Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 23: An Idol and Her Fairy As Onpu prepares for her shower, still feeling a bit dirty from the accident Momoko made her have that afternoon despite magical cleaning, her girlhood tingles in remembrance of how wonderful the blonde's futahood had made the child idol feel. Remembering the details she had gotten out of the older witch apprentice, Onpu can't help wondering how long it will be before she grows her own girlcock and if fucking a pussy will feel as good as having her pusssy fucked. As she discards her clothes in her hamper, the purple haired girl can't help rubbing her creamy, silky thighs against each other in arousal, and deciding to take advantage of the fact both her parents are working late, calls out, "Roro, would you like to join me in the shower?" A flicker of lavender light emerges from a crystal orb on Onpu's desk and floats to just in front of the naked idol's face before expanding and shifting until it's the same size and shape as the witch apprentice before fading to reveal Roro, the fairy having transformed into her mistress's mirror image, right down to her clothing, or rather lack thereof. In a display that boys all over Japan would give their right nut to see, the pair of purple haired cuties walk arm-in-arm to the bathroom, the only stitches of cloth between them the fluffy, lavender towel gripped in Onpu's free hand and the hair elastics holding their matching ponytails. As the two step under the hot spray, Roro wastes no time in lathering up her hands and starting to massage her Mistress's back, the witch relaxing under her fairy's practiced ministrations. This is far from the first time the pair have showered together, and Roro knows all of her mistress's most sensitive spots as she works her way down the idol's back, eliciting soft moans from Onpu's throat along the way. Kneeling behind Onpu, Roro spends much more time than necessary washing the child idol's beautiful half-moons, practically worshipping the popstar's perfectly perky posterior and barely resisting the urge to extend her tongue to give her mistress a lick from clit to gluteal cleft, though she doesn't resist the urge to slip a soapy finger past the idol's anal spincter, under pretense of cleaning that dirty hole, not that Onpu can question her fairy as she moans more loudly at the intruding digit. Standing back up Roro presses herself to her mistress's back, the fairy's pebble hard nipples pressing into the idol's shoulder blades as she starts to wash Onpu's front, fondling the purple apprentice's barely budding breasts before gliding her slippery hand down the idol's trim tummy. Reaching her goal, Roro can't help giving in to the temptation to play with her mistress's pussy and clit, plunging the index, middle, and ring fingers of one hand deep into the popstar's pussy as the thumb and forefinger of the other hand pinch and twist the child idol's pleasure nub. As the fairy plays with the purple apprentice's clit, the tiny bundle of nerves starts to swell and elongate, and before long, Roro has her hand wrapped around her mistress's new futahood. Taking her mistress's transformation in stride, Roro starts stroking Onpu's girlcock as she continues fingering the popstar's pussy, Onpu's moans growing ever louder under her fairy familiar's ministrations. Eventually, the witch apprentice decides to turn the tables on Roro, Onpu twisting around in her doppelganger's embrace to pin the fairy's back to the shower wall as the newest futanari's thick prick slides effortlessly into the snug space between Roro's pressed together thighs and the fairy's girlhood. Parting her familiar's half-moons with her hands, and thanks both to being slippery with soap from Roro's handjob and the gallons of gushing girl juice from the fairy's pussy, Onpu easily slides her new girlcock back and forth along the channel formed by her doppelganger's crotch and buttcrack. Parting her thighs, Roro says something pleading in her monosyllabic fairy speak, causing her mistress to reply teasingly, "Is Roro that eager to give my new toy a try?" At the fairy's nod, Onpu pulls back, and altering the angle of her thrust buries herself all the way to Roro's cervix in a single stroke, the pair of purple haired girls crying out in ecstasy at their union. Onpu grips Roro's butt even tighter as the fairy wraps her legs around her mistress's waist and interleaves her fingers behind the witch apprentice's neck before starting to fuck her familiar in earnest, the fairy's shoulder blades the only part in contact with the wall. The child idol crashes her lips upon those of her doppelganger, the