Content warnings specific to this chapter: futaloli on futaloli, mild cum inflation, knotting, cervical penetration, attempts by one minor to give another a crash course in sex ed, and a few scenes that might put some into diabetic coma from sheer sweetness. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 8: The Littlest Futa. Today had been a hard day of school for Poppu; despite the thorough fucking she had given her fairy just this morning, the raging hormones that had accompanied her transformation into a futanari had made it hard to concentrate during classes. To make matters worse, she found herself alone in the classroom with her best friend turned girlfriend, Sayaka, as the two were stuck with cleaning duty and the smaller girl was being even more timid and on-edge than usual. Needless to say, it was taking all of Poppu's self-control to clean the classroom instead of bending Sayaka over one of the desks and fucking the little girl's brains out. 'I hope Sayaka-chan is up for some loving once we're done cleaning.' the pinkette thinks to herself as she sweeps the floor while trying to conceal the erection that is trying to rip through her panties. She's so distracted that she doesn't notice Sayaka walking up behind her and nearly jumps out of her skin when the smaller girl speaks. "umm... Poppu-chan, I'm done with my part of the cleaning." Sayaka says in a quiet voice. Taking a few deep breaths to lower her heartrate, Poppu responds, "That's good, Sayaka-chan. I just need to finish sweeping the floor." Noticing that Sayaka is unusually fidgety, she adds, "Is something bothering you?" Being put on the spot, Sayaka stammers, "Well... i, umm..." Concerned at Sayaka's behavior, Poppu says reassuringly, "Come on Sayaka-chan, your my girlfriend now, you can tell me anything." Still hesitant, Sayaka replies, "Well... maybe it would be easier to show you instead of saying it." With that, the petite girl lifts her skirt to reveal a small, but very erect penis straining against her white cotton panties. Tears welling up in her eyes, Sayaka continues, "I woke with a boy's thingie this morning, and it's been uncomfortably hard all day." No longer bothering to hide her own erection, Poppu pulls Sayaka into a hug and soothingly whispers into the smaller girl's ear, "It's okay, I'll be sure to take good care of you." With that, Poppu pulls down Sayaka's underwear, getting a better look at the three inch penis that is sticking straight out now that it's free of its constraints. Sitting Sayaka on one of the desks and sitting herself in a chair, the smaller futanari's penis is roughly at Poppu's eye level. Stareing at Sayaka's member, Poppu comments, "That's such a cute, little girlcock you have there, Sayaka-chan!" "girl...girlcock?" Sayaka asks, unfamiliar with the phrase. "Oh yeah, you don't know much about what things are called and only know the basics because you walked in on your parents that one time. Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to teach you." "Umm...I guess that works." Sayaka replies timidly. "First of all, the proper name for a boy's thingie is a penis, though it has many common nicknames including dick, cock, prick, and member. Since girls normally don't have a penis, I thought it would be cute to call your penis a girlcock." "So, that was your penis you stuck up my pee-pee yesterday?" Sayaka asks, making sure she understands Poppu's explanation. "Yes, though big girls don't normally call it their pee-pee." "They don't?" "Nope. The external parts of a girl's privates are called the vulva and consist of those fleshy folds known as labia, the small urethral opening from which girl's pee, the clitoris or clit, that little nub at the front, and the opening to the vagina." "Is the vagina where you stuck your penis?" "Yep! Common slang terms for a girl's private parts include pussy, cunny, cunt, and twat, though the latter two are usually considered vulgar." "I think I would like to stick my girlcock up your cunny, Poppu-chan!" "And I'm sure we would both enjoy that immensely, but there are a few more things I'd like to teach you first." "Such as what?" "Well, for one thing, when a guy sticks his penis up a girl's vagina, that's called sexual intercourse if you want to get technical, and common slang terms include having sex, making