Content warnings specific to this chapter: loli on shota that turns into futaloli on shota, deflowering, boy performing fellatio, fisting. Author's notes: Not much to say, though I've finally introduced another of the stable relationships I've had planned since the beginning of this story which just so happens to be the one couple I seriously ship in canon. Also, if the fact that this chapter shows a girl in pain and bleeding at her hymen being torn seems out of place, I'd like to remind readers that it is the precum of futanari and infected males that has the hymen dissolving property and that Masaru hasn't been infected yet when he pops Hazuki's cherry. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 14: Hazuki's Confession After school, the sky painted orange from the coming dusk, Hazuki finds Masaru practicing his trumpet on the banks of the local river as he so often does. The green-haired boy had chosen a spot where the bridge would block the pair from the view of any passersby, to which the brunette was grateful considering the very bold plan she was about to execute. The quiet boy says nothing as Hazuki sits down on the sloping ground, but halts mid-song to start playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. With Masaru's back to her and certain that he's too busy to notice what she's doing, Hazuki quietly and quickly removes her panties and stuffs the garment in her school bag. As the last few bars of the song play, the orange apprentice lays back against the hill and positions her legs so that Masaru will be able to see up her skirt and get a good look at her exposed vulva if he turns around. To the brunette's disappointment, upon finishing his song, Masaru squats down, eyes closed, still facing the river. Gathering her courage, Hazuki calls out just loud enough for the green-haired boy to hear, "Masaru-kun." Cracking an eye, Masaru glances over his shoulder to reply, "Yes, Fuji..." but is cut off as he catches a glimpse of the bespectacled girl's most intimate place. Hazuki's cheeks burn crimson as Masaru turns around to kneel before her, his eyes locked upon her girlhood as it glistens in the light of the setting sun, but she makes no effort to hide from his penetrating stare. When Masaru's brain finally succeeds in rebooting, the green-haired boy asks, "Fujiwara, where are your underwear?" Her blush deepening, Hazuki starts in a stuttering whisper, "Ma-masaru-kun, I...I lo-love you." Taking a breath, she repeats herself, more confidently and as loud as she dares given the semi-public locale, "Masaru-kun, I love you! I want to be with you! I want you to make me a proper woman!" Somewhat dumbfounded but not wanting to reject the girl laid out before him, Masaru moves between her legs and reaches a hand towards her folds. Pushing his hand aside and reaching for the fly of his baggy pants, Hazuki declares, "I don't want your fingers!" Before the boy can react, the girl has pulled down his zipper and freed his four inch erection from the tight confines of his briefs. Nearly dragging him by his cock, Hazuki slides his tip up and down her slit as she strokes his shaft while saying, "I want this!" Lining up his tip with her entrance, she commands, "Thrust your hips forward and bury your manhood deep within me!" Barely restraining himself, Masaru places a hand on the ground to either side of Hazuki's head and asks, "Are you sure you want this?" Placing her own hands on Masaru's shoulders, Hazuki replies, lust in her voice, "Yes! I want you inside me!" With those words, Masaru thrusts his hips forward, Hazuki letting out a ear-splitting scream as his prick pierces her hymen. The green-haired boy freezes at the sound, and looking down to see tears welling up in her eyes and blood seeping out around his cock, Masaru is worried that he seriously injured the brunette. Nervously, Masaru asks, "Are... Are you okay, Fujiwara?" Smiling even as tears run down her face, Hazuki replies, "I'm fine, it just hurt a bit more than I expected when you tore through my hymen." Caressing his cheek with one hand, she adds, "You're my lover now, you should at least address me by my given name." Still concerned, Masaru asks, "Should I take it out, Fujiwa...I mean Hazuki-chan?" as he begins to pull out of her love tunnel. The bespectacled girl yells, "NO!" and wraps her legs around his waist to prevent his retreat. Hugging him tightly to her chest, she pleads, "Please, don't pull out. Just give me some time to adjust to having you inside me and recover from the pain." After a minute or two, Hazuki whispers, "Please start moving." The brunette starts moaning softly as Masaru slowly slides in and out of her passage. Forgetting the pain as pleasure radiates out from her core, Hazuki commands, "Masaru-kun, do me faster!" Masaru picks up the pace at her insistence and soon feels his orgasm building. Torn between instinct telling him to flood her womb and rationality telling him he might get her pregnant, the green-haired boy declares, "Hazuki-chan, I'm getting close! Should I pull out?" Placing a hand on each of his cheeks and holding his face so they stare into each others eyes, Hazuki declares, "It's okay, Masaru-kun! It's okay to cum inside me! I've haven't started having periods, so feel free to fill me with as much of your seed as you want!" With that, the orange apprentice pulls Masaru into a kiss before wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and tightening the grip her legs have around his waist. When Masaru cums, Hazuki is almost disappointed by how small his load is compared to Aiko, but is too overjoyed at finally being with Masaru like this to complain. His seed spent and not wanting to risk crushing his lover under