Content Warnings specific to this chapter: Magical x-ray vision, wetting, sex through clothing, second skin/spandex fetishism. Author's Notes: After 20 Chapters and roughly half a decade of working on this story, Perverted Onpu fanboys rejoice! Everyone's favorite purple-haired child idol finally makes her introduction in this story! Not much else to say about this chapter other than enjoy. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 21: Complimentary Colors - Yellow and Purple Momoko had been excited when Onpu had invited her along to watch the child idol at work, but as the blonde watches the purple-haired girl performing over the closed circuit television in the private break room Onpu uses between recording sessions, Momoko realizes something problematic about the situation. Namely, that the purple apprentice is extremely cute and despite the yellow apprentice's best efforts to keep her libido in check, she ends up with an unmistakeable tent in her white skirt. As Onpu finishes the latest take of "We Can Do" and joins Momoko in the break room, the child idol notices the blonde's discomfort and asks, "Is something wrong, Momo-chan?" Deciding that fighting it is useless and hoping the younger girl won't hate her, Momoko stands from the couch she's sitting on and approaches the child idol. Pulling the shorter girl into a hug, her cloth concealed futahood sliding between the purple-haired girl's thighs to rest between the child idol's half-moons and forcing Onpu on her tip toes, Momoko declares, "[Onpu-chan is too damn cute!]" before capturing the purple apprentice's lips in a kiss. Onpu doesn't understand Momoko's words, but she understtands Momoko's actions perfectly clear and can feel her body growing warm as she melts into the kiss. She's vaguely aware of something between her legs and pressing against her butt, but she pays it little mind as she lets the older girl's tongue past her lips to explore her mouth. When Momoko moves to lift Onpu off the floor, the child idol puts up no resistence and even wraps her legs around the blonde's waist as the older girl heads back to the couch and gently lowers the child idol to the cushions in a reclined position. Draping herself over the prone girl, Momoko breaks the kiss to first nuzzle and then lick and then suckle at Onpu's neck, the child idol letting out a prolonged moan and asking, "Momo-chan, what are you doing?" when the blonde finds a particularly sensitive spot. Pausing in her ministrations, Momoko takes the time to figure out how to express her thoughts in Japanese, "Onpu-chan is too cute, I can't help myself." before pushing the child idol's long t-shirt up to expose her tiny nipples, Onpu arching her back and letting out another long moan as Momoko latches onto one of her little nubs. As she suckles at the purple apprentice's flat chest, Momoko's hand snakes down to the purple spandex shorts that hug the child idol's pelvis and upper thighs like a second skin, and reaching said hand under the stretchy fabric, is surprised by what she finds, or rather doesn't find there. "Onpu-chan isn't wearing any panties! I didn't think Onpu-chan was such a naughty girl!" "N-no," starts the purple haired girl, "It's not like that. I'm not a..." but the rest of the child idol's words are cut off by moaning as Momoko's fingers find and enter the younger girl's passage. Continueing to finger fuck the child idol, Momoko launches another oral assault on the purple haired girl's chest, this time attacking the other nipple. As the blonde continues her ministrations, Onpu is helpless to do anything aside from moaning in pleasure and squirming under the older girl's touch. After what seems like an eternity of pleasant torture for the purple apprentice, but is really only a few minutes, Momoko withdraws her hand from Onpu's shorts, leaving the younger girl panting for air, her juices staining the spandex a slightly darker shade of purple. The blonde knows she hasn't brought her latest partner to climax yet, but her throbbing futahood insists she stop playing around and hurry up and claim the popstar's pussy. Standing up, Momoko claps her hands to activate her Parara Tap, undergoing the dance like transformation sequence before shouting, "Pretty Witchy, Momoko-chi!" before drawing her Sweet Poron and casting, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Strip Onpu-chan to her shorts!" As yellow music notes encircle the prone girl, Onpu's shirt, shoes, and socks vanish, leaving the child idol in nothing but her spandex shorts as she reflexively crosses her arms to cover her flat chest. Willing the body of her apprentice uniform to vanish, the now mostly naked blonde approaches the purple haired girl, the child idol getting her first look at the erection that had been tenting Momoko's skirt. Eyes widening at the sight of the older girl's futahood, Onpu asks, "Since when does Momo-chan have a boy's thingy!?" "Since shortly after Doremi-chan fucked me with hers." replies