Content warnings specific to this chapter: Dubious consent, self-insemination, bondage Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 11: Truth or Dare "[Wow! All of this space is your bedroom?]" are the first words out of Momoko's mouth when walking into the bedroom of her new friend Tamaki Reika. Trying not to come accross as too haughty, the rich girl replies, "Yeah, though I often have more space than I know what to do with." Giving the other girl a hug, Momoko adds, "{Thank You for inviting me over for a sleepover!]" "Your Welcome." replies Reika, returning the hug somewhat hesitantly. After changing into their night clothes, Reika wearing a sleeveless, silk nightie the same orange as her signature dress, and Momoko wearing a matching yellow nightie that Reika insisted the Japanese-American borrow, the two blonde's plop down on Reika's queen size bed, Momoko sitting crossed legged while Reika sets with her knees together, her feet under her. "So, what do you want to do?" Reika asks of her guest. "How about we play Truth or Dare" suggests the yellow apprentice in somewhat broken Japanese. "That sounds like a good idea. Might help us get to know each other a bit better." Reika replies. After a brief pause, she adds, "As the guest, you should ask the first question or give the first dare." "[Okay!] Truth or dare?" exclaims Momoko, beginning the game. Early on, most of the questions and dares are quite tame, and throughout the game Momoko can feel her panties becoming tighter, but largely ignores this as she's enjoying the game. About an hour into their game, Momoko feels compelled to up the ante and asks, "Have you ever kissed a boy, and if so who?" when Reika asks for truth. Her face going red, Reika replies, "N-no, Of course not." Momoko breaks out in giggles upon seeing Reika's expression, saying "[You should see your face.]" Shifting from embarassed to angry, Reika retorts, "It's not funny!" Getting her laughter under control, Momoko says, "Okay, okay. Truth." Hoping to get her back for the embarassment, Reika asks, "Have you ever kissed a girl, and if so who?" To the rich girl's surprise, Momoko replies unabashedly, "I've Frenched Doremi-chan, and while I have nothing to compare with, I thought she was quite good with her tongue." Shocked, Reika replies, "Harukaze-san? But you barely know her!" Wanting to keep her fellow blonde in suspense, Momoko replies vaguely, "Well, it was kind of a heat of the moment thing. Truth or Dare?" Not wanting the patissiere to delve deeper into her love life, Reika answers, "Dare." Pleasant memories of Kissing Doremi fresh in her mind, Momoko blurts out without really thinking, "I dare you to kiss me!" Reika surprises herself by offering no protest as she leans towards her fellow blonde, a hand sliding through one of Momoko's hair rings to cup the back of the girl's head as their lips make contact. Instincts taking over, Reika slides her tongue along Momoko's lips, which part without hesitation to allow the appendage entrance to Momoko's mouth. After several minutes of tongue wrestling, the two blondes seperate to catch their breath, Reika commenting, "You taste as sweet as any of your cakes!" Smiling at the praise, Momoko replies, "And you're a much better kisser than Doremi-chan!" before asking, "What's my next dare?" Realizing that her own panties are soaked with arousal and her heart is racing, Reika thinks, 'Screw it! If the shutterbug can't handle sharing me, that's her problem.' before speaking aloud, lust driving her words, "I dare you to strip naked and stay that way for the rest of the game!" Both girls are in for a surprise as Momoko pulls her nightie over her head to reveal a quite prominent bulge in her white, cotton panties. Removing the garment, Momoko discovers that the source of the bulge is a erect, new futahood, which is pointing straight at Reika. While the tightness she has been ignoring for more than an hour is gone now that her girlcock is free of its restraints, the blonde futa can feel her member throbbing with desire. Recovering from her shock enough to speak, Reika exclaims, "You-you have a penis! I thought you were a girl!" Indignantly, Momoko retorts, "I am a girl!" Leaning back and thrusting her hips forward while holding her girlcock high, she shows that, indeed, where her balls would be if she was a boy, she still has a pussy surrounded by puffy labia. "See, I still have all my girl parts. Besides, I didn't have this thing..." she points at her penis, "... earlier today." Calming down, Reika replies, "I didn't think futanari existed." Smiling, "Neither did I until I saw Doremi-chan's penis." Shock returning to her face, Reika asks, "Wait, Harukaze-san also has a penis?" Momoko replies simply, "She sure does. Anyways, truth or dare?" Wanting to know more, but doubting she'll get more from the futa without it being a question for the game, Reika replies, "Dare!" Her throbbing girlcock aching for attention, Momoko declares, "I dare you to suck my girlcock!" Surprised