Content Warnings specific to this chapter: Threesome(2 futalolis, 1 loli), rape, vaginal after anal, vomiting. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 20: Erika's Comeuppance Though Poppu and Sayaka, long time friends recently turned lovers, have been enjoying as much alone time together as possible, there has been one major thorn in their side. Namely, Tamaki Erika, little cousin of Tamaki Reika, leader of the Misora First Elementary Students who attended Prima Kindergarten, and public nuisance to all who attended Sonatine Kindergarten. Poppu in particular is miffed by the blonde rich girl as Sayaka is Erika's favorite target to bully. And so, the pinkette and her brunette girlfriend find themselves squatting in some bushes along a sidewalk waiting to ambush the spoiled brat who seems hellbent on making school unpleasant for the pair and their fellow Sonatine Alumni. "Poppu-chan," calls out Sayaka, tugging on the taller girl's blouse, "Are you sure we should do this?" "Of course," replies Poppu, running her fingers through the shorter girl's hair, "Don't you want to get back at that Prima Donna for bullying you? Besides, didn't you want to try a real threesome after you had that dream?" Blushing in remembrance of the threesome she had with Poppu and Fafa, which the girl believes to have been a dream, Sayaka stammers, "Ye-Yes, but...but I was thinking we could invite one of the nice girls we know from Sonatine, or even one of the boys." Placing a finger to her lip, Poppu whispers, "Quiet, here she comes." And indeed, their target is skipping down the path that passes the bush they're hiding in. As Erika reaches the bush, Poppu jumps out, slapping one hand over the blonde's mouth to muffle any screams while using the other hand to pull the rich girl's arms behind her back and secure them with a pair of toy handcuffs. The pinkette then pulls her captive into the bush and Sayaka helps force the blonde through an access hatch that was hidden by the shrubbery. The hatch opens to a crawl space, the floor joists above just high enough off the concrete slab below that the three first graders can walk around without hitting their heads. Poppu had told Sayaka that she had found this place while scouting the route Erika takes to get home, but that was only partially true as the red apprentice had used magic both to make the space large enough for their purposes and to clean it up. There are no light fixtures in the crawl space, but the flashlight Sayaka brought along illuminates it quite well. Poppu releases her grip on their captive, causing the blonde to fall, landing hard on her butt as she yells in outrage, "What is the meaning of this, you uncultured, Sonatine brats?!" Kneeling in front of the prone girl, Poppu replies nonchalantly, "We just thought we'd take the snobbiest of the prima brats down a notch or two." As she reaches up Erika's skirt to pull down the blonde's panties. "HEY!" screams the rich girl, making Poppu glad she used magic to soundproof the crawl space, "Don't touch my underwear! They're imported silk unworthy of being touched by a commoner!" Despite being a toy, the handcuffs are more than enough to keep the rich girl's arms bound, and Erika's kicks are ineffective at stopping Poppu from removing the garment. Once the panties have been separated from their owner, Poppu finds that indeed, while of a modest cut and a plain white in color with no adornment, Erika's panties are made of fine silk the likes of which the pinkette has never touched. Instead of indulging in the feel of the silken unmentionables, Poppu tosses them unceremoniously to the concrete before turning the blonde to face Sayaka, spreading the rich girl's legs, a hand under each knee to leave the virgin's pussy on full display as the pinkette says, "Since Sayaka-chan is her favorite person to pick on, I think you should have the honor of popping her cherry." Though she wasn't fully on board with Poppu's plan from the beginning, the sight of her tormentor spread eagle before her, her exposed, virgin girlhood ripe for the taking, is more than enough for Sayaka to feel her girlcock straining against her underwear. Lifting her dress and freeing her futahood from it's cotton confines, Sayaka starts jacking herself off, mumbling, "Erika-chan is a really mean girl, but she's so cute and sexy like this." Staring at the brunette's erection, having never seen a penis before, Erika