Content warnings specific to this chapter: Dubious consent, anal. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 13: Complementary Colors - Blue and Orange. Aiko wasn't the most passionate student, but today had been the most torturous beginning to a school week the blunette could remember. Not because of particularly tough lessons or tests she hadn't been prepared for, but because the penis she had grown over the weekend was making her notice just how many cute girls were in her class for the first time. Aside from her fellow OjamajoHazuki and Onpu, there weren't that many girls in the class that had been in Classe 4-2 with Aiko the previous year, but the foreign born Shino, fellow tomboy Maki, and flower-loving girly girl Marina all have their charms, and even the rotund Kanae was doing nothing to calm the throbbinggirlcock that insists on tenting Aiko's jeans. Shiori was absent, but that didn't prevent the blunette from conjuring images of caring for the ill-girl and doing things completely inappropriate for a caregiver, the kind of images that would have Aiko bent over her mother's knee and with a reddened rear if the nurse ever learned her daughter was having such thoughts. Aiko didn't know the girls that had come from class 4-1 all that well, but Sachiko and Minto, both of whom gave Hazuki a run for her money in studiousness both struck the athlete as very innocent but very fuckable, and due to a bad first impression, Aiko couldn't help thinking that taking Minto down a notch or two would be particularly satisfying. Among the girls Aiko didn't yet know by name, there was one with large breasts just begging to be fondled and sucked, another tomboy, and three girls Aiko pinned as likely girly girls. Even when the blunette tried to ignore the female half of her classmates and focus on what the teacher was saying, Aiko found herself wanting to bend Nishizawa-sensei over her desk and give the older woman's pussy a thorough pounding. All-in-all, Aiko was silently cursing the powers that be for putting her in a different class from her girlfriend. To make matters worse, Nobuko hadn't allowed Aiko to cum with her girlcock after their shower together, the dirty blonde claiming that the blunett'es "naughty little dick needs to be punished for it's lack of discipline" since Aiko had broken her promise to not cum in the author. Gym class had not helped Aiko's situation, the red buruma of Misora First Elementary's gym uniform only serving to accentuate the cute little butts of Aiko's female classmates, and the blunette can only wonder how no one noticed the bulge in her own buruma, and now Aiko found herself on clean-up duty with Hazuki, sweat causing their gym uniforms to cling to their every curve, and the blunette feeling her self-control rapidly eroding. As the two ojamajo enter the equipment store room, each carrying a sack of dodge balls, Aiko can't help but mentally undress the orange apprentice, and finally loses it when the brunette bends over to start transferring the balls to their storage bin. Coming up behind Hazuki, Aiko wraps her arms around the bespectacled girl, one hand going down the front of the brunette's shorts as the blunette rubs the bulge in her own shorts against the cleft of her friend's ass. Her glasses fogging over and fumbling the ball she was holding, Hazuki asks, "Ai-Ai-chan, what are you doing?" Tracing Hazuki's vulva through the brunette's panties, causing the bespectacled girl to let out a strangled moan, Aiko replies, "I've got a raging hard-on in need of relief." In the time it takes Hazuki to process Aiko's words, the blunette has freed her throbbing futahood, pulled down the brunette's buruma and panties, and has spread the orange witch's labia. As Aiko's tip approaches Hazuki's opening, the blunette asks, "May I relieve myself in your pussy?" Her brain catching up with the situation, Hazuki panics, quickly covers her crotch with her hands, and breaks away from Aiko's grip while saying, "NO! DOn'T! I have someone I'm saving myself for." Ignoring the part of her that's saying she'd be fucking a pussy right now had she been willing to be aggressive like Doremi and Momoko had been the other day, Aiko kneels in front of Hazuki and says comfortingly, "You're saving your virginity for Yada-kun, aren't you, Hazuki-chan?" At the brunette's nod, she continues, "I