Content warnings specific to this chapter: loli-on-loli that eventually turns into futaloli-on-futaloli, non-consentual insemination, toys, peeing and golden shower, a submissive Aiko, cum inflation. Author's Notes: IN this chapter, I introduce the second of the "stable" pairings I have planned for this story(PoppuxSayaka was the first for those not paying attention, and I'm not really counting the OjamajoxFairy pairings), and evidently had more fun writing this pairing than expected since this turned out to be the longest chapter of Futanari Outbreak to date and the third longest to date of my published works. And before anyone complains about how submissive I made Aiko here, paired with nearly anyone else, I'd probably have aiko as the dominant partner, but considering how outlandish Nobuko's writing is at times, I just couldn't help making Misora's resident aspiring author the one person to whom Aiko would gladly submit. Futanari Out Break by Imouto Kitten Chapter 10: The Author and the Athlete Nobuko knocks on the door to Aiko's residence, a fairly large overnight bag flung over her shoulder. As she waits for the door to open, the dirty blonde is practically vibrating in excitement at what she has planned for her weekly sleepover with the blue apprentice. Opening the door, the blunette greets the blonde with an uncharacteristic lack of enthusiasm, "Hello, Nobu-chan, please come in." Accepting the invitation and not yet noticing Aiko's dreary mood, Nobuko steps into the small apartment, asking "Does your dad have to work the late shift tonight?" Aiko replies dully, "Yeah, it'll probably be 3 or 4 in the morning before he's done transporting drunks home from the bars." Dropping her bag and walking towards the blunette, Nobuko replies in a sultry tone, "Good! That means we can have lots of fun without risk of him being any the wiser." With that, the dirty blonde wraps her arms around the blunette and moves in for a kiss only for the other girl to flinch away from the embrace. Making an excuse, Aiko declares, "I need to finish cooking our dinner!" before making a mad dash for the apartment's small kitchenette. Finally realizing that something's up with the athlete's behavior and noticing that the blunette is wearing her normal clothing under her apron despite not needing to keep up appearances in front of her father this evening, Nobuko walks up behind the girl whose in the process of frying meat for their evening meal. Wrapping her arms around the other girl and resting her head on the blunette's shoulder, Nobuko whispers in Aiko's ear, "What's got my blue-haired beauty so out of sorts this evening?" The other girl's body pressed against her own an unpleasant reminder of what happened at the MAHO-Dou, despite several layers of fabric in-between preventing skin-to-skin contact, Aiko replies nervously, "Can-can it wait until after we eat?" Reluctant but knowing nothing good can come from forcing the other girl to talk, Nobuko retreats to the couch as Aiko continues preparing the meal the two are to share. ### When the two have finished eating, Nobuko asks, "Okay, what's got you acting shyer than Hazuki-chan at her most timid? I know you usually play the sub to my dom, and that might be why I didn't notice anything as soon as I walked in the door, but this is definately out of character for you." Taking a deep breath, Aiko says softly, "I was raped." As Nobuko's brain processes the words, she bursts into a fiery rage, flames evident in her eyes. "How dare some low-life try and defile my precious [love child]!" Turning towards Aiko, she asks, "Whose the bastard who did this? I'll castrate him with my bare hands and strangle him with his own vas deferans!" Timidly, Aiko responds, "Calm down Nobu-chan." As the dirty blonde calms somewhat, though the fire fails to leave her eyes, Aiko continues, "Besides, it wasn't a 'he'" Venom clear in her voice, Nobuko replies, "You mean some lesbian bitch decided to molest my girlfriend?" Before Nobuko can give a gruesome description of what she'd do to the 'lesbian bitch", Aiko blurts out, "It was Doremi and Momoko." The sudden revelation of who the culprits are shocks Nobuko out of her rage long enough for Aiko to give her account of what had happened that afternoon when she had walked-in on the two elder girls mid-coitus. When Aiko finishes telling Nobuko about the threesome the