Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 19: The Futa Photographer The morning after she took her shutterbug's virginity, Reika wakes to a pleasant sensation in her futahood. Slowly opening her eyes, she is greeted by the sight of Kaori eagerly riding her morning wood. Noticing that her mistress is awake, the photographer smiles down at the blonde and greets, "Good morning, Ojou-sama!" Adding gyration to her up and down motions, the pig-tailed girl adds, "I thought Ojou-sama would enjoy waking to being serviced by her shutterbug, so..." Returning the smile and letting a moan escape her throat, Reika replies, "I like your initiative." It's then that Reika notices the stiff appendage her shutterbug grew overnight, and reaching out to stroke Kaori's new futahood, the blonde comments, "Looks like I'm not the only one with morning wood." Increasing her pace and choking back a moan of her own, Kaori replies, "Ojou-sama needn't concern herself with my own needs!" Releasing Kaori's girlcock and grabbing the photographer's hips, Reika starts thrusting up into the pig-tailed girl as she replies, "That's not true!" As Kaori collapses under the sudden onslaught, no longer able to hold back her moans, the blonde whispers in the bespectacled girl's ear, "My shutterbug's pleasure is my pleasure, so it is as much my duty to please my shutterbug as it is my shutterbug's duty to please me." It isn't long before Kaori is cumming around her mistress's futahood, the photographer's convulsing passage sending Reika over the edge shortly after as the blonde's hot seed erupts forth to flood the pig-tailed girl's womb. As her climax subsides, Reika rolls over on top of Kaori before pulling out of the photographer's passage. Grabbing the pig-tailed girl's still erect member, the blonde comments, "My, my. My shutterbug is positively throbbing! I'd bet you'd love to stick this hard thing inside your mistress's pussy, wouldn't you?!" Whining in need at Reika's touch, Kaori replies, "I-it would be an honor to slide inside Ojou-sama!" Glancing at her alarm clock and tapping a finger on her chin, "I wouldn't mind taking my shutterbug for a ride, and we do have plenty of time before we need to leave for school, but I wouldn't want to risk being impregnated by my shutterbug, but I don't like the prospect of making you wear a condom." Glancing towards the dresser where Kaori knows her mistress's bondage gear is stored, Reika adds, "Let's see if there's anything among my toys that will offer a solution. Leaving Kaori on the bed, Reika heads to the dresser and searches through the drawers for a few minutes. In the meantime, it is taking Kaori all of her self-control to resist stroking her own neglected futahood. When Reika returns to the bed, she's carrying several small leather belts and lengths of gold-plated chain. With practiced ease, she tightens a belt around each of Kaori's ankles and wrists before hooking a length of chain to metal loops on the belts and looping the chain through the bars of the head and foot boards to secure the pig-tailed girl's limbs to the corners of the bed. Holding up an extra belt, Reika comments, "I think one of these bracelet belts should be sufficient to constrict your girlcock enough to block cum." With that, Reika tightens the belt around the base of Kaori's member before straddling the bound girl and positioning herself over the constricted cock. The belt is uncomfortably tight around the base of Kaori's shaft, but she doesn't complain and as Reika lowers her hips and Kaori is engulfed in her mistress's warm tightness, the bespectacled girl decides the discomfort is more than worth it. As Reika starts to ride her shutterbug in earnest, Kaori moaning loudly from the sensations of having her futahood wrapped in a warm pussy, the blonde's own member stands at attention once again. Stroking her own member, Reika commands, "Open wide." As Kaori complies, Reika places her tip in the pig-tailed girl's mouth and adds, "Suck it!" As Reika continues to ride Kaori while getting head from the submissive girl, she only takes about two-thirds of her shutterbug's length inside her not wanting to give Kaori a chance to knot the blonde's pussy, but Kaori's member lengthens to still allow the bespectacled girl's tip to rub against Reika's cervix. Desperate for her overdue release and wanting to be hilted within her mistress, Kaori tries to buck her hips, but her restraints deny her sufficient leverage to accomplish much and all she can do is suck and lick the blonde's tip in hopes of encouraging her mistress to ride her faster. When Kaori feels her climax approaching, she makes no attempts to delay it despite knowing she'll be punished for cumming first and partly hoping the belt constricting her futahood isn't enough to stop her seed from shooting deep inside her mistress despite being sure that would only make the punishment more intense. When Kaori's climax arrives, she isn't able to fully enjoy it as the belt does succeed at blocking her urethra and her knot inflates without being inside of Reika. As Reika sits with her