exclaims, "Wh-What the hell is that?!" Whispering in the blonde's ear, Poppu replies, "That's Sayaka's girlcock. She's probably going to stick it in your pussy." "My...My pussy?" asks the blonde, her earlier outrage at being pushed around by a couple of Sonatine girls giving way to confusion. "That hole between your legs," starts Poppu before adding, "Not the one you pee from, but the other one that doesn't seem to serve any purpose." Trying to parse Popu's words, Erika mumbles, "She's going...that thing...that hole..." only for her eyes to go wide in terror as things snap into place in her head, and she screams, "NO WAY! There's no way that thing will fit inside me!" as she struggles futilely against Poppu's grip. Erika's outburst snaps Sayaka out of her trance like state, the brunette continueing to stroke her futahood as she approaches, licking her lips as she says, "Erika-chan has a yummy looking pussy." Erika's terror only grows as Sayaka approaches, the blonde getting a better look at the brunette's member, estimating it to be thicker than her thigh, and screaming, "OH KAMI NO! Don't stick it in me!" as Sayaka kneels before her, but instead of going straight for the rich girl's virginity, Sayaka buries her head between the blonde's thighs and her tongue between the blonde's nether lips. Torn between relief that Sayaka didn't impale her with that thick prick, disgust at having someone's tongue touching her, and pleasure at the new sensations running up her spine, Erika is unable to make any coherent reply as Sayaka goes to town eating out the blonde. With Erika squirming against her bonds and moaning loudly under Sayaka's ministrations, the brunette laps away at the blonde's girlhood as if she's just discovered her new favorite dessert, alternating between driving her tongue as deep within the virgin's passage, sucking on the rich girl's clit and blowing hot breath into the girl's pussy as if trying to inflate a balloon. Feeling her girlcock throb in need, Sayaka uses her thumbs and forefingers to stretch Erika's opening and drooling into the blonde's gaping passage to provide extra lubrication, eliciting a cry of "Ew! Gross!" from the rich girl. Without any warning, Sayaka rises to her knees, hastily aims for the hole she's holding open and hilts herself in Erika in one quick motion. The magical properties of futanari precum spare the blonde the pain of a torn hymen, but the sudden penetration is like a punch to the gut and Sayaka's girth stretches the rich girl near the point of tearing. As Erika tries to endure the pain, Sayaka mumbles, "OH KAMI! I think she's even tighter than Poppu-chan!" Recovering from her shock, though still in pain, Erika glances down to where she and Sayaka are joined, noticing a bulge in her belly and that the brunette really did force the whole thing inside the blonde, commenting, "Oh Kami! I can't believe you managed to fit all of that thing inside me!" Sayaka then grabs the blonde's hips and starts thrusting with wild abandon, Erika crying, "NO! STOP! IT HURTS! It feels like you're going to turn me inside out!", but the brunette, lost in lust, ignores these protests and cuts off any further ones by capturing the rich girl's lips and forcing her tongue into her captive's mouth. Poppu releases her grip on Erika and backs away, letting Sayaka pin the blonde to the slab. Reaching under her own skirt, Poppu frees her erection from her panties, stroking herself to the sight of her girlfriend so thoroughly turning the tables on the girl that has been a thorn in their sides ever since they entered first grade. Deciding to join them, the pinkette sneaks up behind her girlfriend, the brunette too lost in the visceral pleasure of raping the blonde who so tormented her to notice Poppu's approach. Lining her tip up with her girlfriend's pussy, Poppu hilts herself within Sayaka, the brunette breaking the kiss to let out a loud gasp. The two futas start thrusting their girlcocks in sync, all three first graders moaning loudly, even Erika starting to enjoy what her assailants are doing to her, and before long, all three are cumming, Poppu flooding Sayaka's womb as she knots the brunette, Sayaka milking Poppu's cock as she floods Erika's womb, and Erika milking Sayaka's cock, experiencing her very first orgasm even as she screams in pain as the brunette knots the blonde. Once her knot has deflated, Poppu pulls out of Sayaka and requests, "Sayaka-chan, turn