Content warnings specific to this chapter: Shower sex, cum inflation, cum showers, pee drinking, threesome(3 lolifutas), anal Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 12: Poppu's Sleepover Poppu and Sayaka dash into the pinkette's bedroom as soon as they are excused from the dinner table, the two first graders barely able to contain their excitement at what they have planned for the evening and both hoping that Poppu's parents didn't notice the lustful glances they had shot each other accross the dinner table or the fact that both girls were starting to pitch tents in their skirts as they excused themselves. Resisting the urge to wrap one hand around her aching girlcock and ram the other into her dripping girlhood, Sayaka whines impatiently, "Hurry up, Poppu-chan! Grab some clothes so we can jump in the shower and get down to some fun." Though not nearly as desperate for sexual gratification due to Fafa's presence, guilt at not having been able to tend to her girlfriend's needs for several days has Poppu moving at top speed to grab a pair of nightgowns from her closet. The garments thrown over one arm, Poppu grabs Sayaka's hand, yelling "Let's go!" as the pinkette practically drags the smaller girl to the bathroom. Once both girls are in the bathroom with the door locked, they quickly strip off their clothes, neither caring if they get stretched or torn in the process. Laying eyes on Sayaka's throbbing girlcock as it lengthens and thickens before the pinkette's eyes, Poppu vows to herself, 'before the night is over, I'm going to milk Sayaka dry!' Poppu is broken out of her thoughts of how she is going to make up for Sayaka having to make do with masturbation for several days when the brunette says, "Poppu-chan, can you help me?" Focusing on the source of the voice, Poppu sees Sayaka standing in front of the toilet, her girlcock pointed at the bowl. Figuring out her girlfriend's predicament, Poppu asks, "Need to pee, but your cock won't let you?" At Sayaka's nod, Poppu walks up behind the smaller girl and wraps a hand around Sayaka's member. With her own futahood pressed against Sayaka's back and resting her chin on the shorter girl's head, Poppu begins to furiously pump her girlfriend's erection. Relieved at finally being touched by someone other than herself, Sayaka leans into Poppu's embrace and closes her eyes, moaning softly as the pinkette continues to stroke her girlcock. Before long, Sayaka is spraying thick, white semen into the toilet. Keeping ahold of Sayaka's member for aiming, Poppu presses her other hand against the bulge of Sayaka's bladder and soon a thinner, golden liquid is mixed in with the brunette's cum and eventually the stream is purely pee. When her stream finally subsides, Sayaka opens her eyes and glances up to make eye contact with Poppu. Before the brunette can speak, Poppu declares, "That's just the first of many orgasms I'm going to give you tonight." The couple walk over to the shower and Poppu turns on the hot water. After stepping over the sidewall of the tub, Sayaka soon finds herself pinned against the wall, Poppu's lips pressed against hers and the pinkette's tongue exploring the brunette's mouth. Feeling Sayaka's tip at her entrance, Poppu bends her knees just enough for the head of the brunette's member to enter the pinkette's passage without allowing Sayaka to fully bury her girlcock within Poppu's folds. Swallowing the smaller girl's protests, Poppu begins to move her hips in a manner to stimulate Sayaka's cockhead while denying the brunette deeper penetration. Unable to do anything else, Sayaka reaches down between them and wrapping a hand around each of their girlcocks begins jacking off both Poppu and herself, the two swallowing each others moans as their tongues continue to wrestle. Before long, both girls are erupting from their futahoods, Poppu splattering gooey jizz all over Sayaka's tummy while Sayaka's own sperm shoots out with enough force that some of it reaches Poppu's womb despite barely being in the Pinkette's pussy and fighting against gravity. As their orgasms subside and their breathing evens out, Poppu looks down and comments, "You're pretty messy. I guess I need to clean you." While Sayaka stands in the center of the shower spray to rinse away Poppu's semen, the Pinkette gets to work washing the brunette's hair. Once the shampoo and cum have been rinsed away, Poppu pulls Sayaka out from under the spray and pours a generous amount of body wash onto her hands before getting to work washing the smaller girl's body. Starting