Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 24: Onpu's Solo Fun The first class of the day is barely starting as Onpu realizes the critical flaw in her plan to keep her brand new futahood hidden by magically detaching it and sliding it up her own pussy, namely that Nishizawa-sensei is a rather attractive young woman despite her child-like innocence, and nearly all of her female classmates have their own charms. As such, while the child idol tried to focus on the lesson, she couldn't help mentally undressing her teacher, and no matter where she looked if she tried to avert her gaze, she always seemed to spot one of the other girls in the class and couldn't help wondering how it would feel to be buried deep in their pussies and unleash a massive load like the ones Momoko had given her or the ones she and Roro had given each other. Closing her eyes to block out the sight of all the cute girls surrounding her and kind of grateful Momoko's magical sight spell had worn off as she slept, Onpu could feel her girl cock growing hard within her, throbbing in desperate need of being repeatedly shoved down a girl's throat or up a girl's pussy or ass... she'd even settle for one of her fanboys offering his rear for her relief. Of course, since she had had the not so brilliant idea of storing her futahood in her cunny, the throbbing from her girl cock is arousing her girlhood, her feminine fluids coating her raging hardon and seeping into her panties and shorts, her internal muscles unconsciously clenching and unclenching around her shaft, her preteen pussy practically begging her to slide something in and out of it. And as if a positive feedback loop of her aroused girl cock arousing her girlhood and vice-versa driving her crazy wasn't bad enough, it's about this time that Onpu's popstar piddle pot notifies her that she neglected to take her morning tinkle before leaving home. As the bell rings signifying the end of the day's first class, Onpu hastily stuffs her books and writing materials in her bag before making a mad dash for the nearest girls' restroom, her need to relieve her sexual frustrations overwhelming and causing the child idol to throw all concern for how her public behavior will affect her reputation out the window. Once in a stall, Onpu carelessly drops her bag as she locks the door before yanking down her shorts and panties with such ferocity she probably would've torn the shorts if they weren't made of such stretchy material and sitting upon the toilet, not bothering to pull up the back of her dress-like shirt as she reclines and spreads her legs to reach for the base of her detached girlcock. As she starts to pull her newest bit of anatomy from her passage, Onpu's internal walls squeeze her shaft as if reluctant to let go of it. The action sends a jolt of electricity shooting up her spine and the child idol has to bite her lower lip to avoid letting out a loud moan. With some effort, Onpu manages to pull her futahood most of the way out, her shaft glistening with her sweet nectar, but instead of pulling the tip from her opening, the urge to thrust her detached cock back into her depths is overwhelming, and the young actress drives her member back inside her own gushing girlhood, stifling another moan in the process. Before long, Onpu's lust has made her forget her surroundings or that she's suppose to be in class as she uses her girl cock like a living dildo to pound her own pussy, her hand a blur as she loses herself in the pleasure of self-penetration, her tip battering against her cervix. Feeling both of her orgasms fast approaching, the thought crosses her mind to wonder if she can get pregnant from her own seed, and the rational part of her mind says she should pull out and use her mouth to finish herself off, but sliding her futahood in and out of her snug snatch feels way too good to stop. She tells herself she'll give herself 'just one more thrust', but every time she pulls out until just the tip is within her, her desire urges her to thrust back in. Eventually, one more thrust turns into one too many as without thinking, she uses both hands to push her girl cock as deep as possible within her own pussy, her tip breaching her inner most barrier and her cervix forming a tight seal around the collar of her futahood as great gooey gobs of pearly white seed shoot from her tip to splatter the inside of her womb. Realizing what's happening, she makes to try and yank her cock out of her pussy to try and minimize the damage only to realize that the base of her member has swelled into a knot, trapping her within herself as her cunny clenches in climax as well, trying to milk her for all she's worth. Unable to do anything but enjoy the euphoria of dual climax, Onpu closes her eyes and throws her head back, a cry of ecstacy pouring from her throat, as beautiful as any of her songs. As she comes down from the high of self-insemination, Onpu discovers that her once flat and trim tummy is now bulging out quite noticeably, making her look like she swallowed a basketball. Rubbing her cum inflated belly, her first thought is to wonder, 'Is this how I'd look if I got pregnant?' followed shortly by, 'What am I going to do? I can't go to class like this, and what if I really did just knock myself up?' About that time, her bladder reminds her that she needs to pee, a fact she had mostly forgotten as she... could what she just did be called masturbation? Not wanting to pee in herself, she redoubles her efforts to extract her girl cock from her passage, and eventually, her knot deflates enough to let her pull her member free. Pulling her shirt out from under her and pointing her detached girl cock at the water between her thighs, Onpu finally empties her bladder, the relief only adding to her residual afterglow, and relaxing her bladder is apparently enough to also relax her cervix as a cascade of white pours forth from her girlhood to join the pee tinting the toilet water yellow. After cleaning her crotch best she can with dry toilet paper, Onpu removes her shorts and panties, and checking to make sure she's alone in the restroom, she heads to the sink, wetting some paper towels to more thoroughly clean up as much of the creampie she gave herself as possible before dabbing her girlhood dry and putting her bottoms back on, and deciding to take advantage of her detached girl cock for more practical reasons, she runs it under the tap, using soap from the dispenser to wash away the remnants of pussy juice and futa cum, though she nearly ends up erupting in her hands from inadvertantly stimulating herself as she scrubs her girl cock. Her extra bit of anatomy clean and dry, Onpu decides reinserting it would just be asking for trouble, and searching through her school bag, she decides to wrap it in her gym uniform, hoping that'll conceal it well enough to avoid someone spotting it by accident, pad it enough to not be bruised by her school books, and that not having her girl parts and boy parts stimulating each other will keep any further arousal from seeing all the girls in her class from getting too out of hand as she exits the restroom, hoping she won't be in too much trouble for missing most of second period.