nether lips kissing the top of the knot nestled between her thighs, the blonde comments, "Looks like my shutterbug just climaxed, and without bringing her mistress anywhere close." Reaching down to touch Kaori's swollen knot, she adds, "And what a massive knot my shutterbug has... I bet you wish you had this big thing trapped inside me right now. I just hope for your sake that none of your cum managed to leak out." Climbing off her shutterbug's member, Reika is pleased to find no traces of Kaori's seed leaking from her own pussy or from the bound girl's tip. Unchaining the pig-tailed girl's ankles from the footboard, Reika rechains them to the headboard so the bespectacled girl's legs are spread wide apart and her rear is lifted off the mattress. "You look cute with a cock in your mouth, so I want you to perform fellatio on yourself while I pound your pussy." Kaori obediently takes her own tip into her mouth as Reika, using the headboard for extra leverage sinks her own futahood into Kaori's passage. Immediately, Kaori thinks that Reika's member feels significantly thicker and longer than when she rode her mistress earlier that morning, or even when her passage had been brutalized the night before, and she can't help moan loudly around her own tip as Reika jackhammers into the photographer's pussy, stretching it beyond anything a normal girl could endure. "Your cunny is so warm and cozy!" exclaims Reika as she pounds her shutterbug's passage, "And you look so damn cute, all chained up and sucking yourself off as you take my big, thick prick like the obedient, little slut you are!" Unbothered by the demeaning words, Kaori blushes at the praise and would offer her mistress a smile if her mouth wasn't stretched around her own cockhead. Without any warning, Reika pulls back before stabbing into Kaori's most precious place with far greater force than previous thrusts, and both girls can feel something give way deep in the photographer's depths as the blonde's tip pops into the pig-tailed girl's womb, the latter's cervix now stretched tightly around the collar of the former's member to form a water, and cum, tight seal. "Oh kami!" exclaims Reika, "I think I just penetrated my shutterbug's baby factory!" Leaning down to pinch Kaori's nipples and kiss the pig-tailed girl's forehead as she resumes her thrusts, the blonde adds, "I can't wait to pump you full of my seed!" After a few more minutes of ravaging Kaori's pussy, Reika can feel her climax fast approaching. Reaching down to stroke the photographer's largely neglected member, Reika declares, "YES! Make your mistress cum, and I'll let my shutterbug erupt as well." As the blonde's thrusts grow more erratic. As Reika hilts herself in Kaori one last time, the blonde's knot swelling as cum sprays like water from a hydrant deep in Kaori's womb, Reika reaches down to undo the buckle securing the belt at the base of Kaori's futahood before grabbing the girl by the pigtails and forcing her to bob her head on her own length. It isn't long before Kaori reaches her own, long overdue release, Reika holding her head in place to ensure the photographer swallows all of her own cum without spilling a drop. When Reika no longer sees Kaori's urethra bulging from the flow of semen, she releases her grip. As Kaori's spine uncurves, the pig-tailed girl's head and member separating in the process, Reika can see the results of her own ejaculation on the photographer's physique. Caressing Kaori's cum-inflated belly, big as a soccerball compared to the barely noticeable bulge from the night before, Reika comments, "If this is a preview of what my shutterbug will look like pregnant, I hope one of my swimmers makes quick work of finding your egg so my baby can start growing in you." Reaching to undo the chains holding Kaori's limbs to the headboard, the blonde adds, "Would you like to bare my children, my darling shutterbug?" Rubbing her distended belly, Kaori briefly entertains a fantasy not only of her mistress's sperm fertilizing her egg, but of the massive swell of cum trapped inside her womb completely drenching her young ovaries, fertilizing all of her eggs so that every ovulation leads to a pregnancy without further need of her mistress's seed. Shaking the impossible fantasy from her mind, Kaori speaks, "I'd be honored to bare Ojou-sama's babies. I'd gladly be Ojou-sama's baby factory and give you as many children as you want!" Pulling Kaori into a hug, Reika replies, "I'm glad you're excited at the prospect of having my children." Glancing at the alarm clock on her nightstand, the blonde adds, "We need to get ready for school. It wouldn't do for either of us to be late." Trying to pull out of Kaori's depths only to find that they're still well and truly tied, she continues, "I guess we have no choice but to shower together." With that, Reika pulls Kaori to the edge of the bed before standing and lifting the shorter girl off the mattress, having a little trouble thanks to the bulge of Kaori's womb before heading to the en suite to wash up and make both herself and her shutterbug presentable.