at her lover's cute little butt, Poppu works her way up Sayaka's back, massaging the body wash into the brunette's silky skin. Upon reaching the shorter girl's shoulders, Poppu pulls Sayaka against her and rests her chin on the brunette's scalp, the pinkette's member sandwiched between them. Continueing down Sayaka's front, Poppu spends more time than strictly necessary washing the brunette's flat chest. Upon reaching Sayaka's crotch, Poppu wraps both hands around the brunette's futahood and begins pumping. Thanks to the body wash, Poppu's hands slide effortlessly along Sayaka's girlcock, letting her reach a speed that has Sayaka cumming for the third time in almost no time. When she finishes blasting semen against the shower wall, Sayaka bends over and places her hands on the wall. Shaking her cute little butt, Sayaka says seductively, "I think it's time for you to scrub my cunny!" Catching Sayaka's meaning, Poppu pours more body wash on her hands before using them to lube up her own girlcock. Grabbing the brunette's hips, Poppu slides all the way inside her girlfriend in a single thrust, her tip coming to rest against Sayaka's cervix, the brunette letting out a loud moan and clamping down on the Pinkette's futahood as the feeling of emptiness that had plagued her for days is replaced with a feeling of fullness. Poppu slowly pulls back until only her tip is within Sayaka and then slams her thick member back inside the smaller girl. The pinkette repeats this motion several times, the brunette letting out a yelp of pleasure with every impact of cockhead against her cervix. After a dozen thrusts, Poppu picks up the pace, the combination of body wash and Sayaka's copious flow of natural lubrication letting Poppu's girlcock slide effortlessly in and out of the brunette's tight passage. In-between panting breaths, Sayaka exclaims, "YES! Please pound my pretty pink pussy, Poppu-chan!" a request the pinkette is only too happy to oblige as she repeatedly rams her cockhead against the smaller girl's cervix. Eventually Sayaka's cervix gives way, the small girl letting out a surprised "Eek!" as her lover's girlcock enters the brunette's womb. As Sayaka's arms give out under the pinkette's relentless assault, Poppu has to wrap her arms around the small girl to prevent her falling to the floor of the tub. Grabbing Sayaka's wrists, Poppu continues to fuck the brunette's womb at a frantic pace. Before long, Poppu can feel her orgasm fast approaching and lets out a warning, "Sayaka-chan, I'm about to cum!" Nearing an orgasm of her own and doing her best to push back against Poppu's thrusts, Sayaka replies, "YES! DO IT! Flood my womb! Pour your love into me!" With one final thrust, Poppu hilts herself within the smaller girl, her tip pressed against the top of Sayaka's womb as the flood gates open and the base of the pinkette's girlcock swells into a softball-sized knot. The first splatter of semen against the walls of her womb sends Sayaka over the edge, her cunny convulsing around the lower half of Poppu's member as if to milk it. The brunette's womb is soon filled to its natural capacity, but semen continues pouring from Poppu's tip, forcing Sayaka's tummy to expand as more and more of the pinkette's seed is pumped into the little girl's belly. All the while, both girls savor the sensation, their eyes glazed over in pleasure. By the time Poppu's stream halts, Sayaka's cum-inflated belly has swollen to the point that her feet can no longer reach the floor of the tub and Poppu has to stand on her tip toes to keep her cock at the same level as Sayaka's cunny. As Poppu releases her wrists, Sayaka proceeds to rub her massive belly before commenting, "WOW! I didn't think Poppu-chan could pour so much into my tummy!" Letting her chin rest on the cum balloon that is her abdomen, the brunette adds, "Laying on such a huge load of Poppu-chan's cum is really comfy. I wonder if I can pour such a huge load into Poppu-chan." The pinkette replies, "One way to find out." before reaching behind her and grabbing the cum-inflated girl's futahood. Being careful not to bend the penis too sharply, Poppu brings Sayaka's tip to her own dripping cunny an slides it in. The pinkette encourages the dick within her to lengthen by stroking the curved part that is still outside her pussy. Once Poppu feels Sayaka's tip against her cervix, she carefully brings up her legs, placing them to either side of Sayaka's torso. Once she's balanced atop Sayaka as if the cum-inflated girl was a large exercise ball, Poppu lets her hips drop, the