Content warnings specific to this chapter: Threesome(3 futalolis), cum inflation, involuntary pee drinking, anal, rough sex. Author's Notes: So, after spending most of my NaNoWriMo efforts working on shorter stories(look me up on A3O if you haven't already), we finally have a new chapter of Futanari Outbreak! And this chapter brings me to 19,973 of my 20,000 goal, so I think I'm going to call that mission accomplished, especially since my original goal was only 10,000 and only bumped it up to 20k on account of surprising myself with my progress during the early part of November. Apologies to anyone spoiled by my hyperactivity in writing over the last month, but I'm probably going to slow down tremendously from here, but hopefully this has broken me of that bad habit of sometimes not writing anything for months at a time. I believe this marks my 11th chapter released this month(Granted, 3 were started before the first), but hopefully I can maintain at least 2 or 3 releases per month going forward. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 15: Sweet Revenge at the Sweet House It was another slow day at the Sweet House MAHO-Dou. Onpu had idol work to do, and Aiko had informed Doremi and Momoko that Hazuki wouldn't be showing up, but hadn't gone into detail. Without any customers to tend to, the tables still gleaming from Momoko's polishing, and the slave driver known as Majorika still blowing the profits from the MAHO-Dou's Grand Re-opening as a bakery at the hot springs, none of the present Ojamajo have anything to distract them from their throbbing futahoods or the fact that they're alone with two cute girls they've had sexual encounters with. While Aiko had fucked Hazuki's ass earlier that Afternoon, and Doremi had both given and recieved with Dodo that morning, Momoko hadn't had a proper fuck since waking to Reika trying out her new girlcock yesterday morning. As such, the blonde was the first to break under the sexual tension, screaming, ["I can't take it anymore!"] Before tackling Doremi to the floor and smothering the redhead with a kiss. Being the closest to having her hormones under control, Aiko pulls the blonde off the redhead before Momoko can suffocate Doremi, asking, "What's gotten into you Momo-chan?" Willing most of her patissiere uniform to vanish, leaving her only in scarf, boots, and headdress, Momoko Exclaims, ["I'm horny as hell! My cunny craves cock and my cock craves cunny!"] Neither the redhead or the blunette are surprised to see Momoko sporting an erect girlcock, Doremi having already seen a girl who had grown one after being fucked by the pink apprentice and Aiko having not only grown one after the same events that triggered Momoko's transformation, but having further infected her long time girlfriend. Continueing her plea, Momoko shouts, ["Please! I need to plunge my prick into a pussy or have a prick plunged into my pussy!"] Doremi, aching to releave her own throbbing girlcock and wanting to help Momoko out, and Aiko, seeing the perfect opportunity to get her revenge on the blonde, will their uniforms to dematerialize, leaving the pair in the same state of near total undress as Momoko. As she approaches the prone girl, Doremi grabs Momoko's hips and guides the blonde into getting on hands and knees. Giving the blonde's beautiful booty a playful smack, Doremi lines up her precum dripping tip with Momoko's soaking wet pussy before slamming her prick home within the blonde's passage, the older girl's juices gushing out around the redhead's member. As Doremi starts to pound Momoko's pussy, the blonde screams her pleasure, ["OH GOD YES! Fuck my pussy! Fuck it real good! Fuck it so hard I can't walk straight for a week!"] Before Momoko can utter any more encouragements to the redhead, she finds herself being gagged by a cock. Glancing upward to confirm her suspicions that not only had Aiko grown a cock as well, but that it was the blunette's cock currently in the blonde's mouth, Momoko takes this occurrence in stride and begins sucking greedily upon Aiko's futahood as she wraps her arms around the blunette's waist. Burying her hands in Momoko's blonde hair, Aiko thinks 'Suck it bitch! I hope you aren't expecting a taste of my cum..." feeling a twinge from her bladder, rapidly filling thanks to the beverages the trio was enjoying earlier, her thoughts continue, "...because I have a different substance in mind for you to drink!' Too lost in the pleasure of pounding Momoko's pussy to notice Aiko, Doremi grabs Momoko's thighs and lifts them up to the redhead's hips, the blonde wrapping her legs around Doremi's waist in response. Reaching a hand under the blonde, Doremi wraps it around Momoko's thus far ignored futahood and proceeds to jack-off the older girl, making her moan around Aiko's cock with greater intensity as her passage tightens around Doremi's prick. The blonde's tightening pussy