two swallowing each other's moans as their tongues tango. Breaking the kiss and panting for air, Onpu glances down to where she and her fairy familiar are joined to see that the magical sight Momoko gave her is still active, the popstar's prick visible as it plunges repeatedly into the fairy's passage, gaining a barely perceptible amount of girth and length with every thrust of the purple apprentice's hips, stretching Roro's snatch to an extent that would be painful if not for the greater elasticity fairies have compared to humans. Feeling an unfamiliar sensation building at the base of her newly acquired anatomy, Onpu cries out, "Roro...I...I think I'm going to cum!" with the fairy saying something encouraging in fairy speak in response. Watching in fascination as her futahood frantically fucks her fairy familiar's fantastic fuckhole feeling like she's going to explode, Onpu buries a finger in Roro's rear passage and starts wriggling it around as her tip batters against the fairy's cervix. Then, with one tremendous thrust, Onpu watches as she pierces her fairy's cervix, the tip of the popstar's prick popping into her familiar's womb as Roro cries out in climax, her pussy pulsing powerfully around the purple apprentice's futahood. Despite her best efforts to hold back, this is more than Onpu can take, her knot swelling to the size of a grapefruit as great gouts of gooey cum flood the fairy's womb, the witch apprentice unable to pull out even if she wanted to as her erupting prick pumps Roro full and then some, the fairy's belly bloating to basketball proportions by the time the child idol's ejaculation trickles to a halt. Coming down from the high of her first male orgasm, Onpu announces, "That was amazing!" Roro nodding in agreement with half-litted eyes and a few contented repetitions of her name. As the witch apprentice gazes upon the pool of pearly white seed she pumped into her familiar's belly, she can't help rubbing Roro's cumflated tummy as she comments, "Wow, I sure let out a lot!" It is only now that Onpu realizes that she's trapped in Roro's passage until her knot deflates, and the pair are forced to finish their shower while tied. By the time the two purple haired girls are done washing each other and drying off, the witch apprentice's knot has yet to deflate, forcing her to walk back to her bedroom with her cumflated fairy's cozy cunny still wrapped around the child idol's girlcock, making Onpu grateful for once that her parents are working late. As the pair reach Onpu's bedroom and the child idol lays her familiar on her bed to take Roro's weight off of her, Onpu's knot finally deflates enough to let her pull out, a deluge of semen pouring forth as the fairy's pussy is unplugged. Watching the massive creampie leaking from Roro's passage to stain her sheets and then drip to the floor, Onpu comments scoldingly, "What a mess you've made! I guess I'm going to have to punish you for being a naughty fairy!" As Roro protests in fairy speak, Onpu transforms, only the boots, gloves, and hat of her apprentice uniform materializing as she does so, "Pretty witchy, Onpu-chi!"" Summoning her poron and looking at Roro, she comments, "Now, now Roro, take you're punishment like a good fairy, or I'll need to punish you even more." before casting, ""Pururun Purun Famifami Fa! Clean up this mess and bind my naughty fairy!" In a spray of purple musical notes, the spilled seed is removed from Onpu's sheets and carpet before solidifying into sturdy, black rubber bindings. First a pair of figure eight bands with a twist between the two ring bind Roro's knees to her shoulders before the magic forces the fairy to clasp her hands around the opposite wrist before more bindings materialize to prevent her from separating her hands. Putting her poron away, Onpu comments, "Roro looks so cute and helpless." as she saunters seductively to the side of the bed, her erect futahood gaining length and girth quite noticeably, the sight causing the witch apprentice's doppelganger's eyes to go wide as she lets out a panicked stream of fairy speak. "Sorry Roro, you should've thought of that before making a mess. Now I've got no choice but to pound that pretty pussy, thrash that tight twatty, slam that snug snatch, , bash that beautiful box, and of course, cream that cozy cunny!" By the time Onpu is standing before her familiar's bound form, her futahood is as long and thick as her thigh. Pulling off her gloves, Onpu caresses her fairy's smooth, creamy thighs for a minute or two before plunging both thumbs into Roro's passage and stretching it as she prods her doppelganger's opening with her tip and asks, "Any