Content Warnings specific to this chapter: Master and slave, rough sex, condom use. Author's notes: This took nearly twice as long to write as I thought it would, butt then again, it ended up being nearly twice as long as i thought it would be. This chapter introduces another of the stable pairings I've had planned almost from the beginning, and a virtual cookie to anyone who figured it out from the hint I dropped back in Chapter 11. I hope to have at least one more chapter written before year's end(whether for this, another of my stories, or something I've only published on A3O is undecided). Also, my profile has a poll asking about reader's opinion on the consequences of Chapter 15 of this story, which I currently plan to replace on Jan 1 with a poll concerning what i should write for Femslash February. Anyways, enough of my ramblings, on with the story. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 16: The Mistress and her Shutterbug It had been a hard day for Tamaki Reika. Not so much on account of classes as she regularly scored in the top five in the class rankings and found attending classes at Misora First Elementary more tedious than difficult, but rather on account of the rather unlady-like urges she was experiencing thanks to her recent transformation into a futanari. Sure, she and Kaori had been having a lesbian affair for months, but prior to today, the blonde had never felt the desire to ravage any of the other girls in her class and had never had to fight the urge to jump Kaori in the girl's locker room after Gym class. Reika had never been so grateful that she didn't have cram school that evening and that Kaori would be accompanying her to the Tamaki Estate so they could have some alone time under the guise of studying together, but even as the pair made their way to the rich girl's house, Reika's futahood was throbbing painfully and it was taking all of the blonde's self-control to maintain her composure. Grateful her orange dress was loose enough to conceal her erection, Reika returns a greeting from one of her family's servants with a command, "Me and my guest are not to be disturbed unless there is an emergency." while chanting to herself, 'Don't jump shutterbug as soon as you reach your bedroom, Don't jump shutterbug as soon as you reach your bedroom! A Lady doesn't show her sexual frustration to her lover!' When the pair enter Reika's massive bedroom, Kaori locks the door behind them and waits for Reika to put down her school bag before placing her own burden down beside the blonde's. Putting on an air of subservience, Kaori asks, "Does Ojou-sama want to start the evening with homework, or would she rather her humble servant service her first?" Bowing respectfully to her mistress as she speaks. Relieved to hear the pig-tailed girl making the offer, Reika resists the urge to rip Kaori's clothes to rags and fuck the bespectacled girl raw and asks, "Are you prepared to serve your mistress?" Kaori replies, "I live to serve Ojou-sama and will do whatever to please her." Struggling to maintain composure, Reika replies, "Then you may start by stripping before your mistress." Slipping her feet out of the house slippers she had donned upon entering the house, Kaori begins to slowly unbutton her shirt, starting at the top and working her way down. As she reaches the last button, Kaori turns her back to Reika before slowly exposing one shoulder and then the other. Slowly, the young photographer lets her shirt drop to hang from her elbows and then her hands, exposing the pale, unblemished skin of her back to her mistress bit-by-bit before finally dropping the garment when it no longer conceals anything from the blonde's view. Next, Kaori unzips her pants and holding her arms over her head, starts to shimmy the garment off her panty-clad butt and down her slender legs, every shake of the shutterbug's cute, little rump causing Reika's throbbing futahood to twitch violently under the blonde's orange dress. When her pants pool around her ankles, Kaori takes a step backwards towards Reika before kicking her discarded clothing aside. Now wearing only plain white socks, matching white panties, and her oval-framed glasses, the pig-tailed girl clasps her hands behind her back before turning to her mistress and asking, "Does Ojou-sama like what she sees?" Reika's eyes roam over Kaori's body, examining the photographer's pale, porcelain-like skin for the smallest defect, but finding none unless you count the mosquito bites upon the pig-tailed girl's flat chest. Again, Reika has to resist the urge to force Kaori to the ground and ravage her in a manner that would qualify as rape if not for the victim's complete willingness to serve her mistress. Done with her appraisal, Reika replies, "I see you've been keeping up with the skin care regiment I prescribed. Your mistress is pleased with the results." Blushing under the compliment, Kaori replies, "Thank you Ojou-sama! I do my best to live up to Ojou-sama's standards." Smiling widely, Reika declares, "I'm glad to hear that because I've got a surprise for my shutterbug that will test how far you're willing to go to please your mistress." Turning away from Kaori, Reika pulls her dress over her head, revealing her well-toned thighs and back to the pig-tailed girl. Kaori can feel her own arousal growing at the sight of her mistress in nothing but lacy, silk panties and has