by how much the idea appeals to her, but not wanting to seem too eager, Reika replies, "I'll do it, but only if you accept a dare to lick my pussy!" Momoko replies, "Sure." before lying down on the bed. Reika slowly strips out of her nightie and lace underwear before kneeling over Momoko's face and lowering her pussy to the patissiere's mouth. Before Reika can position herself to stimulate Momoko's girlcock, she feels the futa begin to greedily lick at her folds, causing shivers to run up the rich girl's spine. Moaning loudly, Reika collapses more so than leans forward. Regaining some composure, Reika takes the tip of Momoko's futahood into her mouth and begins to swirl her tongue around the tip as she strokes the futa's shaft with her hand. Pulling away from Reika's girlhood, Momoko exclaims, "[OH GOD! Reika-chan is great with her tongue!]" before once again burying her tongue in the rich girl's folds. Smiling internally at the praise, Reika spreads the futa's legs and pulls them up until Momoko has them crossed over Reika's upper back. Allowing the tip of Momoko's member to slide down her throat, Reika begins bobbing her head as she slides several fingers into the futa's thus far ignored yet still sopping wet passage. Having her girlcock deep throated and her pussy fingered at the same time is more than Momoko can take, the futa screaming, "[Reika-chan! I'm gonna cum!]" just as she begins shooting semen down the rich girl's throat. Despite the copious volume of Momoko's release, Reika swallows every last drop like a pro and when she finally pulls off the other blonde's futahood, there is not a trace of cum to be found either on the penis or the girl's lips. Not caring that Momoko has yet to make her climax, Reika crawls off top of the futa before asking, "What's the next dare you have for me?" Catching her breath and sitting up, Momoko replies, "I dare you to get down on your hands and knees and beg me to fuck you!" Although her entire body goes red as a tomato at the thought of doing something so degrading, Reika has to admit to herself that it's taking all of her self-control not to jump the futa at this point. Getting on all fours, Reika lowers her shoulders until she's almost kissing her silk sheets while keeping her posterior elevated, and letting her hips sway slightly lets out a lustful whine, "Please, Momo-chan! Please take that big, thick girlcock of yours and fuck my naughty little pussy! Please rip away my virginity and make me a real woman!" Momoko doesn't understand all of what Reika says, but rising to her knees, the futa declares, "How can I resist such an [Erotic] display?" before moving behind the rich girl and hilting herself within her fellow blonde. Both blondes let out a pleasured gasp, Momoko exclaiming "It's so warm and cozy!" at the same time that Reika exclaims, "It's so hot and thick!" As Momoko begins thrusting into her new best friend's pussy, she says, "I'll take truth next." In between moans, Reika manages to ask, "What happened between you and Harukaze-san?" Summarizing the encounter from the MAHO-Dou while leaving out the part about Aiko walking in on them and being double teamed for doing so, Momoko answers, "Doremi-Chan and I were alone at the MAHO-Dou. I was cleaning tables when Doremi-chan suddenly came up behind me, and before I knew it, she had pulled down my panties and was fucking me with the penis I didn't know she had. I was really surprised at first, but I ended up enjoying it so much that I sucked her off afterwards and then begged her to fuck me face-to-face. It was during that second round that I pulled her into a kiss and our tongues started wrestling." Her story finished, she adds "Truth or Dare?" In shock from hearing Momoko's answer and in too much pleasure to think straight, Reika speaks the word that would seal her fate. "Dare!" Smiling widely, Momoko answers, "I dare you to let me cum inside you!" Snapping to her senses, Reika looks over her shoulder and screams, "You can't be serious!" Not slowing her thrusting in the slightest and ensuring she has a firm grip on the rich girl's hips, Momoko replies, "I'm completely serious! I want to flood your insides with my cream filling, and I'm daring you not to stop me!" Tears in her eyes and panic in her voice, Reika screams, "But what if I get pregnant?!", but her traitorous body is enjoying Momoko's girlcock too much to try and get away from the tool that is about to erupt with baby batter. Momoko answers honestly, "Then I'll help you raise our child. Besides, I don't think I could stop now if I wanted to!" with those final words, Momoko hilts herself within Reika's passage, a thick jet of sperm erupting from her tip to splatter the rich girl's womb. Feeling that first spurt shoot inside her, Reika screams, "NOOOOOOOOOOO! NONONONONO!" but instead of obeying her order to get away from the ejaculating penis, her body trembles in orgasm, her convulsing pussy trying to milk every last drop of Momoko's cum. Her load spent, Momoko