Content warnings specific to this chapter: Literal food porn, x-ray, selfcest of a sort. Author's Notes: Not much to say about this chapter other than it marking the halfway point of the Ojamajoxfairy chapters, though given how long it took me to get this far, I wouldn't hold your breath for the rest(there's at least two chapters on the thread that leads to Hazuki/Rere, I still need to bring in Onpu, and I'm still in early Motto and won't be doing anything with Hana for this story until I reach Dokkan. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 18: A Patissiere and Her Fairy Nini was already in the guise of her mistress, naked, and lying on her mistress's bed with her wrists and ankles tied to the head and footboards when Momoko enters the room carrying a bowl of fruit and other supplies the apprentice had snuck from the kitchen. Momoko transforms in to her patissiere uniform before willing the dress to vanish, leaving her only in boots, scarf, and headdress as her eyes feast upon her doppelganger, the only thing distinguishing the two blondes' naked bodies being the sizeable girl cock hanging between the Apprentice's legs. "I haven't even started, and you already look quite yummy, Nini!" declares Momoko as she takes a granny smith apple from her supplies. Prying Nini's mouth open, she stuffs the apple between the fairy's teeth to act as a makeshift gag. Next, Momoko holds up a banana for Nini to see. The fruit is on the larger side in both length and girth, it's peel still having a greenish tint and the flesh very firm. Peeling the banana and spreading the fairy's labia, Momoko places one end of the fruit to Nini's virgin opening, already slick from the fairy's anticipation of pleasuring her mistress. Momoko slowly works the banana into Nini's passage, neither wanting to hurt her partner or break the fruit, Nini's moans muffled by the apple in her mouth. Momoko manages to work the banana through an opening in the fairy's hymen, stretching, but not tearing the membrane and eventually has the fruit's tip pressed against Nini's cervix while still having the other end protruding by a few centimeters. Both of the holes she's interested in plugged, Momoko grabs two bottles of syrup, one chocolate, the other strawberry, both heated to body temperature, and with a practiced hand uses them to decorate Nini's chest and stomach. Starting at the nipples, Momoko draws a spiral pattern on Nini's budding breasts, clock wise on one side and counter clockwise on the other before moving into a criscrossing pattern reminiscent of shibari on Nini's tummy, a diamond shape formed around the fairy's navel and with lines of chocolate and strawbery terminating just shy of the bound girl's clit. As this is happening, Nini is squirming against her bonds from the sensation of the warm syrup on her skin, but Momoko easily compensates for her fidgeting subject. Next, Momoko deftly slices half-a-dozen strawberries in half and lays them in two lines along Nini's abdomen, each little fruit framed by syrup and resembling an exaggerated nipple. To finish her masterpiece of erotic food presentation, Momoko uses a can of whipped cream to place facsimiles of boobs upon Nini's flat chest, topping each mound with a cherry nipple. Stepping back to admire her handiwork, Momoko declares, "You look delicious!" as she licks her lips. Kneeling between the fairy's legs, Momoko sticks out her tongue and lowers her head, the first contact between the pair being Momoko's tongue against Nini's clit. The apprentice gives a long lick to the fairy's pleasure button, sending a jolt of electricity up Nini's spine. Instead of focusing just on that little nub, however, Momoko starts working her way up her familiar's body, licking away syrup and eating the strawberries as she goes. At the same time, Momoko slides the banana in and out of Nini's pussy. Even with the apple gag, the fairy's moans are quite evident to her mistress and Momoko is sure her parents would overhear if the fairy's pleasured sounds weren't muffled. After lapping up the last of the whipped cream and syrup, her cheeks bulging with sugary goodness, she pulls the apple from Nini's mouth only to replace it with her own lips. As the two blondes kiss, Momoko passes the mixture of syrup and cream to her familiar's mouth, increasing the pace at which she thrusts the banana and swallowing Nini's moans as she does so. As the pair swallow the last of the confection, their tongues exploring each others mouths for any lingering traces, Momoko flicks her thumb