the blonde, kneeling in front of the child idol, her member coming to rest upon the purple-haired girl's spandex-clad girlhood. Before Onpu can reply, Momoko grabs one of her now bare feet and exclaims, "[Onpu-chan has such cute toes!]" before starting to give each of the tiny digits a good sucking one after the other, the purple apprentice once again reduced to moaning as the blonde stimulates the child idol in ways she's never felt before. Finishing with the toes of one foot, Momoko trails kisses along Onpu's leg, stopping when she reaches the hem of one pants leg only to start at the hem on the opposite side and work her way towards the foot to give those toes the same treatment. Done sucking on the tenth and final of the child idol's toes, Momoko turns her attention to the purple spandex concealing the younger girl's most precious place, the damp spot left by Onpu's pussy juice having grown noticeably and the fabric clinging to her flesh in a prominent camel toe. Momoko parts Onpu's labia through the purple haired girl's shorts, the material stretched taut over and showing the outline of the child idol's virgin opening. "[What a cute cunny!]" exclaims the blonde before bringing her mouth to Onpu's crotch and starting to eat the purple apprentice out through her shorts. As Momoko's tongue goes to work on the purple-haired girl's girlhood, the blonde's saliva further wetting the stretchy fabric as it's pressed into the idol's passage, Onpu starts moaning more loudly than from the yellow apprentice's earlier ministrations, and if either girl had the presence of mind to care, they would be greatful that, like most rooms in the building, the room they are in has soundproof walls. Once she's positive she's gotten Onpu as wet as possible, Momoko pulls her tongue away, prompting the child idol to ask needily, "Why...Why did you stop, Momo-chan?" Ignoring the idol's query, Momoko casts another spell, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Give Onpu-chan magical sight!", and before Onpu can ask what Momoko's spell just did, Momoko has the younger girl's legs draped over her arms and the blonde's futahood is pressed against the purple apprentice's opening, only the thin layer of soaked spandex separating them. Glancing down, Onpu sees not only Momoko's girlcock prodding at her girlhood, but thanks to her new magical sight, can see the outline of her narrow passage through her shorts and lower abdomen. "What is Momo-chan doing?" asks the child idol in a mixture of desire and trepidation. "I wonder if Onpu-chan's shorts are stretchy enough for me to get all the way inside without them ripping." replies the blonde, starting to gently push her tip against the idol's opening. ""But Momo-chan's girlcock is so thick! There's no way that thing will fit in my tiny twatty!" cries the child idol, her heart pounding in excitement, her body craving the blonde's futahood even as her mind fears it'll rip her apart. "Don't worry, Onpu-chan! I'll be gentle." replies the older girl as the spandex stretches and her tip spreads the idol's opening. Fortunately for Onpu, enough of Momoko's precum seeps through the stretchy shorts to dissolve the purple-haired girl's hymen. As Momoko grips Onpu's hips and slowly sinks inch-by-inch into the younger girl's depths, both girls let out loud moans and squeeze their eyes shut, Momoko from how tight her newest playmate is, and Onpu from the surprisingly pleasant fullness she feels as her passage is stretched by the blonde's intruding futahood. When Momoko finally bottoms out in Onpu, she lets out a sigh of contentment before commenting, "Wow, Onpu-chan's cunny is much tighter than Doremi-chan, Tamaki-san, or Nini's cunnies!" Opening her eyes and looking down to her slightly bulging belly, Onpu can't help but marvel at how much her pussy stretched to take Momoko's member and the way the crotch of her shorts has been stretched tightly over the blonde's erection, making it look like the older girl is wearing a bright purple condom. Still savoring just being buried in the pussy that hundreds of thousands of boys all over Japan would give their left nut to fuck, Momoko grabs Onpu's wrists, pulling the idol's hands away from her chest. Interleaving her fingers with the idol, Momoko leans forward, rubbing her nipples against Onpu's before capturing the child idol's lips in a kiss. Eyes closed and arms wrapped around each other, the pair's tongues take turns exploring the other's mouth as Momoko starts slowly sliding in and out of the purple-haired girl's passage, the two swallowing each others moans in the process. As Momoko starts to pick up pace, Onpu feels a sensation in her nether regions that has nothing to do with the futa's actions, and though her mind is hazy from the incredible pleasure radiating from her core, it doesn't take long for the child idol to realize its been quite a while since she's visited the little idol's room, and all the water she drank between takes to keep her