to fight the urge to stroke her own girlhood through it's soft cotton covering, but what really causes the photographer's heart to skip a beat is when Reika turns around and Kaori gets an eyeful of the erect, and rather impressive for a fifth grader, penis sticking up out the front of her mistress's panties. Seeing her shutterbug staring wide-eyed and slacked jawed at her futahood, Reika asks in a sultry tone, "What does Kaori-chan think of her mistress's new girlcock?" Snapping out of her trance at being addressed by her actual name instead of the pet name her mistress gave her, Kaori stammers, "Is-is that a real penis?" Feigning indignation, Reika replies, "Of course it is! Did my shutterbug really think her mistress would break her promise to never deflower you with a dildo, no matter how realistic? If you have doubts, feel free to come touch it, and you may even remove your mistress's panties to confirm that it's really a part of me." Dropping to her knees in front of Reika, Kaori pulls down the blonde's panties before wrapping one hand around the rich girl's shaft and using the other to explore the folds of Reika's girlhood. Kaori has never touched a penis before, but the shaft she now grips is warm in her hand, is covered in the same silky skin she knows from many evenings spent caressing her mistress and being caressed by her mistress, and it gives slightly when she squeezes it. What really sells it as being real rather than a very well-made strap-on is that the photographer can find no sign of a seem between the cock and the rest of Reika's crotch, the blonde's pussy being as Kaori remembers it, only with the absence of the hymen she usually has to navigate to slide her fingers within her mistress, and the blonde's clit and urethral opening having apparently been replaced by the phallus. After letting Kaori explore her changed genitals for a few minutes, Reika asks, "Is my shutterbug satisfied that her mistress has really become a futanari?" Kaori wants to ask about Reika's missing hymen, but knowing it's not her place to bring it up, she suppresses her curiosity and nods as she answers, "Yes, Ojou-sama!" "Good!" says Reika before walking over to her bed and sitting on the edge, "Now, come over here and service you're mistress properly with that cute, little mouth of yours." Kaori replies affirmatively, "Yes, Ojou-sama!" before crawling over to the bed, opening her mouth wide and engulfing her mistress's futahood without hesitation. Although she has never sucked cock before, Kaori is no stranger to licking pussy and adapts quickly to giving oral on different genitals than she's use to, and if the soft moans escaping Reika's throat are any indication, the blonde is pleased with the photographer's efforts. Smiling down at her shutterbug as she gently strokes Kaori's scalp, Reika comments, "You're almost as good at fellatio as you are at cunnilingus!" Blushing under the compliment, Kaori pulls her mouth off Reika's futahood, one hand furiously stroking the member as she speaks, "Thank you Ojou-sama!" Feeling her panties grow damp as her own girlhood aches for attention, Kaori asks softly, "Ojou-sama, may I... may I touch myself?" Wanting to see the girl squirm with arousal and wanting her shutterbug to be so desperate for relief she won't object to what the blonde has in store next, Reika declines Kaori's request, "No you may not! In fact..." Reika grabs the pig-tailed girl's arms and lays them on the bed by Reika's hips beforee placing her hands on the side of Kaori's head, gripping the base of the photographer's pig-tails firmly between thumb and forefinger and forcing the bespectacled girl's head back on the blonde's futahood. "...If I see your hands leave the bed, I'll have to punish you, and while I would hate to see those cute pig-tails of your's ruined, I won't hesitate to rip one of them out if you try to remove yourself from my girlcock again before I'm done shootting my load down your throat!" Knowing Reika's threats are only half in jest, Kaori ignores the building fire in her own loins and redoubles her efforts to please her mistress. Deciding it a safe way of occupying her hands, Kaori grabs Reika's half-moons and starts to massage the supple flesh. Reika makes no comment, but if the blonde's increased frequency of moans is any indication, she is pleased with her shutterbug's actions. Taking a risk, Kaori starts to bob her head up and down on Reika's futahood, a motion the blonde not only allows, but seems to encourage. Her moans getting louder as her climax approaches, Reika declares, "Yes, that's a good little shutterbug! Make your mistress cum!" Mere seconds after delivering this order, Kaori brings the blonde to orgasm, a torrent of hot semen erupting in the photographer's mouth. Holding the bespectacled girl firmly by her pig-tails, Reika exclaims, "Yes, swallow all of your mistress's load!" and Kaori is only too happy to comply, guzzling down all of the blonde's seed. When Reika has finished cumming and Kaori has finished licking the futa's member clean, the blonde pulls the pig-tailed girl off of her futahood. Giving the photographer a pat on the head, Reika says tenderly, "You're a good little cocksucker, my cute, little shutterbug." Seeing the bespectacled girl blush, she adds, "And you're even cuter when you blush like that!" Her blush deepening, Kaori replies submissively, "Ojou-sama is too