Content Warnings specific to this chapter: mild medical kink, sex involving an ill person, straight loli-on-shota action, no futa. Author's notes: I hope this chapter doesn't start a fight between Hazuki/Masaru and Masaru/Shiori fans, especially since I've had this chapter planned since before I brought Hazuki/Masaru into the story and already have a resolution to this love triangle planned. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 22: The Quiet Boy and The Ill Girl Masaru Yada sat quietly in one of the guest chairs in the hospital room of Shiori Nakayama. Neither preteen spoke, merely enjoying each other's presence in companionable silence. After quite some time, Shiori, squirming as she sits up in bed, calls out, "Ma-Masaru-kun." Cracking an eye to glance at his childhood friend, Masaru replies, "Yes, Nakayama?" Blushing profusely, the brunette speaks barely above a whisper, Masaru hearing her thanks only to the otherwise dead quiet of the room, "I...I need to...I need to pee. I've been holding it for a while, and I don't want to use my bed pan because then I'd have to call a nurse to clean it and Masaru-kun would have to leave..." Masaru quiets her rambling with a finger to her lips, having crossed the distance between them while she was talking. "Would you like me to help you to the bathrroom?" Asks the boy. Her blush deepening, she can only nod as she pushes her sheets off of her lap and legs. Without another word from either of them, Masaru helps Shiori turn so her legs are dangling off the side of the bed. As he hugs her to his chest, she wraps her legs around his waist, one of her arms returning the hug while her other reaches out to grip the pole holding her IV. Despite him wearing a thick shirt and her wearing one of her own night gowns her parents brought from home instead of one of the flimsy gowns provided by the hospital, Masaru can feel both her heart and her piddle pot pounding against him, the two hollow, muscular organs pulsing in time with one another. Lifting her off the bed, Masaru starts towards the hospital room's en suite, moving carefully to avoid knocking over her IV pole or accidentally ripping the line from her arm. Reaching the toilet, Masaru gently sits Shiori upon the seat, both preteens grateful that there's no panties in need of removal as the sound of her tinkle streaming into the bowl fills the small bathroom. As Shiori sighs in relief, her eyes fluttering close, Masaru can't help glancing down to the source of the melody echoing off the walls. All Masaru can see of his childhood friend's privates is a brief glimpse of pale thigh that would normally be concealed by her bed coverings or her skirt on the rare days she's well enough to attend school, but even that, coupled with the slightly yellow stream he can see between them is enough to make Masaru grow semi-erect. Blushing to match Shiori and glad for his baggy pants, Masaru averts his gaze and tries to tune out the sounds of his friend peeing, going as far as to turn his back to her. As the sound of water hitting water fades to a trickle and then halts altogether, Shiori's voice, again in a near whisper reaches Masaru's ears, "Masaru-kun, we have another problem." As the boy turns to look at his childhood friend, the girl, her face scarlett and too embarrassed to speak, gestures with her head and unemcumbered arm towards the arm with her IV. Following her gestures, Masaru notices that her IV is on the same side as the toilet paper dispenser. Realizing the problem, Masaru's face turns scarlett as well as he asks, "You...You want me" the boy unable to finish the question and the girl only able to nod to the incomplete question. Tearing off a few sheets of toilet paper, Masaru reaches under the hem of Shiori's night gown, careful to not push it up in order to preserve her modesty as he wipes her girlhood dry, trying to ignore the way she shivers at his touch and the soft, nearly inaudible moans that reach his ears from her lips. As he drops the last square of tissue into the bowl, Masaru announces, "I'm done." but before he can extract his arm from between her legs, she closes her thighs and grabs his forearm with both hands to try and hold him in place. Her grip is rather feeble, but the fear of hurting her if he tries to break free has the boy frozen in place as Shiori begs, "Please, Masaru-kun. "Please touch me... please touch me more... down there." The pleading look in Shiori's eyes is more than the boy can stand, and he lets his fingers wander back to her femininity. As he resumes his caresses of her nether lips, this time without toilet tissue insulating the silky skin of her most precious place from the rougher skin of his fingertips, her shivers and moans are more pronounced, harder for the boy to ignore. The knowledge that something so simple is giving her so much pleasure causes Masaru to grow fully erect, and despite his baggy pants, he's soon sporting a tent Shiori can't help noticing. Releasing her grip on his forearm, the girl places the palm of the hand not connected to her IV upon the bulge in his pants as she asks, "Is Masaru-kun getting excited too?" Before he can answer, Shiori has unzipped his pants and freed his member. "Wow! It's much bigger than I imagined!" as she starts stroking the boy. If he was able to think clearly at the moment, Masaru might have realised that his cock was at least twice the length and girth it was when he took Hazuki's virginity the other day, but with another girl, every bit as cute and charming as Hazuki playing with him, all he can do is continue playing with her girlhood. Eventually having his fingers dance across her most precious place isn't enough for the girl and she pulls up the hem of her gown as she scoots her butt to the front of the toilet seat, continueing to stroke him as she declares, "I want this inside me!" Reclining as much as possible upon the toilet seat, Shiori reaches down with both hands to part her labia as she begs, "Please Masaru-kun...Please stuff my hole with that magnificent man meat!" Masaru is torn. On the one hand, he doesn't want to take advantage of Shiori with her being in such a vulnerable state, nor does he want to cheat on Hazuki. However, the look of desire in Shiori's eyes, a look that threatens tears if he refuses is nearly heartbraking, and if he's honest with himself, his throbbing manhood wants to be buried in her feminine flesh as much as she wants to be wrapped around him. Interleaving his fingers behind her head to prevent her from smashing her skull against the toilet's tank and lining his tip up with her opening, Masaru asks, "Are you sure?" "Yes! I want to be one with Masaru-kun!" cries the girl, trying to wrap her legs around his waist and force him inside herself, though she lacks the strength to pull such a manuever off. Giving into her demands, Masaru pushes forward, half-expecting a scream of pain like when he took Hazuki's virginity, but his precum, now altered by the infection, painlessly dissolves Shiori's hymen and her only reaction is one of pleasure as her insides are stretched in all kinds of wonderful ways as he fills her beyond her wildest dreams. Wrapping her legs around his waist and cupping his cheeks, she cries out, "So big! Your thing is so big! It's filling me up so good!" before pulling him in close for a kiss. As the two do the tongue tango, Masaru starts thrusting in and out of Shiori's passage, the two swallowing each other's moans. Whether its the thrill of possibly getting caught by a nurse doing their routine rounds or Shiori recieving another visitor or just how much tighter Shiori feels given his enhanced girth, Masaru feels himself approaching the edge very quickly as he breaks the kiss and announces, "Shiori-chan, I'm gonna cum!" "Do it Masaru-kun!" cries the girl in reply, "Shoot it all deep inside me!" and as if his member was just awaiting her permisssion, he cums right then and there, flooding her young womb and sending her over the edge as well, her pussy milking him for all he's worth. When Shiori finally catches her breath, she comments, "That was amazing!" "It sure was," replies Masaru, "but we should probably get you back into your bed before someone discovers us." With that, He pulls out and does his best to wipe away the remnants of their releases from her girlhood before carrying her back to her bed. As soon as Masaru lays Shiori back in her hospital bed, the exertion of losing her virginity catches up with Shiori, the girl falling asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow. After assuring himself that she's breathing easily and that her pulse is steady, the boy decides to leave early to let her rest, neither of them aware that he passed a magical infection to her, or how its currently repairing the damage her illness has done to her body in preparation for her coming transformation.