final words before I impale you on my glorious, giant girlcock?" Only to cut off the fairy's protests by ramming said giant girlcock all the way to Roro's womb, making the fairy gasp loudly from the sudden intrusion and making her belly bulge quite obviously. "Oh my, your twatty feels so much tighter than before!" comments Onpu before grabbing her fairy's ankles and starting to hump vigorously, reducing the protesting familiar to a moaning, quivering mess in the process. Laying on top of Roro, Onpu captures her doppelganger's lips in a passionate kiss, the two girls pebble hard nipples rubbing together as Onpu grinds her pubic bone against Roro's clit. When Onpu breaks the kiss, she picks up the pace as she starts to tickle the soles of Roro's feet, forcing the already breathless fairy to giggle unconntrollably. Feeling that wonderful sensation building once more, Onpu announces, "Roro, I'm gonna cum again!" and this time, it is the witch apprentice who reaches climax first pouring pints of potent, pearly white seed deep in Roro's unprotected womb, though this is more than enough to make the fairy join her mistress in orgasm, her pussy pulsing powerfully to milk Onpu for all she's worth even as the child idol's now cantaloupe sized knot stretches the snug snatch near its limit. Admiring her handiwork, Onpu let's out a yawn before declaring, "That was great, but I think it's time for bed." Not bothering to vanish the bindings holding Roro, Onpu carefully shifts their positions until the tied pair of witch apprentice and fairy familiar are lying on their sides, Onpu spooned up behind Roro, the child idol's futahood plugging the fairy's pussy, preventing all that cum from gushing out. After Onpu pulls the covers over both of them, it isn't long before the pair are fast asleep. ### When they awake the next morning, Onpu's knot has deflated and her futahood has shrunk to a more reasonable, but still very well endowed size. Meanwhile, Roro's belly has returned to normal, her body clearly having processed her mistress's seed, but perhaps more importantly, the fairy is now sporting a girlcock to match the child idol's and has a raging case of morning wood." "Good morning, Mistress!" cries the fairy, having gained the ability to speak human tongue while mimicking her partner's form. "Last night was wonderful, but I'm now like mistress! Please, let me pleasure mistress like mistress pleasured me last night!" Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and noticing that Roro is still in her bindings from the night before, Onpu replies, "I think I have a better idea." Rolling Roro on her back, Onpu squats over her fairy's crotch, and lining their tips up with each other's openings, sinks down, both purple haired girls moaning in pleasure as they simultaneously penetrate and are penetrated by their partner. Placing her hands on Roro's thighs for support, Onpu starts bouncing, the pair moaning loudly from the reciprocal fucking they are giving each other, and it isn't long before they announce in unison, "I'm going to CUM!" mere seconds before they both erupt in the other's pussy, neither producing the volume Onpu did the night before, but still putting out a lot by non-futa standards. As they come down from their shared climax, Onpu glances at her alarm clock and comments disappointedly, "I wish we had time for another round, but I'm going to be late for school if I don't get ready soon." As she climbs off Roro and the fairy returns to her usual form, now an adolescent fairy without the benefit of being inside a magical artifact, Onpu realizes a problem, "But what am I going to do about my girlcock? It would be a real problem if I end up spending all day with a tent in my shorts." After some pondering, she comes to a decision, and having never undone her transformation from the night before, summons her poron and casts, "Pururun Purun Famifami Fa! Magical zipper appear!" with a small burst of musical notes, a thin, circular band appears in the palm of her free hand, a zipper running along its circumference. Sliding the band along her shaft until it's snug around the base of her futahood, she unzips the band, one side staying attached to her pubic mound and the other to the base of her girlcock as it is separated from her body. Her member now in a more mobile form, she decides the most obvious place to stor it is in her pussy as she lines her tip up with her own opening and slides her futahood up her own pussy, moaning softly from the sensation of self-penetration before going about her morning routine, neglecting to consider the possible consequences of storing her girlcock in her girlhood.