harder, longer, and thicker than it was when she fucked Roro or herself, and quite a bit more impressive than Doremi's dick is currently. With the older girl still blissed out from thinking she just took Onpu's virginity and having blasted the idol's baby factory full of baby batter, Onpu turns the portal inside out, reducing it to the zipper form she originally conjured before wrapping it around the base of Doremi's dick and unzipping. Doremi stumbles back as her dick detaches from her body, her knot apparently having been the main thing keeping the pink apprentice upright. Finally noticing the purple-haired girl's extra bit of anatomy as well as the sudden disappearance of the body part she's grown rather attached to in the brief time since it first sprouted from her crotch, Doremi cries out in shock, "Onpu-chan has a cock!? And what did you do to mine!?" "Yes, Doremi-chan, I grew one while showering with Roro last night after Momo-chan fucked me silly at the studio yesterday afternoon. It's been driving me crazy all day!" Standing up and closing the distance, Onpu adds, "And don't worry, Doremi-chan, you're girlcock is still safe and sound in my snug, schoolgirl snatch!" With this, Onpu clenches her internal muscles, Doremi letting out a moan in response, "I just used the same magical trick I've employed all day to avoid pitching a tent in my shorts to detach Doremi's dick so I could have a turn fucking Doremi-chan without having to wait for Doremi-chan's knot to deflate!" With that, Onpu grabs Doremi's arm and yanks the older girl with her as she sits in one of the many desk chairs, pulling Doremi onto her lap, the child idol's collossal cock sliding straight up the redhead's pussy, though only getting about halfway before meeting the older girl's cervix. Barely managing to stay standing, Doremi cries out from the sudden penetration, "Oh kami! Onpu-chan is so big! I don't think I've ever had one so big inside me!" "And I'm only halfway in!" replies Onpu, gripping Doremi's hips and pulling down, the head of the idol's futahood forcing its way past Doremi's cervix as the redhead is made to sit straddling the purple-haired girl's lap "Ah! So deep!" gasps Doremi, her belly bulging noticibly from the massive member buried within her. Giving the redhead no time to adjust, Onpu grips Doremi's upper arms and starts bucking up into the pink ojamajo, bouncing the older girl in her lap, both girls moaning loudly from the action "Doremi-chan's pussy feels so good!" cries the idol, nearly losing herself to lust as Doremi had when their positions were reversed. When Doremi's knot deflates, Onpu starts to accompany every upward thrust of her hips with a clench of her cozy cunny, pushing Doremi's detached dick out only to drive it back inside herself as she drops back down into her seat. The sensations of fucking and being fucked at the same time is nearly overwhelmingly intense for both girls, but it is Doremi who is first to speak up as the pair quickly approach climax, "Onpu-chan, I'm going to cum again!" "Me too, Doremi-chan, me too!" cries the purple ojamajo in reply, "Let's cum together!" With that, Onpu slams her hips down against her seat, pulling Doremi down hard with her, their combined weight forcing their respective girlcocks as deep as possible into the other girl's pussy, both ojamajo crying out in ecstacy as both of their knots swell up, both girls erupting with strong streams of sticky semen within each other's wombs, their cunnies clenching in an effort to milk each other dry. Once more, Onpu is the first to regain her senses, and tapping her tap to summon her poron, she casts a spell, "Pururun Purun Famifami Fa! Give me another magical zipper!" and as the artifact materializes, she uses it to separate her futahood from her body once more, leaving it knotted in Doremi's pussy as she pushes the older girl off her lap and looks around for her discarded panties and shorts. Once fully dressed, Onpu smiles as she notices that her dress-like shirt does a decent job at concealing her now basketball-size cum balloon belly before turning to Doremi and noticing the redhead sporting a bulge just as big that the pink apprentice's more form fitting clothing can't even cover, much less conceal. Letting out a giggle, Onpu comments, "Doremi-chan looks cute with a big belly!" Walking up to the redhead and rubbing her tummy, the child idol adds, "Kind of makes me hope I just knocked up Doremi-chan." "Aah, don't say that Onpu-chan!" cries Doremi, "I've been creampied by so many different people, I'm going to need magic to know who the father is if I do end up pregnant! And what about our girl cocks?!" "Well," starts Onpu, "I was thinking of taking Doremi-chan's dick home with me." Seeing the look on the redhead's face, the idol adds, "Don't worry, I promise to take good care of it, and I'm sure you'll take good care of mine in return." With that, Onpu helps Doremi redress before the pair start walking home, both futanari with the other's detached girlcock knotted within them and Doremi hoping no one notices her cumflated state.