kind with her words." Feeling her girlhood throb with need, Kaori asks, "Is there anything else I can do to serve Ojou-sama?" all the while hoping whatever her mistress wants next will give the pig-tailed girl some much needed relief. Once again feeling the urge to ravage the girl kneeling before her, Reika replies, "Yes there is." before issueing a series of short commands, "Stand up!" Kaori complies without a moments pause. "Turn around!" Again, immediate compliance. "Bend over!" Kaori leans forward, her feet shoulder width apart, places her hands on her locked out knees, and lowers her head so she can glance between her own legs to see her inverted mistress, Reika's futahood the most prominant feature from Kaori's new vantage point. The photographer's new posture gives Reika an excellent view of Kaori's crotch, the outline of the pig-tailed girl's girlhood clearly visible from where the thin, white cotton of her panties, soaked through with the girl's love juices and rendered translucent clings to her every nook and cranny. Sliding a finger along the outline of Kaori's slit, sending a shiver up the photographer's spine, Reika comments, "My shutterbug is absolutely soaked! Did you really get that turned on from fellating your mistress, or did you pee yourself?!" Feeling her futahood throb in anticipation, she continues without giving Kaori a chance to respond, "No matter, the wetter you are, the better for what I have in store." Stroking her erect member, Reika asks, "How would my shutterbug like to go for a ride on her mistress's girlcock?" Nearly cumming just from the thought of being fucked properly by her beautiful mistress, it takes a great deal of willpower for Kaori to respond with "I'd be honored to, Ojou-sama!" instead of being vulgar and saying something like 'Fuck me like there's no fucking tomorrow!' Smiling widely, Reika replies, "I'm glad to hear that! Now, hold that pose while i retrieve something." Standing up, Reika goes to her nightstand and removes a small, foil package from the drawer. Sitting back on the edge of the bed, Reika holds the packet where Kaori can see it, revealing it to be a condom. As she rips it open and rolls it down the length of her shaft, Reika explains, "As fun as I'm sure it would be to flood your womb, as long as you remain a good girl, I wouldn't want to risk impregnating you at such a young age." Although Kaori would love to bare her mistress's child, she doesn't voice her objection to the condom as she feels her panties pulled down to her knees and the tip of her mistress's latex gloved member positioned at her entrance. "Now, Shutterbug, all you have to do is sit down and impale yourself upon your mistress's girlcock!" Bending her knees, Kaori starts shifting her weight over Reika's futahood, the blonde's tip sliding easily into the photographer's opening. Feeling her mistress pressing against her maidenhead, Kaori increases the pressure, gritting her teeth at the pain of her stretching hymen. Eventually, the pig-tailed girl's virgin barrier snaps like a rubber band, the sudden loss of resistance coupled with Kaori's slippery passage causing her to fall into Reika's lap, the blonde's prick buried to the photographer's cervix, Kaori letting out a loud gasp at the pleasure of being filled with her mistress's futahood and the pain of losing her virginity. While Kaori adjusts to the intrusion, Reika savors the intense pleasure of being buried in the photographer, exclaiming, "My shutterbug's pussy is so warm and tight! It feels like my girlcock is going to melt!" Recovering from the loss of her virginity, Kaori replies, "Ojou-sama's girlcock is so hot, it feels like it's burning my insides! It's so big, it's stretching my insides to the limit!" Wanting to feel her mistress moving within her, the pig-tailed girl begs, "Ojou-sama, may I please start moving?" Smiling widely, Reika replies, "Yes, you may!" Straddling the blonde's lap, Kaori leans forward to place her hands on her mistress's knees before lifting herself most of the way off Reika's condom covered prick before dropping onto the blond'es pole completely once again. Before long, the photographer is bouncing on her mistress's shaft like a girl possessed, her tongue hanging out as she pants heavily from the pleasurable exertion. Leaning back and placing her palms on the mattress for support, Reika exclaims between moans, "That's a good shutterbug! Ride your mistress's girlcock like the little slut you are!" The vulgar encouragement makes Kaori redouble her efforts, pistoning up and down on Reika's member as fast as the photographer's arms and legs will allow. Soon, the bespectacled girl can feel her orgasm approaching, but knowing that she'll be punished if she cums before her mistress, she tries in vain to hold off her impending climax. When Reika feels Kaori fully impale herself upon the blonde's futahood, the photographer letting out a strangled yell of pleasure as her pussy convulses around Reika, the blonde knows the bespectacled girl has just climaxed. Not being anywhere near her own release, Reika's self-control finally snaps. Without warning and with the pig-tailed girl still lost in the throes of orgasm, Reika grabs one of Kaori's buttocks and roughly shoves the photographer off the futa's lap and onto the floor. Kaori, shocked by suddenly being in free fall doesn't have time to catch herself, her palms skidding