Content warnings specific to this chapter: Selfcest, cum inflation, anal, gym uniform fetish. Author's notes: Not much to say about this chapter aside from it being one of the few chapters of this story I didn't have a scenario in mind months ahead of actually writing it. My next Ojamajo Doremi-related update will probably feature Momoko, be it an update for this, Ojamajo and Pokemon or Cathouse MAHO-Dou. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 17: An Athlete and Her Fairy Despite nearly raping Hazuki after the day's gym class and getting some payback on Doremi and Momoko that afternoon at the MAHO-Dou, Aiko found her futahood begging for her attention as she washed dishes after eating supper. Her dad was driveing the late shift again and Nobuko wasn't sleeping over, so she had the apartment to herself, or she would if it wasn't for her fairy familiar Mimi, but even withoutt the ability to turn invisible, the little blue sprite was barely noticeable most of the time. Thinking of Mimi reminded the blunette of what Doremi had hinted the redhead and her sister got up to with their respective fairies. Shaking images of twinn redheads and twin pinkettes going at it like rabbits from her mind, Aiko tries to focus on her chores only for her thoughts to drift back to gym class. Before long, her hormone riddled brain has conjured a vision of the female half of Misora First Elementary's fifth grade. In Aiko's daydream, the girls are lined up, class 4-1 to one side and class 4-2 to the other, their respective teachers and the school nurse, Yuki-sensei in the middle. All are wearing the white shirt and red buruma of the school's gym uniform, the students wearing clothes that fit properly and the grown women in uniforms that might have fit when they were fifth graders. On Nishizawa-sensei and Yuki-sensei, the shirt becomes a halter top tight enough to show off their modestly sized breasts, and on Seki-sensei, the fabric barely manages to stretch accross her more ample bosom and looks ready to rip at any moment. Meanwhile, both teachers and the nurse are sporting serious cameltoes and wedgies from the way too small buruma hugging their pelvises. All of the girls, student, teacher, and nurse are bent over, hands on knees, and begging for Aiko to fuck them as they shake their butts in her direction. Shaking her head violently to rid it of the perverted thoughts, her throbbing futahood straining painfully against the blunette's panties and jeans, Aiko tries to focus on finishing the dishes. Remembering that she's the top athlete in her grade if not the entire school, Aiko wonders if she looks as sexy in the school's gym uniform as her classmates. Deciding the dishes can wait until later, Aiko resolves to find out and get some relief for her aching girlcock. Rushing to her room, Aiko quickly changes into one of her gym uniforms, pulling the shirt down to conceal what of her erection sticks up past the waistband of her buruma before calling out, "Mimi, I need ya ta change into me." Flying out of her hiding spot, Mimi glows blue as she shifts into a near copy of Aiko, the only difference being the lack of a cock bulge in the fairy's own buruma. As Mimi awaits further directions, Aiko's eyes roam over her doppelganger, and upon deciding that yes, she's as sexy as her classmates in that uniform, if not more, the blue apprentice captures her fairy's lips in a kiss before pushing Mimi onto the futon and pinning the nonfuta beneath the futa and grinding their buruma-clad crotches against each other. Her instincts to serve her mistress kicking in, Mimi returns the kiss, the two blunettes' tongues intwining as they wrap each other in a hug and the fairy wraps her legs around Aiko's waist, both bucking their hips in an effort to maximize stimulation. Deciding she can't wait any longer, Aiko breaks the kiss and sits up far enough to pull the front of her buruma and panties down to free her throbbing erection. Without any warning, Aiko pulls the crotches of Mimi's buruma and panties to either side and buries herself to the fairy's cervix in one powerful thrust. As Aiko starts to jackhammer into her fairy's no longer virgin pussy, the pair resume their kiss, the two blunettes swallowing each others moans as they frantically buck their hips against each other in