Content warnings specific to this chapter: futaloli on loli, a variant of selfcest, anal fingering. Author's Notes: Hadn't originally planned for the second ojamajo/fairy chapter to be this early in the story, but thinking about how high I've made the libido's of my futanari in this story, I decided it made little sense to put it off. Futanari Outbreak by Imouto Kitten Chapter 7: A First Grader and her Fairy Poppu wakes to the sound of moaning drifting through the wall her bedroom shares with Doremi's and a tent in her nightgown. The half-awake girl's first thought is 'I'm glad I decided to sleep without panties.' as she feels her girlcock throbbing and standing at attention. Her second thought is "I guess nee-chan took my suggestion to ask Dodo seriously' as she realizes that not one, but two voices make up the quiet moaning penetrating the walls. Kicking off her covers and pulling up her nightgown to expose her smaller than the previous night but no less hard erection, Poppu thinks to herself, "I guess this is what they mean by morning wood.' Wrapping her hands around her shaft and tuning out the sounds coming from her Sister's bedroom, the pinkette lays back and closes her eyes as she begins to stroke her throbbing member. As she becomes oblivious to anything except the sensations in her crotch, Poppu begins to moan just loud enough to wake Fafa from where the fairy is curled up on Poppu's desk. Stretching, Fafa looks towards the source of the sound that woke her and sees her partner lost in self-indulgence. Doing her best to not alert Poppu, the fairy transforms into a perfect likeness of the human girl, minus the bit of male anatomy. The naked fairy turned human approaches the bed and crawls onto the mattress between Poppu's legs, making sure not to joustle the bed and alert Poppu. Stareing at Poppu's girlcock as the young apprentice continues to masturbate, oblivious that she now has an audience, Fafa reaches one hand between her legs to finger her quickly moistening cunny. The fairy is mesmerized by the sight in front of her, and it is not long before a craving to wrap her lips around Poppu's tool begins to dominate Fafa's mind. Licking her dry lips to moisten them, Fafa lowers her head to Poppu's tip and opening wide, takes the cock head into her mouth. Feeling Fafa's tongue swirl around her tip breaks Poppu out of her trance. Halting her strokes, Poppu opens her eyes to see a familiar head of pink hair between her legs. Removing her hand from her cock so she can prop herself up on her elbows, Poppu opens her mouth to speak, but before she can form any words, Fafa takes advantage of Poppu's moved hand to take the rest of the apprentice's penis into her mouth and begins bobbing her head up and down vigorously. Poppu collapses on the bed, fists clenched in front of her chest and biting her lower lip to avoid screaming in pleasure as the fairy proves herself to be quite talented at fellatio. Keeping one hand to her own crotch, Fafa brings the other one up to finger Poppu's Pussy. The combination of being sucked from the outside and stroked from the inside is more than Poppu can take and her girlcock erupts like a geyser, a thick stream of cum pouring down the fairy's throat. As Poppu's Orgasm subsides, Fafa removes her mouth from the still hard penis and lets Poppu lie panting for a minute or two. When Poppu's breathing is once again under control, she hears Fafa call to her. Opening her eyes, Poppu can see her fairy doppelganger kneeling over her erect girlcock, a wide grin on the fairy's face, one hand spreading the fairy's dripping wet cunny, poised right over Poppu's erection, the fairy's other hand forming a peace sign. Before Poppu can comment, Fafa drops her hips, burying her human partner's futahood to the hilt within the fairy's girlhood. Poppu nearly cums again as her erection is enveloped by Fafa's warm tightness, exclaiming "Fafa, you're so fucking hot and tight! It feels like my dick is going to melt right off!" As the fairy begins moving up and down on Poppu's shaft, She pushes the young futa's night gown further up before grabbing the sleeves and helping her partner to disrobe. With both witch apprentice and fairy familiar now completely naked, Fafa lies down on top of her partner so that the hard, little nubs of their nipples rub against each other as Fafa continues to move back and forth with Poppu's penis within her. Wrapping her arms around her partner's neck, Fafa captures Poppu's mouth in a passionate kiss and the two pinkettes procede to tongue wrestle and swallow each other's moans of pleasure. At the same time, Poppu grasps Fafa's buttocks and begins to thrust her own hips in time with her fairy's movements. Feeling adventurous, Poppu spreads apart Fafa's butt cheeks and procedes to sink a finger all the way to the third knuckle within Fafa's rear passage. Fafa seems to enjoy this, bucking her hips against both Poppu's girlcock and poppu's finger, encouraging Poppu to insert a second and then a third finger into the fairy's ass. After several minutes of frantic activity, Poppu breaks the kiss to exclaim, "Fafa, I'm gonna cum!" Poppu interprets Fafa's one word response as one of insistence and after a few more thrusts, hilts herself within the fairy's hot, tight passage as her girlcock erupts once again, quickly filling the fairy's womb. Feeling hot sperm blasting into her deepest places sends Fafa over the edge as orgasmic tremors rock the fairy's small body. As their orgasms subside, Fafa sits up and begins to slowly lift off of Poppu's member, being careful to pinch both sides of her labia together to minimize spillage of Poppu's semen. The fairy repositions herself so that her cum-filled cunny is right over Poppu's mouth. Taking the hint, Poppu opens wide and begins lapping away at her fairy's cunny, enjoying the mixture of her own cum and Fafa's feminine love juices. Her hands now free, Fafa lifts Poppu's legs, allowing the apprentice to cross them on the fairy's upper back as Fafa lowers her mouth to once again swallow Poppu's girlcock. As both girls procede to use their mouths to clean their mixed juices from each other, Poppu resumes fingerfucking Fafa's butt, prompting the fairy to not only return the favor, but to use her other hand to finger Poppu's largely ignored pussy. Several minutes later, both witch and fairy undergo another, albeit less intense orgasm. Both of them satisfied, they untangle themselves from each other and lie next to one another on Poppu's bed. Contentment evident in her voice, Poppu declares, "That was great, Fafa, but I really need to get cleaned-up and ready for school."