throat from going dry and scratchy is starting to catch up to her. Thanks to her busy schedule, the purple-haired girl is no stranger to having to hold it for long periods, but she's gotten so good at ignoring a mild need to pee that the current urge can mean only one thing: that her preteen, popstar piddle pot is pretty full and poised to pop already, and Momoko's thrusts and weight pressing down on the younger girl certainly doesn't help matters. Breaking the kiss, Onpu whines in the cutest tone she can manage between her moans, "Momo-chaaaaaaan, I-I need to tinkle!" Lifting off the child idol, Momoko asks, "Oh really?" as she glances down and goes crossed eyed a bit before her magical sight adjusts to bring Onpu's bladder into focus, the swollen sack resembling a water balloon resting atop the idol's love tunnel. Placing her palm over the bulging bladder, Momoko comments, "Wow, Onpu-chan is holding a lot of piddle." before resuming her thrusts, now deliberately aiming at the swollen waste water reservoir. "Momo-chaaaaaaan," whines Onpu, one hand fisted in front of her chest, "If...if you don't let me go...let me go to the little idol's pee is's gonna come out!" Pressing slightly on the swell of Onpu's taut tinkle tank and using the thumb of the same hand to rub the child idol's clit through the purple apprentice's shorts, Momoko replies, "But Onpu-chan's cunny feels way too good to stop!" Leaning down to whisper in the younger girl's ear, the blonde adds, "Besides, I bet Onpu-chan would look absolutely adorable having an accident, especially while lost in pleasure." Straightening up, Momoko grabs Onpu's ankles and holds the child idol's legs up and apart as she picks up the pace, giving the purple-haired girl's pussy a real pounding. Onpu opens her mouth to protest, but her words turn to giggles as Momoko starts tickling the soles of the purple apprentice's feet, the popstar wriggling wildly on the couch cushion from the combined sensations of her full bladder, her full pussy, and her ticklish feet. The adorable sight of the child idol lost to the mixture of sensations spurs Momoko on, driving her futahood over and over into Onpu's passage as hard and fast as the blonde's hips will allow, and it isn't long before she announces, "Onpu-chan, I'm gonna cum!" and even though she relents in tickling the purple-haired girl's soles to get a tighter grip on her ankles, the child idol is too overwhelmed by pleasure and desperation to respond, only able to moan, her eyes closed. Taking Onpu's moans and enraptured facial expression as consent to flood the child idol's young womb, not that Momoko could stop herself at this point if the purple-haired girl begged her to pull out, the blonde focuses her magic enhanced gaze upon the younger girl's internal organs, nearly mesmerized by the way her thrusts repeatedly stretch not only Onpu's passage, but the elastic fabric of her shorts. With a cry of "I'm cumming!", Momoko gives one final thrust, hilting herself in the child idol's passage, only supremely stretched spandex separating her tip from the purple-haired girl's cervix. Though the fabric resembles a purple condom to the blonde's magic sight, it fails to serve as one as the futa's seed shoots forth with such force that it jets through the taut material and past Onpu's cervix as if there was no barrier at all. At the same time, Onpu's own orgasm crashes into her nerves, her preteen, popstar pussy pulsing powerfully in an unconscious attempt to milk Momoko dry and pee gushing forth to soak the purple-haired girl's shorts and the older girl's crotch as Onpu's overtaxed tinkle tank gives out. Once the pair have come down from their shared climax and can use their magical sight to examine the aftermath, Onpu's small womb has swollen to the size her now deflated bladder was prior to releasing the idol's waste waters, though filled with the pearly white of Momoko's seed as opposed to the amber yellow of the pee now soaking the purple apprentice's shorts and the couch cushion beneath her. As Momoko pulls out, she can see her seed seeping through Onpu's cervix to pool in the popstar's pussy, though the spandex seems sufficient to prevent the no longer pressurized cum from pouring out, though a few drops of the blonde's release cling to the outside of the purple-haired girl's cameltoe. Catching her breath, Onpu declares, "That was amazing, Momo-chan!" "It sure was, and I'd bet it would feel even better without those shorts in the way!" replies Momoko as she prepares to cast another spell, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! give me a pair of scissors!" As the conjured tool appears, Onpu asks, "What are yo-" only to be cut off as Momoko pinches her clit through her cum and pee stained shorts, rubbing the little nub between thumb and forefinger sending the child idol into convulsions from the stimulation, eyes closed and throat and mouth too preoccupied with moans to form words. The blonde brings the younger girl close