Content warnings specific to this chapter: Threesome(2 lolis, 1 futaloli), dubious consent, rape ending in nonconsentual insemination, involuntary pee drinking, painful vaginal stretching and mild cum inflation. Author's Notes: If some of the content warnings scare you, it should be noted most of them apply to the latter part of the chapter and the early part isn't much, if any, worse than preceding chapters. For those who want to skip the more extreme parts, the turning point is when Aiko shows up. Also, Probably should've mentioned this earlier, but text in square brackets[] indicates that the thought/dialog is actually in English, not just presented as such for the reader's convenience(not that I have any idea what the characters would actually say since my Japanese is garbage). Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 9: Sweet Release at the Sweet House It had been a rough first week of classes for Harukaze Doremi. Not only had a shuffling of the class rosters separated her from her 3 closest friends and the latest development in her life as a witch apprentice have her dealing with a girl who spoke no Japanese, but the raging hormones that had accompanied her transformation into a futanari were making it nearly impossible to focus on anything. Sure, she and her fairy Dodo had gotten into a habit of screwing each other's brains out before bed every night with repeat performances in the mornings, but she still spent a large part of the day having perverted daydreams about her female classmates and making sure her futahood wasn't making an obvious tent in her shorts. Doremi thanked any gods that would listen that the wide, stiff skirt of her new patissiere uniform made concealing her near constant erections easy while simultaneously cursing how easy that same design made it to get a good look at her friend's underwear when they bent over. Case in point, Doremi was currently getting an eye-full of Momoko's perky posterior covered only by a thin layer of creme-colored fabric adorned with the Japanese-American's namesake fruit, which hugged the blonde's curves quite nicely as she bent over a table to clean the surface. Normally, Doremi would distract herself from such a scene by tending to customers, but between Hazuki having violin practice, Aiko training for an upcoming track meet, Onpu being at a photoshoot, and Majorika and Lala at a hot springs in the Majokai, the Sweet House was closed for the day with the blonde and redhead focusing on cleaning the place more thoroughly than they can in the brief time between closing and going home. As it would happen, Momoko obliviously showing off her cute, little rump was far more interesting than Doremi's attempts at sweeping the floor. As Momoko continues trying to polish each and every tabletop to a mirror-like shine, Doremi stares mesmerized by the blonde's peach-covered hiney, barely paying attention to her broom as her lust-filled eyes track the subtle sway in the older girl's hips. Her futahood throbbing painfully and her self-control crumbling, Doremi rests her broom against a wall and sneaks up behind Momoko. As she approaches her unaware prey, she can clearly make out the outline of the blonde's peach through the very tight panties and can't help thinking, 'I can't wait to pluck that sweet fruit.' Her prize within arm's reach, the blonde humming what Doremi assumes to be some American pop tune as she continues to obliviously polish the tabletop, Doremi lifts the front of her skirt, pinning the stiff fabric to her sides and lowers the front of her own panties until her erection is free to stick out straight. Resting her throbbing girlcock in the valley between Momoko's ample half-moons and grabbing the blonde's hips, Doremi begins sliding her member along the older girl's buttcrack. Eyes widening in shock and her hand freezing in mid-swipe of a washcloth, Momoko lets out nervously, ["Do-Doremi, wh-what are you doing?"] Upon hearing the translation over the headset, instead of replying, Doremi quickly pulls down Momoko's peach-print panties and positioning her pulsating prick at the opening of the blonde's puffy pink pussy, plunges her penis deep into the older girl's passage. Her arms giving out from the new sensations, Momoko collapses on to her elbows, the impact knocking Momoko's headset loose, the device clattering to the floor. In between moans, Momoko manages to exclaim, ["OH my GOD! It feels so good!"] Without the translator from Momoko's head set, Doremi has no idea what Momoko is saying, but interprets the blonde's words as ones of encouragement and increases her pace. Feeling Momoko's passage starting to convulse around her member, Doremi reaches between the blonde's legs and