releases her grip on Reika's hips, the rich girl collapsing onto the sheets, sobbing quietly. Feeling guilty at her actions for the second time in under twelve hours, Momoko says quietly, "That dare did go a bit too far didn't it?" Her sobs replaced with anger, Reika sits up and yells, "That dare went way too far! My period was only a week ago! I could be ovulating as we speak!" Looking ashamed, Momoko says, "I've been a very naughty futa. You should punish me by giving me a really unagreeable dare!" Calming down and giving it some thought, Reika gets a devilish expression as she declares, "I dare you to cum in your own pussy, twice, and it doesn't count unless you squirt at least as much as you did in me. And just so you can't get out of it, I'm going to restrain you." Curious, Momoko asks, "How are you going to restrain me?" Getting off the bed, some of Momoko's semen running down the inside of her thigh, Reika walks over to her dresser. Pulling out the top drawer, mostly filled with panties and training bras, she pushes the garments aside and slides part of the drawer bottom aside to reveal a secret compartment. From this compartment, she pulls three pairs of handcuffs. The handcuffs in hand, Reika walks back over to the bed and commands, "Lay on your back, head on one of the pillows." After Momoko does as instructed, Reika climbs onto the bed and uses two pairs of handcuffs to chain Momoko's ankles to the horizontal rails of the headboard and the third pair to cuff Momoko's wrists together under the blonde's knees. These bonds leave Momoko mostly immobilized with her rear slightly elevated and her pussy facing the ceiling. Once satisfied with the restraints, Reika grabs Momoko's girlcock and begins stroking the member to ensure full erection. Once satisfied that Momoko is fully erect, Reika begins to gently bend the penis into a ring, pressing the tip to the opening of Momoko's passage. Just as Reika is about to curse the apparent lack of sufficient flexibility and length to allow Momoko to literally fuck herself, the futa's member begins to elongate, the tip sliding pass the blonde's opening and plunging deep into her passage. Hearing Momoko let out a prolonged moan and sensing that the futa has bottomed out within herself, Reika asks, "How does it feel?" Panting heavily, Momoko answers, "It's such a weird yet incredible feeling! I can feel both my cock stretching my cunny and my cunny squeezing my cock! Both my boy and girl parts feel so hot like they're trying to melt each other! Please! Make me fuck myself before I go crazy!" Using the loop of penis outside of Momoko's passage for leverage, Reika begins to slide the patissiere's futahood in and out of her passage, causing the futa to scream in ecstasy as the pleasure of both a man and a woman washes over her simultaneously. As the rich girl continues to ram Momoko's member deep into the futanari's pussy, the tip hammering away at her cervix, Momoko can feel her girlcock swelling within her as her cunny clamps ever tighter. Her restraints the only thing preventing her from thrashing violently, Momoko exclaims, "Oh GOD! My cock keeps growing to stretch my cunny, and my cunny just keeps squeezing my cock tighter! It's like the two are at war to see who can make the other cum first!" Enjoying Momoko's reactions, Reika increases the pace at which she manipulates the futa's cock as her free hand goes to her own dripping, wet cunny. Eventually, one of Reika's stabs with the girlcock punches through Momoko's cervix, sending the yellow ojamajo over the edge on both sides. Reika can feel Momoko's urethra bulging under her fingers as the futa's seed begins to flow. Straining against her bonds as her dual orgasm triggers a pleasure induced seizure, Momoko exclaims, "[I can feel IT! My cock is spouting lots of cum and it's all pouring into my womb, and my cunny just keeps milking my cock for more!]" Reika reaches her own climax as she watches Momoko writhe in pleasure, the rich girl's juices drenching her fingers. As Momoko feels her womb reach it's unstretched capacity and start expanding to accomodate the continuing outpouring of semen, she exclaims, "[OH GOD! My cum just keeps pouring! I might be putting a bun in my own oven, yet my body seems hellbent on ensuring such an outcome!]" As she watches Momoko finally come down from her climax, Reika says, "You seemed to enjoy that a bit too much. I don't think I'll make you go another round with yourself." Placing a hand on the small, but obvious bulge in Momoko's lower abdomen, the rich girl continues, "Besides, I'm sure you pumped way more of your seed into your own womb than you did mine." Releasing Momoko's restraints and returning the handcuffs to the secret compartment in her dresser, Reika says, "It's getting late. I suggest we play one more round and then go to bed. For my final turn, I'll choose truth." Not bothering to sit up and with her cock still buried past her cervix, Momoko asks, "Why did you have those handcuffs? and