love, and fucking. Playing with oneself sexually is called masturbation with male masturbation often referred to as jacking off and female masturbation as fingering or petting the kitty.. The fancy terms for sucking cock and licking pussy are fellatio and cunnilingus respectively." "Sounds like a lot to remember." "Don't worry, after a while, it'll become second nature to talk about this stuff like an adult. Anyways, I think that's enough of a primer for now. I think I need to do something about that erect girlcock of yours." Before Sayaka can comment, she finds herself with Poppu's mouth surrounding her erection. Grateful to finally be receiving some relief from the ache in her crotch that has been plagueing her all day, the brunette lies back on the desk and lets Poppu work away at her erection without comment. Inbetween her soft moans, Sayaka manages to say, "P-Poppu-chan is so good at fellatio!" which only encourages the pinkette to redouble her efforts causing the smaller girl to wrap her legs around her lover's neck and bury her hands in the ojamajo's pink locks. After several minutes of Poppu's treatment, Sayaka exclaims, "Poppu-chan, it feels like I need to pee!" Removing her mouth from Sayaka's member temporarily, Poppu responds, "That's normal, it just means you're close to cumming." and then immediately swallows the girlcock once again. "Close to cumming?" Sayaka manages to ask just before her first orgasm rips through her tiny body, forcing her mind to go blank from sensory overload as she releases a torrent of semen down Poppu's throat. When Sayaka regains her wits, she can hear Poppu saying, "And that was an orgasm, also known as a climax. I don't think you had one during our activities yesterday." "Did I squirt my boy milk into your mouth?" Sayaka asks, still a bit woozy from her climax. "Yes you did. It's called semen and common slang terms include cum, seed, and as you've been using, milk. It contains tiny, tadpole-like things called sperm that can fertilize a girl's egg to make a baby, hence why it's called seed. It is called ejaculation or cumming when semen squirts from a penis." "Eggs? Babies?" Sayaka asks, a confused expression on her face. "Yeah, Deep in a girl's tummy are ball-shaped things called ovaries that produce tiny eggs. When sperm come in contact with an egg, they form a zygote which proceeds to grow into a baby." "If the eggs are deep in my tummy, then how can the sperm get to them?" "Deep within your vagina is another opening called a cervix that leads to your uterus or womb. Your ovaries are connected to your womb by fallopian tubes, which carry the egg to your womb where it can be fertilized by sperm when a boy cums inside you. Your womb also serves as a shelter for the baby to grow until it's big enough to survive outside." "So, papa sticks his cock up mama's cunny and squirts his seed into her womb where the sperm and egg can meet, and that causes a baby to start growing in mama's womb?" Sayaka asks, summarizing the content of the lesson. "Yep! A mama who has a baby growing inside her is said to be pregnant, with child, or to have a bun in the oven, and getting a girl pregnant is sometimes called knocking her up." "Wait! You came inside me yesterday. Does that mean I'm pregnant?" Sayaka asks, somewhat panicked. "Probably not. Girls don't start producing eggs until they are older, and the best indicator that a girl is old enough is if she is having periods." "Periods? You mean like when my mama has to wear pads in her underwear to avoid staining them with blood?" "Yep, periods, also called menstruation is your body's way of flushing out your womb if an egg goes bad before it's fertilized. Any other questions?" "I do have one... How does the baby get out of the mama's womb when it's big enough?" "If all goes well, it will be pushed out through the vagina, which stretches wide enough to accomodate the baby, but sometimes they have to cut the mama open in a process called a c-section." "That sounds horrible!" Sayaka replies, terror etched on her face. "Don't worry, our bodies are designed for childbirth and c-sections are only needed in cases where either the mama or the baby is very sick. Besides, it'll probably be years before either of us can get pregnant. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to give my girlfriend a big load of my seed in her cunny." Despite her earlier horror, Sayaka blushes and replies timidly, "I would like that." Adjusting her skirt and underwear to expose her long ignored erection, which is easily twice as thick and half again as long as Sayaka's, Poppu grabs Sayaka by the hips and pulls the smaller girl off the desk and onto her lap, impaling the littlest futa on her engorged member in the process. "Did Poppu-chan's girlcock get bigger since yesterday?" Sayaka asks as she adjusts to the intrusion between her legs. "I'm not sure, though it's size seems to be highly variable. It grew to ridiculous proportions when I fucked my older sister last night." Poppu replies, beginning to raise and lower the smaller girl on her shaft. "Huh, you've done this with others?" Sayaka asks, starting to enjoy riding Poppu's girlcock. "Doremi stole my virginity as I slept the other night, cumming inside me without my permission, and I decided to return the favor last night." "So your sister has a girlcock as well?" "Yeah, but I have no intentions of either fucking her or letting her fuck me again." "Good, because I want Poppu-chan all to myself." With that declaration, Sayaka wraps her legs tightly around Poppu's waist and her arms around Poppu's neck before initiating a kiss. The pinkette responds by increasing her pace as her member swells within Sayaka's passage. Its not long before Poppu breaks the kiss and whispers in Sayaka's ear, "My girlcock is about to erupt inside you!" Moaning loudly and holding on to Poppu for dear life, Sayaka responds, "YES! Do it! I want Poppu-chan to flood my womb with her cum!" Punctuating her words with a series of strong thrusts, Poppu responds, "Here. It. Comes!" With her tip pressed firmly against Sayaka's cervix and the base of her girlcock swelling into a softball-sized knot, Poppu unleashes a deluge of warm, gooey semen into the smaller girl's belly. The first jet of Poppu's seed sends Sayaka over the edge, her cunny convulsing as if trying to milk every last drop of cum from the pinkette's member. Eyes glazed over in pleasure, Sayaka declares, "Poppu-chan has poured so much into me, and it just keeps on coming." As their respective orgasms subside, the smaller girl slumps against her lover's chest, her legs dangling limply to either side of the chair that is supporting the couple. As the afterglow fades, Sayaka says, "That felt incredible, Poppu-chan. I want to make you feel that same sensation." Attempting to stand, Sayaka discovers that her vaginal opening won't slip over Poppu's knot. "Huh? I'm stuck?" Nervously, Poppu responds, "Yeah, we're stuck together until the base of my girlcock shrinks some. We might could force ourselves apart, but I don't think we could do so without hurting ourselves." Resting her head against Poppu's chest and sighing contentedly, Sayaka replies, "That's okay, sitting on your lap like this is quite comfy." Poppu wraps her arms around Sayaka and begins stroking the smaller girl's back, whispering, "I've got the cutest little girlfriend in the whole world." making the pigtailed cutie blush. When her knot finally deflates, Poppu lifts Sayaka off her lap and stands the smaller girl on shaky feet. Noticing that Sayaka's futahood is making a prominent tent in the front of Sayaka's dress, Poppu grabs the garment's hem and pulls up to reveal that not only is Sayaka currently sporting a larger erection than Poppu had earlier, but that the dress was hiding the bulge caused by the semen she pumped into the smaller girl's womb. Reaching out with her free hand to caress Sayaka's cum-inflated belly, Poppu remarks, "Not as much as I put in my sister, but I still put enough of my cum inside you to make you look like you already have my baby growing inside you, and to be completely honest, the cum-inflated look is much cuter on you than it is on my sister." Doing her best imitation of a tomato, Sayaka stammers, "Re-Really?" before moving a hand to caress her own belly. Poppu replies, "Yep!" Moving her hand to grip Sayaka's girlcock and give it a few strokes, she continues, "I take it you want to return the favor? Your girlcock looks like it's ready to burst." Still embarrassed, Sayaka stammers a reply, "ye-yes!" Clearing her throat and schooling her features, she continues in a more confident tone, "It