begins to vigorously rub the older girl's clit. This sends Momoko over the edge, her body collapsing on to the table as her legs give out. Doremi doesn't relent, causing the blonde to scream, ]"Please stop! I can't take anymore!"] which Doremi misinterprets as further encouragement, working herself into an absolute frenzy. Gripping the edges of the table in a white knuckle grip and alternating between clenching her teeth and letting her tongue dangle out of her mouth, saliva dripping onto the recently polished tabletop, Momoko is forced to endure the onslaught to her pussy and clit from the redhead. Just when Momoko thinks she's going to pass out from the overwhelming pleasure, Doremi mercifully releases her clit in order to firmly grasp both of the blonde's hips. After a few more powerful thrusts, the redhead hilts herself within the older girl's passage, her cock head pressed firmly against Momoko's cervix as a jet of semen shoots forward to flood the blonde's womb. Momoko lets out a gutteral scream as the sensation of being filled sends her into a second, more powerful orgasm. As her orgasm subsides, Doremi releases Momoko's hips, allowing the blonde to collapse limply onto the table. Retrieving Momoko's headset from where it fell, Doremi hands the device over to the blonde. Putting the headset back in place and turning over to face Doremi, Momoko exclaims, ["That was incredible! And Doremi's cream feels so warm and gooey in my belly!"] Sliding off the table to kneel in front of Doremi, some of the redhead's semen dribbling onto the tiled floor from the blonde's abused passage, Momoko continues, ["I want to taste Doremi's cream!"] Before the redhead can respond, Momoko has opened her mouth wide and is trying to swallow Doremi's still engorged girlcock. Placing her hands on Momoko's head, Doremi begins thrusting into the blonde's sucking oral cavity as she begins to moan loudly and her eyes flutter shut. As Doremi proceeds to face fuck the yellow apprentice, Momoko reaches one hand towards the redhead's cunny and is surprised by how easily she can slide her entire hand inside yet the passage still clamp down on her hand with a vice like grip. Forming a fist, Momoko makes an uppercut motion, stopping just short of Doremi's cervix. Being fist fucked prompts Doremi to speed-up her thrusting and it isn't long before the redhead is shouting, "I'm gonna cum!" Hearing this declaration, Momoko pulls her head back until only the cockhead is still in her mouth and uses her free hand to vigorously jack-off the futa's member. As the first glob of cum splashes Momoko's tongue, the blonde presses her thumb firmly against Doremi's urethra, blocking the flow of semen long enough for the blonde to swish it around her mouth and get a good taste. Once satisfied, she removes her thumb and proceeds to greedily guzzle down the rest of Doremi's release. Once Doremi's girlcock has stopped pouring cum, Momoko removes it from her mouth and licks her lips before saying, ["That was delicious!"] Standing up, Momoko waves her arms accross her body, the dress and apron of her uniform glowing brightly before vanishing, leaving the blonde in nothing but her boots, scarf and headdress. Sitting on the edge of the table and lying back, Momoko lifts her legs into the air and reaches around her thighs to spread her puffy labia, giving Doremi a good view of her no longer virgin passage, which is gaping wide enough to see Momoko's cervix and from which Doremi's earlier internal cumshot is still trickling. Maintaining such a erotic pose, Momoko declares, ["My cunny craves cock and my womb wants more of Doremi's cream filling!" Needing no further prompting, Doremi likewise vanishes most of her uniform before walking up to Momoko. Draping the blonde's legs over her arms, Doremi lines her tip up with Momoko's opening and slides in in one smooth motion. Placing her hands on the redhead's shoulders, Momoko pulls Doremi down on top of her to capture the pink apprentice's lips in a kiss, their nipples rubbing against each other in the process. As their tongues tango, Doremi begins to slide in and out of Momoko's passage at a sedate pace, the urgency from earlier replaced with a desire to prolong the experience. Every few strokes, Doremi grinds her pubic bone against Momoko's clit as she hilts herself within the blonde, triggering spine tingling sensations that have the older girl moaning in ecstacy, moans the redhead is all too eager to swallow. Letting go of Momoko's legs in order to give the blonde a tight hug around the chest, Doremi picks up the pace. Momoko responds by tightening her grip around the redhead's neck and wrapping her now free legs about Doremi's waist. As the two continue, eyes