remainder of Sayaka's girlcock disappearing into the Pinkette's depths, forcing the tip pass Poppu's cervix and causing it to hit the top of the pinkette's womb. Both girls let out a loud moan as Poppu pauses to adjust to having a cock in her womb. After a while, Poppu starts bouncing on Sayaka's member, both girls moaning at the action. When Poppu's knot has deflated enough, The pinkette withdraws from Sayaka's cunny and turns around. When Sayaka whimpers in protest, Poppu says soothingly, "If you do blow me up like a balloon with your semen, I doubt I could keep my balance. I think this position carries less risk of us getting hurt." The Pinkette then leans forward, placing her hands on her knees and her feet on the floor as she proceeds to hump back at the cock buried in her womb. Before long, it's Sayaka's turn to exclaim, "I'm gonna cum!" Picking up speed, Poppu replies, "YES! Fill me up! Blow-up my belly like a balloon like I did yours!" Moments later, Poppu feels the base of Sayaka's girlcock swell within her, preventing the pinkette from moving forward. The brunette's semen shoots forth like water from a pressure washer, blasting the walls of Poppu's womb. As her pussy starts convulsing in orgasm, Poppu places her hands to her abdomen and can feel the bulge starting to form both from within and from without. Excitedly, the pinkette shouts, "Yes! Blow me up until I'm ready to burst!" Eyes glazed over in pleasure and not hearing Poppu's words, Sayaka can only murmmer, "Can't stop cumming!" Before long, Poppu finds herself likewise immobilized by a massively cum-inflated belly. The two girls, standing butt-to-butt and leaning over their titanic tummies, Sayaka's knot the only thing keeping them joined, savor the sensation of having so much of their lover's sperm within them for several minutes. As the water starts to run cold, Sayaka asks, "Um, how are we going to get out of this?" Thinking of their predicament for a few seconds, Poppu replies, "I've noticed that, when I sit on the toilet to pee, semen that was trapped in my womb often ends up in the bowl as well. Perhaps if you try peeing, your womb will release my cum." Sayaka asks nervously, "But what if I end up peeing in you?" Poppu replies, "It's fine. Besides, what's a little pee compared to all the cum you've already put in me?" Sayaka replies, "I guess you're right." With that, the brunette starts to relax, imagining that she's sitting on a toilet and needs to pee badly. Before long, the brunette's cervix dilates by an inch or so and Poppu's cum starts to gush forth. With Sayaka still knotted within Poppu, most of the taller girl's cum splatters over the Pinkette's rump and lower back as it sprays from the smaller girl's cunny, though some of it instead drips on to their girlcocks, between their swollen stomachs, and down their legs. By the time Sayaka's tummy has returned to it's normal size, her knot has deflated to the point that her girlcock slides out of Poppu's cunny as she stands up. Before Poppu can take the opportunity to empty her own womb, the brunette turns around and quickly buries her slender forearms to the elbow in the pinkette's passage. Surprised, but not hurt, by the sudden intrusion, Poppu exclaims, "What are you doing!?" Lowering her face to Poppu's crotch and stretching the pinkette's passage well pass what would be agonizing for anyone without a futa's enhanced elasticity so she can clearly see Poppu's cervix, Sayaka replies, "I want to see my cum gushing from your womb. Now, are you going to let it out on your own, or do I need to stretch your cervix as well?" Poppu replies, "I'll do it myself." but the pinkette has trouble relaxing enough to get her cervix to dilate. Noticing not only Poppu's struggle, but that the pinkette's girlcock, while much smaller than earlier, is very erect, Sayaka comments, "Maybe it's like trying to pee with an erection..." and before Poppu can think of a response, the brunette has lowered her head, taken the pinkette's member into her mouth and returned to gazing upon Poppu's cervix as she sucks girlcock. Pleasure at being sucked and stretched beyond what she thought possible and embarassment at having someone stare at such an intimate place that even nature concealed war within the pinkette as she tries to relax enough to get rid of the cum weighing her down. It's at this moment that Poppu's bladder decides to remind her that she didn't pee before getting in the shower and she knows there's no way she'll be able to hold back her golden liquid through orgasm and releasing the