being more than she can take, Doremi shouts, "Momo-chan! I'm gonna cum!" Releasing the older girl's futahood and gripping her hips tighter than ever, the redhead makes several more frantic thrusts before hilting within Momoko just as cum erupts from the pink apprentice's tip and Doremi's knot swells to lock the pair together. Meanwhile, feeling her own orgasm approaching and not wanting to waste her seed down Momoko's throat, Aiko pulls the older girl's head away from the blunette's crotch until only the athlete's cockhead is in the blonde's mouth. As Momoko continues to lick the blunette's tip like a lollipop, Aiko relaxes her bladder, and upon realizing nothing is coming out, strains a bit to force her pee to flow despite her erect state. The first drop of Doremi's cum and the first drop of Aiko's pee hit Momoko's womb and tongue respectively at the same time. Upon realizing the tangy liquid pouring into her mouth isn't cum, Momoko tries to get away from the peeing girlcock, but Aiko maintains a firm grip on the blonde's head, leaving the older girl no choice but to guzzle down the blunette's golden liquid. The hot, gooey cum pouring into Momoko's womb sends her over the edge, her cunny doing it's best to milk Doremi's cock of every last drop, and while the blonde was a bit surprised to feel Doremi's knot swelling within her, she savors the strangely pleasant feeling of having her cunny plugged so thoroughly, and the blonde doesn't panic as Doremi's cum continues to pour, stretching the blonde's womb well pass what would normally be possible. Once her bladder is empty, Aiko pulls her still erect member from Momoko's mouth, declaring, "That's for making me drink your pee the other day." Coughing a bit, Momoko replies, ["Okay, that was kinda gross."] Laying her hands on her belly swollen with Doremi's cum, the blonde comments, ["Wow! Doremi-chan pumped so much creme filling inside me! My tummy feels like a giant cream puff ready to burst at the first bite!"] Ignoring the blonde's apparent joy at becoming a cum balloon, Aiko makes her way to behind Doremi, the redhead noticing Aiko's massive futahood for the first time and concluding every girl she fucks is going to grow a cock. Between the athlete's superior strength and the odango-headed girl still being knotted within the cum-immobilized Momoko, Doremi has little choice but to comply as Aiko forces the redhead to bend over the blonde and the blunette lines her member up with Doremi's thus far ignored cunny. Unseen by the redhead, Aiko's futahood has doubled in both length and girth since it was pulled from the blonde's mouth with the blunette continuing to will it to grow as she wants to punish Doremi for making Aiko's first experience with a real cock so unpleasant and the athlete knows first hand how easily futanari can take massive phalluses. When Aiko slams her engorged futahood into the redhead's pussy, not even Doremi's cervix slows it down, a full half of the blunette's girlcock ending up buried in the odango-headed girl's womb. Clutching her hands to her lower abdomen as if she was just punched in the gut, Doremi nearly pukes as she chokes out, "Oh FUCK! Ai-chan's thing is huge!" Feeling her insides continue to stretch, the redhead exclaims, "It's growing inside me! Is Ai-chan trying to rip me apart?!" Pressing her chest against Doremi's back and pinching the redhead's nipples tightly enough to make the pink apprentice wince, Aiko pulls her futahood out as far as this position will allow and whispers in Doremi's ear, "That's what it felt like you were trying to do when you raped me the other day." before mercilessly slamming her girlcock back into the redhead's womb. Heaving from the force of the impactt, Doremi begs, "Please, have mercy, Ai-chan!" but her pleas fall on deaf ears as the blunette proceeds to roughly fuck the redhead. While Aiko is repeatedly slamming her cock into Doremi with enough force for Momoko to feel every impact, the redhead serves as enough cushioning to make the experience pleasurable for the blonde as every thrust of Aiko's hips drives Doremi's girlcock deeper into the blonde's stuffed pussy. After what seems like hours to the redhead,, but is really only a few minutes, Aiko hilts herself within Doremi's battered passage as a torrent of cum erupts from the blunette's tip. By the time Aiko has finished cumming, Doremi's belly is even more swollen than Momoko's. Once Aiko's and Doremi's knots have deflated, the blunette withdraws from Doremi's passage, the redhead's cervix managing to seal shut with only a quart or two of Aiko's cum spilling out. As the athlete releases her grip on the redhead, Doremi loses her balance and falls to the floor, clutching her cum inflated belly as she lands on her rear. With some difficulty, Momoko manages to roll over on her back. Seeing her two friends reduced to a couple of living cum balloons, Aiko