can respect that, and I wouldn't want to steal a girl's virginity, but I'm still in need of some relief for this erection. Can you help me out?" Calming down, Hazuki replies nervously, "I... I guess I could try fellating your penis." Standing up and letting her shorts and panties drop to the floor before stepping out of them, Aiko replies, "That sounds like a good start." Kneeling before the futa, her own shorts around her knees, Hazuki gives Aiko's tip a tentative lick before opening her mouth wide and engulfing the head of the blunette's girlcock. As Hazuki swirls her tongue around the athlete's tip, Aiko lets out a long moan. Encouraged by the blunette's response, the bespectacled girl take's half of the futa's shaft into her mouth and starts bobbing her head as she grips the lower half with one hand and starts stroking vigorously. As Hazuki continues to give her first blowjob, she can feel her own arousal building between her legs. Reaching down with her free hand, Hazuki starts to rub her swollen clitty as she resists the urge to plunge her fingers into her soaking wet passage, wanting Masaru's cock to be the first thing that ever penetrates her. It isn't long before Aiko buries her hands in Hazuki's hair and exclaims, "Ha-Hazuki-chan, I'm gonna cum!" At the same time Hazuki feels the first spirt of the futa's cum hit her tongue, the bespectacled girl brings herself to her own orgasm as well. More out of not wanting to make a mess than satisfying the futa's pride, Hazuki makes sure to swallow every drop of Aiko's semen. As both girls come down from their orgasms, Aiko comments, "You're quite good at giving head for a virgin, Hazuki-chan!" Blushing deeply, Hazuki replies, "Do-Don't tell anyone, but I have been practicing on things like cucumbers and popsicles so I would be prepared to pleasure Masaru-kun orally." Grinning widely, Aiko says, "He won't know what hit him!" Looking down at her still erect futahood, the blunette continues, "Looks like a blowjob wasn't enough to satisfy me." In an uncharacteristically stern tone, Hazuki retorts, "Well, my vagina is still off limits!" As she covers her naked crotch with both hands. Kneeling next to the brunette, Aiko leans in to whisper, "How about letting me fuck your ass?" Her cheeks burning scarlett and her glasses going opaque, Hazuki stutters out a response, "But... But that's so dirty!" Continuing to whisper in the bespectacled girl's ear, Aiko asks, "Would you rather me pop that cherry you've been saving for Yada-kun?" Gathering her courage, Hazuki replies resolutely, "Okay! Ai-chan can stick her penis up my anus. Just stay away from my vagina!" With that, the brunette leans over one of the vaulting platforms in the storage room, displaying her bare-naked ass for the futa's enjoyment as her buruma and panties drop to her ankles. Walking up behind her friend, Aiko spreads Hazuki's half-moons and positions her tip at the brunette's puckered backdoor. Not wanting to hurt the bespectacled girl, the blunette slathers a liberal amount of her precum on the orange witch's rosebud, the futa's girlcock narrowing as she does so. Once satisfied that the brunette's rear entrance is properly lubricated, Aiko slides in all the way to the hilt in a single, smooth motion. Her eyes tightly shut and her teeth clenched, Hazuki braces for having her anal spincter stretched painfully as she feels Aiko rubbing her tip against the bespectacled girl's anus. Much to the brunette's surprise, when the penetration finally comes, instead of a painful stretching, she only feels a pleasant fullness and lets out an involuntary moan as the blunette's futahood is hilted within her rear passage. After giving Hazuki time to adjust, Aiko slowly withdraws her futahood from the brunette's ass before sliding it back in. The blunette then proceeds to set a slow but steady pace nearly withdrawing completely everytime she pulls her hips back only to hilt herself in the bespectacled girl's bowels once again. Leaning over the brunette, Aiko whispers in Hazuki's ear, "Your ass is so hot and tight!" but the orange apprentice is too busy trying to reconcile the sensations she's feeling with her knowledge of the human body to respond. Before long, Aiko picks up the pace, announcing, "Hazuki-chan, I'm gonna cum!" Clenching her teeth to not scream in pleasure at the spike in intensity, Hazuki