pent-up cum in her womb. Inbetween moans, the pinkette exclaims, "Sayaka-chan, if you keep that up, I'm gonna pee!" but Sayaka doesn't seem to even hear Poppu's warning. As her first drop of semen hits Sayaka's tongue, Poppu screams, "Sayaka-chan! If you don't spit out my girlcock right now, I'm really gonna pee in your mouth!" as she struggles in vane to keep her golden liquid from escaping, but Sayaka continues to greedily suck the pinkette's member as she stares at the pinkette's cervix. The dams start to crack, a little of Poppu's pee trickling into the cum Sayaka is guzzling down and some of Sayaka's seed leaking through the pinkette's cervix. Then the dams break completely as Sayaka finds herself drinking pee instead of cum at almost the same instant that a tidal wave of her own semen hits her in the face. Instead of pulling away in disgust, Sayaka happily guzzles down Poppu's pee as she is showered with her own seed pouring from Poppu's womb. Once both her bladder and womb are empty, Poppu stands up and turns around to see the mess her lover has become. Apologetically, she says, "Sorry about that. I tried to warn you, but I just couldn't control myself." Wiping semen away from her eyes so she can look up at Poppu and licking her lips, Sayaka responds, "It's okay! I wanted to taste Poppu-chan's pee, and it was a lot tastier than I expected. In fact, I don't want you peeing anywhere but my mouth from now on, it was so yummy!" Helping Sayaka to her feet, Poppu replies, "I can't believe what a naughty little girl you're becoming." before pulling the brunette into a kiss. When they break the kiss, Sayaka replies, "I'm not a naughty girl!" Poppu asks seductively, "Are you sure? Because I think I like naughty little girls." Giving Sayaka a playful smack on the butt, Poppu adds, "but if you get much naughtier, I might have to give you some serious punishment. Now let's get cleaned-up." One advantage to the fact that they ran out of hot water during their activities is that the cold keeps their libidos under control long enough for them to wash their collective semen from their bodies. Once cleaned of the evidence of their activities, the two quickly dry off and don matching eighth note print nightgowns, neither bothering with panties. While the garment halts at the knees on Poppu, the one she loaned to Sayaka nearly drags the ground on the smaller girl's frame. As the two exit the bathroom, they are confronted by Poppu's mother Haruka, who comments, "You two were in there an awful long time, I ran out of hot water washing the dishes." Thinking quickly, Poppu replies, "Sorry, kaa-san. We were enjoying ourselves so much that we lost track of time. We're also sorry for running out the hot water." Before Haruka can scold them further, Poppu grabs Sayaka's hand and the two make a break for Poppu's bedroom, locking the door behind them. Deciding their actions were harmless enough, Haruka decides to leave the two girls alone and return to cleaning the kitchen. In Poppu's bedroom, the pinkette let's out a sigh of relief, "Phew, that was close! Had kaa-san come to check on us just a few minutes earlier, she might have caught us in the act." Sayaka replies, "Yeah, that would've been really embarrassing." Walking up to the smaller girl and pulling her into a hug, Poppu says, "I think we have time for at least one more round before going to bed." before capturing the brunette's lips in a kiss. Maintaining their liplock, Poppu Lifts Sayaka off the floor and carries the smaller girl over to the bed, the pinkette sitting on the mattress while holding the brunette in her lap. After a minute or two, Sayaka breaks the kiss and climbs off of Poppu's lap. Turning her back to the pinkette, the brunette lifts the hemn of the borrowed night gown to her waist and leans forward, giving Poppu a good view of the smaller girl's tiny half moons and glistening cunny causing a tent to form in the pinkette's nightgown. Lust evident in her voice, Sayaka pleads, "Poppu-chan, please pull up your nightgown so I can impale myself on your girlcock." Poppu lays her head on the pillow and pulls up the front of her nightgown to reveal her erect member before declaring, "My pole is ready for Sayaka-chan to take a ride on it." Not letting her gown drop, Sayaka climbs onto the bed and positions herself over Poppu's skyward pointing futahood. Sayaka wiggles her butt at Poppu a few times before letting her hips drop. Poppu let's out a loud moan as she feels Sayaka's warm, wet tightness envelop her. Letting her nightgown pool around her