blunette had been forced to be in the middle of, Nobuko can only react by saying, "This sounds like something straight out of one of the more bizarre of the h-stories I've written. I didn't think futanari were real!" Aiko replies, "neither did I prior to this afternoon." Not waiting for further comment, Aiko gathers up the dirty dishes and heads towards the kitchenette, saying, "I'd better get these washed up." As Aiko begins to run water for the dishes, Nobuko walks up behind and wraps an arm around the blunette's midsection. Gently suckling at what she knows to be the most sensitive part of the athlete's neck, the author slides her free hand down the front of Aiko's jeans to stroke the girl's still tender girlhood through the soft cotton of her panties. Aiko lets out a loud moan at Nobuko's ministrations, nearly dropping a plate in the process. Whining slightly, Aiko declares, "Nobu-chaan, I need to finish the dishes..." Lust evident in her tone, Nobuko replies, "You also need to be reminded of a woman's pleasure." as she continues to tease the blunette's neck and girlhood. Resisting the urge to give in, Aiko answers, "Why don't you go take a shower and I'll meet you in my bedroom when I'm done here." Though reluctant to do so, the dirty blonde releases her grip on the blunette and makes her way towards the apartment's small bathroom as Aiko gets to work washing the dishes. ### Finishing her chores, Aiko heads towards her bedroom and not hearing the shower running assumes Nobuko is already waiting for her there. As the blunette enters her bedroom, the door swings shut, the privacy lock clicking into place as a naked Nobuko pounces from her hiding spot behind where the door had been. Used to such ambushes, Aiko doesn't put up much of a fight as Nobuko renews her assault on the blunette's neck and quickly strips away the khaki vest before getting a good grip around the athlete's torso. Instead of going straight for the blunette's girlhood, the dirty blonde uses her free hand to unbutton Aiko's jeans and unzip the fly, letting the heavy garment fall to it's wearer's ankles. Taking a moment to caress the athlete's well-tone thighs before placing an arm behind the blunette's knees, Nobuko shifts her grip on Aiko's upper body in order to lift the girl into a princess carry. Aiko soon finds herself being gently laid on her futon, clad only in her signiture green tee and matching powder blue panties and socks with her lover hovering over her. Aiko opens her mouth to speak, but quickly finds her mouth being invaded by Nobuko's tongue, the blunette's words dying in her throat. As her lover's naked body is pressed against her, Aiko can feel her body growing warm with arousal, and unlike that afternoon, it's an untainted arousal triggered by someone she loves. As Nobuko breaks the kiss to launch a third attack on Aiko's neck, this time scrapeing her teeth against the skin firmly enough to be felt but gently enough to not leave a mark, Aiko lets out a loud moan that would certaintly have notified her father of their activities if he wasn't out working. As the dirty blonde continues to assault the blunette's neck, savoring the moans imminating from her lover's throat, she begins to slowly move the hemn of the green shirt upwards to Aiko's underarms. When the blunette's delicious flat chest is finally exposed, Nobuko makes quick work of taking one of the mosquito bites into her mouth and sucking quite greedily as a hand moves to pinch the other between thumb and forefinger. As she delivers pleasant torture to the athlete's tiny yet sensitive nipples, occasionally nibbling at the one in her mouth though being careful not to leave marks, Nobuko's free hand is working to pull the t-shirt over the blunette's head. Once the shirt has been fully discarded, Nobuko begins to pinch both of Aiko's nipples, freeing the dirty blonde's mouth to trail kisses down the blunette's flat, trim tummy. As Nobuko reaches Aiko's waistband, she notices a not insignificant wet patch in the powder blue cotton. Inhaling deeply of Aiko's girlhood, Nobuko is overwhelmed by a desire to taste her lover's juices, and hooking her fingers under the waistband, quickly yanks the panties down the athlete's slender legs and tosses the garment halfway accross the room. Not pausing to admire Aiko's glistening folds, Nobuko places her mouth to the blunette's crotch