endures as the blunette pounds her ass. With a final thrust, the blunette hilts herself within the brunette as a torrent of hot semen erupts from the futa's girlcock. As the flow of cum into her bowels halts, Hazuki, not wanting to admit how much she enjoyed having her ass fucked, asks, "Is Ai-chan done?" The blunette replies, "Nah, besides, I think you enjoyed that more than you let on, and I won't be satisfied until I get you to admit it." With her futahood still hilted within the brunette's rear, the athlete forces her friend upright before grabbing the bespectacled girl by the knees and lifting her off the floor. Shifting the brunette so most of her weight is resting on the blunette's futahood, Aiko spreads Hazuki's legs to leave the bespectacled girl's panties and buruma dangling from one sneakered foot. The athlete then turns towards the storeroom door, ensuring that any unexpected visitors will get a good view of the orange apprentice's now exposed pussy. Realizing the compromising position she's been placed in and knowing there's no way she can break her friend's grip, Hazuki turns crimson before declaring, "NO! If anyone comes in, they'll see everything!" Whispering in the brunette's ear, Aiko replies, "Then you better hurry up and admit how much you're enjoying having your ass fucked before anyone has a chance to walk-in on us." With that, the blunette starts to fuck the brunette once again. As the blunette's futahood slides in and out of the brunette's rectum at a blistering pace, the bespectacled girl clenching her fists in front of her chest, Hazuki bites down on her lower lip to avoid moaning in pleasure at the athlete's actions. Suddenly, Aiko tosses both of Hazuki's legs over one arm, and with her freed hand, pinches the brunette's engorged clit, finally forcing a sound of pleasure from the orange apprentice's throat. Whimpering as the blunette continues to roughly stimulate her clit, Hazuki whines, "Ai-chan, please let me go!" Aiko whispers in Hazuki's ear, "Not until you admit that you like having your ass fucked." Giving in, Hazuki declares, "Having a penis in my rectum is surprisingly pleasant." Aiko responds, "Ah, it's boring when you say it like that. Maybe I ought to finger your pussy until you start using proper dirty talk." As Aiko releases the brunette's clit and starts heading to the bespectacled girl's passage, Hazuki screams, "NO! I want my first vaginal penetration to be with Masaru-kun's penis!" Tracing the rim of Hazuki's opening with her index finger, Aiko threatens, "Say you love being fucked up the ass, or I'll not only stick a finger up your pussy, but I'll stuff my entire hand up there. The last of her resolve crumbling, Hazuki gives into the pleasure and shouts, "I love being fucked up the ass! Ai-chan's hot, thick cock feels soooo good deep in my bum! Please flood my bowels with your hot, sticky cum and pinch my clit some more! Just don't stick anything in my virgin pussy!" Pulling her hand away from Hazuki's crotch, Aiko declares, "That's more like it!" Grabbing the brunette's knees, the blunette spreads the bespectacled girl's legs wide before picking up the pace. No longer trying to deny her enjoyment, Hazuki moans loudly as she reaches down to caress her own swollen clit. It isn't long before both girls reach a shared climax, the base of Aiko's girlcock swelling to an apple-sized knot, a powerful stream of semen from the blunette's tip forcing the hot seed ever deeper into the brunette's colon as Hazuki trembles in the athlete's arms. Once Aiko's knot deflates and the blunette sits Hazuki back on to shaky legs as her futahood slides from the brunette's ass, the orange witch makes quick work of putting her panties and buruma back on before saying, "That was surprisingly enjoyable." Pausing briefly as her face turns crimson again, Hazuki asks, "Do you mind telling the others I won't be at the MAHO-Dou this afternoon?" Aiko replies, "Sure. Let me guess,, you plan on seducing Yada-kun this afternoon, don't you?" but instead of answering the blunette's question, Hazuki rushes out of the storeroom, heading to a restroom to get rid of the cum enema that is pressing against her slightly weakened spincter. Deciding not to pursue the orange apprentice, Aiko makes quick work of finishing the task that brought the pair to the storeroom in the first place.