closed, lips locked, and held tightly in each other's embrace, the table creaking from their combined weight and the force of Doremi's downward thrusts, they are unaware of a third person entering the MAHO-Dou. They are broken out of their pleasure-induced trance as a yell of "What the hell?!" rings out through the mostly empty sweet shop. Eyes snapping open and breaking their kiss to turn their heads towards the source of the shout, the two see Aiko standing there in her usual blue jeans and khaki vest, a mixture of shock and fury plain on the blunette's face. Both of them still horny and less than pleased by the interruption, Doremi and Momoko take one look at each other before silently deciding their next course of action. Hastily standing up, Doremi's member sliding from Momoko's passage in the process, the two clap their hands to shift into witch mode, their headdresses and scarfs vanishing to be replaced by gloves and witch hat, their boots shifting from white to their signature colors, but the petal dresses of their apprentice uniforms failing to manifest. Within seconds, both have summoned their Sweet Porons and are firing off spells directed at Aiko. "Pirika pirilala Poporina peperuto! Strip Aiko of her athletic strength!" shouts the redhead, her futahood standing at attention and swelling at the thought of what she has planned for the blunette. "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Make Aiko's clothes vanish!" the blonde shouts at the same time as her partner in crime. Too shocked to properly react, Aiko can only let out a strangled, "Wha-?" as she is hit by both spells simultaneously, her clothes, even her underwear and shoes poofing out of existence. As she sees her fellow apprentices approaching her, both with lecherous expressions on their faces and one sporting a cock the athlete would find intimidating under even the best of circumstances, Aiko turns around to beat a hasty retreat but finds her body's movements to be far more sluggish than she's use to. Too slow to escape and lacking the strength to overpower the others, Aiko soon finds herself prone on the floor and staring up at Momoko's sopping wet cunny, her ankles firmly in the blonde's grip and held such that her legs are in the air, knees locked out, her rear is slightly off the ground, and her own pussy is exposed. Meanwhile, Doremi has Aiko by the wrists, pinning the blunette's arms down to her sides as the redhead rubs the underside of her rock hard girlcock along the athlete's slit. Speaking in unison, Doremi and Momoko declare, "Since you interrupted our fun, it's now your responsibility to satisfy us." With that, Momoko lowers herself until her pussy is against Aiko's mouth, sitting a little harder than necessary on the blunette's face, the threat to suffocate the athlete for non-cooperation silent but evident. As Momoko starts to moan, evidence that Aiko has decided to eat out the blonde instead of risking the punishment, Doremi spreads the blunette's folds and presses her tip to the too small looking opening. Applying firm and constant pressure, Doremi succeeds in forcing Aiko's passage to stretch to accomodate her girth which has increased significantly since taking Momoko's virginity earlier in the afternoon. Though not her first time being penetrated by a phallus, Aiko finds the unnaturally large intrusion quite painful, and being unused to the warmth of a real penis finds her insides burning from the heat of Doremi's hot prick. The blunette screams her discomfort into Momoko's crotch as tears stream down her face, but the vibrations from this verbalisation only fuel the blonde's arousal. Doremi only manages to get about half of her increased length up Aiko's cunny before bottoming out. Instead of forcing the rest of her shaft in, Doremi simply holds still and comments, "Maybe it's just because my cock has swollen so much, but Ai-chan seems a lot tighter than Momo-chan did." Momoko replies, "Even if I wasn't as tight, at least you could fit all of it in me." Letting out a particularly loud moan as Aiko's tongue grazes her clit, Momoko continues, "Ai-chan does seem quite good at licking pussy though. Either she's a natural or she's got quite a bit of experience." Her cheeks burning in embarassment, Aiko is glad neither of her assailants can see her face as she doesn't want to admit just how close to home Momoko hit with that last comment. Deciding Aiko's had enough time to adjust to her girth, Doremi pulls her girlcock almost entirely out of the blunette's passage before forcefully thrusting it back in. As Doremi sets a brutal pace, managing to ram a little more of her length in with each thrust, Momoko feels a sudden twinge in her bladder. The