and begins greedily lapping away. As Nobuko grabs Aiko's hips and lifts the blunette off the futon, the athlete wraps her legs around her lover's neck and buries her hands in the author's curly tresses as her moans reach new volumes. It's not long before the blunette is trembling in orgasm and wanting to prolong her girlfriend's climax, Nobuko wraps her lips around Aiko's swollen clit and begins sucking hard. To the dirty blonde's surprise, the blunette's clit continues to swell and before long, Nobuko finds herself sucking not a clitoris, but an honest to goodness penis. Putting Aiko's pleasure before her own revulsion, Nobuko shifts seemlessly from performing cunnilingus to performing fellatio. Nobuko's efforts pay off as a male orgasm crashes into Aiko's mind just as the female orgasm was subsideing, the girl newly turned futanari squirting a sizeable load down her lover's throat. As Nobuko liks her lover's new penis clean and pulls away, she comments, "First Doremi grows a dick and now Ai-chan? Dammit, I want one too!" Propping herself up on her elbows, Aiko responds, "I never thought I'd grow a cock." As Aiko gets a good look at her naked girlfriend, her virgin girlcock starts throbbing and appears to grow ever so slightly, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Nobuko. Nervousness entering her voice for the first time this evening, Nobuko asks, "You want to stick that thing inside me, don't you?" Blushing, Aiko responds, "If you don't mind." Nobuko glances back and forth between her lover's member and her own cunny, which is starting to leak copious amounts of girl juice despite her reservations. After a minute or two of silent comtemplation, the dirty blonde finally answers, "Normally, I'd be disgusted by the thought of a penis being inside me, but I think I'd be willing to make an exception for my [love child]." With that, Nobuko pushes Aiko flat against the futon before kneeling over the blunette's erection. Nobuko uses the thumb and middle finger of one hand to spread her labia, exposing her pretty pink pussy directly to Aiko's eyes as her index finger caresses her own clit. With her other hand, the dirty blonde massages one of her budding breasts. With her girlcock throbbing painfully, it takes all of Aiko's self control not to grab Nobuko by the hips and force the author down on the athlete's prick at the erotic display before her. Deciding it's about time to put Aiko out of her misery, Nobuko lowers herself until the blunette's tip is pressed against the dirty blonde's opening before saying, "If I take your dick for a ride, you have to promise not to cum inside me." Desperate for stimulation, Aiko nods furiously while exclaiming, "I promise!" Although Aiko's penis remains small enough to not stretch Nobuko's passage to painful extremes, the dirty blonde lacks the blunette's experience with being on the recieving end of inorganic phalluses and comes almost immediately as she impales herself on the athlete's erection. As Nobuko's passage convulses around her no longer virgin cock, it's all Aiko can do not to squirt a massive load directly into the other girl's womb. As her orgasm subsides, Nobuko slowly raises her hips until only Aiko's tip remains within her before slowly lowering them once again. Nobuko maintains a slow, torturous pace, keeping the blunette perpetually on the edge of orgasm. After a few minutes of slowly riding Aiko's girlcock, Nobuko looks down to see her lover clenching her teeth and with tear-filled eyes that beg for permission to cum. Wiping a stray tear from Aiko's cheek, Nobuko asks, "You're about ready to explode, aren't you?" When Aiko can only nod in response, Nobuko continues, "Such a good girl, fighting with everything she has to keep her promises. Well, I guess i'd better get off of you before I make you break your promise." As Nobuko begins to slowly dismount, Aiko's self-control snaps. The blunette grabs her lover's hips and thrusts her own hips upward, hilting herself within Nobuko's passage once again. The surprised author can only yell, "Wha-?" as Aiko begins to frantically buck her hips against Nobuko's crotch. In under half a minute, Aiko can feel herself carreening over the edge as she hilts herself within her lover one last time, yelling, "Nobu-chan, please forgive me!" and gripping the author's hips to prevent escape. Nobuko's eyes go wide and her pupils