her around so I can get at her back door." Rolling over so the blonde is on top of her, Sayaka spreads the rich girl's half moons to give Poppu a good look at Erika's puckered anus. As Poppu slathers the remnants of her release and fresh precum along Erika's buttcrack, the worried blonde asks, "Wh-What are you... What are you going to do to my butt?", but the only response is searing pain in her rectum as Poppu rams herself deep into the blonde's bowels. "OH KAMI! IT HURTS!" Screams the blonde as the pinkette and brunette proceed to double team her. "Take it out of my ass! I'll never insult Sonatine Kindergartern ever again, just take it out!" But neither futa slow in their rape of the rich girl, and grabbing the Prima brat's panties from where she dropped them earlier, Poppu stuffs them in Erika's mouth, muffling any further protests. After what seems like an agonizing eternity to the blonde, but only a few short minutes of cathartic bliss for her assailents, both futas cum, Sayaka giving Erika's womb another coat of white as Poppu's seed sears the blonde's bowels. Having her pussy knotted for the second time isn't so bad, and Erika would be thinking she could come to enjoy it if not for the pain of Poppu's knot threatening to rupture her rectum and leaving her wondering if she'll have any bowel control after this ordeal. When their knots deflate, Sayaka and Poppu extricate themselves from Erika's holes, leaving the blonde lying on the concrete floor on her back, cum seeping out of both of her gaping holes and pooling between her legs. As Poppu yanks her panties out of her mouth, a sobbing Erika asks, "Are...Are you done with me?" "Almost," replies Poppu, getting between Erika's legs, "I still need a turn at your pussy." "Turning green and on the verge of vomiting, Erika protests, "Th-that's absolutely disgusting! That thing was just up my ass and want" Unable to put her hands over her mouth thanks to the handcuffs, Erika barely manages to turn her head to the side in time to avoid getting any on herself as the remains of her lunch are violently expelled onto the slab. As Erika is recovering from vomiting, Poppu hilts herself within Erika's pussy, prompting another bout of regurgitation. While Poppu takes sadistic glee in degrading Erika in such a way, Sayaka is horrified at what her girlfriend is doing, but unable to think how to talk sense into the Pinkette, all the brunette, her futahood now hanging limply between her legs can do is turn away from the sight and try to ignore the wretching sounds coming from the blonde's throat. When the sounds of sex and vomiting finally halt, Sayaka turns around to see Poppu taking photos of Erika in her dishevelled, well-fucked, andobviously just finished puking until she can't puke any more state, the pinkette declaring, "If you don't want us spreading these pictures around school and letting slip a couple of Sonatine girls did this to you, you'll start being polite at school and meet us here everyday when school gets out. Don't worry, as long as you're good, we won't treat you as roughly as we did today." Retrieving a bucket with a wash cloth and a pack of wet wipes from a corner of the crawl space, Poppu uses a few of the wipes to clean her girlcock before setting them down next to the broken girl and adding, "You can use these to clean yourself up." Feeling guilty, Sayaka starts towards Erika, intending to help the blonde clean-up, but she doesn't get far before Poppu grabs her hand, and back to the cheerful, friendly girl Sayaka fell in love with, the pinkette says, "Come on, Sayaka-chan, lets head home." Glancing back at the blonde, but unable to bring herself to defy her girlfriend's request they leave immediately, Sayaka following Poppu through the hatch that leads outside. As the two futanari walk hand-in-hand, Sayaka finally works up the nerve to voice her desire to go easy on Erika from now on, "I hope she's learned her lesson. It felt good to fuck another girl, but I'm not sure I could handle being that rough with her again." Poppu, feeling little, if any, remorse for what they did to the prima brat replies, "I hope she has too, though I could always handle her future punishments by myself if you'd like." Figuring that's probably the best compromise she's going to get from the pinkette, Sayaka replies, "That sounds good." before the pair sink into a comfortable silence for the rest of their walk home.