lower body and over Poppu's pelvis, Sayaka begins pistoning up and down on the pinkette's girlcock, making sure to keep her internal muscles clenched tightly around the futa meat inside her. Feeling her own futahood aching for attention, but wanting to save her load for when she's buried in the pinkette, Sayaka leans back, resting her weight on her wrists and asks, "Poppu-chan, grab hold of my wrists and don't let go! I don't want to be tempted to jack off." Poppu grabs the smaller girl's wrists before exclaiming, "Sayaka-chan is so much tighter than usual! I don't think I can take much more!" Smiling at Poppu's words, Sayaka replies, "It's okay, Poppu-chan. Cum whenever your ready." as the brunette continues to piston up and down on the pinkette's futahood. It's not long before Poppu reaches orgasm, but instead of her semen erupting from her tip, the vise-like grip Sayaka's cunny has on the pinkette's girlcock leaves the coming flood trapped, the brunette's down strokes even forcing the sperm deeper inside Poppu. As the pressure builds, Poppu screams, "Sayaka-chan, you're too tight! My cum can't get out!" but Sayaka is too lost in her own pleasure to hear Poppu's words. Sayaka soon reaches her own orgasm, her walls squeezing even tighter around the pinkette's futahood, the trapped semen continueing to build in volume, giving Poppu a sensation similar to a painfully full bladder. As Sayaka's climax subsides, her passage finally relaxes enough for Poppu's semen to escape, the thick, white fluid shooting from the pinkette's tip with greater force than usual. Sayaka let's out a squeak as the jet of sperm batters her womb, but Poppu grabs the brunette's hips to hold the smaller girl in place as the pinkette delivers a larger than usual, though small compared to the balloon belly loads they gave each other in the shower. After Poppu finishes squirting sperm in the smaller girl's womb, Sayaka is the first to recover enough to act. While the pinkette is still glazed eyed from the blissful relief of releasing all that pent-up semen, Sayaka quickly dismounts the pinkette's futahood, turns around, and stuffs her own throbbing futahood up Poppu's waiting passage. Sayaka's frantic thrusts bring Poppu back to awareness of her surroundings. Smiling down at Sayaka, the pinkette pulls her nightgown up further to expose her flat chest as she wraps her legs around the smaller girl's waist. As Sayaka takes the bait, latching onto one of Poppu's nipples and sucking like a starved infant at her mother's teet, Poppu wraps one arm around the brunette's neck as she buries her other hand in the smaller girl's dark, curly locks and gently strokes Sayaka's scalp. It isn't long before the two girls reach mutual orgasm, Sayaka knotting within Poppu and delivering a modest by futanari, though still large by normal human standards, load to the pinkette's womb. Still suckling like a newborn, exhaustion soon overtakes Sayaka and the smaller girl falls asleep in Poppu's embrace with her futahood still buried in the taller girl's passage. Still wide awake and cradling her sleeping lover, Poppu waits half an hour to ensure the brunette is fast asleep before waving a hand in the air, silently signalling to Fafa. The fairy emerges from where she had been watching the two girls make love before transforming into a perfect doppelganger of the pinkette. Walking over to the bed, her futahood quite erect and throbbing for attention, Fafa whispers to Poppu, "You two put on a good show. I found myself wishing I could masturbate in fairy form, but are you sure it's okay for me to join in your fun with Sayaka-chan?" Also in a whisper to not wake the brunette prematurely, Poppu replies, "It's only fair that both of my lovers have the opportunity to play with me at the same time, but remember, for now Sayaka-chan needs to think your me and that she's dreaming." Nodding in understanding, the fairy carefully climbs onto the bed behind Sayaka, and as Poppu flips up the hemn of the brunette's nightgown to allow Fafa access, the doppelganger gently slides her girlcock into the sleeping girl's passage. Biting her lip to suppress a moan, Fafa begins sliding in and out of Sayaka at a slow pace, the fairy using all of her self-control to not ravage the sleeping girl. Releasing Poppu's nipple, Sayaka mumbles in her sleep, "That feels good Poppu-chan, but you dont need to go so slowly.", which Fafa takes as an invitation to speed up some as Poppu gives the sleeping girl's futahood a few quick squeezes. After a while, Sayaka starts to stir. With half-opened