shrink to pin pricks as she feels the first jet of semen shoot into her womb. She screams, "NO! You can't cum in me!" as she tries to extracate herself from her lover's erupting member. Her efforts prove fruitless as she is no match for the athlete's greater strength and is forced to make a futile appeal, "Please! Let me go! Stop cumming in me!" Meanwhile, the blunette, lost in ecstasy, can only comment, "It feels so good to cum in Nobu-chan's cunny!" When Aiko finally regains her senses and the blunette's cock has stopped shooting semen into the dirty blonde's womb, Nobuko presses an index finger right under Aiko's nose and yells, "You promised you wouldn't cum in me!" Nervously, Aiko can only say, "Sorry Nobu-chan, but I couldn't control myself." in response. Anger giving way to a devilish smile, Nobuko replies, "You do realise I'm going to need to punish you for breaking your promise." With that, the author removes herself from Aiko's now wilting prick, and with semen dripping down the inside of her thigh, she walks over to where she had deposited her overnight bag while Aiko had been busy cleaning up from dinner. Aiko can't see what Nobuko is doing from her position on the futon, but when the dirty blonde steps into the blunette's field of vision once again, she is sporting a strap-on. This was nothing unusual, as their lovemaking sessions usually ended with the athlete being on the recieving end of a strap-on worn by the author. What had Aiko staring in wide-eyed horror was the shear size of the silicone phallus currently bobbing between her girlfriends thighs. As she catches the blunette's expression, Nobuko speaks, "I was going to gradually work you up to this monster, and was planning to let you skip being penetrated after your ordeal this afternoon, but I think this will serve as an appropriate punishment for being such a naughty girl." Aiko gulps before speaking, "I don't think Doremi was even that big." Slightly sadistic, Nobuko replies, "Too bad. Now get on your hands and knees and brace for your punishment." Doing as she's told, Aiko presents her rearend to Nobuko as if she was a bitch in heat. Begging, the blunette pleads, "Please be gentle." The blunette lets out a whimper as she recieves a open-palmed smack on one of her buttocks. "You don't deserve gentle for breaking your promise." Nobuko yells as she positions herself to impale the blunette on the massive strap-on. With the tip of the phallus poised at Aiko's entrance, Nobuko delivers a powerful slap to the athlete's other ass cheek before grabbing both of the blunettes half-moons and yanking the futanari bakwards onto the dildo. Despite the battering she took from Doremi that afternoon and the lack of preparation, Aiko is pleasantly surprised by how easily her passage is stretching to accomodate the silicone intruder and how quickly her juices are flowing to make up for the lack of pre-lubrication. Even though Nobuko sets a fairly brutal pace without any warm-up, Aiko's punishment only causes the blunette pain when the dirty blonde decides to accent a thrust by spanking the athlete's ass. Not wanting to openingly admit how much she's enjoying her punishment, Aiko drops to her elbows and buries her face in her pillow to muffle the moans she can't help escaping her throat. Nobuko pounds away at Aiko's pussy for what seems to the blunette like hours with the athlete losing count of her orgasms before the dirty blonde finally starts to tire. Pulling the futa into a hug, the author's budding breasts pressed against the athlete's shoulder blades, Nobuko pulls both of them down to the futon and curls herself protectively around Aiko, the strap-on still buried firmly within the blunette's passage. Moving the arm pinned beneath Aiko to play with the blunette's nipples and her other hand to rub the small bulge in the blunette's lower abdomen from the strap-on, Nobuko whispers in her lover's ear, "I hope you've learned your lesson." Aiko whispers back, "Yes! I'll never cum inside Nobu-chan without her permission again." "Good! Though it'll probably be a long time before I can trust you enough to let you stick that cock of yours in me again." are Nobuko's last words before she pulls the cover over the two of them, both completely naked except for Aiko's socks as the two lovers drift off to sleep. ### Aiko wakes in the middle of the night to Nobuko thrusting