desperate pursuit of climax. Mimi is the first to reach orgasm, her passage convulsing around Aiko's futahood and sending the blue apprentice over the edge as well. As she knots within her fairy, Aiko sits up and stares down in fascination as Mimi's tummy starts to swell from the copious amounts of seed the apprentice is pumping into her familiar's womb, Mimi's shirt riding up and her buruma being pushed down as her belly grows too big to be contained by the gym uniform. When Aiko is done cumming, Mimi's tummy is as large as and as firm as a properly inflated, full-sized basketball. As Aiko rubs her fairy's bulging belly, a pained whimper escapes Mimi's throat. "Are you okay?" asks the blue apprentice in concern and after a string of fairy speak replies, "I guess fairies aren't quite as elastic as futanari. Sorry I couldn't hold back and blew you up to such an extent. I guess we should drain your womb as soon as possible." Shortly after uttering those words, two obstacles to draining the apprentice's seed from the fairy's womb become apparent: Aiko's cock is still knotted in Mimi's pussy, preventing the pair from separating, and even if the apprentice could unplug her familiar's passage, there would be a huge mess to clean up if only futanari can seal their cervixes. Knowing only time can resolve the knotting and knowing the obvious solution to avoiding a mess, Aiko suggests, "Let's get you to the bathroom." After a minute or two of awkward movements, the pair manage to figure out a way of moving with them tied in the missionary position and Mimi's cum inflated belly preventing a face-to-face carry. Holding Mimi's hips tightly, Aiko stands up with the fairy's legs wrapped about the apprentice's waist as Mimi supports her upper body on her arms. With an awkward gait, the pair slowly make their way to the bathroom. By the time they've got Mimi sitting on the toilet, Aiko's knot has deflated, and holding Mimi's panties and buruma apart, Aiko withdraws, a torrent of semen gushing from the fairy's passage into the bowl as soon as the plug is removed. As Aiko stares mesmerized by the sight of her seed pouring from her fairy's pussy as the bulge in the fairy's abdomen visibly shrinks, Mimi sighs in relief as if she were emptying her bladder after holding her pee all day. Once empty, Mimi surprises her mistress by kneeling before the blue apprentice and deep throating Aiko's futahood, and it isn't long before Aiko is shooting another massive load, this time down Mimi's throat. As the fairy's stomach starts to ache from all the cum she's swallowing, Mimi pulls away from the apprentice's girlcock and recieves a shower of hot seed for doing so. As her orgasm subsides, Aiko looks down at her cum covered fairy, her seed coating Mimi's face and staining the gym uniform the familiar is wearing. Scratching the back of her head, Aiko says, "So much for avoiding a mess... I guess we should take a shower to get you cleaned." The pair discard their matching gym clothes and get in the shower, helping each other lather up and Aiko scrubbing Mimi's face and hair to remove the last traces of the apprentice's seed. Once both are clean, Mimi coats her hand with soap and starts stroking Aiko's futahood to another erection. Once satisfied with how hard and slippery her mistress's member is, Mimi turns her back to Aiko as the familiar brings the futa's tip to her virgin anus. Taking her familiar's hint, Aiko grabs Mimi's hips and thrusts forward, hilting within the fairy's ass. Grabbing Mimi's knees, Aiko lifts her doppelganger up, the fairy placing her feet on the shower wall as the apprentice starts to roughly anal fuck her familiar. As Mimi moans in pleasure having her rear passage ravaged, Aiko's hand snakes to the fairy's pussy and pinches Mimi's clit between thumb and forefinger. With her other hand, Aiko slides first one finger and then two into the familiar's passage and before long, Aiko is fisting Mimi's pussy. After a few minutes, they both cum, Mimi's holes tightening around Aiko's fist and member as the apprentice's hot seed floods the fairy's bowels. After coming down from their climax, the pair finish their shower, and neither bothering with clothing, they share the chore of finishing the dishes before crawling side-by-side into Aiko's futon for some much needed rest.