feels wonderful having so much of Poppu-chan's seed in my belly, and I want Poppu-chan to share that same joy!" Smiling widely, Poppu replies, "Sayaka-chan is so cute!" causing the pig-tailed girl to blush a new. Sliding out of her chair, Poppu lies face up on the floor, her legs spread and her arms outstretched. Taking Poppu's hint, Sayaka kneels between the larger girl's legs and quickly removes the pinkette's panties. Upon seeing her lover's cunny glistening with girl juices, Sayaka licks her lips and is tempted to take a taste until a throbbing pain from her erect girlcock reminds her of a more pressing need. Lining up her tip with Poppu's passage, Sayaka declares, "I'm sticking it in." To which Poppu only nods. As the tip slides inside the pinkette, a bolt of lightning shoots up Sayaka's spine, forcing the little girl to let out a loud moan and exclaim, "Oh kami!" As Sayaka collapses onto hands and knees with only her tip within Poppu's passage and five inches of shaft left to plunge in, Poppu places her hands on the brunette's shoulders and asks, "Are you okay, Sayaka-chan?" Panting heavily, Sayaka replies, "Your pussy just feels so overwhelmingly good! I don't think I can handle burying myself all the way inside you." In lieu of a verbal response, the Pinkette captures Sayaka's lips in a passionate kiss, and wrapping her legs around the brunette's waist, forces her lover's hips forward. Before Sayaka has time to react, her member is hilted within Poppu's passage, tip threatening to penetrate the pinkette's cervix. Poppu swallows the pleasured scream that imminates from Sayaka's throat and is pleasantly surprised when she feels a strong jet of semen shooting into her womb, though disappointed at its short duration and the lack of a swelling knot at the base of Sayaka's futahood. As the smaller girl's orgasmic tremors subside, Poppu breaks lip contact to ask, "Did you cum just from sticking it in?" In a shaky voice, Sayaka replies, "I think so. It was just so overwhelming. Even now it feels like your cunny is trying to suck my girlcock right off my body." Sayaka attempts to withdraw, but the grip Poppu's legs have around the pig-tailed girl's waist ensures that she is pulled back in, every motion sending a jolt of pleasure shooting up Sayaka's spine that is almost painful in its intensity. Pleading with tears in her eyes, the brunette begs, "Please Poppu-chan, let me pull out. These sensations are more than I can take!" A devilish grin on her face, Poppu replies, "Sorry Sayaka-chan, but you aren't getting away until you've made my belly blow-up like a balloon with your baby batter." With that, Poppu flips the pair over, pinning Sayaka's back to the classroom floor. As Poppu begins riding the littlest futa's member with abandon, the smaller girl begins thrashing beneath her lover, screaming things like, "Please let me go!" "Have mercy!", and "I'm going to go crazy!", but is no match for the larger girl in either weight or strength. After several minutes, with a particularly strong downward thrust of Poppu's hips and an involuntary upward thrust from Sayaka, Poppu's cervix gives way just as the smaller girl's girlcock starts to erupt. As Poppu savors the sensation of having her lover knotted within her pumping copious amounts of semen directly into her young womb, Sayaka's brain finally succumbs to the sensory overload and the little girl passes out, her futahood still spurting into the pinkette's inviting womb. ### When Sayaka wakes up, she finds herself cradled in Poppu's arms like a princess in the school infirmary. Noticing Sayaka starting to rouse, Poppu cuts off any questions by saying, "You fainted, so I brought you to the infirmary after I got us cleaned up. Yuki-sensei says you should be just fine after a good rest, and didn't put up a fight when I insisted on staying by your side until your parents can come pick you up." Nuzzling her head against Poppu's shoulder, the smaller girl mumbles, "I love Poppu-chan. I want to do such things with Poppu-chan again." before drifting back to sleep, safe in her lover's arms. In a barely audible whisper, Poppu replies, "I love Sayaka-chan, and I want to do such things with her again too." With that, she places a soft kiss on the sleeping girl's forehead as she begins to gently rock the girl in her arms.