eyes, Sayaka looks up to see Poppu smiling at her as she realizes that she's still buried in the pinkette's passage with Poppu's futahood sandwiched between them. Groggily, the brunette asks, rubbing at an eye, "If Poppu-chan is beneath me, than who is behind me thrusting their cock into my cunny?" Eyes now fully open, Sayaka looks over her shoulder to see Fafa smiling down at her while caressing the smaller girl's buttocks and thrusting into the brunett'es passage at a relaxed pace. Closing her eyes and resting her head on Poppu's chest, Sayaka comments, "There are two of Poppu-chan? either I've died and gone to heaven or I'm having the most wonderful dream." With that, Sayaka begins moving her hips, not only meeting Fafa's thrusts, but thrusting her own futahood in and out of Poppu before adding, "Either way, I'm going to enjoy this as much as I can!" Soon enough, a rythem is established such that both Fafa and Sayaka pull out simultaneously only to slam back in in unison. Before long, all three girls reach orgasm, two cocks squirting jizz into two wombs as two cunnies milk said cocks. As their orgasms subside, Fafa withdraws from Sayaka's passage while Poppu gently extracts herself from beneath the smaller girl. Poppu discards her nightgown, and both fairy and apprentice stand with their twin erections nearly touching tip-to-tip. In unison, the two pinkettes draw Sayaka's attention, "Sayaka-chan, come suck our cocks!" Her own futahood growing rock hard once again at the sight of her lover in stereo, Sayaka quickly discards her own nightgown before dropping to the floor on her knees before the pinkettes' cocks, commenting, "Two yummy looking cocks to suck on? I must be the luckiest little girl in the whole world." Sayaka grabs both of their futahoods by the base and tries stuffing both in her mouth, but her lips just won't stretch enough to fit the bulbous heads of both at the same time. The brunette instead settles for sucking them one at a time, taking little more than the head into her mouth and savoring the taste like a gourmet lollipop, switching between the two girlcocks every ten seconds or so and constantly stroking the shafts with her tiny hands. Moaning loudly, the two pinkettes each place an arm accross the other's shoulders for balance as they each lift a foot to the kneeling girl's futahood. As Apprentice and fairy familiar proceed to give Sayaka a footjob, the brunette starts moaning around her mouthful of girlcock. After a minute or two, Sayaka pulls away from the cock she was sucking and yells, "Poppu-chan, I'm gonna cum!" without pausing in her stroking of the pinkettes' twin cocks. Feeling themselves fast approaching their own orgasms, the Pinkettes increase the pace at which their feet stroke Sayaka's futahood while pointing it up at the brunette. Soon enough, all three girls erupt with thick sprays from their erect members. Sayaka attempts to direct the spray from both Poppu and Fafa into her mouth, but she ends up getting more on her face than in her mouth. The brunette is also too lost in her own pleasure to realize that most of her own stream is landing on her chest and stomach. When they stop spraying sperm, the two pinkettes find themselves staring down at a cum-covered Sayaka who has collapsed against the side of the bed. Poppu comments, "What a naughty little girl, making a mess with her own jizz and failing to swallow following a blowjob." Fafa adds, "Yes, very naughty, we'll have to punish her after we get her cleaned up." Sayaka asks, "How are you going to punish me?" Poppu answers, "I think a rough double penetration would be appropriate." Fafa agrees, "I concur, but first, I think we should lick her clean." Without any further comment, the witch apprentice and her fairy lay Sayaka on the floor and make quick work of licking their combined semen from the brunette's body, starting near her waist and working their way up to her face. Once the cum is gone, Fafa sits on the edge of the bed and commands, "Sayaka-chan, come sit on my lap." Deducing the meaning of the words, Sayaka straddles Fafa's waist and impales herself on the fairy's futahood. Spreading the brunette's butt cheeks, Fafa declares, "Now, the other me will stick her girlcock up your butt." Fear evident in her voice, Sayaka protests, "But I poop from there! It's really dirty!" Poppu walks up behind Sayaka and lines up her tip with the brunette's rosebud before saying, "Not right now you don't. Besides, this is part of your punishment." With that, Poppu claims Sayaka's anal virginity, hilting