his greater weight, Masaru rolls over on his back, Hazuki coming to rest on top of him, his member still within her even as it goes limp. Although she hasn't reached orgasm yet, Hazuki lets Masaru rest for several minutes before asking, "Is Masaru-kun ready for round two?" Looking down to stare the girl whose head is resting on his chest in the eye, Masaru asks, "You want to go again?" Clenching her internal muscles around his limp dick and feeling it grow hard within her, Hazuki answers, "My greedy little pussy hasn't had her fill of Masaru-kun's yummy cock! If Masaru-kun is too tired, I could take Masaru-kun for a ride." Not waiting for him to reply, Hazuki sits up, her orange skirt draped over her thighs in a way that conceals their joining, and begins to raise and lower her hips. As Hazuki sets a blistering pace, her internal walls squeezing tighter and tighter around the green-haired boy's shaft every time the brunette's pussy engulfs his cock, Masaru digs his fingers into the ground and grits his teeth, trying his hardest not to scream in ecstacy at the intense pleasure shooting up his spine from his crotch. Closing her eyes, Hazuki leans back to maximize the stimulation of her g-spot, her hands resting on Masaru's knees for support and her teeth chewing her lower lip to prevent her from screaming in pleasure. With the young couple lost in mutual pleasure, neither the boy or the girl notice as her clit starts to swell and elongate. Suddenly, Hazuki yells, "I'm going to cum! Masaru's wonderful, stiff dick is going to make me cum!" Masaru responds, "I'm going to cum too! Hazuki's hot, tight cunny is going to make me cum!" With all the strength she can muster in her petite body, Hazuki slams her hips down on Masaru's throbbing erection, the young couple reaching a shared climax as the brunette drenches his lap in her juices and the green-haired boy squirts a larger, though still meager compared to Aiko, load of sperm directly into the orange apprentice's womb. As they come down from their mutual orgasms, Masaru is the first to notice something poking out from under Hazuki's skirt. Puzzled, he asks, "What's that?" as he reaches out to grab the unexpected protrusion. Hazuki gasps as Masaru's hand wraps around whatever is poking out from under her skirt. Grabbing the orange fabric by the hemn with both hands, the brunette lifts the garment to reveal that what Masaru has grabbed is an erect penis and that it is connected to the bespectacled girl's crotch. Too shocked to process what he's seeing, Masaru falls back on instinct and starts stroking Hazuki's girlcock like he would his own, causing the newly transformed futa to moan loudly and buck her hips against his hand After a minute or so, Hazuki decides a handjob isn't enough to satisfy her new futahood and stands up, Masaru's own dick sliding from her passage as she does so. Turning around and backing up, she drops to all fours, her throbbing erection pointing straight down at Masaru's face with the green-haired boy's own erect member pointing up at her own face. Shaking her hips and trying to sound seductive, Hazuki begs, "Masaru-kun! Please fellate my erect penis! Please suck it and lick it before I go crazy!" Not giving the boy time to respond, Hazuki lowers her head and swallows Masaru's cock whole, greedily licking it clean of their combined juices. At the same time, she reaches a hand into the green-haired boy's pants to cup his scrotum, gently massaging the precious cargo within. His brain overwhelmed with the sensations of having his cock sucked and his balls fondled, masaru decides to ignore the strangeness of the situation and return the favor. Stroking Hazuki's girlcock, he nervously licks her tip, and finding the taste of her member and precum surprisingly pleasant, parts his lips and allows the bespectacled girl's futahood to slide into his mouth. As he begins to suck on Hazuki's erection, Masaru reaches a hand up to her vulva and after sliding a finger along her slit briefly, he slips the finger into Hazuki's passage. Feeling her moan around his own member, he adds a second finger and then a third. Within a few minutes, Masaru has his entire hand within the brunette and Hazuki is thrusting her hips against the intrusion, also causing her girlcock to slide in and out of the green-haired boy's mouth. At the same time, the bespectacled girl begins to bob her head up and down on his member. They continue like this for several minutes, each sucking and moaning around the other's cock as she fondles his balls and he fists her pussy. Eventually, Hazuki can feel Masaru's balls tighten in her grip and Masaru can feel Hazuki's passage tighten around his fist. Shortly thereafter, both shoot their respective loads into the other's mouth. While Masaru's load is at the upper limit of what is normal for a human ejaculation, it's nothing compared to the load Aiko made the brunette swallow earlier that day and Hazuki downs every last drop without trying. Hazuki's load, being much larger, is more than the green-haired boy can handle and he spits out the bespectacled girl's spewing prick as he gags and coughs up semen. This causes Hazuki to spray her essence all over Masaru's face and the front of his shirt. When the couple recover from their orgasms, they help each other clean-up, thankful that they are on the banks of a clean river to assist in this task. Even with it going limp, Hazuki has trouble stuffing her new bit of anatomy into her panties and decides to risk walking home with only her skirt to protect her modesty. Once they've made themselves as presentable as possible, the pair starts walking towards Hazuki's home, the brunette hanging off the green-haired boy's arm as they walk.