over Nini's clit, triggering the fairy's orgasm, the familiar arching her back as her mistress muffles her scream of delight by continuing the kiss. As Nini comes down from her climax, Momoko pulls the banana from the fairy's passage, and giving the fruit a few licks, exclaims, "Delicious!" before sliding the fruit into the fairy's mouth to make the familiar taste her own juices. As Nini fellates the banana, Momoko unties the fairy's ankles and holding her familiar's legs up and apart, the apprentice positions the tip of her throbbing futahood at Nini's entrance. "Now that we're done with the appetizer, are you ready for the main course?" Asks Momoko, and at the fairy's nod hilts herself deep in her doppelganger's cunny. Momoko's member is more than twice as thick as the banana, but Nini has no trouble stretching to accomodate her mistress's girth. Grasping Nini's ankles in a white knuckle grip, Momoko savagely pounds the fairy's pussy, the banana the only thing stopping Nini from moaning loud enough to alert Momoko's parents. "I can't wait to pump you full of my cream filling!" exclaims Momoko. In response, Nini chews up and swallows the banana to say something in her monosylabic fairy speech. Slowing to comtemplate her familiar's words, Momoko concludes, "You're right, much of the action is out of sight." Halting her thrusts, Momoko claps her hands to trigger the shift from patissiere to witch apprentice, her scarf vanishing as her headdress is replaced with a hat, gloves manifest on her hands, and her boots change from white to yellow. Summoning her poron, she casts a spell, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Give me and Nini magical sight!" As the yellow apprentices magic passes over the two blondes, she decides on a better way of preventing her parents from overhearing their activities and casts another spell, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Soundproof the walls!" "Now we can see what's going on and can be as loud as we want!" declares Momoko as she puts away her poron, and indeed, when Nini glances down at her belly, she can see Momoko's erection buried in her passage as if her skin and muscles were transparent. The pair can also see the hollow cavity of Nini's womb and the thin fallopian tubes connecting it to the small, white ovoids of the fairy's ovaries. Resting a hand over Nini's womb, Momoko comments, "It looks like an hollowed out pear. I'm going to enjoy stuffing it full of my hot cream!" Draping the fairy's legs over her elbows, Momoko resumes her thrusting, both blondes enjoying the sight of Nini's passage narrowing everytime Momoko pulls back only to stretch out again as the apprentice plunges cervix deep back into her familiar's depths. Gripping Nini's sides just below the fairy's ovaries, Momoko presses her thumbs into the flesh over the glands as if trying to caress them, and while too much muscle is in the way, the gesture still makes the familiar gasp in pleasure. "I wonder if these have released any eggs lately..." declares Momoko before asking, "Would you like to bare my child, Nini?" The fairy can only nod in reply, to which Momoko declares, "Then I'll do my best to put a baby in your belly!" Picking up speed, it only takes another thirty seconds for Momoko to erupt deep in Nini's passage, gazing proudly upon the sight of her knot swelling just inside the fairy's entrance and her seed shooting from her tip straight through Nini's cervix. Nini misses the sight, however, as her eyes shut reflexively as she climaxed just as Momoko did, her passage clenching around the apprentice's futahood to milk every last drop of semen. When Nini recovers from her orgasm, she opens her eyes to the sight of her mistress knotted cervix deep in her passage and her womb ballooning slightly with her mistress's pearly white seed which almost seems to glow in her magical sight. Letting out a yawn, Nini says something in fairy speak. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I know I did!" stifling a yawn of her own, Momoko adds, "I think it's time for bed." With that, she unties Nini's wrists and the pair drift off to sleep in a mutual embrace, Momoko still buried in the fairy's depths. ### The next morning, the pair awake to find that Nini grew a cock over night, and discovering that she can now speak human tongue without the power of the Recipe Tome, Nini declares, "I guess it's my turn to fill Momo-chan with cream filling.", and while the pair tried to be quick, Momoko would just barely make it to school on time that morning.