her hips and something sliding in and out of her pussy. At first, the blunette doesn't see anything unusual about this behavior and decides to relax into Nobuko's embrace. However, she soon realizes that instead of the cool, still feel of silicone being thrusted up her love tunnel, it's the warm pulsating feel of an actual penis. Eyes going wide, Aiko asks in a whisper, "Nobu-chan?" Aiko hears Nobuko's sultriest voice ghost pass her ear, "Ah! You're awake. It would appear that being a futanari is catching, and when I woke to discover I had grown a dick of my own, I couldn't resist the urge to replace the strap-on with the real thing." Almost involuntarily, Aiko begins thrusting her own hips in time with Nobuko's thrusts as she asks, "Have you came inside me?" Nobuko licks between Aiko's earlobe and the side of the blunette's head before answering, "I want too, I really do, but I've managed to hold back. I want to fill you with so many sperm that the sperm from that odango-headed ditz don't stand a chance." Aiko contemplates Nobuko's words for a minute or two before making a decision. Increasing the pace of her own thrusts, Aiko declares, "Yes! I want to have Nobu-chan's baby!" The author replies, "Then, I'll make sure I put a baby in my [Love Child's] belly." before increasing her own thrusts to match the blunette's. It's not long before the spooning lovers reach a joint climax, Nobuko knotting within Aiko and flooding the blunette's womb with hot, fresh semen. As their orgasms subside, the two wordlessly drift off to sleep. Throughout the night, every hour or so, one or the other would awake, thrust against the other until they achieve a mutual orgasm, and then fall back to sleep, which really wasn't much different from previous nights they've spent together, though this was the first time involving an actual penis instead of a strap-on. ### When they finally decide to crawl out of bed late the next morning, neither quite sure how many times they had done it while in an half-awake lust, they discover that Nobuko's nocturnal emissions had inflated Aiko's belly to the size of a large beach ball. Both futanari sitting cross-legged on the blunette's futon, Nobuko comments, "You look like you're already ready to give birth to my child, perhaps even twins." Giving the blunette a once over with her eyes, she adds, "It's a good look on you. Very sexy." Doing an admirable imitation of a tomato, Aiko replies, "Good thing we don't have school today. There's no way I can be seen in public this swollen with cum." Standing with some difficulty, Aiko declares, "I'm going to take a shower." As the blunette waddles towards the door, Nobuko enjoys the show, the dirty blonde's futahood returning to attention in the process. Just as the author is about to offer to join the athlete in the shower, Aiko's new, front-heavy center of gravity catches up with her and the blunette falls to the ground. Fortunately, Aiko's massively swollen belly provides sufficient cushioning to prevent injury, but the fall does leave the blunette in a rather compromising position. The athlete is draped over her cum-inflated abdomen as if it were an exercise ball, her ass in the air and her knees unable to reach the ground. This gives Nobuko an excellent view not only of Aiko's cunny, which looks quite inviting, but of Aiko's own erect member, which is pressed against the fleshy bulge of the athlete's bloated belly. Glad that only her girlfriend is bearing witness to such a humiliating scene, Aiko says, "A little help here, please?" Little does Aiko know that Nobuko had started moving towards the blunette before she had recovered enough from the fall to speak, and just as she finishes her plea for assistence, she feels a warm, fleshy intrusion between her legs as the dirty blonde succumbs to the highly erotic, if unintentional, scene and mounts the prone futa. Panting heavily as her lover's penis pounds away at her pussy, Aiko manages to say, "Nobu-chan! Haven't you had enough yet? I'm already practically immobilized by your cum and you're trying to pump even more into me!" Thrusting relentlessly into the blunette's passage, Nobuko replies, "What can I say, my [love child] is just too damn sexy for her own good. Besides, I was barely awake for any of the loads I deposited in your womb during the night." Deciding further protest would be futile, Aiko allows