her self deep in the brunette's bowels. Sayaka screams at the sudden and unfamiliar, yet strangely pleasant intrusion in her ass, but has no time to process the sensation as both pinkettes proceed to fuck the brunette from both sides at a merciless pace. Though not in actual pain, the double penetration stretches and twists Sayaka's insides in ways she could've never imagined and she screams, "It feels like you're going to tear me apart!" Sayaka's protests only encourage the two pinkettes to continue to mercilessly fuck the brunette, and before long, both fairy and witch apprentice are knotting within the smaller girl as Fafa floods Sayaka's womb and Poppu floods Sayaka's bowels, sending Sayaka over the edge once again in the process. Still knotted in Sayaka's ass, Poppu suggests, "Let's cuddle Sayaka-chan tonight with our girlcocks still buried within her." Fafa replies, "That sounds like a good idea, what do you think Sayaka-chan?." Still a bit hazey from her orgasm and being overdue for sleep, Sayaka replies, "That sounds nice." Being careful not to crush the smaller girl between them, the pinkettes lie down, Sayaka still sandwiched between them and pull the covers over the knotted trio before drifting off to sleep. ### The next morning, Sayaka wakes up alone in Poppu's bed, once again in a borrowed nightgown, any evidence that last night's threesome was more than a dream erased while she slept. "Good morning, sleepy head!" calls Poppu from her desk, still in her own nightgown. "I was wondering when you'd finally wake up." Letting out a yawn, Sayaka replies, "Good morning, Poppu-chan!" Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Sayaka adds, "I had an interesting dream last night." Smiling knowingly, Poppu asks, "What was it about?" Smiling widely, Sayaka replies, "There was two Poppu-chans, and I was thrusting into one's Pussy while the other thrusted into my own. Then I got to suck both of your girlcocks while you gave me a footjob, and I ended up covered in cum from all three of us. As punishment for making a mess, the two of you gave me a rough fucking, one of you in my pussy and the other in my ass. It ended with us falling to sleep together, both of you knotted inside me." Poppu replies, "That does sound like an interesting dream. Did you enjoy yourself in that dream?" Blushing, Sayaka replies, "Yes! Yes I did! Makes me want to try doing it with a third girl in real life." Sitting on the edge of the bed, Sayaka lays back, grabs her ankles and lifts her legs up, locking out her knees, not only showcasing her flexibility, but exposing her pussy and nice round rump to Poppu's eyes. "But for right now, I'd like Poppu-chan to fuck my ass for real." Feeling her own futahood grow hard, Poppu replies, "It's not that I don't want to do your ass, but I'd like to do a quickie in your pussy first." Sayaka replies, "Fine by me, you can do my holes one after the other." Poppu discards her nightgown and without further preamble, buries her futahood in Sayaka's passage. Putting the smaller girl's legs over her own shoulders, Poppu lays on top of Sayaka and captures the brunette's lips in a kiss, prompting Sayaka to wrap her arms around Poppu's neck. Grabbing Sayaka's buttocks, Poppu lifts her off the bed and proceeds to repeatedly impale the smaller girl on her girlcock. It takes less than a minute of this for Poppu to deliver another load of semen to Sayaka's womb. Without waiting for her member to completely stop its flow of jizz, Poppu spreads Sayaka's half moons and pulls the smaller girl off the pinkette's futahood only to impale the brunette's rear passage. Sayaka breaks the kiss to let out a loud moan, but Poppu quickly resumes the previous pace and is soon shooting a second load into the brunette's bowels. Once Sayaka's ass is done milking the pinkette's girlcock, Poppu pulls the smaller girl off of her member and gently sets her down on wobbly legs, the nightgown falling to cover Sayaka's privates. Sitting on the edge of the bed before her legs give out completely, Sayaka comments, "That was incredible!" Poppu replies, "I wouldn't mind giving you such treatment again. Also, if you want, you're welcome to try my ass some other time, but for right now, I think we need to get cleaned up before Kaa-san calls breakfast, and I think we should shower separately to avoid a repeat of last night." Sayaka replies, "I think you're right. You should probably go first since your girlcock was up my ass." Grabbing clean clothes, Poppu replies, "That's a good idea." before leaving for the bathroom.