to another orgasm before letting her clit slip between her fingers as she pulls the stretchy material away from the idol's crotch, and while Onpu is catching her breath, Momoko uses the scissors to cut the fabric she's pulled taut, leaving a hole in the crotch of the purple apprentice's spandex shorts that shows off the idol's pussy and the creampie that is slowly trickling towards her buttcrack. Not giving Onpu a chance to fully recover from having her clitty pinched and twisted, Momoko gets hearts in her eyes and announces, "Looks delicious!" Before burying her tongue in the younger girl's folds, savoring the combined flavor of pussy juice, pee, and her own seed as Onpu's moans start anew and the purple-haired girl wraps her legs around the blonde's neck. With the clitoral stimulation Momoko gave her playmate moments earlier, it isn't long before Onpu is cumming again, her passage squeezing tightly enough to trap the yellow apprentice's tongue as she recieves a face full of the child idol's sweet nectar. When Onpu finally relaxes enough for Momoko to extract her tongue from the younger girl's passage and her head from between the younger girl's thighs, she rises once more to a kneeling position and gripping the idol's hips, places the tip of her renewed erection at Onpu's now exposed opening, asking, "Is Onpu-chan ready for another shot of my cream filling?" Pushing herself up onto her elbows, Onpu glances at Momoko's futahood, swearing to herself that its gotten a bit thicker since it was pulled out of her before replying, "I...I think I'd like to be on top this time." "Sure thing!" replies the futa, plopping down on a clean section of couch, her girlcock standing at attention, pointing towards the ceiling like a rocket ready for lift off. Needing no invitation, Onpu quickly climbs onto the older girl's lap, straddling the blonde's thighs as the child idol brings her cum leaking cunny to the tip of Momoko's futahood. Unable to resist the urge to be filled once more, the purple apprentice drops her hips, using as much of her weight as possible to impale herself upon the yellow apprentice's thick prick, driving it what would be balls deep if Momoko had balls in a single, swift motion. There's no doubt in Onpu's lust fogged mind that Momoko is longer and thicker than she was when the blonde took the purple-haired girl's virginity, but the child idol is too impatient to let her pussy adjust as she starts to bounce on the older girl's lap, raising up until only the head of the blonde's futahood is still embedded in the younger girl's passage only to drop down once more, a jolt of electricity shooting up Onpu's spine everytime her clit crashes into Momoko's pubic bone and the futa's cock head collides with the child idol's cervix. Managing to speak through her moans, Momoko comments, "Wow! Onpu-chan is so energetic! Is Onpu-chan that eager to be filled with my hot, fresh cream?" The only response is the purple-haired girl continueing to moan uncontrollably as she leans back to place her hands on the blonde's knees, a shift that causes Momoko to rub hard against Onpu's g-spot everytime the child idol drops down. Feeling herself grow close and just as eager to give Onpu more cream as the child idol is to recieve it, Momoko grabs her rider's hips and starts thrusting up into the younger girl in time with her own hip movements as the blonde focuses her magical sight on where her cock head is poised to erupt deep in the child idol. "Onpu-chan! I'm gonna cum!" cries Momoko. "Me too! Let's cum together!" cries Onpu in reply before crashing her lips upon the blonde's and wrapping her arms around the older girl. Squeezing Onpu's half moons through the purple spandex tight enough to make her knuckles turn white, Momoko slams the purple-haired girl down upon her futahood, the blonde's knot swelling just enough to trap the futa in the child idol's passage as the blonde's tip shoots great gooey gobs of fresh futaseed straight through Onpu's cervix. The two lay their panting in afterglow for several minutes before the child idol catches her breath and regains her senses enough to suggest, "We'd better get cleaned up before one of the studio techs come looking for me to do another take." Nodding in agreement, Momoko rises to her feet with the younger girl still wrapped around her before carefully lowering Onpu on to wobbly legs and pulling her now wilting futahood from the child idol's well fucked pussy, a cascade of cock cream pouring out in its wake. Summoning her poron once more, Momoko casts a spell, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Clean us up and restore Onpu-chan's clothes!" In a cloud of yellow musical notes, both girls are cleaned of their mixed juices and Onpu's pee, Onpu's shorts ar mended, and the rest of Onpu's clothes return from whereever Momoko vanished them to. As the spell concludes, Momoko undoes her transformation just in time as one of the studio's staff knocks on the door asking for Onpu.