the pleasure to wash over her as the blunette's passage begins convulsing around Nobuko's member. This only encourages Nobuko to increase speed and force as the tip of the dirty blonde's girlcock batters away at the athlete's cervix. As she continues her relentless assault of Aiko's insides, Nobuko leans over the blunette and grabs hold of the athlete's nippls, pinching them between thumb and forefinger, drawing a yell of both pain and pleasure from the blunette's throat. With a particular sharp thrust, Nobuko breaches the gates to Aiko's womb, her cockhead dipping into the lake of semen that lies beyond. Shocked, Aiko exclaims, "I didn't think you could go that deep!" Nobuko replies, "Neither did I, but I'm not complaining." as she proceeds to fuck the blunette's cum-inflated womb. A few minutes later, Nobuko hilts herself within Aiko's passage as the author's knot swells as big as any newborn's head. Though unable to feel the stream of semen jetting into her, the blunette can feel her already overfilled womb stretching to accomodate the newest load and is pleasently surprise by how nice it feels. When Nobuko's orgasm finally comes to a halt, she tries to withdraw, only to realize how thoroughly her knotted girlcock is trapped within her lover's passage. Still bent over the blunette, Nobuko whispers in Aiko's ear, "Looks like we're tied like a couple of dogs in heat." Coming down from the high of sexual arousal and realizing just how sweaty she is, Aiko replies, "but I really need a shower!" Grabbing firmly of Aiko's hips in order to hold their pelvices together and minimize stress on the blunette's pussy and her own member, Nobuko begins to stand, encouraging the athlete to rise to hands and feet. Sliding her hands up her lover's side until she reaches the armpits, Nobuko pulls the blunette upright before wrapping her arms around the athlete's chest. Using her own arms to cradle her massively swollen belly, Aiko looks down to see that the protrusion is great enough to block view not only of her feet, but of her own erect girlcock despite it pointing straight ahead. As Aiko caresses her titanic tummy, the skin stretched tight like a drum head, she is surprised by the lack of any visible or tactile signs of stretch marks. Aiko is broken out of her introspection by Nobuko speaking, "As long as I'm stuck inside you, we might as well shower together." Silently agreeing, Aiko puts up no resistence as Nobuko starts to lead the pair, still joined at the crotch, towards Aiko's bedroom door. Movement is somewhat awkward on account of how close the two are to each other, but at least Nobuko's firm grip around Aiko's upper torso prevents the athlete from having another faceplant. Reaching the door, Nobuko peeks into the hall and finding it empty guesses Aiko's dad must still be sleeping off his late shift. With the coast clear, they move to the bathroom as quickly as their joined genitalia and Aiko's cum-inflated belly will allow. Once in the bathroom, Nobuko helps remove the blunette's socks before turning on the hot water and pushing the blunette into the single stall. As soon as the shower door latches, Nobuko releases her grip on Aiko's chest completely, forcing the athlete to bend at the waist under the weight of her swollen stomach with the blunette having to brace her arms against the wall to avoid collapsing to the floor. Grabbing a washcloth and soap from a nearby shelf, Nobuko procedes to scrub the blunette's now exposed back. Once done with Aiko's back and buttocks, Nobuko reaches under her lover to gently swipe the washcloth accross the blunette's distended abdomen. It's around this time that the dirty blonde's knot deflates enough for removal, but she instead begins thrusting at the blunette's crotch once again. Aiko, who has until now been silently enjoying the pampering, speaks in exasperation, "Dammit! You're not going to be satisfied until I burst like an overfilled water balloon, are you?" With the slightest hint of concern in her voice, Nobuko replies, "I wouldn't want you to burst, but I wouldn't mind seeing how much I can put in you before it becomes painful for you. Your not in pain from all that cum, are you?" Blushing, Aiko responds, "No, it feels quite nice actually, but I'd feel more comfortable going further if I knew we had a reliable means of draining my womb after being inflated. Besides, I've