I'll take a dare for my last turn." Blushing, Reika answers evasively, "Let's just say you aren't the only girl I've experimented with and one of my partners likes bondage." Not giving her fellow blonde time to try and weedle more information out of her, she adds, "As for your final dare, I dare you to spend the night cuddled up next to me." In a sleepy tone, Momoko replies, "Sounds good to me." before getting up long enough to turn down the covers and lying back down. Instead of laying down next to Momoko, Reika crawls on top of her fellow blonde and pulls the futa's cock from within her passage before lining up the tip with her own opening. Momoko's girlcock is now much thicker than the first time Reika took it up her pussy, resulting in a much slower penetration, but Reika manages to eventually relax her internal muscles enough to allow the tip to make contact with her cervix. Tip pressed firmly against the rich girl's cervix, the extra length that was needed to let Momoko fuck her own pussy contracts until the two girls' pubic bones meet. Leaning forward and pulling the covers over them, Reika declares, "I think I like this position a lot more than the position you insisted on earlier." The rich girl than lifts her butt slightly and drops it back down to emphasize her point. Letting out a moan, Momoko replies, "But what if I cum in you again?" Instead of ansering right away, Reika presses her lips against Momoko's, and Clenching her pussy around the futa's girlcock, drags another moan from Momoko's throat, giving the rich girl's tongue an opportunity to invade the other girl's mouth. When she breaks off the kiss, Reika answers Momoko's question by saying, "You've already came in me once tonight, what's a few more sperm? Besides, the way your twitching inside me, I'm sure you much prefer the idea of spending the night with your cock in my pussy instead of your own." With that, the two blondes wrap their arms around each other and drift off to sleep in a mutual embrace. ### The next morning, Momoko wakes to the sensation of something warm and fleshy sliding in and out of her cunny. Opening her eyes, she can see Reika kneeling between her legs, said appendages draped over the rich girl's arms and an expression of ecstacy on the rich girl's face. Shifting her gaze to their crotches, Momoko sees her own girlcock standing at attention, and while the patissiere's member blocks her view, the position and movement of Reika's hips leads Momoko to two conclusions: 1. Reika has become a futanari as well, and 2. the sensation that woke Momoko was Reika trying out her new girlcock on the not quite sleeping futanari's pussy. Reika is moving at a slow, almost agonizing pace making it easy for Momoko to fake still being asleep. After getting a feel for Reika's rhythem, Momoko clenches her internal muscles as tightly as she can just as Reika is reaching the deepest point of her stroke, preventing the rich girl from withdrawing in preparation for her next thrust. Confusion on her face, Reika looks down to lock eyes with Momoko, a sleepy yet cheeky smile on the patissiere's face. In a sleepy mock pout, Momoko asks, "Couldn't wait until I woke up? I would of liked to been awake for taking your second virginity." A blush crossing her face, Reika opens her mouth to defend herself when Momoko tightens her grip on the rich girl's futahood, causing her to instead whine, "Your cunny is squeezing me so tightly. It feels like my girlcock is caught in a vice! It's really starting to hurt!" Stretching out her arms, Momoko's only verbal reply is, "Give me a hug!" Letting go of Momoko's legs, Reika leans forward and the two girls embrace. Wrapping her legs around Reika's waist and placing a hand on the back of the rich girl's head, Momoko pulls her fellow blonde into a passionate kiss as the patissiere's internal muscles relax. Her futahood no longer in a deathgrip, Reika resumes her thrusts, this time at a much faster pace. Refusing to let the embrace be broken, Momoko begins bucking her own hips in time with Reika's thrusts, enjoying not only the sensation of having her cunny fucked by her new best friend, but also the sensation as her own erect member slides back and forth between their trim tummies. It isn't long before both futanari hit their climax, swallowing each others pleasured screams as Reika gives Momoko's womb a fresh coat of semen and Momoko's own release coats their stomachs and chests, nearly gluing the pair together. As the two come down from their shared climax, Reika sits up, cringing at the sensation of being covered in sticky, half-dryed cum as she peels herself away from Momoko. Looking down at herself and her lover in disgust, Reika says, "I think we need a shower." Momoko simply replies, "I agree." As Reika pulls out of the patissiere's passage, cum dripping onto the sheets. The two blondes stand and quickly strip the bed, tossing the cum-stained linens in Reika's personal hamper before making for the in-suite bathroom to get cleaned up.