accross the carpet, and her chin hitting with enough force to send her glasses flying. Kaori manages to turn enough to look at Reika as the blonde starts to yell, "How Dare you cum before your mistress?!" Since she only needed them for reading, even without her glasses, Kaori can clearly see the flames burning in her mistress's eyes as the blonde pulls the condom off the prick that was just a minute ago buried in the prone girl's passage. "Perhaps a rough fucking coupled with being knocked up will teach that slutty pusssy of your's to behave itself!" While the thought of being roughly fucked and knocked up by her mistress excites her, Kaori lets out a gulp at the sight of Reika's futahood visibly increasing in girth before the photographer's eyes. While she'd never admit it out loud, Kaori was a bit of a masochist, but enjoying pain and submitting willingly to something your brain said could seriously hurt you were very different things. Even knowing it might worsen her punishment if caught, Kaori decides to bolt. No sooner than she manages to gain her feet, Kaori's escape attempt is halted by Reika grabbing one of the photographer's ankles, sending the no longer bespectacled girl crashing to the floor once again as the blonde chastises, "My, my, what a naughty, naughty girl you're being today! First you cum before your mistress, and now you try to escape your punishment!" Kneeling behind the prone girl, Reika grabs Kaori by the back of her thighs right below her buttocks and the blonde uses her thumbs to spread the photographer's labia wide apart. Positioning the tip of her futahood, doubled in diameter, quadrupled in cross-sectional area, Reika adds, "Oh well, at least I won't feel guilty for knocking up a naughty, naughty girl such as yourself!" Struggling against her mistress's grip, Kaori begs, "Please, Ojou-sama! That thing will rip me apart! Please don't..." but the rest of her plea is cut off by a pained scream as Reika hilts her much thicker futahood in the photographer's just as tight passage. Her pussy stretched painfully over her mistress's futahood, Kaori screams, "IT HURTS! PLEASE TAKE IT OUT!" Reika withdraws until her tip is just making contact with Kaori's opening, luring the pig-tailed girl into a false sense of security. Thinking her mistress has decided to take mercy upon her, Kaori relaxes and says, "Thank you for pulling out, Ojou-sama." Grinning devilishly, Reika slams her futahood deep into the unsuspecting girl's passage, declaring, "Did. You. Really. Think. Your. Punishment. Would. Be. Over. That. Quickly?" Each word punctuated by a thrust of Reika's too thick erection into Kaori's too narrow passage, the photographer sobbing in pain with tears running down her face. Picking up speed, Reika gives Kaori a sharp smack on the rear before using her other hand to force the pig-tailed girl's head against the floor. As she mercilessly fucks her shutterbug, Reika exclaims, "Your pussy feels so much better without the condom! Even if you behave yourself from now on, I think I'm only going to take you bareback!" Kaori would be happy at this announcement, but she's still in too much pain from being fucked by an overly thick penis, though she's starting to enjoy the rough fucking as the pain starts to numb. Before long, Reika can feel her climax approaching, exclaiming, "I hope you're ready, Shutterbug, because I'm about to flood your unprotected womb with my seed!"" Moments later, Reika hilts herself within Kaori, the base of the futa's prick swelling within the photographer as an eruption of semen fills her womb past it's natural capacity. Reika sits on the floor and pulls Kaori into her lap, the blonde wrapping her arms tightly around her pig-tailed lover. When she's done cumming, Reika runs her hand accross the small bulge in Kaori's abdomen, the photographer's womb slightly inflated with the blonde's seed and whispers in Kaori's ear, "Sorry I had to be so rough with you." Wiping tears from her own face, Kaori replies in a hoarse voice, "It's okay, Ojou-sama! I like it when you're rough with me, and it feels kind of nice having so much of Ojou-sama's seed in my tummy." Sighing in relief, Reika replies, "I'm glad my shutterbug doesn't hate me. I was afraid I went too far that time." Reaching down to where they are joined, Reika runs a finger lazily over Kaori's clit, causing the photographer to moan softly. As the blonde goes to kiss her lover's neck, the pig-tailed girl tilts her head to allow her mistress better access. As she plays with the photographer's clit, Reika kisses, licks, sucks, and nips at the pale, tender flesh of Kaori's neck, sending shivers up and down the girl's spine and all the while being sure not to leave any marks on the unblemished skin. Before long, the gentle treatment Reika is subjecting Kaori to, providing such a sharp contrast to the rough fucking of moments earlier, is bringing the photographer to a gentle orgasm and Kaori goes limp in Reika's arms. It takes a few minutes for Reika to realize that Kaori has passed out from sensory overload. Knowing they've got homework to do, but deciding that can wait until later, Reika whispers, "Sleep tight, my cute, little shutterbug." As she tightens her grip on the sleeping girl and snuggles into the crook of the photographer's neck, simply enjoying holding her lover, the futa's girlcock still buried and knotted within Kaori's passage.