yet to give you a blowjob." Thinking it over, Nobuko admits, "Good points." before pulling out. No longer supported by Nobuko, Aiko collapses to her knees before turning around in the small shower to face the dirty blonde's penis, which has lost quite a bit of girth since being pulled from the blunette's cunny, but very little length. Without any hesitation, Aiko takes the member down her throat, wrapping her arms around Nobuko's waist as she does so. Aiko quickly discovers that sucking an actual cock is quite a bit easier than when Nobuko would force her to fellate the dirty blonde's assorted strap-ons as actual flesh has a bit of give not present in the silicone imitations. As Aiko does her best to lick every trace of her love juice from her lover's girlcock, Nobuko begins to moan loudly, which both encourages the blunette to redouble her efforts and to be grateful for the running water to mask the sounds of their activity from her father. Aiko's efforts soon pay off as Nobuko unleashes a load down Aiko's throat as big as any the dirty blonde has deposited in the blunette's womb. As the hot, white liquid hits Aiko's stomach, another pool of hot liquid, this one of a decidedly yellower tint and lower down, makes itself known. Realizing that not only has she not had her morning pee yet, but that she missed the opportunity to go before bed the night before, Aiko is surprised that her bladder is only now demanding that she empty it, especially with all the cum in her womb pressing down on her bladder. Deciding there's no point in holding back, Aiko relaxes her pelvic floor as she makes the first use of her girlcock as a tool for excreting waste. Unconsciously releasing Nobuko's member from her mouth, Aiko looks down, mesmerized by her own, extremely powerful pee stream, which is shooting out with enough force to hit the far wall before running down to the floor. Aiko is surprised when she sees a pool of a thicker, white fluid starting to spread out beneath her, being stained yellow at its outer edge as it mixes with her pee. Realizing that relaxing to pee must have also caused her cervix to relax enough to release the pent-up semen in her womb, Aiko becomes aware of the wider stream shooting from her vagina and the fact that her bulging belly is starting to shrink. The combined sensations from emptying both her womb and bladder bring Aiko to the verge of dual orgasm and as both streams trickle to a halt, the blunette is overcome by the urge to masturbate. One hand furiously fingering her cunny while the other furiously strokes her girlcock, Aiko continues to stare hypnotized at the mixture of cum and pee as it swirls down the drain that is struggling to catch up. It's not long before both of her orgasms are crashing into the blunette's brain as she adds her own large, but small by comparison, contribution to the cumpool on the shower floor. As the athlete comes down from her dual orgasm, her tummy back to its trim, athletic state, she is reminded that she had an audience as Nobuko exclaims, "Wow! What a wonderfully erotic display that was." Imitating a tomato, Aiko replies, "Did Nobu-chan enjoy watching me pee and masturbate that much?" The author responds excitedly, "Sure did, and don't forget watching all my cum cascade out of your cunny." Wanting to distract Nobuko from the unintentional bout of exhibitionism Aiko just had, the blunette asks, "Hey, don't you need to pee as well?" before reaching out to grab the dirty blonde's still erect member. "I mean, you didn't get a chance to pee before bed last night or earlier this morning." Nobuko's only response is to ask, "Does my [love child] want me to give her a golden shower? Well, now that you mention, it does feel like I have quite a lot of golden liquid in the bank." Simply nodding, Aiko closes her eyes and opens her mouth as she strokes the other girl's futahood, tip pointed at the blunette's face. Relaxing her own bladder, Nobuko begins to shoot a powerful pee stream at the blunette, the first jet hitting the athlete's tongue before Aiko starts moving Nobuko's tip so that the golden fluid drenches the blunette's entire front side. Once Nobuko has emptied her bladder, she helps Aiko to her feet and the two finish washing up, somehow managing to keep their respective hormones in check before drying off, dressing, and heading to the kitchen for a late breakfast.