blonde thinks to herself, ['All that lemonade I drank before we started cleaning must be catching up with me, and I'm sure that large load of Doremi's cum I drank didn't help. Oh well, not my fault if Aiko can't make me cum in time for me to reach a toilet.'] As Doremi finally hilts herself within Aiko, she pauses, too lost in her own ecstasy to care about the discomfort this causes the blunette, she declares, "Ai-chan sure is a good fuck. At this rate, it won't be much longer before I flood her womb with my seed." Starting to panic, Aiko thinks, 'NO! Don't cum inside me! Don't put sperm in me! I don't want to have Doremi's baby!' As her mind races in protest, Aiko's body betrays her, her pussy begins to convulse around Doremi's member, the blunette realizing in horror that she's climaxing around her rapist's cock and trying to milk out her rapist's semen. As Doremi declares, "I'm gonna cum!", Aiko tries to scream her protests, only to be muffled by Momoko's crotch. Aiko's scream does accomplish something, however, as the vibrations cause Momoko to go into a squirting orgasm and shortly there after loose control of her filling bladder. Momoko screams, "I can't hold it anymore!" as fluid starts pouring from her crotch. The blunette, having been trained by her preferred partner to do so, almost instinctually guzzles down the blonde's girl juices, but doesn't realize the double meaning of the older girl's words until the tangy taste of pee hits her tongue. Just as Aiko realizes the yellow apprentice is letting out her yellow fluid into the blunette's mouth, Doremi hilts herself within Aiko one last time as cum once again erupts from the futa's tip. Aiko can feel her insides burning as Doremi's seed seems to scald the lining of the blunette's womb. Unfortunately for the athlete, the relentless stream of semen isn't content to merely fill her womb, but begins to painfully stretch the organ like an overfilled balloon. To make matters worse, Aiko can feel the base of Doremi's girlcock swell to the size of a grapefruit, stretching the blunette's already abused hole to new levels of pain. As both girls finish pouring their assorted liquids into the blunette's various orifices, They both release their grips and Momoko removes herself from her seat on Aiko's face. Only now do Doremi and Momoko notice the tears streaming down Aiko's face as a feeling of guilt grabs hold of them. Sobbing, Aiko places a hand to her cum-inflated belly, which gives her the look of a pregnant woman who's starting to show. In a shaky tone that borders on hysteria, she shouts, "I need to get it out of me before it's too late!" Doremi tries to pull herself free from Aiko's passage, but the ring of muscle at Aiko's opening refuses to stretch further to allow Doremi's knot to exit. Feeling guilt and fearing that Aiko will turn violent, Doremi says hesitantly, "We're stuck together." Sitting up best she can, Aiko beats her fists against Doremi's chest, but in her weakened state, the strikes have no sting to them as the blunette yells, "Doremi, you Idiot!" before breaking down in sobs and mumbling, "What if I get pregnant? I've already started having periods and the timing is about right." Not entirely sure what to do, Doremi gathers the athlete in a hug and rubbing her back says soothingly, "If you do get pregnant, I'm sure we'll be able to take care of the baby. We took care of Hana-chan, how much harder can a biological child be?" Walking over and kneeling beside the others, Momoko takes both of them in a hug and adds, "I may not have been around while you were raising Hana, but I'll do what I can to help. Besides, now that you mention it, I too have started having periods, and Doremi had already came inside me once before Aiko walked in on us." Cheering up somewhat, Aiko looks at Momoko befor both turn to Doremi and declare in unison, "Doremi-chan, you'd better take responsibility." Before breaking out in laughter at the face Doremi makes at their declaration. Once all three have cleaned-up and gotten dressed, Momoko asks, ["Would it be in bad taste to say that I turned Aiko into a literal potty mouth?"] Upon hearing the translation over her own intercom, Aiko smacks the Yellow apprentice in the back of the head, and having not realized that Doremi's spell had worn off, sends the blonde sprawling on the floor with swirly eyes. ["Okay, bad joke."] the older girl says from her position on the floor. Helping the blonde to her feet, Aiko apologizes, "Sorry, didn't mean to hit you that hard." "After what me and Doremi did earlir, I probably deserve worse." the yellow apprentice replies. "You do, and while I've forgiven you two for it, I still plan to get you back." the blunette concludes.