comments, "Looks like you two aren't going very far until your wombs are drained." Clapping her hands to shift into witch mode, Aiko continues, "Go ahead and let it out, and I'll use magic to clean up the mess." Doremi retorts, "How do you expect me to let it out without someone holding my cervix open?" Momoko adds, ["I didn't know cum inflation was possible, much have any idea about how to drain myself afterward." Blinking in confusion, Aiko replies, "Huh? I figured out that relaxing like I would to pee would let the cum out the first time Nobu-chan blew me up with cum." "Nobu-chan?" the two immobilized girls say in unison. Realizing her slip-up, the blunette comes clean, "Yeah, Nobu-chan and I have been dating for a while now, and well, after I grew a cock and did it with Nobu-chan, she grew one as well... Anyways, can we get back to draining your wombs?" Deciding to tease Aiko about having a girlfriend later, the two prone girls relax their cervixes, a deluge of semen pouring from both of their cunnies to form a rather impressive puddle all around them. When the two girls appear to be empty, Aiko summons her poron and casts a spell, "Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! Clean up this mess!" and in a puff of smoke, the spilled seed vanishes, not leaving a trace stuck to any of the girl's skin, in their hair, or on what little clothing they are still wearing. The only one who hasn't had an opportunity to cum in a pussy that afternoon, Momoko looks to Aiko and asks, ["Ai-chan, may I fuck your pussy?"] Placing her hands protectively over her girlhood, Aiko replies, "Only Nobu-chan has that prevelage." Seeing the blonde beginning to pout, the blunette continues, "But I bet Doremi-chan's cunny would be more than eager to suck on your girlcock. Besides, don't you want to pay her back for the great fucking she gave you earlier?" Seeing the lecherous expression Momoko is directing at her, Doremi tries to make a break for it, but before she can even get to her feet, the Blunette has gotten hold of the redhead and is holding Doremi's legs up and apart to give Momoko a good view of the odango-headed girl's girlhood. Kneeling in front of Doremi and lining her tip up with Doremi's opening, Momoko says, ["Relax, Doremi-chan! I promise to be a lot gentler than Ai-chan."] Before gently sliding inside Doremi's pussy. After a minute of slow, gentle thrusts from Momoko, Doremi starts moaning softly and as Aiko releases the redhead, Doremi tackles Momoko to the ground, capturing the blonde's lips in a kiss and starting to ride the blonde's futahood at a much quicker pace. Grabbing Doremi's butt and lifting her knees up to help her thrust up into the redhead, Momoko breaks the kiss to exclaim, ["Doremi-chan's pusssy feels sooo good!"] Noticing that Aiko is jacking off while watching the blonde fuck the redhead, Momoko offers, ["Ai-chan, you're welcome to pound my pussy while I pound Doremi-chan's pussy!"] Noticing the way Momoko is spreading Doremi's buttcheeks to expose the redhead's anus, Aiko kneels between Momoko's legs before replying, "Thanks for the offer, but I see another hole I'd rather fuck!" Before ramming her futahood up Doremi's ass without warning. Fortunately for the redhead, Aiko had allowed her futahood to shrink to a much more reasonable size and before long, Doremi is moaning in pleasure not only from Momoko fucking her pussy but also from Aiko fucking her ass. Moaning loudly, Doremi exclaims, "I-I can feel Ai-chan and Momo-chan's girlcocks rubbing against each other inside me! It-it feels incredible!" Within a few minutes, all three girls cum in unison, Aiko and Momoko flooding Doremi's bowels and womb respectively as the redhead convulses around both their cocks trying to milk them dry. When they come down from their shared climax, the trio separate, clean-up, and dress, their libidos saited for the time being. As they're closing up shop and readying to head home, Momoko asks, ["Doremi-chan, you've been a futanari longer than me or Ai-chan. How do you deal with the constant urge to fuck every girl around you?" Aiko adds, "I'd like to know that as well." Doremi replies, "It isn't easy, and I did jump Momo-chan not long before Ai-chan walked in on us the other day, and I even stole Poppu-chan's virginity as she slept the night I first grew a dick, but fucking Dodo every morning and night seems to help keep the urges at bay, and I think Poppu-chan's been fucking Fafa." Aiko asks, "You've been fucking your fairy?" Scratching her head, Doremi replies, "Yeah, Dodo says fairies have a strong inclination towards helping their partner relieve sexual tension. So, Mimi and Nini should be willing, if not delighted to help the two of you out." Momoko replies, "[Sounds like fun!] I'll need to try that out." With that, the three witch apprentices head towards their respective homes as the sun sets over the MAHO-Dou.